31 research outputs found

    The protective effect of the Mediterranean diet on endothelial resistance to GLP-1 in type 2 diabetes: a preliminary report

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    In type 2 diabetes, acute hyperglycemia worsens endothelial function and inflammation,while resistance to GLP-1 action occurs. All these phenomena seem to be related to the generation of oxidative stress. A Mediterranean diet, supplemented with olive oil, increases plasma antioxidant capacity, suggesting that its implementation can have a favorable effect on the aforementioned phenomena. In the present study, we test the hypothesis that a Mediterranean diet using olive oil can counteract the effects of acute hyperglycemia and can improve the resistance of the endothelium to GLP-1 action

    Chest diameter measurement in pediatric patients for chest compression feedback calibration

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    Adequate compression depth is a main quality parameter during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Current CPR feedback devices can guide adult target depth which is fixed between 5 and 6 cm. For pediatric patients, conversely, target depth should be one third of the antero-posterior diameter of the chest. The aim of this study was to develop an algorithm to estimate chest diameter in pediatric patients using accelerometers. Using a tri-axial accelerometer, we measured the accelerations generated when moving the sensor from the floor to five different heights that simulated chest diameter. Five volunteers generated two records each per height. A total of fifty records were acquired. Chest diameter was measured by discrete integration of the z-axis acceleration signal. Velocity signal was band-pass filtered before computing the displacement signal. Chest diameter was identified as the displacement value at the instant in which the movement finished. Median (P25, P75) unsigned absolute and relative errors were 0.9 cm (0.3, 1.9) and 9.2 % (2.5, 14.6), respectively. Error in estimation of pediatric target compression depth was below 6.5 mm in 75 % of the cases. The proposed algorithm could be used to calibrate target chest compression depth in CPR feedback devices to be adapted for pediatric patients

    Lectin Pathway of Complement Activation Is Associated with Vulnerability of Atherosclerotic Plaques

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    Inflammatory mechanisms may be involved in atherosclerotic plaque rupture. By using a novel histology-based method to quantify plaque instability here, we assess whether lectin pathway (LP) of complement activation, a major inflammation arm, could represent an index of plaque instability. Plaques from 42 consecutive patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and the lipid core, cholesterol clefts, hemorrhagic content, thickness of tunica media, and intima, including or not infiltration of cellular debris and cholesterol, were determined. The presence of ficolin-1, -2, and -3 and mannose-binding lectin (MBL), LP initiators, was assessed in the plaques by immunofluorescence and in plasma by ELISA. LP activation was assessed in plasma by functional in vitro assays. Patients presenting low stenosis (≤75%) had higher hemorrhagic content than those with high stenosis (>75%), indicating increased erosion. Increased hemorrhagic content and tunica media thickness, as well as decreased lipid core and infiltrated content were associated with vulnerable plaques and therefore used to establish a plaque vulnerability score that allowed to classify patients according to plaque vulnerability. Ficolins and MBL were found both in plaques’ necrotic core and tunica media. Patients with vulnerable plaques showed decreased plasma levels and intraplaque deposition of ficolin-2. Symptomatic patients experiencing a transient ischemic attack had lower plasma levels of ficolin-1. We show that the LP initiators are present within the plaques and their circulating levels change in atherosclerotic patients. In particular, we show that decreased ficolin-2 levels are associated with rupture-prone vulnerable plaques, indicating its potential use as marker for cardiovascular risk assessment in atherosclerotic patients

    Annali storici di Principato Citra, A. 9, n. 1.1 (2011)

