3,751 research outputs found

    On the Detection of CMB B-modes from Ground at Low Frequency

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    The primordial CMB BB-mode search is on the spotlight of the scientific community due to the large amount of cosmological information that is encoded in the primeval signal. However, the detection of this signal is challenging from the data analysis point of view, due to the relative low amplitude compared to the foregrounds, the lensing contamination coming from the leakage of EE-modes, and the instrumental noise. Here, we studied the viability of the detection of the primordial polarization BB-mode with a ground-based telescope operating in the microwave low-frequency regime (i.e., from 10GHz-120GHz) in a handful of different scenarios: i. the instrument's channels distribution and noise, ii. the tensor-to-scalar ratio (rr) detectability considering different possible rr values and degrees of delensing, iii. the effect of including a possible source of polarized anomalous microwave emission (AME), iv. the strengths and weaknesses of different observational strategies and, v. the atmospheric and systematic noise impact on the recovery. We focused mainly on the removal of galactic foregrounds as well as noise contamination by applying a full-parametric pixel-based maximum likelihood component separation technique. Moreover, we developed a numerical methodology to estimate the residuals power spectrum left after component separation, which allow us to mitigate possible biases introduced in the primordial BB-mode power spectrum reconstruction. Among many other results, we found that this sort of experiment is capable of detecting Starobinsky's rr even when no delensing is performed or, a possible polarized AME contribution is taken into account. Besides, we showed that this experiment is a powerful complement to other on-ground or satellite missions, such as LiteBIRD, since it can help significantly with the low-frequency foregrounds characterization.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figures, submitted to JCA


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    Halcón peregrino, fábula para tiempos oscuros, último poemario de José Ignacio Correa, licenciado en Español de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional y magíster del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, denota madurez de estilo y gran manejo del lenguaje, así como una profunda actitud de reflexión frente al quehacer poético y la naturaleza humana. El texto está dividido en dos secciones. La primera titulada Halcón peregrino, la segunda Animal de cieno y luz

    Lost and found: the radial quantum number of Laguerre-Gauss modes

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    We introduce an operator linked with the radial index in the Laguerre-Gauss modes of a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator in cylindrical coordinates. We discuss ladder operators for this variable, and confirm that they obey the commutation relations of the su(1,1) algebra. Using this fact, we examine how basic quantum optical concepts can be recast in terms of radial modes.Comment: Some minor typos fixed

    Conocimiento y conservación de la fauna como curso general para todos los alumnos en la universidad

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    Knowledge and conservation of fauna as a general course for all the students in the University. There is a general agreement that knowledge and appreciation of the national patrimony forms a most important part of people's education. In this context there is a need to provide, at a high level, courses on knowledge and conservation of fauna that allow all the University students from different disciplines to obtain a basic knowledge and a general understanding of the national fauna which forms part of this patrimony. Based upon thes considerations, two course programs on “knowledge and conservation of the national fauna” as applied in the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso-Chile are presented and their results discussed in this paper

    Tumores malignos primarios del hígado

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    Treinta y seis tumores malignos primarios del hígado fueron seleccionados de protocolos de patología en un periodo de 20 años, Los hepatomas continúan siendo bastante raros en el mundo occidental. Existen regiones del África y Asia en que es endémico.Aunque en la mayoría de los pacientes la consulta es debida a dolor y masa abdominal por crecimiento del tumor, gracias a los adelantos recientes en los métodos diagnósticos, pequeños tumores están siendo cada vez mas diagnosticados. La detección temprana en individuos de alto riesgo se obtiene mucho mejor con determinaciones de AFP y ultrasonografía hepática. El TAC y la arteriografía selectiva son de mucho valor en definir la anatomía y resecabilidad del tumor. El porcentaje de sobrevida a los cinco años es del 20%.La resección hepática es el único tratamiento curativo. Métodos paliativos lo constituyen la quimioterapia, la hipertermia regional y los rayos laser

    Efectos de la contaminación sobre la avifauna en la desembocadura del río Aconcagua, Chile

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    The impact of industrial pollution on a natural pond is described in this paper. The chemicals have strongly reduced the ornithofauna at both individual and species level. The organic compounds acting upon vegetation reduce sheltered areas and nest sites and cause severe damage to the invertebrate animals that are usually eaten by birds

    A set of software tools to build an author assessment package on Moodle: Implementing the AEEA proposal

