48 research outputs found

    Circulating bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation reduces flow in brain-irrigating arteries independently from cerebrovascular prostaglandin production

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    International audienceBrain dysfunction is a frequent complication of the systemic inflammatory response to bacterial infection or sepsis. In the present work, the effects of intravenous bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration on cere-bral arterial blood flow were assessed with time-of-flight (TOF)-based magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in mice. Cerebral expression of the transcription factors nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-jB) and c-Fos and that of enzymes synthesizing vasoactive mediators, such as pros-taglandins and nitric oxide, known to be increased under inflammatory conditions, were studied in the same animals. Time-resolved TOF MRA revealed no differences in blood flow in the internal carotids upstream of the circle of Willis, but indicated lower flow in its lateral parts as well as in the middle and anterior cerebral arteries after intravenous LPS injection as compared to saline administration. Although LPS did not increase c-Fos expression in ventral forebrain structures of these animals, it did induce NF-jB in meningeal blood vessels. LPS also increased cerebral expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and prostaglandin E syn-thase mRNAs, but de novo expression occurred in veins rather than in arteries. In conclusion, our work indicates that LPS-induced systemic inflammation does not necessarily affect filling of the circle of the Willis from the periphery, but that circulating LPS alters outflow from the circle of Willis to the middle and anterior cerebral arteries. These modifications in arterial flow were not related to increased cerebral synthesis of prostaglandins, but may instead be the consequence of the action of circulating prostaglandins and other vasoactive mediators on brain-irrigating arteries during systemic inflammation

    Using mechanical homogenization to isolate microglia from mouse brain tissue to preserve transcriptomic integrity

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    Numerous approaches have been developed to isolate microglia from the brain, but procedures using enzymatic dissociation at 37°C can introduce drastic transcriptomic changes and confound results from gene expression assays. Here, we present an optimized protocol for microglia isolation using mechanical homogenization. We use Dounce homogenization to homogenize mouse brain tissue into single-cell suspension. We then isolate microglia through Percoll gradient and flow cytometry. Isolated microglia exhibit a gene expression pattern without the changes induced by heated enzymatic digestion. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Clayton et al. (2021). © 2022 The Author(s

    Early calcium increase triggers the formation of olfactory long-term memory in honeybees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Synaptic plasticity associated with an important wave of gene transcription and protein synthesis underlies long-term memory processes. Calcium (Ca<sup>2+</sup>) plays an important role in a variety of neuronal functions and indirect evidence suggests that it may be involved in synaptic plasticity and in the regulation of gene expression correlated to long-term memory formation. The aim of this study was to determine whether Ca<sup>2+ </sup>is necessary and sufficient for inducing long-term memory formation. A suitable model to address this question is the Pavlovian appetitive conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex in the honeybee <it>Apis mellifera, </it>in which animals learn to associate an odor with a sucrose reward.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By modulating the intracellular Ca<sup>2+ </sup>concentration ([Ca<sup>2+</sup>]i) in the brain, we show that: (i) blocking [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]i increase during multiple-trial conditioning selectively impairs long-term memory performance; (ii) conversely, increasing [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]i during single-trial conditioning triggers long-term memory formation; and finally, (iii) as was the case for long-term memory produced by multiple-trial conditioning, enhancement of long-term memory performance induced by a [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]i increase depends on <it>de novo </it>protein synthesis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Altogether our data suggest that during olfactory conditioning Ca<sup>2+ </sup>is both a necessary and a sufficient signal for the formation of protein-dependent long-term memory. Ca<sup>2+ </sup>therefore appears to act as a switch between short- and long-term storage of learned information.</p

    Plaque associated microglia hyper-secrete extracellular vesicles and accelerate tau propagation in a humanized APP mouse model

