2,174 research outputs found

    Risk Perception and COVID-19 During Lockdown: Evidence from an Italian Sample

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    This paper investigates how a specific extraordinary event such as the COVID-19 pandemic is perceived among individuals. Upsetting the taken-for-granted practices of people’s everyday life, the pandemic caused negative emotional responses, mainly the feeling of concern about its aftermath on health and social and economic aspects. However, these responses are not equally spread among social groups. Some of them are more associated with states of panic and anxiety, according to their socially defined and transmitted roles and identities. This paper focuses on a specific element of the perception of the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e. risk, based on a survey conducted in Italy (N = 1,704) during the last three weeks of lockdown (26th of April 2020 – 17th of May 2020). The analyses aim to detect patterns in socio-demographic variables in COVID-19 risk perception in the Italian population during lockdown, also accounting for their variation over time. In fact, the analyses suggest that approaching and being aware of the loosening of lockdown measures (18th of May 2020) may have decreased the perceived risk. Results prove consistent with findings from previous research

    Mood-congruent and mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms in major depression: The role of severity and personality

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    Background: Whether psychotic symptoms in major depression (MD) are better explained by a severity model or by a vulnerability model, with personality as a predisposing factor, is still debated. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in MD the relationship between the content of psychotic features (mood congruent (MC) or mood incongruent (MI)) and severity of depression or personality traits. Methods: 62 inpatients affected by MD with psychotic features were divided into three groups on the basis of the content of psychotic symptoms: MC, MI, mixed MC-MI. All subjects completed the SCID-IV, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Personality was assessed after MD remission. Results: MI psychotic symptoms were positively associated with schizotypal traits, whereas MC symptoms were positively related to obsessive-compulsive traits and severity of depression. Patients with both MC and MI psychotic symptoms were characterized by a personality profile and depression severity standing in a middle position between the MC and MI groups. Limitations: The main limitations of the study are represented by the small sample size, the time of assessment of personality and the inclusion of only unipolar depression. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that both depression severity and personality profile, independently from each other, model the content of psychotic symptoms, confirming the validity of subgrouping psychotic depression into two distinct MC and MI types and supporting the inclusion of a third mixed MC-MI type because of its intermediate position in personality profile and severity between the MC or MI group. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    The effect of severity and personality on the psychotic presentation of major depression

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether symptom severity or personality traits are associated with psychotic symptoms in major depression (MD), since it is still debated whether psychotic depression represents the most severe form of depression or the effect of personality structure. The study included 163 patients affected by MD who were divided into four groups on the basis of the presence/absence of melancholic features and psychotic symptoms. All subjects completed the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Disorders (SCID-IV), the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders (SIDP-IV) and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (Ham-D). Personality was assessed after MD remission (absence of DSM-IV criteria and Ham-D score lower than 7 for at least 2 months). Psychotic symptoms were positively associated with symptom severity (higher Ham-D total score) and with paranoid and schizotypal traits and negatively related to histrionic traits. Our data support the view that the effect of paranoid-schizotypal traits and symptom severity on the presence of psychotic symptoms in MD occurs separately and they are independent of each other. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd

    The TAS-20 more likely measures negative affects rather than alexithymia itself in patients with major depression, panic disorder, eating disorders and substance use disorders

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    Background This study evaluates whether the difference in Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 item (TAS-20) between patients with major depression (MD), panic disorder (PD), eating disorders (ED), and substance use disorders (SUD) and healthy controls persisted after controlling for the severity of anxiety and depression. Methods Thirty-eight patients with MD, 58 with PD, 52 with ED, and 30 with SUD and 78 healthy controls (C) completed the TAS-20, the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (Ham-A), the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (Ham-D). Results The differences in TAS-20 scores observed between patient groups, regardless of the type of their disorders, and controls disappeared after controlling for the effect of anxiety and depression severity. In contrast, the differences in severity of anxiety and depression between patients and controls were still present, after excluding the effect of alexithymic levels. Conclusions Our data suggest that alexithymic levels, as measured by the TAS-20, are modulated by the severity of symptoms, supporting the view that alexithymia can represent a state phenomenon in patients with MD, PD, ED and SUD, because the TAS-20 seems overly sensitive to a general distress syndrome, and it is more likely to measure negative affects rather than alexithymia itself. \ua9 2014 Elsevier Inc

