3,459 research outputs found

    Polarization observables of the gamma d --> PiNN reaction in the Delta(1232)-resonance region

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    Polarization observables of the three charge states of the pion for the γdπNN\gamma d\to\pi NN reaction with polarized photon beam and/or oriented deuteron target are evaluated over the whole Δ\Delta(1232)-resonance region adopting a nonrelativistic model based on time-ordered perturbation theory. Results for the π\pi-meson spectra, linear photon asymmetry, vector and tensor target asymmetries are presented. Particular attention is given, for the first time, to double polarization asymmetries for which we present results for T20T_{20}^{\ell} and T2±2T_{2\pm 2}^{\ell}. We found that all other double polarization asymmetries of photon and deuteron target are vanished.Comment: 17 Pages, 8 Figures, accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Optimized culture conditions for tissue explants of uterine leiomyoma

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    Background: Uterine leiomyomas are the most common benign tumours in women, which arise from smooth muscle cells of the uterine myometrium and usually are multicentric. In spite of their frequency pathogenesis is widely unknown, mainly due to the absence of a suitable model system. We describe the systematic optimization of culturing leiomyoma tissue explants in an economical and effective ex vivo system. Methods: Different concentrations of oxygen, different media, sera, hormones, and growth factor supplements were tested. Immunohistochemical stainings with antibodies against hormone receptors as well as specifying proliferation and apoptotic indices and real-time PCR were performed. Results: Main parameters for culturing myoma tissue explants were tested for finding an optimal protocol. Standard medium D-MEM-F12 in combination with the use of horse serum in a reduced concentration of 1% turned out to be optimal for these tissue cultures as well as the addition of estradiol and epidermal growth factor EGF to media. Reduced oxygen content in the incubator air showed no positive effect. Conclusions: For culturing tissue explants of uterine leiomyoma several conditions were optimized. The established tissue culture model allows examining the effects of known and potential therapeutic substances and the influence of immune competent cells in the process of tumour formation to find new targets for medical treatmen

    Exploring the antibacterial potential of plant extracts and essential oils against Bacillus thermophilus in beet sugar for enhanced sucrose retention: a comparative assessment and implications

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    Sugar beet is one of the greatest sources for producing sugar worldwide. However, a group of bacteria grows on beets during the storage process, leading to a reduction in sucrose yield. Our study focused on identifying common bacterial species that grow on beets during manufacturing and contribute to sucrose loss. The ultimate goal was to find a potential antibacterial agent from various plant extracts and oils to inhibit the growth of these harmful bacteria and reduce sucrose losses. The screening of bacterial species that grow on beet revealed that a large group of mesophilic bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus xylosus, Enterobacter amnigenus, and Aeromonas species, in addition to a dominant thermophilic species called Bacillus thermophilus, were found to be present during the manufacturing of beets. The application of 20 plant extracts and 13 different oils indicated that the extracts of Geranium gruinum, Datura stramonium, and Mentha spicata were the best antibacterials to reduce the growth of B. thermophilus with inhibition zones equal to 40, 39, and 35 mm, respectively. In contrast, the best active oils for inhibiting the growth of B. thermophilus were Mentha spicata and Ocimum bacilicum, with an inhibitory effect of 50 and 45 mm, respectively. RAPD-PCR with different primers indicated that treating sugar juice with the most effective oils against bacteria resulted in new recombinant microorganisms, confirming their roles as strong antibacterial products. The characterization of Mentha spicata and Ocimum bacilicum oils using GC/MS analysis identified cis-iso pulegone and hexadecanoic acid as the two main bioactive compounds with potential antibacterial activity. An analysis of five genes using DD-PCR that have been affected due to antibacterial activity from the highly effective oil from Mentha spicata concluded that all belonged to the family of protein defense. Our findings indicate that the application of these pure antibacterial plant extracts and oils would minimize the reduction of sucrose during sugar production.Peer Reviewe

