867 research outputs found

    Scattering parabolic solutions for the spatial N-centre problem

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    For the NN-centre problem in the three dimensional space, x¨=−∑i=1Nmi (x−ci)∣x−ci∣α+2,x∈R3∖{c1,…,cN}, \ddot x = -\sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{m_i \,(x-c_i)}{\vert x - c_i \vert^{\alpha+2}}, \qquad x \in \mathbb{R}^3 \setminus \{c_1,\ldots,c_N\}, where N≥2N \geq 2, mi>0m_i > 0 and α∈[1,2)\alpha \in [1,2), we prove the existence of entire parabolic trajectories having prescribed asymptotic directions. The proof relies on a variational argument of min-max type. Morse index estimates and regularization techniques are used in order to rule out the possible occurrence of collisions

    Asymptotic and chaotic solutions of a singularly perturbed Nagumo-type equation

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    We deal with the singularly perturbed Nagumo-type equation ϵ2u′′+u(1−u)(u−a(s))=0, \epsilon^2 u'' + u(1-u)(u-a(s)) = 0, where ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 is a real parameter and a:R→Ra: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} is a piecewise constant function satisfying 0<a(s)<10 < a(s) < 1 for all ss. We prove the existence of chaotic, homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions, when ϵ\epsilon is small enough. We use a dynamical systems approach, based on the Stretching Along Paths method and on the Conley-Wazewski's method

    Design and development of a quarter car test rig

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi ha come obiettivo la progettazione di un banco prova per un quarto di veicolo e la realizzazione di un generatore di segnale in grado di inviare segnali di ingresso ad un attuatore idraulico il quale sarà utilizzato per eccitare la ruota in modo da simulare il profilo stradale. La fase di progettazione è stata svolta utilizzando il software Solidworks. In seguito sono state eseguite simulazioni per l’analisi strutturale e di frequenza di alcune parti del banco tramite l’utilizzo del software Ansys. Terminata la fase di progetto, il modello Solidworks è stato importato in ambiente Simulink utilizzando i blocchi di modellazione della piattaforma Simscape/SimMechanics, in modo da effettuare un'analisi dinamica del modello. L’ultima parte dello studio riguarda la realizzazione di un generatore di segnale in grado di ricevere il segnale di feedback proveniente dal servo controller dell’attuatore. Il generatore è stato realizzato utilizzando il micro controllore Arduino Uno. Tale dispositivo, grazie alle sue potenzialità, ha permesso la generazione di un segnale sinusoidale a diverse ampiezza e frequenze in modo da coprirne un certo campo di valori in base alla richiesta. Inoltre tale sistema è in grado di ricevere il segnale di feedback dal servo controller dello shaker in modo tale da leggerne il valore e monitorarlo in tempo reale sul PC. I risultati di questo studio mostrano che il Quarter car test rig progettato è una piattaforma in grado di studiare il comportamento dinamico dei sistemi sospensivi, la cui struttura si rende capace di poter testare diverse tipologie di sospensioni e pesi di veicolo, rappresentando un solido punto di partenza per una futura realizzazione fisica del banco

    Real-time value-driven diagnosis

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    Diagnosis is often thought of as an isolated task in theoretical reasoning (reasoning with the goal of updating our beliefs about the world). We present a decision-theoretic interpretation of diagnosis as a task in practical reasoning (reasoning with the goal of acting in the world), and sketch components of our approach to this task. These components include an abstract problem description, a decision-theoretic model of the basic task, a set of inference methods suitable for evaluating the decision representation in real-time, and a control architecture to provide the needed continuing coordination between the agent and its environment. A principal contribution of this work is the representation and inference methods we have developed, which extend previously available probabilistic inference methods and narrow, somewhat, the gap between probabilistic and logical models of diagnosis

    A note on the existence of multiple solutions for a class of systems of second order ODEs

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    Abstract We prove the existence of multiple solutions for some systems of second order ODEs with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Such systems are obtained by coupling scalar ODEs with different growth conditions. The proof relies on a global continuation technique

    Multiple positive solutions to elliptic boundary blow-up problems

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    We prove the existence of multiple positive radial solutions to the sign-indefinite elliptic boundary blow-up problem {Δu+(a+(∣x∣)−μa−(∣x∣))g(u)=0,  ∣x∣<1,u(x)→∞,  ∣x∣→1, \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \Delta u + \bigl(a^+(\vert x \vert) - \mu a^-(\vert x \vert)\bigr) g(u) = 0, & \; \vert x \vert < 1, \\ u(x) \to \infty, & \; \vert x \vert \to 1, \end{array} \right. where gg is a function superlinear at zero and at infinity, a+a^+ and a−a^- are the positive/negative part, respectively, of a sign-changing function aa and μ>0\mu > 0 is a large parameter. In particular, we show how the number of solutions is affected by the nodal behavior of the weight function aa. The proof is based on a careful shooting-type argument for the equivalent singular ODE problem. As a further application of this technique, the existence of multiple positive radial homoclinic solutions to Δu+(a+(∣x∣)−μa−(∣x∣))g(u)=0,x∈RN, \Delta u + \bigl(a^+(\vert x \vert) - \mu a^-(\vert x \vert)\bigr) g(u) = 0, \qquad x \in \mathbb{R}^N, is also considered

    Linear and nonlinear eigenvalue problems for Dirac systems in unbounded domains

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    We first study the linear eigenvalue problem for a planar Dirac system in the open half-line and describe the nodal properties of its solutions by means of the rotation number. We then give a global bifurcation result for a planar nonlinear Dirac system in the open half-line. As an application, we provide a global continuum of solutions of the nonlinear Dirac equation which have a special form
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