697 research outputs found

    Variational Principles for Stochastic Soliton Dynamics

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    We develop a variational method of deriving stochastic partial differential equations whose solutions follow the flow of a stochastic vector field. As an example in one spatial dimension we numerically simulate singular solutions (peakons) of the stochastically perturbed Camassa-Holm (CH) equation derived using this method. These numerical simulations show that peakon soliton solutions of the stochastically perturbed CH equation persist and provide an interesting laboratory for investigating the sensitivity and accuracy of adding stochasticity to finite dimensional solutions of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE). In particular, some choices of stochastic perturbations of the peakon dynamics by Wiener noise (canonical Hamiltonian stochastic deformations, or CH-SD) allow peakons to interpenetrate and exchange order on the real line in overtaking collisions, although this behaviour does not occur for other choices of stochastic perturbations which preserve the Euler-Poincar\'e structure of the CH equation (parametric stochastic deformations, or P-SD), and it also does not occur for peakon solutions of the unperturbed deterministic CH equation. The discussion raises issues about the science of stochastic deformations of finite-dimensional approximations of evolutionary PDE and the sensitivity of the resulting solutions to the choices made in stochastic modelling.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures -- 2nd versio

    Multisymplectic formulation of fluid dynamics using the inverse map

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    We construct multisymplectic formulations of fluid dynamics using the inverse of the Lagrangian path map. This inverse map, the ‘back-to-labels’ map, gives the initial Lagrangian label of the fluid particle that currently occupies each Eulerian position. Explicitly enforcing the condition that the fluid particles carry their labels with the flow in Hamilton's principle leads to our multisymplectic formulation. We use the multisymplectic one-form to obtain conservation laws for energy, momentum and an infinite set of conservation laws arising from the particle relabelling symmetry and leading to Kelvin's circulation theorem. We discuss how multisymplectic numerical integrators naturally arise in this approach.</p

    Quantum splines

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    A quantum spline is a smooth curve parameterised by time in the space of unitary transformations, whose associated orbit on the space of pure states traverses a designated set of quantum states at designated times, such that the trace norm of the time rate of change of the associated Hamiltonian is minimised. The solution to the quantum spline problem is obtained, and is applied in an example that illustrates quantum control of coherent states. An e cient numerical scheme for computing quantum splines is discussed and implemented in the examples

    A stochastic large deformation model for computational anatomy

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    In the study of shapes of human organs using computational anatomy, variations are found to arise from inter-subject anatomical differences, disease-specific effects, and measurement noise. This paper introduces a stochastic model for incorporating random variations into the Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM) framework. By accounting for randomness in a particular setup which is crafted to fit the geometrical properties of LDDMM, we formulate the template estimation problem for landmarks with noise and give two methods for efficiently estimating the parameters of the noise fields from a prescribed data set. One method directly approximates the time evolution of the variance of each landmark by a finite set of differential equations, and the other is based on an Expectation-Maximisation algorithm. In the second method, the evaluation of the data likelihood is achieved without registering the landmarks, by applying bridge sampling using a stochastically perturbed version of the large deformation gradient flow algorithm. The method and the estimation algorithms are experimentally validated on synthetic examples and shape data of human corpora callosa

    The gradient of potential vorticity, quaternions and an orthonormal frame for fluid particles

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    The gradient of potential vorticity (PV) is an important quantity because of the way PV (denoted as qq) tends to accumulate locally in the oceans and atmospheres. Recent analysis by the authors has shown that the vector quantity \bdB = \bnabla q\times \bnabla\theta for the three-dimensional incompressible rotating Euler equations evolves according to the same stretching equation as for \bom the vorticity and \bB, the magnetic field in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The \bdB-vector therefore acts like the vorticity \bom in Euler's equations and the \bB-field in MHD. For example, it allows various analogies, such as stretching dynamics, helicity, superhelicity and cross helicity. In addition, using quaternionic analysis, the dynamics of the \bdB-vector naturally allow the construction of an orthonormal frame attached to fluid particles\,; this is designated as a quaternion frame. The alignment dynamics of this frame are particularly relevant to the three-axis rotations that particles undergo as they traverse regions of a flow when the PV gradient \bnabla q is large.Comment: Dedicated to Raymond Hide on the occasion of his 80th birthda

    Stochastic discrete Hamiltonian variational integrators

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    Variational integrators are derived for structure-preserving simulation of stochastic Hamiltonian systems with a certain type of multiplicative noise arising in geometric mechanics. The derivation is based on a stochastic discrete Hamiltonian which approximates a type-II stochastic generating function for the stochastic flow of the Hamiltonian system. The generating function is obtained by introducing an appropriate stochastic action functional and its corresponding variational principle. Our approach permits to recast in a unified framework a number of integrators previously studied in the literature, and presents a general methodology to derive new structure-preserving numerical schemes. The resulting integrators are symplectic; they preserve integrals of motion related to Lie group symmetries; and they include stochastic symplectic Runge–Kutta methods as a special case. Several new low-stage stochastic symplectic methods of mean-square order 1.0 derived using this approach are presented and tested numerically to demonstrate their superior long-time numerical stability and energy behavior compared to nonsymplectic methods

    Discrete momentum maps for lattice EPDiff

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    We focus on the spatial discretization produced by the Variational Particle-Mesh (VPM) method for a prototype fluid equation the known as the EPDiff equation}, which is short for Euler-Poincar\'e equation associated with the diffeomorphism group (of Rd\mathbb{R}^d, or of a dd-dimensional manifold Ω\Omega). The EPDiff equation admits measure valued solutions, whose dynamics are determined by the momentum maps for the left and right actions of the diffeomorphisms on embedded subspaces of Rd\mathbb{R}^d. The discrete VPM analogs of those dynamics are studied here. Our main results are: (i) a variational formulation for the VPM method, expressed in terms of a constrained variational principle principle for the Lagrangian particles, whose velocities are restricted to a distribution D_{\VPM} which is a finite-dimensional subspace of the Lie algebra of vector fields on Ω\Omega; (ii) a corresponding constrained variational principle on the fixed Eulerian grid which gives a discrete version of the Euler-Poincar\'e equation; and (iii) discrete versions of the momentum maps for the left and right actions of diffeomorphisms on the space of solutions

    Wave breaking for the Stochastic Camassa-Holm equation

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    We show that wave breaking occurs with positive probability for the Stochastic Camassa-Holm (SCH) equation. This means that temporal stochasticity in the diffeomorphic flow map for SCH does not prevent the wave breaking process which leads to the formation of peakon solutions. We conjecture that the time-asymptotic solutions of SCH will consist of emergent wave trains of peakons moving along stochastic space-time paths

    Stochastic partial differential fluid equations as a diffusive limit of deterministic Lagrangian multi-time dynamics

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    In Holm (Holm 2015 Proc. R. Soc. A 471, 20140963. (doi:10.1098/rspa.2014.0963)), stochastic fluid equations were derived by employing a variational principle with an assumed stochastic Lagrangian particle dynamics. Here we show that the same stochastic Lagrangian dynamics naturally arises in a multi-scale decomposition of the deterministic Lagrangian flow map into a slow large-scale mean and a rapidly fluctuating small-scale map. We employ homogenization theory to derive effective slow stochastic particle dynamics for the resolved mean part, thereby obtaining stochastic fluid partial equations in the Eulerian formulation. To justify the application of rigorous homogenization theory, we assume mildly chaotic fast small-scale dynamics, as well as a centring condition. The latter requires that the mean of the fluctuating deviations is small, when pulled back to the mean flow
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