7 research outputs found


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    Considering the definition of the International Height Reference System (IHRS) in the geopotential space (Resolution 1/2015, International Association of Geodesy - IAG), among the present main objectives of the international geodetic community is the materialization of IHRS around the world. One fundamental task for this is the offset determination of each national vertical datum related to the IHRS. In this manuscript we establish the relationship between the Ecuadorian Vertical Datum (EVD) and the IHRS in the geopotential space following the foundations of the Resolution 1/2015 IAG. Gravity data, heights from the Ecuadorian Fundamental Vertical Network, Global Geopotential Models and Digital Elevation Models were used in the computations. Based on the Least Squares Collocation method, empirical covariance functions and spectral decomposition techniques, we realized the modelling of the geopotential in the study region (4° x 4° centered in the La Libertad tide gauge, Ecuador). Based on the referred approaches, we solved the free Geodetic Boundary Value Problem for determining the discrepancy of the EVD related to the IHRS. An offset of approximately 29 cm ± 3 cm was estimated for the W0 - W0i relation when the GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R5 model was used in the modeling of the medium and long wavelengths of the terrestrial gravity field, and approximately 43 cm ± 3 cm when the EIGEN6C4 model was used

    Efforts for aligning the Brazilian Height System to the International Height Reference System

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    The International Height Reference System (IHRS) consolidated the idea of a world height system (WHS) according to the IAG Resolution 1/2015. Since 2000, the majority of activities related to the modernization of the Brazilian Height System (BHS) has referred to a physical meaning for the heights and have linked two existing vertical datums in the country to a same equipotential surface. Today, these activities relate to the BHS and its realization by the Brazilian Vertical Reference Network (BVRN) agrees with the IHRS precepts. In this context, the main developed activities related to BHS/BVRN and achieved goals are described in this work

    Métodos de remoção da sarcotesta na germinação de sementes de jaracatiá

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    A presença da sarcotesta pode prejudicar a germinação e desenvolvimento das plântulas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar métodos favoráveis à remoção da sarcotesta para a promoção da germinação de sementes de Jaracatia spinosa, cujas sementes foram submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: 1- sem remoção da sarcotesta; 2- remoção com fricção sobre peneira, com adição de areia; 3- remoção com fricção sobre peneira com adição de cal; 4- remoção com o uso de liquidificador, 5- remoção com despolpador de sementes; e 6- remoção com solução química (imersão, por 30 min, numa solução composta por 1.0 L de água, 3.5 mL de hipoclorito de sódio, 3.0 mL de ácido muriático e 22.5g de soda cáustica), em que as sementes foram avaliadas quanto à percentagem de germinação, Índice de Velocidade de Emergência (IVE) e comprimento da parte aérea de plântulas. O método mais favorável à remoção da sarcotesta e promoção da germinação das sementes de jaracatiá foi a fricção sobre peneira com a adição de areia