5 research outputs found

    Sostenere la costruzione delle competenze grafo-pittoriche infantili. Il gioco come strumento di scaffolding

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    Finalit\ue0 della Ricerca Partendo dall\u2019analisi dei contributi di diversi autori sul disegno infantile, il nostro lavoro si pone la finalit\ue0 di comprendere se sia possibile sostenere la costruzione delle competenze grafo-pittoriche dei bambini elaborando delle proposte che si collochino nell\u2019area di sviluppo potenziale dei soggetti [Vygotskij, L.S. 1935/1973] e che facciano leva sul gioco come strumento di scaffolding [Bruner, J. S. 1964/1968]. Progetto di Ricerca Nella I Parte del lavoro si illustreranno i riferimenti scientifici passando in rassegna le diverse prospettive psicologiche sul tema del disegno e mettendo in relazione i contributi analizzati per giungere a una visione complessa e integrata della conoscenza in quest\u2019area. Successivamente si descriver\ue0 il metodo e il paradigma teorico cui si \ue8 scelto di aderire, da cui discenderanno la scelta degli strumenti e la definizione del progetto. Nella II Parte del lavoro si presenter\ue0 il progetto di ricerca e si illustreranno i dati raccolti mediante la desk research, le osservazioni e le interviste; sulla base di questi dati, si articoler\ue0 di seguito il processo che ha portato all\u2019ideazione e allo sviluppo di una linea di giochi finalizzata a sostenere la costruzione delle competenze grafo-pittoriche infantili. Infine, nella III Parte, si esporr\ue0 il monitoraggio effettuato dapprima con un campione di famiglie e successivamente con i bambini frequentanti alcune scuole distribuite sul territorio, al fine di valutare l\u2019efficacia dei prodotti nel supportare e promuovere i processi di sviluppo perseguiti. Sulla base dei dati ricavati, delineeremo quindi le successive traiettorie di sviluppo della ricerca, tracciando un bilancio dei punti di forza e criticit\ue0 del progetto

    Soft Skills Identification for Guidance and Job Placement. Presentation of the Project UNIMC (Macerata University) for Soft Skills

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    The issue of recognition, validation and certification of skills, especially those developed in non-formal and informal fields, is becoming a current topic for all educative institutions, including University. Soft skills is a psycho-sociological term relating to a cluster of personality traits, social abilities, communication, language, personal attitudes that characterize relationships with other people. Soft skills complement hard skills which are the occupational requirements of a job and many other activities. In Italy the legal framework on skills is leaded by the Legislative Decree n. 13/13. According to the Decree, University should assure the effective implementation of lifelong learning through guidance and counselling services. The University of Macerata (UNIMC) has been involved from a long time in the field of soft skills with many activities, formal as well as informal and non-formal. A system to recognize and validate them has been experienced in the last years. The objective of the paper is to describe the designed procedures aimed to the recognition and validation of soft skills such as observation, active listening, communication in small group and problem solving. Each skill was operationalized through the identification of specific indicators to recognize three level of expertise: basic, intermediate, advanced. Moreover several tasks were tested in order to identify a set of activities useful for the aim of a kind of formal recognition

    Soft skills identification for guidance and job placement

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    Recognition, validation and certification of skills, especially those developed in nonformal and informal fields, is becoming a current topic for all educative institutions. This paper represents a good practice at the University of Macerata (IT) in the field of soft skills assessment. The aim of the project named \u201cUnimc for Soft Skills\u201d was to give feedback about the soft skills they possess to students coming from the secondary school and participating in the experience of work-based learning at the University. A list of characteristics for each chosen soft skill was designed as well as reliable procedures for soft skills assessment

    A proposito di classi 2.0: analisi dei risultati di un'esperienza

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    The aim of the research was to understand the impact of using tablet in school environment, both on learning results and on indirect psycho-social variables such as motivation, self representation, group dynamics, and use of new technologies in extra-scholastic contexts. We monitored the above variables in two classes of 11 to 12 years old students. The experimental class was provided of tablets and the control class attended a traditional path. We planned two online data collections through questionnaires at the beginning, and at the end of the scholastic year. At the second survey, in comparison with the control class, the students of the experimental class showed a greater motivation to learn, a larger positive development in their self representations, a deeper and more complex dynamics of peer's interaction within the class, and a frequent use of new technologies in extra-scholastic contexts

    1994 Annual Selected Bibliography: Asian American Studies and the Crisis of Practice

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