235 research outputs found


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    Ao estudar o homem é impossível não estudar a morte, porque, talvez mais do que na vida, é na morte que descobrimos o verdadeiro sentido de viver. Buscou-se com esse estudo analisar e refletir sobre a atuação da Psicologia em situações de morte no contexto hospitalar, bem como, sobre o processo de despedida das pessoas enfermas para com e seus familiares. Trata-se de um relato de experiência no estagio externo, cuja metodologia adotada foi o estudo de caso, caracterizado pela apresentação e analise de um ritual de despedida.Os resultados evidenciaram a importância de respeitar a vontade do paciente na fase terminal, do qual ele se encontra e da preparação do luto. O ritual de despedida constitui-se em vivências, o que possibilita as mudanças e resgate das relações familiares, bem como de elaboração do processo de luto. Pretende-se com esse estudo contribuir para que outros profissionais da saúde possam ter conhecimento sobre rituais de despedidas prestados ao doente terminal hospitalizado, e todos que o acompanham. Palavras-chave: Psicologia hospitalar. Processo de luto. Doente terminal.E: mails: [email protected];[email protected]  


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    Devido à ausência de metodologia para avaliação da qualidade do pão francês em Sistema de Alimentação Coletiva, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os parâmetros físicos, físico-químicos e sensoriais do pão francês, comercializado em cinco panificadoras de Curitiba. Nas análises físicas, em cinco repetições, as amostras foram submetidas à determinação do peso, volume, volume específico, densidade e peso seco. As análises físicoquímicas foram realizadas em triplicata de acordo com procedimento da Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). Para avaliar a qualidade do pão foi utilizada a metodologia do sistema de pontuação global, mediante análise sensorial dos seguintes atributos: cor da crosta, forma e simetria, características da crosta, aspecto da pestana, aspecto de quebra da crosta, cor do miolo, porosidade, textura, aroma e sabor. Atribuiu-se pontuação (de 0 a 5) para cada variável, a qual foi multiplicada pelo fator que expressa a importância relativa de cada variável (totalizando 100 pontos), obtendo-se a classificação dos produtos pela soma dos pontos. Os resultados dos testes físicos e físicoquímicos das cinco amostras de pão francês apresentaram média de 52,23 g de peso, 31,98% de umidade, 68,02% de extrato seco, 35,49 g de peso seco, 371,8 cm3 de volume, 7,23 cm3/g de volume específico e 0,15 g/cm3 de densidade. As amostras XA, XB e XC apresentaram os melhores resultados podendo ser consideradas como as melhores. Na classificação pelo sistema de pontuação global, as amostras apresentaram diferença em nível de 1% de significância em relação à qualidade. As amostras XA e XB apresentaram boa qualidade, seguidas pelas amostras XC e XE (regular), sendo a amostra XD classificada como ruim. Os resultados obtidos permitem sugerir a adoção desta metodologia de avaliação para seleção de pão francês, em Sistema de Alimentação Coletiva. QUALITY PATTERNS OF FRENCH BREAD Abstract Due to the absence of a methodology to evaluate the quality of French bread in a Production of Collective Meals System, the present work had as objective to evaluate the quality, physical, physical-chemical and sensorial parameters of the French bread marketed in five bakeries in Curitiba (Brazil). In the physical analyses, with five repetitions, the samples were submitted to the determination of weight, volume, specific volume, density and dry weight. The physical-chemical analysis was accomplished with three replicates in agreement with the AOAC procedure. To evaluate the quality of the bread, the methodology of global punctuation system was used, by sensorial analysis of the following attributes: color of the crust, form and symmetry, characteristics of the crust, aspect of the lash, aspect of crust break, color of the crumb, porosity, texture, aroma and flavor. For each variable a grade (from 0 to 5) was attributed, which was multiplied by a factor that expressed the relative importance of each variable (to a total of 100 points), obtaining the product classification by the sum of the points. The results of the physical and physical-chemical tests of the five samples of French bread presented an average of 52,23 g of weight; 31,98% of humidity, 68,02% of dry extract, 35,49 g of dry weight, 371,8 cm3 of volume, 7,23 cm3/g of specific volume and 0,15 g/cm3 of density. The samples XA, XB and XC presented better results and could be considered as the best. In the classification using the global punctuation system, the samples presented difference at the level of 1% of significance in relation to the quality. The samples XA and XB presented good quality, followed by the samples XC and XE (regular), being the sample XD classified as bad. The results obtained allow suggest the evaluation methodology for selection of French bread in a Production of Collective Meals System

    Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases in Tumor Progression and Metastasis: Promoter or Protection?