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    Abstract Background Recent studies suggest that microglia contribute to tau pathology progression in Alzheimer’s disease. Amyloid plaque accumulation transforms microglia, the primary innate immune cells in the brain, into neurodegenerative microglia (MGnD), which exhibit enhanced phagocytosis of plaques, apoptotic neurons and dystrophic neurites containing aggregated and phosphorylated tau (p-tau). It remains unclear how microglia promote disease progression while actively phagocytosing pathological proteins, therefore ameliorating pathology. Methods Adeno-associated virus expressing P301L tau mutant (AAV-P301L-tau) was stereotaxically injected into the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) in C57BL/6 (WT) and humanized APP mutant knock-in homozygote (AppNL-G-F) mice at 5 months of age. Mice were fed either chow containing a colony stimulating factor-1 receptor inhibitor (PLX5622) or control chow from 4 to 6 months of age to test the effect of microglia depletion. Animals were tested at 6 months of age for immunofluorescence, biochemistry, and FACS of microglia. In order to monitor microglial extracellular vesicle secretion in vivo, a novel lentiviral EV reporter system was engineered to express mEmerald-CD9 (mE-CD9) specifically in microglia, which was injected into the same region of MEC. Results Expressing P301L tau mutant in the MEC induced tau propagation to the granule cell layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus, which was significantly exacerbated in AppNL-G-F mice compared to WT control mice. Administration of PLX5622 depleted nearly all microglia in mouse brains and dramatically reduced propagation of p-tau in WT and to a greater extent in AppNL-G-F mice, although it increased plaque burden and plaque-associated p-tau+ dystrophic neurites. Plaque-associated MGnD microglia strongly expressed an EV marker, tumor susceptibility gene 101, indicative of heightened synthesis of EVs. Intracortical injection of mE-CD9 lentivirus successfully induced microglia-specific expression of mE-CD9+ EV particles, which were significantly enhanced in Mac2+ MGnD microglia compared to Mac2− homeostatic microglia. Finally, consecutive intracortical injection of mE-CD9 lentivirus and AAV-P301L-tau into AppNL-G-F mice revealed encapsulation of p-tau in microglia-specific mE-CD9+ EVs as determined by super-resolution microscopy and immuno-electron microscopy. Discussion Our findings suggest that MGnD microglia hyper-secrete p-tau+ EVs while compacting Aβ plaques and clearing NP tau, which we propose as a novel mechanistic link between amyloid plaque deposition and exacerbation of tau propagation in AppNL-G-F mice

    A new 3MW ECRH system at 105 GHz for WEST

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    The aim of the WEST experiments is to master long plasma pulses (1000s) and expose ITER-like tungsten wall to deposited heat fluxes up to 10 MW/m2^2. To increase the margin to reach the H-Mode and to control W-impurities in the plasma, the installation of an upgraded ECRH heating system, with a gyrotron performance of 1MW/1000s per unit, is planned in 2023. With the modifications of Tore Supra to WEST, simulations at a magnetic field B0_0∼3.7T and a central density ne0_{e0}∼6 × 1019^{19} m−3^{−3} show that the optimal frequency for central absorption is 105 GHz. For this purpose, a 105 GHz/1MW gyrotron (TH1511) has been designed at KIT in 2021, based on the technological design of the 140 GHz/1.5 MW (TH1507U) gyrotron for W7-X. Currently, three units are under fabrication at THALES. In the first phase of the project, some of the previous Tore Supra Electron Cyclotron (EC) system components will be re-installed and re-used whenever possible. This paper describes the studies performed to adapt the new ECRH system to 105 GHz and the status of the modifications necessary to re-start the system with a challenging schedule

    Inhibition of colony stimulating factor 1 receptor corrects maternal inflammation-induced microglial and synaptic dysfunction and behavioral abnormalities

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    Abstract Maternal immune activation (MIA) disrupts the central innate immune system during a critical neurodevelopmental period. Microglia are primary innate immune cells in the brain although their direct influence on the MIA phenotype is largely unknown. Here we show that MIA alters microglial gene expression with upregulation of cellular protrusion/neuritogenic pathways, concurrently causing repetitive behavior, social deficits, and synaptic dysfunction to layer V intrinsically bursting pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex of mice. MIA increases plastic dendritic spines of the intrinsically bursting neurons and their interaction with hyper-ramified microglia. Treating MIA offspring by colony stimulating factor 1 receptor inhibitors induces depletion and repopulation of microglia, and corrects protein expression of the newly identified MIA-associated neuritogenic molecules in microglia, which coalesces with correction of MIA-associated synaptic, neurophysiological, and behavioral abnormalities. Our study demonstrates that maternal immune insults perturb microglial phenotypes and influence neuronal functions throughout adulthood, and reveals a potent effect of colony stimulating factor 1 receptor inhibitors on the correction of MIA-associated microglial, synaptic, and neurobehavioral dysfunctions