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    A set of new types of assessment is required for learning management systems (LMSs), and there is a need for a way to assess lifelong adaptive competencies. Proposed solutions to these problems need to preserve the interoperability, reusability, efficiency and abstract modeling already present in LMSs. This paper introduces a set of software tools for an author assessment package on the LMS Moodle being developed as part of adaptive e-learning engine architecture (AEEA). The principal features of this set are: 1) The set avoid editing items for a 360-degree feedback evaluation, 2) Whole items and tests are linked to levels of competencies acquisition, 3) The competency-based eassessment data model are based on e-learning specification and complemented with XML data on the appraised competencies, 4) Items and tests are storage in repositories, and 5) The tools are integrated within Moodle to facilitate the design of an assessment plan

    Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis en bogotá en aislados clínicos obtenidos durante 11 años

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    Objetivo Tipificar molecularmente aislados clínicos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis obtenidas en Bogotá entre los años 1995 a 2006, mediante la técnica RFLP-IS6110 para establecer las relaciones filogenéticas existentes entre ellos y determinar casos debidos a infección reciente (casos agrupados) Vs reactivaciones endógenas (patrones únicos).Métodos Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, en el que se incluyeron 137 aislados clínicos pertenecientes al complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis, obtenidos en Bogotá entre los años 1995 a 2006. Las variables estudiadas para cada paciente fueron: sexo, edad, confección con el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana, habitante en situación de calle, resultado de la baciloscopia, fecha del cultivo. Los aislados fueron identificados fenotípicamente y confirmados genotípicamente mediante el método molecular PRA y evaluados para sensibilidad a fármacos antituberculosos de primera línea utilizando el método simplificado de las proporciones múltiples. La genotipificación se realizó empleando el método de referencia RFLP-IS6110 (Polimorfismo en la Longitud de los Fragmentos de restricción).Resultados Todos los aislados fueron confirmados como pertenecientes al complejo M. tuberculosis, mostrando la identificación fenotípica una concordancia del 100 % con la identificación genotípica. La monorresistencia encontrada fue de 9,4 %, y la MDR (resistencia a Rifampicina e Isoniazida) fue 2,9 %. La genotipificación se realizó a 129 aislados, de los cuales 96 (74 %) mostraron diferentes patrones RFLP-IS6110 y 35 aislados (26 %) estuvieron agrupados en 17 clusters conformados por 2 a 4 aislados. La relación epidemiológica entre los pacientes no pudo ser establecida en la mayoría de los casos. De las variables estudiadas solamente el estado de coinfección con VIH fue un predictor significativo para el agrupamiento (p and lt;0.05).Conclusión Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran un alto porcentaje de genotipos con patrones RFLP-IS6110 únicos, lo que sugiere gran variabilidad genética entre los aislados de M. tuberculosis circulantes en Bogotá, indicando que la mayoría de los casos de tuberculosis en el estudio pueden ser atribuibles a reactivaciones endógenas

    Teleagro: software architecture of georeferencing and detection of heat of cattle

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    The systems of livestock production contribute in a preponderant way to improve the quality of life of the communities, since it allows to support the production of the daily sustenance of the communities, to conserve the ecosystems, to promote the conservation of the wild life and to satisfy the values and traditions cultural Latin America, with its large wilderness areas, and a privileged climate favors the maintenance of livestock, to meet the demands of food and ensure regional and global food security. In Colombia, the agricultural sector contributes approximately 11.83% of the national GDP at current prices, according to the Bank of the Republic. Likewise, the livestock industry participates with 3.6%, in comparison with other sectors of the agricultural economy, the production of Colombian cattle doubles and triples to other sectors, such as poultry, coffee and floriculture. In addition, it contributes to the generation of employment in more than 25% of the total jobs generated in the agricultural sector and approximately 7% of the total employment of the Colombian economy (http://www.banrep.gov.co/is/pib). Within agricultural production, livestock occupy 38 million hectares, being 9 times larger than the area dedicated to agriculture. However, agriculture contributes 63% of the value of agricultural production, while livestock, mainly extensive, contributes 26% (FEDEGAN, Strategic Livestock Plan 2019). The large proportion of the área with agricultural vocation dedicated to precarious extensive livestock has explained the low agricultural productivity in Colombia, with very serious consequences for human and sustainable development. This document shows the results of the communications, software and hardware platforms to help the livestock sector to manage production