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    Reversible phosphorylation of proteins, executed by kinases and phosphatases, is the major posttranslational protein modification in eukaryotic cells, causing them to become activated or deactivated. This intracellular event represents a critical regulatory mechanism of several signaling pathways and can be related to a broad number of diseases, including cancer. Few decades ago, protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) were considered as tumor suppressors. However, nowadays, accumulating evidence demonstrates that a misregulation of PTP activities plays a crucial and decisive role in cancer progression and metastasis. In this chapter, we will focus on the molecular aspects that support the crucial role of PTPs in cancer and in turn make them promising for prediction, monitoring, and rational appropriate therapy selection of individual patients

    J-PLUS: A wide-field multi-band study of the M15 globular cluster. Evidence of multiple stellar populations in the RGB

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    The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) provides wide field-of-view images in 12 narrow, intermediate and broad-band filters optimized for stellar photometry. Here we have applied J-PLUS data for the first time for the study of Galactic GCs using science verification data obtained for the very metal-poor GC M\,15. Our J-PLUS data provide low-resolution spectral energy distributions covering the near-UV to the near-IR, allowing us to search for MPs based on pseudo-spectral fitting diagnostics. J-PLUS CMDs are found to be particularly useful to search for splits in the sequences formed by the upper red giant branch (RGB) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. We interpret these split sequences as evidence for the presence of MPs. This demonstrates that the J-PLUS survey will have sufficient spatial coverage and spectral resolution to perform a large statistical study of GCs through multi-band photometry in the coming years.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication @ A&

    Antioxidant activity and peroxidase inhibition of Amazonian plants extracts traditionally used as anti-inflammatory

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    Background: The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and is home to a rich biodiversity of medicinal plants. Several of these plants are used by the local population for the treatment of diseases, many of those with probable anti-inflammatory effect. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant and anti-peroxidases potential of the ethanol extracts of five plants from the Brazilian Amazon (Byrsonima japurensis, Calycophyllum spruceanum, Maytenus guyanensis, Passiflora nitida and Ptychopetalum olacoides). Methods: DPPH, ABTS, superoxide anion radical, singlet oxygen and the β-carotene bleaching methods were employed for characterization of free radical scavenging activity. Also, total polyphenols were determined. Antioxidant activities were evaluated using murine fibroblast NIH3T3 cell. Inhibition of HRP and MPO were evaluated using amplex red® as susbtract. Results: The stem bark extracts of C. spruceanum and M. guyanensis provided the highest free radical scavenging activities. C. spruceanum exhibited IC50 = 7.5 ± 0.9, 5.0 ± 0.1, 18.2 ± 3.0 and 92.4 ± 24.8 μg/mL for DPPH·, ABTS+·, O2 -· and 1O2 assays, respectively. P. olacoides and C. spruceanum extracts also inhibited free radicals formation in the cell-based assay. At a concentration of 100 μg/mL, the extracts of C. spruceanum, B. japurensis inhibited horseradish peroxidase by 62 and 50 %, respectively. C. spruceanum, M. guyanensis, B. japurensis also inhibited myeloperoxidase in 72, 67 and 56 %, respectively. Conclusions: This work supports the folk use these species that inhibited peroxidases and exhibited significant free radical scavenging and antioxidant activities what can be related to treatment of inflammation. © 2016 de Vargas et al

    β-cyclodextrin/isopentyl caffeate inclusion complex: synthesis, characterization and antileishmanial activity

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    Isopentyl caffeate (ICaf) is a bioactive ester widely distributed in nature. Our patented work has shown promising results of this molecule against Leishmania. However, ICaf shows poor solubility, which limits its usage in clinical settings. In this work, we have proposed the development of an inclusion complex of ICaf in -cyclodextrin (-CD), with the aim to improve the drug solubility, and thus, its bioavailability. The inclusion complex (ICaf:-CD) was developed applying three distinct methods, i.e., physical mixture (PM), kneading (KN) or co-evaporation (CO) in different molar proportions (0.25:1, 1:1 and 2:1). Characterization of the complexes was carried out by thermal analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and molecular docking. The ICaf:-CD complex in a molar ratio of 1:1 obtained by CO showed the best complexation and, therefore, was selected for further analysis. Solubility assay showed a marked improvement in the ICaf:-CD (CO, 1:1) solubility profile when compared to the pure ICaf compound. Cell proliferation assay using ICaf:-CD complex showed an IC50 of 3.8 and 2.7 µg/mL against L. amazonesis and L. chagasi promastigotes, respectively. These results demonstrate the great potential of the inclusion complex to improve the treatment options for visceral and cutaneous leishmaniases.This research was funded by Banco do Nordeste (grant FUNDECI/2016.0015), Coordenação Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) and Fundação de Ámparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sergipe (FAPITEC) (PROCESSO: 88887.159533/2017-00 extração, encapsulação e caracterização de bioativos para o interesse biotecnologico). Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq 301964/2019-0 Chamada 06/2019, and Chamada CNPq nº 01/2019) and from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) project UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vivo efficacy and toxicity of curcumin nanoparticles in breast cancer treatment : a systematic review