    P2RX7 inhibitor suppresses exosome secretion and disease phenotype in P301S tau transgenic mice

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    Background: Neuronal accumulation of misfolded microtubule-associated protein tau is a hallmark of neuropathology in Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, and other tauopathies, and has been a therapeutic target. Microglia can spread tau pathology by secreting tau-containing exosomes, although the specific molecular target is yet to be identified for the therapeutic intervention. P2X purinoceptor 7 (P2RX7) is an ATP-gated cation channel, enriched in microglia and triggers exosome secretion. The purpose of the study is to examine the therapeutic effect of an orally applicable, CNS-penetrant P2RX7 specific inhibitor on the early disease stage of a tauopathy mouse model. Methods: Three-months-old P301S tau mice were treated with P2RX7-specific inhibitor GSK1482160 or vehicle for 30 days, followed by behavioral, biochemical and immunohistochemical assessment. GSK1482160 was also tested for exosome secretion from primary cultured murine astrocytes, neurons and microglia in vitro. Results: Oral administration of GSK1482160 significantly reduced accumulation of MC1+ and Alz50+ misfolded tau in hippocampal regions, which was accompanied with reduced accumulation of Tsg101, an exosome marker, in hippocampal neurons. Proximity ligation assay demonstrated complex formation of Alz50+ tau and Tsg101 in hippocampal neurons, which was reduced by GSK1482160. On the other hand, GSK1482160 had no effect on microglial ramification or CD68 expression, which was significantly enhanced in P301S mice, or pro/anti-inflammatory cytokine gene expression. Strikingly, GSK1482160-treated P301S mice show significantly improved working and contextual memory as determined by Y-maze and fear conditioning tests. GSK1482160 also significantly increased accumulation of Tsg101 and CD81 in microglia in vivo, suggesting its suppression of P2RX7-induced exosome secretion from microglia. This effect was confirmed in vitro, as ATP-induced secretion of tau-containing exosome was significantly suppressed by GSK1482160 treatment from primary murine microglia, but not from neurons or astrocytes. Discussion: The oral administration of P2RX7 inhibition mitigates disease phenotypes in P301S mice, likely by suppressing release of microglial exosomes. P2RX7 could be a novel therapeutic target for the early stage tauopathy development

    Essential omega-3 fatty acids tune microglial phagocytosis of synaptic elements in the mouse developing brain

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    AbstractOmega-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) are essential for the functional maturation of the brain. Westernization of dietary habits in both developed and developing countries is accompanied by a progressive reduction in dietary intake of n-3 PUFAs. Low maternal intake of n-3 PUFAs has been linked to neurodevelopmental diseases in Humans. However, the n-3 PUFAs deficiency-mediated mechanisms affecting the development of the central nervous system are poorly understood. Active microglial engulfment of synapses regulates brain development. Impaired synaptic pruning is associated with several neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we identify a molecular mechanism for detrimental effects of low maternal n-3 PUFA intake on hippocampal development in mice. Our results show that maternal dietary n-3 PUFA deficiency increases microglia-mediated phagocytosis of synaptic elements in the rodent developing hippocampus, partly through the activation of 12/15-lipoxygenase (LOX)/12-HETE signaling, altering neuronal morphology and affecting cognitive performance of the offspring. These findings provide a mechanistic insight into neurodevelopmental defects caused by maternal n-3 PUFAs dietary deficiency.Infrastructure de Recherche Translationnelle pour les Biothérapies en NeurosciencesProgram Initiative d’Excellenc

