1,585 research outputs found

    The Yamabe problem on Dirichlet spaces

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    We continue our previous work studying critical exponent semilinear elliptic (and subelliptic) problems which generalize the classical Yamabe problem. In [3] the focus was on metric-measure spaces with an `almost smooth' structure, with stratified spaces furnishing the key examples. The criterion for solvability there is phrased in terms of a strict inequality of the global Yamabe invariant with a `local Yamabe invariant', which captures information about the local singular structure. All of this is generalized here to the setting of Dirichlet spaces which admit a Sobolev inequality and satisfy a few other mild hypotheses. Applications include a new approach to the nonspherical part of the CR Yamabe problem.Comment: 25 page

    Experimental validation of the exact analytical solution to the steady periodic heat transfer problem in a PCM layer

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    Phase change materials (PCM) are used in many industrial and residential applications for their advantageous characteristic of high capacity of latent thermal storage by means of an isothermal process. In this context, it is very useful to have predictive mathematical models for the analysis of the thermal performance and for the thermal design of these layers. In this work, an experimental validation of an analytical model that resolves the steady periodic heat transfer problem in a finite layer of PCM is presented. The experimental investigation was conducted employing a PCM with thermophysical and thermochemical behavior very close to those hypothesized in the formulation of the analytical model. For the evaluation of the thermophysical properties of the PCM sample used, an experimental procedure created by the authors was employed. In all tests realized in a sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal periodic regime, the comparison between the measured and calculated trends of the temperature at different sample heights and of the surface heat fluxes show an excellent agreement. Moreover, also having verified the analytical total stored energy, the analytical model constitutes a valid instrument for the evaluation of the latent and sensible contribution and the trend in time of the position of the bi-phase interface.The work was partially funded by the Spanish government (ENE2015-64117-C5-1-R (MINECO/FEDER), ENE2015-64117-C5-3-R (MINECO/FEDER), and ULLE10-4E-1305). GREA is certified agent TECNIO in the category of technology developers from the Government of Catalonia. The authors would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2014 SGR 123). This project has received funding from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) under Grant agreement Nº PIRSES-GA-2013-610692 (INNOSTORAGE) and from European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 657466 (INPATH-TES). Alvaro de Gracia would like to thank Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad de España for Grant Juan de la Cierva, FJCI-2014-19940. Julià Coma would like to thank the Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació de la Generalitat de Catalunya for his research fellowship (2016FI_B2 00147). Aran Solé would like to thank Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España for Grant Juan de la Cierva, FJCI-2015-25741

    Los comerciantes, el Consulado, y los préstamos al gobierno republicano (Lima – Perú, 1820 – 1840)

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    The Consulate of Commerce of Lima accomplished a significant roll during the colony, for the acquisition of capitals necessary to hold up Spanish and Independency wars. During the republic, the Consulate didn’t disappeared, kept being the link between the new republican government and mercantile elite. Unavoidable loans were given by merchants to the state throw «Caja de Arbitrios», a state institution lead and controlled by the Consulate of Commerce of Lima, a private institution. The «Caja de Arbitrios» operated like a bank for the republican states. Those loans were pay off by custom’s banknotes. The relation between the State and the power’s merchants show the continuous of the «State Patrimonial» similar alike the colonial time.El Consulado de comercio de Lima cumplió un papel importante durante la colonia en la captación de capitales para sostener las guerras españolas y luego las de la Independencia. Durante el gobierno republicano, dicha institución no desapareció, sino que siguió funcionando como intermediaria entre los nuevos gobiernos y la elite mercantil. Prestamos forzosos y luego a interés fueron entregados por los comerciantes al estado a través de la Caja de Arbitrios, la cual fue administrada por el Consulado de Comercio, cuyos préstamos eran saldados con vales de aduana. La caja de arbitrios funcionó como un banco de préstamos para el gobierno republicano. La relación de beneficios entre el estado y el poder de los comerciantes refleja la continuidad de un estado patrimonial igual al que existía en la época colonial

    Quality management and sustainability in logistics service providers: case study in brazilian company

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    Logistics operators have become important agents in supply chains, due to the current trend of outsourcing logistical activities by companies. In this way, the level of quality of the services provided is an important aspect for the competitiveness of companies. In addition, the sustainability aspect has become relevant, given the environmental impact caused by logistics activities. Studies have shown that there are points of convergence between quality management approaches and sustainable practices. The objective of this work was to analyze aspects of quality management and sustainability in Brazilian logistics operators, from the perspective of the company contracting these services. To this end, a case study was conducted at a large company that outsources its logistics activities. The five main logistics operators providing services to the company were considered. The analysis was carried out on the basis of a model that integrates sustainability and quality management criteria. Quality assets, processes and dimensions were considered.  It was found that the contracted logistics operators have a wide portfolio of services offered, quality assets and well-defined processes. However, sustainability practices are still in their infancy


