1,876 research outputs found

    The Asolant/Rubin-5 Technology Demonstration Mission - System Description and First Flight Results

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    This paper addresses the Asolant/Rubin-5 flight experiment conducted onboard the upper stage of a Cosmos rocket in late 2005. The main objective of the project was to flight-qualify a newly developed combined solar cell/antenna device, the so-called Advanced SOLar ANTenna (ASOLANT) technology. In order to assess both, the reception as well as emission of R/F signals, two different devices were involved in the mission. One was linked to a space-borne Phoenix-S GPS receiver to examine the receiving performance. A second device was designed to send out S-Band beacon signals generated by the SAFIR-S amateur radio transmitter to evaluate the radiation characteristics. Moreover, both ASOLANT devices supplied the electrical power for the onboard systems. Telecommand and telemetry functionalities were provided by an ORBCOMM communicator making use of the ORBCOMM satellite network to relay data between space and ground. This unit, furthermore, served as onboard computer. The experiment was launched along with eight multinational payload satellites. It was designed to remain attached to the rockets upper stage after burnout. Due to a separation failure of one of the copassengers, the primary mission objectives could not be fully met. Nevertheless, a sufficient number of data was retrieved to confirm the good overall performance of the ASOLANT devices. Roughly ten month after the launch, still most system components are operational and experiment data are transmitted to ground. Following a description of the main flight system components and the overall ystem architecture, the paper summarizes the hitherto obtained experiment results

    Number-phase entropic uncertainty relations and Wigner functions for solvable quantum systems with discrete spectra

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    In this letter, the number-phase entropic uncertainty relation and the number-phase Wigner function of generalized coherent states associated to a few solvable quantum systems with nondegenerate spectra are studied. We also investigate time evolution of number-phase entropic uncertainty and Wigner function of the considered physical systems with the help of temporally stable Gazeau-Klauder coherent states.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; To appear in Phys Lett A 200

    Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior concerning dental trauma among parents of children attending primary school

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    BACKGROUND: Traumatic dental injuries occur frequently in children and adolescents. The purpose of the present study is to examine the levels of knowledge and behaviors regarding dental trauma among parents of children attending primary schools in the Apulia region of Italy. METHODS: The study was carried out using an anonymous questionnaire with closed answers distributed to 2,775 parents who were enrolled based on the entire regional school population. Analyses were conducted using the PROC CORRESP (procedure to perform multiple correspondence analysis) and PROC FASTCLUS (procedure to perform cluster analysis). Statistical significance was set at p-value <0.05. RESULTS: A total 15.5% of the sample reported that their children had experienced dental trauma. Overall, 53.8% of respondents stated that they knew what to do in cases of dental injury. Regarding the time limit within which it is possible to usefully intervene for dental trauma, 56.8% of respondents indicated "within 30 minutes". Of the total sample, 56.5% knew how to preserve a displaced tooth. A total 62.9% of parents felt it was appropriate for their children to use dental guards during sports activities. The multivariate analysis showed that wrong knowledge are distributed among all kinds of subject. Parents with previous experience of dental trauma referred right behaviours, instead weak knowledge and wrong behaviours are associated with parents that easily worried for dental events. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that most parents reported no experience of dental trauma in their children, and half of them did not know what to do in case of traumatic dental injury and they would intervene within 30 minutes, suggesting that dental trauma may trigger panic. However, they did not have the information needed to best assist the affected child. Motivating parents to assume a preventive approach towards dental trauma may produce positive changes that would result an increase of long-term health benefits among both parents and children

    a markov chain based model for wind power prediction in congested electrical grids

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    The large penetration of wind generators in existing electrical grids induces critical issues that are pushing the system operators to improve several critical operation functions, such as the security analysis and the spinning reserve assessment, with the purpose of mitigating the effects induced by the injected power profiles, which are ruled by the intermittent and not-programmable wind dynamics. Although numerous forecasting tools have been proposed in the literature to predict the generated power profiles in function of the estimated wind speed, further and more complex phenomena need to be investigated in order to take into account the effects of the forecasting uncertainty on power system operation. In order to deal with this issue, this paper proposes a probabilistic model based on Markov chains, which predicts the wind power profiles injected into the grid, considering the real generator model and the effects of the power curtailments imposed by the grid operator. Experimental results obtained on a real case study are presented and discussed in order to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method

    In-flight experiment for combined planar antennas and solar cells (SOLANT)

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    Data-driven Models to Anticipate Critical Voltage Events in Power Systems

