2,849 research outputs found

    A Study on Secret Key Rate in Wideband Rice Channel

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    Standard cryptography is expected to poorly fit IoT applications and services, as IoT devices can hardly cope with the computational complexity often required to run encryption algorithms. In this framework, physical layer security is often claimed as an effective solution to enforce secrecy in IoT systems. It relies on wireless channel characteristics to provide a mechanism for secure communications, with or even without cryptography. Among the different possibilities, an interesting solution aims at exploiting the random-like nature of the wireless channel to let the legitimate users agree on a secret key, simultaneously limiting the eavesdropping threat thanks to the spatial decorrelation properties of the wireless channel. The actual reliability of the channel-based key generation process depends on several parameters, as the actual correlation between the channel samples gathered by the users and the noise always affecting the wireless communications. The sensitivity of the key generation process can be expressed by the secrecy key rate, which represents the maximum number of secret bits that can be achieved from each channel observation. In this work, the secrecy key rate value is computed by means of simulations carried out under different working conditions in order to investigate the impact of major channel parameters on the SKR values. In contrast to previous works, the secrecy key rate is computed under a line-of-sight wireless channel and considering different correlation levels between the legitimate users and the eavesdropper

    Caspase-independent programmed cell death triggers Ca2PO4 deposition in an in vitro model of nephrocalcinosis

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    We provide evidence of caspase-independent cell death triggering the calcification process in GDNF-silenced HK-2 cells

    Trafficking properties of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in health and disease.

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    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs) represent a subset of circulating leukocytes characterized by the ability to release high levels of type I interferon (IFN). Under homeostatic conditions PDCs are confined to primary and secondary lymphoid organs. This is consistent with the restricted profile of functional chemotactic receptors expressed by circulating PDCs (i.e. CXCR4 and ChemR23). Accumulation of PDCs in non-lymphoid tissue is, however, observed in certain autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions and tumors. Indeed, PDCs are now considered to be involved in the pathogenesis of diseases characterized by a type I IFN-signature and are considered as a promising target for new intervention strategies. Here, current knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in the recruitment of PDCs under homeostatic and pathological conditions are summarized

    Role of Atypical Chemokine Receptors in Microglial Activation and Polarization.

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    Inflammatory reactions occurring in the central nervous system (CNS), known as neuroinflammation, are key components of the pathogenic mechanisms underlying several neurological diseases. The chemokine system plays a crucial role in the recruitment and activation of immune and non-immune cells in the brain, as well as in the regulation of microglia phenotype and function. Chemokines belong to a heterogeneous family of chemotactic agonists that signal through the interaction with G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Recently, a small subset of chemokine receptors, now identified as “atypical chemokine receptors” (ACKRs), has been described. These receptors lack classic GPCR signaling and chemotactic activity and are believed to limit inflammation through their ability to scavenge chemokines at the inflammatory sites. Recent studies have highlighted a role for ACKRs in neuroinflammation. However, in the CNS, the role of ACKRs seems to be more complex than the simple control of inflammation. For instance, CXCR7/ACKR3 was shown to control T cell trafficking through the regulation of CXCL12 internalization at CNS endothelial barriers. Furthermore, D6/ACKR2 KO mice were protected in a model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). D6/ACKR2 KO showed an abnormal accumulation of dendritic cells at the immunization and a subsequent impairment in T cell priming. Finally, CCRL2, an ACKR-related protein, was shown to play a role in the control of the resolution phase of EAE. Indeed, CCRL2 KO mice showed exacerbated, non- resolving disease with protracted inflammation and increased demyelination. This phenotype was associated with increased microglia and macrophage activation markers and imbalanced M1 vs. M2 polarization. This review will summarize the current knowledge on the role of the ACKRs in neuroinflammation with a particular attention to their role in microglial polarization and function

    Contributions to the linear and nonlinear theory of the beam-plasma interaction

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    We focus our attention on some relevant aspects of the beam-plasma instability in order to refine some features of the linear and nonlinear dynamics. After a re-Analysis of the Poisson equation and of the assumption dealing with the background plasma in the form of a linear dielectric, we study the non-perturbative properties of the linear dispersion relation, showing the necessity for a better characterization of the mode growth rate in those flat regions of the distribution function where the Landau formula is no longer predictive. We then upgrade the original-body approach in O'Neil et al. (Phys. Fluids, vol. 14, 1971, pp. 1204-1212), in order to include a return current in the background plasma. This correction term is responsible for smaller saturation levels and growth rates of the Langmuir modes, as result of the energy density transferred to the plasma via the return current. Finally, we include friction effects, as those due to the collective influence of all the plasma charges on the motion of the beam particles. The resulting force induces a progressive resonance detuning, because particles are losing energy and decreasing their velocity. This friction phenomenon gives rise to a deformation of the distribution function, associated with a significant growth of the less energetic particle population. The merit of this work is to show how a fine analysis of the beam-plasma instability outlines a number of subtleties about the linear, intermediate and late dynamics which can be of relevance when such a system is addressed as a paradigm to describe relevant nonlinear wave-particle phenomena (Chen Zonca, Rev. Mod. Phys., vol. 88, 2016, 015008)

    Cal Poly Nano Hydro

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    This projects goal was to design, construct, and test a machine capable of generating a usable amount of energy from naturally flowing water. The device conceived for this purpose is a portable raft with a turbine mounted to the underside. The turbine is mated directly to a low angular velocity generator which outputs to a power electronics system on shore. Using a Gorlov Helical turbine, this proof-of-concept is designed to output ~50 Watts of electricity to charge a battery for later use. Possible applications for this device include camping in remote locations, supplemental power generation for a home, or for powering off-the-grid locations in developing countries

    The puzzle of quasi prima \u2018almost before\u2019 and quasi dopo \u2018almost after\u2019

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    This paper focuses on a puzzling asymmetry which arises when the Italian approximative adverb quasi \u201ealmost\u201f modifies the temporal connectives prima \u201ebefore\u201f and dopo \u201eafter\u201f. By looking at naturally occurring data, we observe that A quasi prima che B \u201eA almost before B\u201f can be used to convey that an A-eventuality occurs early, only a little bit after a B-eventuality occurs. A sentence of the form A quasi dopo che B \u201eA almost after B\u201f, however, cannot be used to convey that an A-eventuality occurs late, only a little bit before a B-eventuality. We propose a solution for this puzzle that relies on an analysis of quasi as a scale-sensitive adverb and on an asymmetric semantic account of prima and dopo: prima has the meaning of the temporal comparative \u201eearlier\u201f, while dopo denotes a binary relation of temporal succession between events. We show that our account of quasi prima reveals a more general pattern of interpretation found when quasi modifies a comparative
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