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    El trabajo que será objeto de esta comunicación es el diseño de un modelo de gestión de la enseñanza como resultado de una investigación referida a la relación entre las funciones ejecutivas superiores necesarias para el desempeño profesional de los egresados de un instituto de enseñanza superior de posgrado en lo referente a la toma de decisiones en ambientes complejos y sus posibilidades de incremento a través del proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, dentro del marco de un Ciclo de Perfeccionamiento Docente. Para desarrollar este Modelo de Gestión de la Enseñanza se eligió la modalidad de Seminario. El marco teórico elegido se ha constituido a partir de los aportes de la neurología, la neuropsicología, los desarrollos del psicoanálisis en el área de la cognición, la psicología de la educación y los aportes de estas disciplinas a la pedagogía y la didáctica. Las Técnicas didácticas diseñadas para este Seminario incluyen la implementación de actividades que les permiten la experiencia personal, a los docentes asistentes al seminario, del desempeño de las funciones ejecutivas superiores y la interpretación de las mismas a partir de las ciencias cognitivas. Las metas propuestas contemplaron la actualización de Estrategias Pedagógicas específicas para las asignaturas de la currícula por y la fundamentación de las mismas según aproximaciones teóricas que aún están en desarrollo

    Unique continuation results for Ricci curvature and applications

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    Unique continuation results are proved for metrics with prescribed Ricci curvature in the setting of bounded metrics on compact manifolds with boundary, and in the setting of complete, conformally compact metrics. Related to this issue, an isometry extension property is proved: continuous groups of isometries at conformal infinity extend into the bulk of any complete conformally compact Einstein metric. Relations of this property with the invariance of the Gauss-Codazzi constraint equations under deformations are also discussed.Comment: 32 pages, supercedes math.DG/0501067; final published versio

    A smart algorithm to optimally manage the charging strategy of the Home to Vehicle (H2V) and Vehicle to Home (V2H) technologies in an off-grid home powered by renewable sources

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    The reduction of electrical energy needs in buildings is accompanied by the use of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) for the production of energy on-site to be used for appliances and lighting and also for mobility through electric vehicle (EV) charging. With reference to this framework, the paper compared the tradition Home to Vehicle (H2V) technology with the Vehicle to Home (V2H) technology in HRES for residential users. The HRES consists of a photovoltaic (PV) generator, a wind generator, an electrical storage system and a charging station for an EV, in a stand-alone context. V2H technology provides for the use of the EV as an emergency energy source if the generation and storage systems are unable to guarantee the satisfaction of the residential load. Considering an off-grid single-family user located in the Sila National Park (Calabria, Italy), two enhanced EV charging strategies were investigated that both foresee the possibility of EV charging at night and an additional extra charge during the day to reduce the load demand and the produced HRES excess energy, which must be dissipated in an off-grid context. The two charging strategies differ in the choice of whether or not to carry out nocturnal charging depending on the EV state of charge. For this purpose, an algorithm is proposed that can optimally manage both enhanced EV charging strategies for both H2V and V2H technologies. The dynamic simulations of the HRES operation were carried out through TRNSYS, for the dynamic simulation of the PV and wind systems, which is coupled with MATLAB to dynamically simulate the residential battery and the H2V and V2H technologies. Starting from the hourly results obtained, weekly and yearly energy analyses were carried out for two different residential storage system sizes to identify in which conditions V2H and charging strategies provide beneficial effects in terms of energy missing to satisfy the load and overall energy required by the load

    Informed assessment of structural health conditions of bridges based on free-vibration tests

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    consolidated procedure for the evaluation of current structural health con-ditions in bridges consists in the comparison between estimated modal features from in-situ tests and numerical values. This strategy allows making informed decisions for existing bridge structures to ensure structural safety or serviceability. Free vibration tests are common in bridges monitoring since they allow a quick and cost-effective determination of dynamic infor-mation about the structure, using a sparse network of few sensors and avoid long-lasting monitoring campaigns. Exploiting an identification method based on a tuned version of Vari-ational Mode Decomposition and an area-ratio based approach, modal parameters are deter-mined from free vibration tests. This technique is applied to the dynamic identification of cables in a stay-cabled bridge assumed as case study: the obtained results prove reliability of the adopted method as a useful tool for objective dynamic identification purposes, with focus on the structural health conditions of bridges