182 research outputs found

    Optimization of Nitrogen in Durum Wheat in the Mediterranean Climate: The Agronomical Aspect and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

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    Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum) is the most cultivated cereal crop in the Mediterranean basin, traditionally grown under rainfed conditions using conventional tillage. Agronomical practices, soil type and climate variables are known to influence crop productivity. Their interaction effect is very complex and the time in which they occur strongly affects yield and quality. The nitrogen supply, in combination with climatic conditions, is the main constraint determining the physiological performance, grain yield and quality response of wheat. In addition, the N formulation, fertilizer management, crop sequence, seasonal trends, and the supply of residual and mineralized N influence the response of wheat to N fertilizer. N fertilizer management must be optimized to prevent N deficiency in the critical crop growth period, to avoid yield and quality losses and also prevent the excessive application of N fertilizer, thus reducing the environmental impact. The split application of N fertilizer is a promising strategy that satisfies plant needs and reduces N losses through improved nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). Such a strategy can result in a remarkable reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the carbon footprint of Italian durum wheat, considering that the highest proportion of the total emissions deriving from N fertilizer production and its application

    Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizae on plant growth, essential oil production and phosphorus uptake of Salvia officinalis L

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    Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) contribute to the secondary metabolism and production of active ingredients in aromatic and medicinal plants. This symbiotic association is particularly affected by the availability of phosphorus (P) in the soil. This study was conducted on Salvia officinalis L. using two inocula, commercial Symbivit and Septoglomus viscosum (syn. Glomus viscosum), alone or supplemented with two doses of actual P (0.03, 0.06 g kg−1). The effects of these fungi and their combinations with P were determined in relation to the growth of sage plants (Regula variety), to the concentration of P in leaf tissues, and to the quantity and quality of essential oils (EOs). S. viscosum treated plants showed better growth with or without P-supply compared to non-mycorrhizal plants. The plants inoculated with S. viscosum presented the highest dry weight regardless of addition of P. Both AM fungi increased the leaf P content as more P was applied to the soil, whereas the EO content did not change with any of the treatments. Although the EO yield slightly increased with the Symbivit treatment, the chemical composition of the oil was drastically altered by S. viscosum in which the manool was the main component (28.13%), while -thujone decreased (13.09%). These results suggest that AM symbiosis is a good candidate for promoting plant growth and essential oil composition and for improving P uptake in low fertility soils. Thus, mycorrhiza can be considered as a sustainable strategy based on natural resources in order to influence the manool and -thujone content in sage EO composition. These compositions are very important to develop new classes of biocides and contribute to reducing risks to both human health and the environment

    Hormone Receptor/Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-positive breast cancer: Where we are now and where we are going

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    AbstractNear 75% of all breast cancers (BC) express estrogen receptors (ER) and/or progesterone receptors (PgR), while up to 20% of BC show an overexpression/amplification of Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2). Around 50% of all HER2-overexpressing BC show the coexistence of both HER2 overexpression/amplification and ER and/or PgR overexpression. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies suggest the existence of a cross-talk between their downstream pathways, which seem to affect the natural history, response to therapy and outcome of patients affected by this subset of BC. Meta-analyses or subgroup analysis of numerous neo-/adjuvant trials demonstrated significant clinical implications deriving from ER/HER2 co-existence, consisting in a different pattern of relapse and dissimilar outcome in response to anti-HER2 therapy. However, only two randomized trials in early disease and three in advanced disease specifically addressed the issue whether a combined approach with both hormonal and anti-HER2 therapy would have a better therapeutic impact in this subset of BC compared to the lone anti-HER2 or hormonal therapies (HT). None of these trials demonstrated improvements in overall survival, even though several efficacy end-points such as progression free survival, in advanced setting, or pCR rates in neoadjuvant setting, often favored the combined hormonal and anti-HER2 therapeutic approach. In the next few years, a certain number of ongoing randomized trials, both in neoadjuvant and advanced setting, will evaluate the efficacy of new anti-HER2 drugs, T-DM1 and pertuzumab, in combination with HT, helping to improve the therapeutic strategy for this specific subtype of breast tumors

    Evaluation of rapeseed cultivation suitability in Apulia with GIS-multicriteria analysis

