1,339 research outputs found

    Liner radius fluctuations in a high-gain Cherenkov free-electron laser

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    Phase shifts in the propagating electromagnetic field of a Cherenkov free-electron laser (CFEL) can affect its gain. The phase velocity of an electromagnetic wave varies, for example, when the lined waveguide is inhomogeneous along its length. In this paper, we study quantitatively the saturated power of a particular CFEL at both weak and strong electron-beam pumping when the inner radius of the liner contains fluctuations along the waveguide. We show that the gain bandwidth of the CFEL is substantially broadened when the CFEL is pumped with a high-current beam. We also show that the design of a CFEL needs to include optimization with respect to sensitivity to liner fluctuations, especially for weakly pumped CFELs, that is, CFELs that use a low-current electron-beam density. This optimization can be relaxed for more strongly pumped CFELs

    Strukturalna, procesowa i programowa jakość w holenderskich ośrodkach opieki dziennej i przedszkolnej

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    The presented study investigated the structural, process and curriculum quality in Dutch Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system. Teachers (N = 46) completed a structured questionnaire about the teacher, classroom and center characteristics. Furthermore, the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) Toddler was used to measure the process quality in 28 Dutch day care and preschool provisions considered to be good practices. Results regarding structural quality revealed small significant differences between day care and preschool provisions for teacher’s educational level, children-to-teacher ratio, and classroom composition. As regards process quality, the results showed moderate to high Emotional Support and moderate levels of Support for Learning in both types. No significant differences were identified in process quality between day care and preschool classrooms. Finally, the teachers reported placing the greatest emphasis on activities involving pretend play, self-regulation and language and fewer opportun­ities concerning literacy, maths and science activities, with no significant differences between the two provisions.W przedstawionym projekcie naukowym zbadano jakość strukturalną, procesową i programową holenderskiego systemu Wczesnej Edukacji i Opieki nad Dzieckiem (ECEC). Nauczyciele (N = 46) wypełnili ustrukturyzowany kwestionariusz dotyczący cech nauczyciela, klasy i ośrodka. Następnie wykorzystano system Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) Toddler do zmierzenia jakości procesowej w 28 holenderskich ośrodkach świadczących usługi w ramach opieki dziennej i przedszkolnej uznawanych za przykład „dobrej praktyki”. Wyniki dotyczące jakości strukturalnej ujawniły niewielkie znaczące różnice między ośrodkami zajmującymi się opieką dzienną a placówkami przedszkolnymi w kwestii poziomu wykształcenia nauczyciela, liczby dzieci przypadającej na każdego nauczyciela i rodzaju dzieci w klasie. Jeśli chodzi o jakość procesową, wyniki badania wykazały wsparcie emocjonalne na poziomie od umiarkowanego do wysokiego i umiarkowane poziomy wsparcia uczenia się w obu typach placówek. Nie stwierdzono znaczących różnic w jakości procesowej pomiędzy ośrodkami zapewniającymi opiekę dzienną a placówkami przedszkolnymi. Nauczyciele zgłaszali, że kładą największy nacisk na zabawę w odgrywanie ról, samokontrolę i umiejętności językowe oraz mniejsze możliwości w zakresie ćwiczenia umiejętności czytania i pisania, matematyki i nauk ścisłych. Nie stwierdzono jednak znaczących różnic w tym zakresie między badanymi rodzajami placówek.This study has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under contract number FP7-SSH-2013-2 (ecec-care.org)

    Экологический рекреационный потенциал как фактор устойчивого рекреационного природопользования в Крыму

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    В статье впервые рассмотрены направления комплексного изучения и оценки эколого-рекреационного потенциала территории. Анализ экологической ситуации в Крыму с позиций рекреационного природопользования (РП) включал оценку последствий выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферу, сброса сточных вод вводные объекты. Рассмотрена роль и место природоохранных территорий Крыма в системе РП. При написании статьи использовались методы экологической статистики и картографические методы.У статті вперше розглянуті напрямки комплексного вивчення та оцінки еколого-рекреаційного потенціалу території. Аналіз екологічної ситуації в Криму з позицій рекреаційного природокористування (РП) включав оцінку наслідків викидів шкідливих речовин у атмосферне повітря, скиду стічних вод у водні об'єкти. Розглянута роль та місце природоохоронних територій Криму у системі РП. При написанні статті використовувалися методи екологічної статистики та картографічні методи.The ways of complex research and assessing ecological recreational potential of the territory have been considered in this article for the first time. The analysis of ecological situation in the Crimea from the point of view of the recreational nature management included the consequences of polluting substances in atmosphere, сброс of contaminated sewage into nature objects. The role and place of nature protected territories in the Crimea within the system of recreational nature management have been under the consideration. Ecological statistics and cartographical methods were used in writing this article

    Generation of three iPSC lines from two patients with heterozygous FOXF1 mutations associated to Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia with Misalignment of the Pulmonary Veins

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    Diagnosing Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia with Misalignment of the Pulmonary Veins (ACD/MPV) based on a genetic alteration in the FOXF1 gene, is complicated by the poor understanding of the causal relation between FOXF1 variants and the ACD/MPV phenotype. Here, we report the generation of human iPSC lines from two ACD/MPV patients, each carrying a different heterozygous FOXF1 mutation, which enables disease modeling for further research on the effect of FOXF1 variants in vitro. The iPSC lines were generated from skin fibroblasts using the non-integrating Sendai virus. The lines expressed pluripotency genes, retained the heterozygous mutation and were capable of trilineage differentiation

    The Implementation of Families First in the Netherlands: A One Year Follow-up [IF: 0.725]

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    Contains fulltext : 63625.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)This study examined whether the American family preservation program Families First was successfully implemented in the Netherlands. Data were collected on 250 children of 177 families who received Families First. At the start of treatment 78% of the children appeared to have serious behavioral problems, 67% of the parents experienced a high level of parental stress, and 63% of the children went through a substantial number of life events during the year preceding the treatment. On average the treatments had the intended duration (about 4 weeks), intensity (about 10 hours a week) and availability (during working hours as well as in evenings and in weekends), and family workers did adhere to important guidelines of treatment delivery. One year after treatment 76% of the children were still living at home. Moreover, children's behavioral problems, parental stress and the number of life events turned out to be significantly decreased. It was concluded that Families First had reached its intended target group, delivered the treatment as intended, and achieved its intended outcomes, suggesting a successful implementation in the Netherlands