    The mitigation role of collaterals and guarantees under Basel II

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    Under the Basel II framework for capital adequacy of banks, regulatory financial collateral and guarantees (C&G ) can affect lending policy in both a micro and a macro perspective. This paper aims at assessing these effects throught the modelling of the impact of C&G on credit spreads. In doing this we assume the perspective of a bank adopting a Foundation Internal Rating Based approach to measure credit risk and we apply a comparative-static analysis to a pricing model, based on the intrinsic value pricing approach as in the loan arbitrage-free pricing model (LAFP) suggested by Dermine (1996). Our results show that financial collaterals are more effective than guarantees in reducing credit spreads, this differential impact becoming greater as the borrower’s rating worsen. Moreover, the effects of C&G on credit spreads can be more effective than an improvement of borrower’s rating, this possibly leading to negative outfits on credit industries’ allocative efficiency.JRC.G.1-Scientific Support to Financial Analysi

    Deposit Insurance Schemes: target fund and risk-based contributions in line with Basel II regulation

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    This paper discusses a deposit insurance model recently developed by De Lisa et al. (2010), highlighting its policy implications. Compared to existing ones, the model proposed by De Lisa et al. (2010) presents the important advantage of taking into account Basel 2 banking regulation, thus linking two pillars of financial safety net: banks' capital requirements and deposit insurance. The model, which estimates the potential loss hitting a Deposit Insurance Scheme (DIS) under several economic scenarios, can be used to establish the target size of the fund, which is the amount of money that the DIS should have available in case of need. Moreover the model can be used to estimate the contribution (to this loss) that each bank should pay to the fund according to its degree of riskiness.JRC.DG.G.9-Econometrics and applied statistic

    Late-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder associated with left cerebellar lesion

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    The onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) after age 50 is rare and generally related to an organic etiology. An involvement of fronto-striatal circuits has been strongly suggested, whereas cerebellum remains so far scarcely explored. We present here the description of a "pure" late-onset OCD associated with a cerebellar lesion, neither comorbid with other mental disorders nor with neurological syndromes. To our knowledge, this condition was not previously described in literature. The patient is a 62-year-old woman who developed a late-onset OCD associated with a left cerebellar lesion due to an arachnoid cyst in the left posterior fossa. We debate the possible role of the cerebellar lesion in favoring a transition from a predisposing liability (namely an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and a depressive status) to the onset of OCD in this woman. \ua9 2014 Springer Science+Business Media


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    Este artigo relata parte de pesquisa sobre a estrutura da Secretaria Estadual de Educação e possíveis impactos positivos no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Elencou como objeto de estudo os Decretos reestruturadores dos últimos trinta anos a saber: Decreto de nº 7510/1976 e 57141 /2011, pluridisciplinarmente com foco maior em aportes da Administração. Consiste em resultados parciais de pesquisa sobre o mesmo tema, ainda em andamento. Os dados foram obtidos de documentos oficiais disponibilizados online, tendo como pano de fundo os resultados obtidos pelo Sistema quando auferidos pelo Instituto de Avaliação Externa do Rendimento de São Paulo (SARESP), único avaliador de resultados cognitivos empregado. Resultados parciais de análise demonstram que os procedimentos estruturadores/reestruturadores denotam permanências de anacronismos em pensamentos e ações envolvendo a gestão educacional estadual como: patrimonialismo, clientelismo, confusão entre posturas técnicas e políticas, ausência de clareza quanto ao estilo de gestão apresentado nos últimos trinta anos pesquisados. Em categoria de mudança, nota-se preocupação de seguir uma linha de estruturação adhocrática, tangenciando as dinâmicas contextuais, contudo, sem clareza. Os estudos realizados, ainda que incipientes, levam a crer, dadas as peculiaridades do Sistema Educacional, e as características gigantescas da Secretaria Estadual de Educação (SEE), que talvez seja o caso em se pensar gestão sob o paradigma da teoria do caos, ainda que esta se apresente em posição emergente e não consolidada; em outras palavras: entregar a gestão em todas as suas dimensões às micro agências implementadoras da Política Pública Educacional- as Diretorias Regionais de Ensino

    Parental bonding and personality disorder: The mediating role of alexithymia

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    This study explored whether alexithymic features mediate the effect of perceived adverse parenting during childhood on being diagnosed with a PD in adulthood. Two hundred sixty-five psychiatric outpatients were evaluated with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), the Structured Interview for DSM-IV Personality, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, the Clinical Global Impression scale, and the Global Assessment of Functioning scale. The statistical model for mediation proposed by Baron and Kenny (1986) was employed to detect whether the TAS scores account for the relation between PBI scores and a PD diagnosis. The results indicated that although altered parental bonding (and specifically, excessive maternal protection) may enhance the risk of PD, its effect is completely mediated by the alexithymic feature Difficulty Describing Feelings to Others (DDF), after controlling for gender, age, educational level, type, severity and age of onset of Axis I disorders. Therefore, this study suggests that the presence of DDF accounts for the effect of maternal overprotection risk factor for PD. © 2008 The Guilford Press
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