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    The potential of land for energy crops is determined by an evaluation of biophysical and economical variables. From this respect, climate, soil and geomorphologic environmental components are the most important agro-ecological variables to conduct this kind of evaluation. In this study, Geographic Information System (GIS) has been used to identify the most suitable areas for rapeseed crop production in the Apulia region. Environmental components such as climate (precipitation, temperature), soil (chemical and physical characteristics including texture, gravel percentage, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soil depth, etc.), topography (slope) and economical components (farm-useful surface, mechanization, percentage of land covered by cereals and horticulture, irrigated surface, set-aside surface) were considered. Biophysical parameters (climate, geomorphology and soil) were used to draw a map of agronomic suitability of rapeseed according to the Agronomic Classification of the Territory II (CAT II) classification system; a map of general suitability of rapeseed in the Apulia region has been drawn with the support of multicriteria analysis, which also takes into account the economical parameters. The results from overlay maps for agronomic evaluation in the Apulia region showed that 38% (189,983 ha) of the arable land area is highly suitable (S1), 43.4% (21,6642 ha) is moderately suitable (S2), 11.9% (59,487 ha) is marginally suitable (S3) and 6.7% (33,210 ha) is and not suitable (N) for rapeseed cultivation

    Potential of native and bioprocessed brewers' spent grains as organic soil amendments

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    IntroductionThe use of novel soil amendments and the exploitation of plant growth-promoting microorganisms are considered promising tools for developing a more sustainable agriculture in times when ensuring high-yield productions with limited resources is essential. MethodsIn this study, the potential of brewers' spent grain (BSG), the major by-product of the brewing industry, as organic soil amendment, was investigated. Bioprocessed BSG, obtained by an enzymatic treatment coupled with fermentation, together with native BSG, were used as amendments in a pot-trial. An integrated analytical approach aimed at assessing the modification of the physicochemical properties of a typical Mediterranean alkaline agricultural soil, and the plant growth-promoting effect on escarole (Cichorium endivia var. Cuartana), was carried out. ResultsThe use of biomasses led to soil organic content and total nitrogen content up to 72 and 42% higher, compared to the unamended soils. Moreover, the lower pH and the higher organic acids content doubled phosphorus availability. Although the number of leaves per plant in escaroles from pots amended with native and bioprocessed BSG did not show any difference compared to plants cultivated on unamended pots, the average fresh weight per escarole head, was higher in pots amended with bioprocessed BSG. DiscussionHence, the results collected so far encourage BSG application for agricultural purpose, while solving the problem of disposing of such abundant side stream.Peer reviewe

    Techno-Economic Analysis of ZnO Nanoparticles Pretreatments for Biogas Production from Barley Straw

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) on the biogas production from mechanically treated barley straw and to perform a techno-economic analysis based on the costs assessment and on the results of biogas production. The structural changes of mechanically pretreated barley straw were observed using FTIR, XRD, TGA, and SEM. Additionally, both green ZnO NPs prepared from red alga (Antithamnion plumula) extract and chemically prepared ZnO NPs were characterized by FTIR, XRD, SEM, and TEM, surface area, and EDX. The results revealed that the biogas production was slightly improved by 14.9 and 13.2% when the barley straw of 0.4 mm was mechanically pretreated with 10 mg/L of both green and chemical ZnO NPs and produced 390.5 mL biogas/g VS and 385 mL biogas/g VS, respectively. On the other hand, the higher concentrations of ZnO NPs equal to 20 mg/L had an inhibitory effect on biogas production and decreased the biogas yield to 173 mL biogas/g VS, which was less than the half of previous values. It was also clear that the mechanically treated barley straw of 0.4 mm size presented a higher biogas yield of about 340 mL/g VS, in comparison to 279 mL biogas/g VS of untreated biomass. The kinetic study showed that the first order, modified Gompertz and logistic function models had the best fit with the experimental data. The results showed that the nanoparticles (NPs) of the mechanically treated barely straw are a suitable source of biomass for biogas production, and its yields are higher than the untreated barley straw. The results of the cost-benefit analysis showed that the average levelized cost of energy (LCOE), adopting the best treatments (0.4 mm + 10 mg/L ZnO), is 0.21 €/kWh, which is not competitive with the other renewable energy systems in the Egyptian energy market

    Dynamic and Assembly of Epiphyte and Endophyte Lactic Acid Bacteria During the Life Cycle of Origanum vulgare L.

