5,139 research outputs found

    The RCB star V854 Cen is surrounded by a hot dusty shell

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    Aims : The hydrogen-deficient supergiants known as R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars might be the result of a double-degenerate merger of two white dwarfs (WDs), or a final helium shell flash in a planetary nebula central star. In this context, any information on the geometry of their circumstellar environment and, in particular, the potential detection of elongated structures, is of great importance. Methods : We obtained near-IR observations of V854 Cen with the AMBER recombiner located at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) array with the compact array (B\leq35m) in 2013 and the long array (B\leq140m) in 2014. At each time, V854 Cen was at maximum light. The HH- and KK-band continua were investigated by means of spectrally dependant geometric models. These data were supplemented with mid-IR VISIR/VLT images. Results : A dusty slightly elongated over density is discovered both in the HH- and KK-band images. With the compact array, the central star is unresolved (Θ2.5\Theta\leq2.5\,mas), but a flattened dusty environment of 8×118 \times 11 mas is discovered whose flux increases from about \sim20% in the HH band to reach about \sim50% at 2.3\micron, which indicates hot (T\sim1500\,K) dust in the close vicinity of the star. The major axis is oriented at a position angle (P.A.) of 126±\pm29deg\deg. Adding the long-array configuration dataset provides tighter constraints on the star diameter (Θ1.0\Theta\leq1.0 mas), a slight increase of the overdensity to 12×1512 \times 15 mas and a consistent P.A. of 133±\pm49deg\deg. The closure phases, sensitive to asymmetries, are null and compatible with a centro-symmetric, unperturbed environment excluding point sources at the level of 3% of the total flux in 2013 and 2014. The VISIR images exhibit a flattened aspect ratio at the 15-20% level at larger distances (\sim1\arcsec) with a position angle of 92±\pm19deg\deg, marginally consistent with the interferometric observations. Conclusions : This is the first time that a moderately elongated structure has been observed around an RCB star. These observations confirm the numerous suggestions for a bipolar structure proposed for this star in the literature, which were mainly based on polarimetric and spectroscopic observations.Comment: Accepted by A\&A, new version after language editing, Astronomy and Astrophysics (2014

    Ecology and biogeography of free-living nematodes associated with chemosynthetic environments in the deep sea: A review

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    Background: Here, insight is provided into the present knowledge on free-living nematodes associated with chemosynthetic environments in the deep sea. It was investigated if the same trends of high standing stock, low diversity, and the dominance of a specialized fauna, as observed for macro-invertebrates, are also present in the nematodes in both vents and seeps.Methodology: This review is based on existing literature, in combination with integrated analysis of datasets, obtained through the Census of Marine Life program on Biogeography of Deep-Water Chemosynthetic Ecosystems (ChEss).Findings: Nematodes are often thriving in the sulphidic sediments of deep cold seeps, with standing stock values ocassionaly exceeding largely the numbers at background sites. Vents seem not characterized by elevated densities. Both chemosynthetic driven ecosystems are showing low nematode diversity, and high dominance of single species. Genera richness seems inversely correlated to vent and seep fluid emissions, associated with distinct habitat types. Deep-sea cold seeps and hydrothermal vents are, however, highly dissimilar in terms of community composition and dominant taxa. There is no unique affinity of particular nematode taxa with seeps or vents.Conclusions: It seems that shallow water relatives, rather than typical deep-sea taxa, have successfully colonized the reduced sediments of seeps at large water depth. For vents, the taxonomic similarity with adjacent regular sediments is much higher, supporting rather the importance of local adaptation, than that of long distance distribution. Likely the ephemeral nature of vents, its long distance offshore and the absence of pelagic transport mechanisms, have prevented so far the establishment of a successful and typical vent nematode fauna. Some future perspectives in meiofauna research are provided in order to get a more integrated picture of vent and seep biological processes, including all components of the marine ecosystem

