155 research outputs found

    The Magnon Spectrum in the Domain Ferromagnetic State of Antisite Disordered Double Perovskites

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    In their ideal structure, double perovskites like Sr_2FeMoO_6 have alternating Fe and Mo along each cubic axes, and a homogeneous ferromagnetic metallic ground state. Imperfect annealing leads to the formation of structural domains. The moments on mislocated Fe atoms that adjoin each other across the domain boundary have an antiferromagnetic coupling between them. This leads to a peculiar magnetic state, with ferromagnetic domains coupled antiferromagnetically. At short distance the system exhibits ferromagnetic correlation while at large lengthscales the net moment is strongly suppressed due to inter-domain cancellation. We provide a detailed description of the spin wave excitations of this complex magnetic state, obtained within a 1/S expansion, for progressively higher degree of mislocation, i.e., antisite disorder. At a given wavevector the magnons propagate at multiple energies, related, crudely, to `domain confined' modes with which they have large overlap. We provide a qualitative understanding of the trend observed with growing antisite disorder, and contrast these results to the much broader spectrum that one obtains for uncorrelated antisites

    Poles, Shocks and Tygers: The Time-reversible Burgers Equation

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    We construct a formally time-reversible, one-dimensional forced Burgers equation by imposing a global constraint of energy conservation, wherein the constant viscosity is modified to a fluctuating state-dependent dissipation coefficient. The new system exhibits dynamical properties which bear strong similarity with those observed for the Burgers equation and can be understood using the dynamics of the poles, shocks and truncation effects such as tygers. A complex interplay of these give rise to interesting statistical regimes ranging from hydrodynamic behaviour to a completely thermalized warm phase. The end of the hydrodynamic regime is associated with the appearance of a shock in the solution and a continuous transition leading to a truncation dependent state. Beyond this, the truncation effects such as tygers and appearance of secondary discontinuity at the resonance point in the solution strongly influence the statistical properties. These disappear at the second transition, at which the global quantities exhibit a jump and attain values that are consistent with the establishment of a 'quasi-equilibrium' state characterized by energy equipartition among the Fourier modes. Our comparative analysis shows that the macroscopic statistical properties of the formally time-reversible system and the Burgers equation are equivalent in all the regimes, irrespective of the truncation effects, and this equivalence is not just limited to the hydrodynamic regime, thereby further strengthening the Gallavotti's equivalence conjecture. The properties of the system are further examined by inspecting the complex space singularities in the velocity field of the Burgers equation. Furthermore, an effective theory is proposed to describe the discontinuous transition.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figure

    Laser induced reentrant freezing in two-dimensional attractive colloidal systems

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    The effects of an externally applied one-dimensional periodic potential on the freezing/melting behaviour of two-dimensional systems of colloidal particles with a short-range attractive interaction are studied using Monte Carlo simulations. In such systems, incommensuration results when the periodicity of the external potential does not match the length-scale at which the minimum of the attractive potential occurs. To study the effects of this incommensuration, we consider two different models for the system. Our simulations for both these models show the phenomenon of reentrant freezing as the strength of the periodic potential is varied. Our simulations also show that different exotic phases can form when the strength of the periodic potential is high, depending on the length-scale at which the minimum of the attractive pair-potential occurs.Comment: 24 pages (including figures) in preprint forma

    Study and Comparison of Different Edge Detectors for Image Segmentation

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    Edge detection is very important terminology in image processing and for computer vision. Edge detection is in the forefront of image processing for object detection, so it is crucial to have a good understanding of edge detection operators. In the present study, comparative analyses of different edge detection operators in image processing are presented. It has been observed from the present study that the performance of canny edge detection operator is much better then Sobel, Roberts, Prewitt, Zero crossing and LoG (Laplacian of Gaussian) in respect to the image appearance and object boundary localization. The software tool that has been used is MATLAB

    Stability-indicating RP-HPLC method for simultaneous quantitation of tramadol and aceclofenac in presence of their major degradation products: Method development and validation

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    Primary objective of this study was to develop a stability indicating reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography method for simultaneous quantitation of tramadol and aceclofenac in presence of their degradation products. The drugs were subjected to various International Conference on Harmonization recommended stress conditions, such as acid hydrolysis, alkaline hydrolysis, peroxide oxidation, thermolysis and photolysis. The major degradation products got well resoluted from the analytes in HPLC analysis with a mobile phase composed of a mixture of 0.01 M ammonium acetate buffer (pH 6.5) and acetonitrile (65:35, v/v) through a Phenomenex Gemini C18 (250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 µm particle size) column. The method was linear over a range of 15-60 µg/ ml for tramadol and 40-160 µg/ ml for aceclofenac concentration. The analytes were detected at a wavelength of 270 nm. The method was validated and found to be specific, accurate, precise, stable and robust for its intended use. The method can be recommended for its future use in routine quality control, accelerated and real time stability analysis of the formulations containing tramadol and aceclofenac combination

    Laser-induced freezing in 2-d colloids

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    Dielectric colloid particles prefer occupying the intensity maxima of an applied stationary interference pattern of laser beams. A 2-d system of colloidal liquid freezes to form a triangular lattice structure when the external laser modulation is in 1-d and the period of the intensity maxima is commensurate to that of the triangular lattice. In this article we review our recent simulation results on this phenomenon of laser-induced freezing