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    Origanum vulgare L. (oregano) was chosen as suitable model to investigate the ability of the endophyte-microbiome, especially that of lactic acid bacteria, to develop specific interactions with the plant, mediated by the essential oils (EOs). Combined culture-dependent and -independent approaches analyzed the bacterial dynamic and assembly of Origanum vulgare L. throughout the life cycle. Epiphyte bacteria were more abundant than the endophyte ones. The number of presumptive lactic acid bacteria increased throughout oregano life cycle, according to the plant organ. Diverse species of lactic acid bacteria populated the plant, but Lactobacillus plantarum stably dominated both epiphyte and endophyte populations. High-throughput DNA sequencing showed highest epiphyte bacterial diversity at early vegetative and full-flowering stages, with blooming signing the main microbial differentiation among plant organs. Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes and Cyanobacteria at lower abundance were the main phyla. Various genera were detectable, but oregano harbored mainly Methylobacterium, Sphingomonas, Rhizobium and Aurantimonas throughout phenological stages. Firmicutes epiphyte and endophyte microbiotas were different, with a core microbiota consisting of Bacillus, Exiguobacterium, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Lactobacillus genera. Bacillus dominated throughout phenological stages. High-throughput DNA sequencing confirmed the dominance of L. plantarum within the epiphyte and endophyte populations of lactic acid bacteria. Yields of EOs varied among plant organs and throughout plant life cycle. L. plantarum strains were the most resistant to the total EOs (mainly thymol and carvacrol) as extracted from the plant. The positive correlation among endophyte lactic acid bacteria and the EOs content seems confirm the hypothesis that the colonization within plant niches may be regulated by mechanisms linked to the synthesis of the secondary metabolites

    Extended Adjuvant Endocrine Treatment in Luminal Breast Cancers in the Era of Genomic Tests

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    In patients with early-stage endocrine receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer (BC), adjuvant endocrine therapy (ET) for 5 years is the standard of care. However, for some patients, the risk of recurrence remain high for up to 15 years after diagnosis and extended ET beyond 5 years may be a reasonable option. Nevertheless, this strategy significantly increases the occurrence of side effects. Here we summarize the available evidence from randomized clinical trials on the efficacy and safety profile of extended ET and discuss available clinical and genomic tools helpful to select eligible patients in daily clinical practice

    Tucatinib's Journey from Clinical Development to Clinical Practice: New Horizons for HER2-Positive Metastatic Disease and Promising Prospects for Brain Metastatic Spread

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    : Approximately 20% of breast cancers (BCs) overexpress human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), a transmembrane glycoprotein with tyrosine kinase activity, encoded by ERBB2 gene. Historically, HER2 overexpression has been linked with increased disease recurrence and a worse prognosis. However, the increasing availability of different anti-HER2 compounds and combinations is progressively improving HER2-positive BC outcome, thus requiring expertise to prioritize both overall survival (OS) prolongation and quality of life, without neglecting the accessibility to further treatment lines with a low attrition rate. In this context, tucatinib, an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has recently been granted approval by regulatory agencies based on evidence from the HER2CLIMB, a clinical trial which randomized patients with metastatic BC to receive trastuzumab and capecitabine with either tucatinib or placebo. A distinctive feature of this study was the inclusion of patients with new or active brain metastases (BMs) at study entry, a population traditionally excluded from clinical trials. Thus, HER2CLIMB provides the first solid evidence of an OS benefit in patients with BC and BMs, addressing a long standing unmet medical need, especially given the high incidence of central nervous system metastatic spread in patients with HER2-positive disease. This review provides an overview of the molecular and clinical landscape of tucatinib for the treatment of advanced BC. It focuses on the technological journey that drove the development of this therapeutic innovation, from preclinical data to clinical practice

    Extended adjuvant endocrine treatment for premenopausal women: A Delphi approach to guide clinical practice

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    The use of an aromatase inhibitor (AI) in combination with ovarian function suppression (OFS) has become the mainstay of adjuvant endocrine therapy in high-risk premenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. Although five years of such therapy effectively reduces recurrence rates, a substantial risk of late recurrence remains in this setting. Multiple trials have shown that extending AI treatment beyond five years could offer further protection. However, as these studies comprised only postmenopausal patients, no direct evidence currently exists to inform about the potential benefits and/or side effects of extended AI + OFS therapies in premenopausal women. Given these grey areas, we conducted a Delphi survey to report on the opinion of experts in breast cancer treatment and summarize a consensus on the discussed topics. A total of 44 items were identified, all centred around two main themes: 1) defining reliable prognostic factors to pinpoint premenopausal patients eligible for endocrine therapy extension; 2) designing how such therapy should optimally be administered in terms of treatment combinations and duration based on patients' menopausal status. Each item was separately discussed and anonymously voted by 12 experts representing oncological institutes spread across Italy. The consensus threshold was reached in 36 out of 44 items (82%). Herein, we discuss the levels of agreement/disagreement achieved by each item in relation to the current body of literature. In the absence of randomized trials to guide the tailoring of extended AI treatment in premenopausal women, conclusions from our study provide a framework to assist routine clinical practice