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    A.9, n.1.1(2011): G. Guardia, Editoriale, P. 3 ; A. Botti, D.L. Thurmond, F. La Greca, Un palmento ben conservato a Novi Velia ed altri palmenti nel territorio del Cilento. Osservazioni ed ipotesi, P. 5 ; G. Aromando, Una dipendenza cavense: Sant'Arsenio e la badia della SS. TrinitĂ  di Cava, P. 53 ; C. Schiavo, Avventure etimologiche in forma di prosa nelle terre del Cilento, P. 81 ; A. Capano, Caselle in Pittari: note storiche e il catasto murattiano del 1815, P. 104 ; A. Di Gennaro, Il porto romano di San Marco di Castellabate, P. 134 ; F. De Nigris, I comunisti in parrocchia: il Sessantotto cattolico in Italia, P. 147 ; S. De Divitiis, Il '68 dei cattolici: l'Azione cattolica a Salerno, P. 165 ; C. Schiavo, Santa Maria di Vito a Fogna, P. 176 ; P. Romanelli, La cappella dei SS. Pietro e Paolo nel palazzo vescovile di Novi Velia, P. 182 ; A. Tesauro, Vietri. Dalla guerra alla vigilia della Costituzione, P. 188

    Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation: early lessons from the COVID-19 crisis

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has created an extraordinary medical, economic and social emergency. To contain the spread of the virus, many countries adopted a lock down policy closing schools and business and keeping people at home for several months. This resulted in a massive surge of activity online for education, business, public administration, research, social interaction. This report considers these recent developments and identifies some early lessons with respect to the present and future development of AI and digital transformation in Europe, focusing in particular on data, as this is an area of significant shifts in attitudes and policy. The report analyses the increasing use of AI in medicine and healthcare, the tensions in data sharing between individual rights and collective wellbeing, the search for technological solutions like contact tracing apps to help monitor the spread of the virus, and the potential concerns they raise. The forced transition to online showed the resilience of the Internet but also the disproportionate impact on already vulnerable groups like the elderly and children. The report concludes that the COVID-19 crisis has acted as a boost for AI adoption and data sharing, and created new opportunities. It has also amplified concerns for democracy and social inequality and showed Europe’s vulnerability on data and platforms, calling for action to address these crucial aspects.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    Prove cicliche di trazione e aderenza su muretti in laterizio rinforzati con FRCM

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    Le tipologie di prova adottate durante i test condotti su campioni FRCM sono state essenzialmente due: prove di trazione e prove di aderenza, svolte impiegando due diverse modalità di applicazione del carico (caricamento monotono e/o ciclico) e due diverse tipologie di rinforzo (una in fibra di carbonio e una in fibra di vetro). Nel corso delle prove di trazione, i risultati migliori sono stati ottenuti per i rinforzi in fibra di carbonio con applicazione del carico di trazione monotona, quindi per la soluzione in cui si è utilizzata la fibra avente le caratteristiche meccaniche migliori; il comportamento di questi materiali è risultato tuttavia peculiare, in quanto lo strato di malta esterno ha mostrato spesso distacchi e perdita di adesione rispetto alla rete bidirezionale di rinforzo, rendendo difficoltosa la misura esterna della deformazione del composito. I rinforzi in fibra di vetro (GFRCM) hanno mostrato risultati inferiori in termini di tensione massima, in accordo con la tipologia di fibra impiegata, ma hanno evidenziato un comportamento caratterizzato si dall’apertura di fessure, ma maggiormente assimilabile ad una schematizzazione trilineare, senza fenomeni evidenti di distacco esterno della matrice prima della rottura. Dalla sperimentazione dei provini mediante prove di aderenza è emerso che, sia nel caso di prove monotone che cicliche, i provini rinforzati con GFRCM hanno mostrato un’efficienza maggiore. La rete in fibra di vetro ha mostrato una aderenza migliore all’interno della matrice cementizia, rispetto alla rete in fibra di carbonio, perché presenta uno speciale trattamento superficiale (appretto) che ne migliora la compatibilità e l’adesione al supporto. I rinforzi GFRCM testati hanno sfruttato al meglio le proprie caratteristiche meccaniche raggiungendo valori di carico maggiori (circa doppi) rispetto ai rinforzi CFRCM