    V838 Monocerotis: the central star and its environment a decade after outburst

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    Aims. V838 Monocerotis erupted in 2002, brightened in a series of outbursts, and eventually developed a spectacular light echo. A very red star emerged a few months after the outburst. The whole event has been interpreted as the result of a merger. Methods. We obtained near-IR and mid-IR interferometric observations of V838 Mon with the AMBER and MIDI recombiners located at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) array. The MIDI two-beam observations were obtained with the 8m Unit Telescopes between October 2011 and February 2012. The AMBER three-beam observations were obtained with the compact array (B\leqm) in April 2013 and the long array (B\leq140m) in May 2014, using the 1.8m Auxiliary Telescopes. Results. A significant new result is the detection of a compact structure around V838 Mon, as seen from MIDI data. The extension of the structure increases from a FWHM of 25 mas at 8 {\mu}m to 70 mas at 13 {\mu}m. At the adopted distance of D = 6.1 ±\pm 0.6 kpc, the dust is distributed from about 150 to 400 AU around V838 Mon. The MIDI visibilities reveal a flattened structure whose aspect ratio increases with wavelength. The major axis is roughly oriented around a position angle of -10 degrees, which aligns with previous polarimetric studies reported in the literature. This flattening can be interpreted as a relic of the 2002 eruption or by the influence of the currently embedded B3V companion. The AMBER data provide a new diameter for the pseudo-photosphere, which shows that its diameter has decreased by about 40% in 10yrs, reaching a radius R_* = 750 ±\pm 200 R_{\odot} (3.5 ±\pm 1.0 AU). Conclusions. After the 2002 eruption, interpreted as the merging of two stars, it seems that the resulting source is relaxing to a normal state. The nearby environment exhibits an equatorial over-density of dust up to several hundreds of AU.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics (2014) Will be set by the publishe

    LEGUS Discovery of a Light Echo Around Supernova 2012aw

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    We have discovered a luminous light echo around the normal Type II-Plateau Supernova (SN) 2012aw in Messier 95 (M95; NGC 3351), detected in images obtained approximately two years after explosion with the Wide Field Channel 3 on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) by the Legacy ExtraGalactic Ultraviolet Survey (LEGUS). The multi-band observations span from the near-ultraviolet through the optical (F275W, F336W, F438W, F555W, and F814W). The apparent brightness of the echo at the time was ~21--22 mag in all of these bands. The echo appears circular, although less obviously as a ring, with an inhomogeneous surface brightness, in particular, a prominent enhanced brightness to the southeast. The SN itself was still detectable, particularly in the redder bands. We are able to model the light echo as the time-integrated SN light scattered off of diffuse interstellar dust in the SN environment. We have assumed that this dust is analogous to that in the Milky Way with R_V=3.1. The SN light curves that we consider also include models of the unobserved early burst of light from the SN shock breakout. Our analysis of the echo suggests that the distance from the SN to the scattering dust elements along the echo is ~45 pc. The implied visual extinction for the echo-producing dust is consistent with estimates made previously from the SN itself. Finally, our estimate of the SN brightness in F814W is fainter than that measured for the red supergiant star at the precise SN location in pre-SN images, possibly indicating that the star has vanished and confirming it as the likely SN progenitor.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Direct imaging of a massive dust cloud around R Coronae Borealis

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    We present recent polarimetric images of the highly variable star R CrB using ExPo and archival WFPC2 images from the HST. We observed R CrB during its current dramatic minimum where it decreased more than 9 mag due to the formation of an obscuring dust cloud. Since the dust cloud is only in the line-of-sight, it mimics a coronograph allowing the imaging of the star's circumstellar environment. Our polarimetric observations surprisingly show another scattering dust cloud at approximately 1.3" or 2000 AU from the star. We find that to obtain a decrease in the stellar light of 9 mag and with 30% of the light being reemitted at infrared wavelengths (from R CrB's SED) the grains in R CrB's circumstellar environment must have a very low albedo of approximately 0.07%. We show that the properties of the dust clouds formed around R CrB are best fitted using a combination of two distinct populations of grains size. The first are the extremely small 5 nm grains, formed in the low density continuous wind, and the second population of large grains (~0.14 {\mu}m) which are found in the ejected dust clouds. The observed scattering cloud, not only contains such large grains, but is exceptionally massive compared to the average cloud.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures published in A&

    Adamantane-1-ammonium acetate

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    In the title compound, C10H18N+·C2H3O2 −, the ammonium H atoms of the cation are linked to three acetate anions via N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a chain structure extending along the b axis

    Cubic or Not Cubic? Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation of the Short-Range Order of Tin Halide Perovskites

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    Tin-based metal halide perovskites with a composition of ASnX3 (where A= MA or FA and X = I or Br) have been investigated by means of X-ray total scattering techniques coupled to pair distribution function (PDF) analysis. These studies revealed that that none of the four perovskites has a cubic symmetry at the local scale and that a degree of increasing distortion is always present, in particular when the cation size is increased, i.e., from MA to FA, and the hardness of the anion is increased, i.e., from Br- to I-. Electronic structure calculations provided good agreement with experimental band gaps for the four perovskites when local dynamical distortions were included in the calculations. The averaged structure obtained from molecular dynamics simulations was consistent with experimental local structures determined via X-ray PDF, thus highlighting the robustness of computational modeling and strengthening the correlation between experimental and computational results