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    This paper explores the effectiveness of data-driven models to predict voltage excursion events in power systems using simple categorical labels. By treating the prediction as a categorical classification task, the workflow is characterized by a low computational and data burden. A proof-of-concept case study on a real portion of the Italian 150 kV sub-transmission network, which hosts a significant amount of wind power generation, demonstrates the general validity of the proposal and offers insight into the strengths and weaknesses of several widely utilized prediction models for this application.Comment: In proceedings of the 11th Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control Symposium (IREP 2022), July 25-30, 2022, Banff, Canad

    On the regularity of curvature fields in stress-driven nonlocal elastic beams

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    AbstractElastostatic problems of Bernoulli–Euler nanobeams, involving internal kinematic constraints and discontinuous and/or concentrated force systems, are investigated by the stress-driven nonlocal elasticity model. The field of elastic curvature is output by the convolution integral with a special averaging kernel and a piecewise smooth source field of elastic curvature, pointwise generated by the bending interaction. The total curvature is got by adding nonelastic curvatures due to thermal and/or electromagnetic effects and similar ones. It is shown that fields of elastic curvature, associated with piecewise smooth source fields and bi-exponential kernel, are continuously differentiable in the whole domain. The nonlocal elastic stress-driven integral law is then equivalent to a constitutive differential problem equipped with boundary and interface constitutive conditions expressing continuity of elastic curvature and its derivative. Effectiveness of the interface conditions is evidenced by the solution of an exemplar assemblage of beams subjected to discontinuous and concentrated loadings and to thermal curvatures, nonlocally associated with discontinuous thermal gradients. Analytical solutions of structural problems and their nonlocal-to-local limits are evaluated and commented upon

    Local degradation of selectively oxidized AlGaAs/AlAs distributed Bragg reflectors in lateral-injection vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers

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    We show the local degradation of a selectively oxidized top distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) in a lateral-junction vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (LJ-VCSEL) working at room temperature in continuous-wave operation. The measurements were carried out by a scanning microluminescence system used in reflection mode. The injection of a few milliamps in continuous-wave operation at room temperature in the LJ-VCSEL induces damage both in the DBRs and in the active area. The submicron resolution maps of the reflected laser intensity, recorded from the top surface of the LJ-VCSEL, show a strong local change in the top DBR reflectivity before and after current injection. The μ-photoluminescence map, recorded after the device failure, shows that the radiative recombination is strongly decreased in the damaged area of the device

    Functional impairment of persons with social anxiety disorder: a review

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    O transtorno de ansiedade social caracteriza-se pelo medo acentuado e persistente de situações sociais ou de desempenho, podendo influenciar a vida cotidiana dos portadores. Objetiva-se identificar, na literatura indexada, estudos empíricos com instrumentos de avaliação que abordem os prejuízos funcionais experimentados por pessoas com transtorno de ansiedade social no desempenho de atividades cotidianas e analisar as implicações de tais dificuldades. Procedeu-se a uma busca sistemática junto às bases de dados indexadas, identificando dez artigos, que foram agrupados em dois conjuntos: a) os relativos à proposição de instrumentos de avaliação e análise das qualidades psicométricas (n = 4); e b) os relativos ao impacto do transtorno de ansiedade social para a qualidade de vida e para as atividades cotidianas (n = 6). Os estudos psicométricos ressaltaram a pouca atenção dada a instrumentos validados para avaliar especificamente os prejuízos funcionais. Os trabalhos relativos ao impacto na qualidade de vida e nas atividades cotidianas constataram a presença de insatisfação com a vida e com a saúde em pacientes com transtorno de ansiedade social. A análise da literatura apontou para a importância da avaliação dos prejuízos funcionais do transtorno de ansiedade social no funcionamento cotidiano, por meio de medidas objetivas. Destaca-se a relevância de tais avaliações no planejamento e na intervenção de atividades voltadas ao transtorno de ansiedade social no contexto das práticas multidisciplinares de saúde mental.Social anxiety disorder is characterized by strong and persistent fear of social situations, impairing the daily life of affected people. The objective of the present work was to identify empirical studies involving instruments that assess the functional impairment experienced by persons with social anxiety disorder in the execution of daily activities and to analyze the implications of such difficulties. A systematic search of indexed databases was performed. Ten articles were identified and assigned to two groups: a) papers dealing with the proposal of instruments for the evaluation and analysis of psychometric qualities (n = 4); and b) papers dealing with the impact of social anxiety disorder on the quality of life and on daily activities (n = 6). The psychometric studies emphasized the little attention paid to instruments validated in order to specifically evaluate functional impairment, and the papers dealing with the impact on quality of life and on daily activities detected the presence of dissatisfaction with life and health in patients with social anxiety disorder. Analysis of the literature stressed the importance of evaluating the functional impairment caused by social anxiety disorder in daily functioning using objective measurements. The relevance of such evaluations for planning and interventions focusing on social anxiety disorder in the context of multidisciplinary mental health practice is highlighted