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    Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent types of malignant tumors in the world, resulting in a high incidence of death. The development of new molecules and technologies aiming to apply more effective and safer therapy strategies has been intensively explored to overcome this situation. The association of nanoparticles with known antitumor compounds (including plant-derived molecules such as curcumin) has been considered an effective approach to enhance tumor growth suppression and reduce adverse effects. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review was to summarize published data regarding evaluations about efficacy and toxicity of curcumin nanoparticles (Cur-NPs) in in vivo models of breast cancer. The search was carried out in the databases: CINAHL, Cochrane, LILACS, Embase, FSTA, MEDLINE, ProQuest, BSV regional portal, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science. Studies that evaluated tumor growth in in vivo models of breast cancer and showed outcomes related to Cur-NP treatment (without association with other antitumor molecules) were included. Of the 528 initially gathered studies, 26 met the inclusion criteria. These studies showed that a wide variety of NP platforms have been used to deliver curcumin (e.g., micelles, polymeric, lipid-based, metallic). Attachment of poly(ethylene glycol) chains (PEG) and active targeting moieties were also evaluated. Cur-NPs significantly reduced tumor volume/weight, inhibited cancer cell proliferation, and increased tumor apoptosis and necrosis. Decreases in cancer stem cell population and angiogenesis were also reported. All the studies that evaluated toxicity considered Cur-NP treatment to be safe regarding hematological/biochemical markers, damage to major organs, and/or weight loss. These effects were observed in different in vivo models of breast cancer (e.g., estrogen receptor-positive, triple-negative, chemically induced) showing better outcomes when compared to treatments with free curcumin or negative controls. This systematic review supports the proposal that Cur-NP is an effective and safe therapeutic approach in in vivo models of breast cancer, reinforcing the currently available evidence that it should be further analyzed in clinical trials for breast cancer treatments

    Encapsulation of the HSP-90 Chaperone Inhibitor 17-AAG in Stable Liposome Allow Increasing the Therapeutic Index as Assessed, in vitro, on Leishmania (L) amazonensis Amastigotes-Hosted in Mouse CBA Macrophages

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    The current long-term treatment for leishmaniasis causes severe side effects and resistance in some cases. An evaluation of the anti-leishmanial potential of an HSP90-inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), demonstrated its potent effect against Leishmania spp. in vitro and in vivo. We have previously shown that 17-AAG can kill L. (L) amazonensis promastigotes with an IC50 of 65 nM and intracellular amastigote at concentrations as low as 125 nM. As this compound presents low solubility and high toxicity in human clinical trials, we prepared an inclusion complex containing hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and 17-AAG (17-AAG:HPβCD) to improve its solubility. This complex was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Liposomes-containing 17-AAG:HPβCD was prepared and evaluated for encapsulation efficiency (EE%), particle size, polydispersity index (PDI), pH, and zeta potential, before and after accelerated and long-term stability testing. An evaluation of leishmanicidal activity against promastigotes and intracellular amastigotes of L. (L) amazonensis was also performed. The characterization techniques utilized confirmed the formation of the inclusion complex, HPβCD:17-AAG, with a resulting 33-fold-enhancement in compound water solubility. Stability studies revealed that 17-AAG:HPβCD-loaded liposomes were smaller than 200 nm, with 99% EE. Stability testing detected no alterations in PDI that was 0.295, pH 7.63, and zeta potential +22.6, suggesting liposome stability, and suitability for evaluating leishmanicidal activity. Treatment of infected macrophages with 0.006 nM of 17-AAG:HPβCD or 17-AAG:HPβCD-loaded liposomes resulted in almost complete amastigote clearance inside macrophages after 48 h. This reduction is similar to the one observed in infected macrophages treated with 2 μM amphotericin B. Our results showed that nanotechnology and drug delivery systems could be used to increase the antileishmanial efficacy and potency of 17-AAG in vitro, while also resulting in reduced toxicity that indicates these formulations may represent a potential therapeutic strategy against leishmaniasis