    Impact of central inflammation on memory

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    Le système de l’immunité innée cérébrale module le fonctionnement du cerveau et les processus comportementaux tout au long de la vie d'un individu. Parmi les différents protagonistes de ce système de l'immunité innée cérébrale, les cellules gliales jouent un rôle majeur notamment en régulant la synthèse de facteurs inflammatoires tels que les cytokines. Ces dernières, outre leur rôle dans la coordination de l'action des différents partenaires cellulaires de ce système, modifient l'activité neuronale. Lors d'un épisode inflammatoire, le système de l'immunité innée s'active et l'ensemble des signaux mis en place par les processus immunitaires est regroupé sous le terme de neuroinflammation. Plus particulièrement, les cytokines proinflammatoires et l’ATP libérés dans ce cadre ont été décrits comme étant capables de moduler la plasticité synaptique d'une part et les capacités d’apprentissages et de mémorisation d'autre part. Cependant, la compréhension de l’impact d’un épisode inflammatoire sur le système nerveux central et les capacités d’apprentissage n’est pas totale. Une cible potentielle de ces facteurs est le système de neurotransmission glutamatergique. En effet, les facteurs proinflammatoires peuvent augmenter ou diminuer l’expression ou l’activité de certaines sous-unités des récepteurs glutamatergiques. Mon objectif a été de déterminer dans quelle mesure la transmission glutamatergique est altérée en condition neuroinflammatoire et comment cela pouvait induire des altérations des capacités d’apprentissage chez le rongeur. Pour cela nous avons choisi comme tâche comportementale l’aversion gustative conditionnée, dont les mécanismes moléculaires nécessaire à sa mise en place sont connus et reposent sur la transmission glutamatergique dans une structure corticale particulière chez les rongeurs: le cortex insulaire. Notre étude visait à déterminer les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires par lesquels une inflammation localisée à ce cortex peut induire des modifications comportementales et biochimiques. Nous avons pu montrer que l’infusion de lipopolysaccharide, un puissant agent inflammatoire, dans le cortex insulaire induisait une augmentation de l'aversion conditionnée. Ceci était corrélé à une augmentation d’expression des récepteurs AMPA au glutamate dans cette structure, plus particulièrement dans le compartiment synaptique. Nous avons également pu montrer que l’infusion de LPS dans le cortex insulaire induisait la synthèse et la libération de cytokines proinflammatoires localement, sans stimuler le système de l’immunité périphérique. Même si ces cytokines sont connues comme étant des agents modulateurs de la neurotransmission glutamatergique, leur infusion dans le cortex insulaire n’a pas reproduit dans notre cas les effets de l’infusion du LPS. Par contre, nous avons montré que l’ATP était impliqué dans les effets du LPS sur l’apprentissage aversif, puisque le blocage des récepteurs purinergiques dans le cortex insulaire a permis de reverser les effets du LPS sur l’acquisition de l’aversion gustative. En conclusion, nos résultats suggèrent qu'une inflammation localisée dans le cortex insulaire conduit à la libération et à l'action d’ATP sur les cellules gliales et/ou neuronales, aboutissant à une hausse de l’acquisition de l’aversion gustative conditionnée.The cerebral innate immune system is activated under pathophysiological conditions and can consequently modulate brain functioning and cognitive processes. This modulation is exerted by signals produced by immune-like processes grouped under the term of neuroinflammation and involving neuro-glial communication within the brain. In particular, proinflammatory cytokines and ATP, all produced during this immune system activation have been directly linked to modulation of synaptic plasticity and/or learning and memory functions in animals models. However, the cellular mechanisms by which neuroinflammation modulates neural plasticity and cognitive processes are still unclear. One candidate is the glutamatergic system. Indeed, pro-inflammatory factors can increase or decrease glutamatergic receptors expression and/or activity. Our study was dedicated at deciphering to what extent glutamatergic transmission is altered under neuroinflammation and how this may lead to learning and memory alteration. To this aim, we used the conditioned taste aversion, a task highly dependent on glutamatergic transmission into the insular cortex. Indeed, blockade of NMDA or AMPA receptors in this cortical area before acquisition greatly impairs conditioned taste aversion. The aim of our study was thus to investigate the behavioral and cellular impact of an inflammation restricted to the insular cortex on glutamatergic receptors expression and CTA memory formation. Here we show that a cortical inflammation, induced by LPS infusion into the insular cortex, prior to CTA acquisition enhances the aversion strength presumably through LPS-induced increase of glutamatergic AMPA, but not NMDA, receptor expression/trafficking at the insular synapses. Moreover, we show that ATP release, but not pro-inflammatory cytokines, is responsible for LPS-induced CTA enhancement. In conclusion we propose that inflammation restricted to the insular cortex enhances CTA acquisition through an ATP-dependent mechanism presumably involving an increase of glutamatergic AMPA receptor expression at the neuronal synapses