    A Uniform Algorithm for All-Speed Shock-Capturing Schemes

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    There are many ideas for developing shock-capturing schemes and their extension for all-speed flow. The representatives of them are Roe, HLL and AUSM families. In this paper, a uniform algorithm is proposed, which expresses three families in the same framework. The algorithm has explicit physical meaning, provides a new angel of understanding and comparing the mechanism of schemes, and may play a great role in the further research. As an example of applying the uniform algorithm, the low-Mach number behaviour of the schemes is analyzed. Then, a very clear and simple explanation is given based on the wall boundary, and a concise rule is proposed to judge whether a scheme has satisfied low-Mach number behaviour


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    This study describes, for the first, the spectrophotometric investigation for the condensation reaction between varenicline (VRC) and cyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-dione (CHDD). The reaction gave a violet-colored product exhibiting maximum absorption peak (λ max ) at 540 nm. The variables affecting the reaction were carefully investigated and the optimum conditions were established. The stoichiometry of the reaction was determined, and the reaction pathway was postulated. This color-developing reaction was employed in the development of microwell plate assay for VRC. In this assay, the reaction was carried out in 96-microwell plate and the absorbance of the colored-product was measured by microwell plate absorbance reader. Under the optimized reaction conditions, Beer's law correlating the absorbance with VRC concentration was obeyed in the range of 5 -100 µg/mL with good correlation coefficient (0.9986). The limits of detection and quantification were 2.29 and 6.95 µg/mL, respectively. The assay showed high precision as the values of relative standard deviations (RSD) did not exceed 2%. No interference was observed from the excipients that are present in VRC-containing tablets. The proposed assay was applied successfully for the determination of VRC in its pharmaceutical tablets with good accuracy and precisions; the label claim percentages were 98.80 ± 1.30%. The results were compared favorably with those of a reference prevalidated method. The proposed assay is practical and valuable in terms of its routine application in determination of VRC in in its bulk and tablets in pharmaceutical quality control laboratories

    Quasi-free π0\pi^0 Photoproduction from the Bound Nucleon

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    Differential cross-sections for quasi-free π0\pi^0 photoproduction from the proton and neutron bound in the deuteron have been measured for Eγ=200400E_\gamma= 200 - 400 MeV at θγlab=136.2\theta^{\rm lab}_\gamma = 136.2^\circ usind the Glasgow photon tagger at MAMI, the Mainz 48 cm \varnothing ×\times 64 cm NaI(Tl) photon detector and the G\"ottingen SENECA recoil detector. For the proton measurements made with both liquid deuterium and liquid hydrogen targets allow direct comparison of "free" π0\pi^0 photoproduction cross-sections as extracted from the bound proton data with experimental free cross sections which are found to be in reasonable agreement below 320 MeV. At higher energies the "free" cross sections extracted from quasifree data are significantly smaller than the experimental free cross sections and theoretical predictions based on multipole analysis. For the first time, "free" neutron cross sections have been extracted in the Δ\Delta-region. They are also in agreement with the predictions from multipole analysis up to 320 MeV and significantly smaller at higher photon energies

    Osjetljiva spektrofotometrijska metoda za određivanje antagonista H2-receptora uz uporabu N-bromsukcinimida i p-aminofenola

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    A simple, accurate and sensitive spectrophotometric method for determination of H2-receptor antagonists: cimetidine (CIM), famotidine (FAM), nizatidine (NIZ), and ranitidine hydrochloride (RAN) has been full developed and validated The method was based on the reaction of these drugs with NBS and subsequent measurement of the excess N-bromosuccinimide by its reaction with p-aminophenol to give a violet colored product (max at 552 nm). Decrease in the absorption intensity (A) of the colored product, due to the presence of the drug, was correlated with its concentration in the sample solution. Different variables affecting the reaction were carefully studied and optimized. Under optimal conditions, linear relationships with good correlation coefficients (0.9988-0.9998) were found between A values and the corresponding concentrations of the drugs in a concentration range of 830, 622, 625, and 420 g mL1 for CIM, FAM, NIZ, and RAN, respectively. Limits of detection were 1.22, 1.01, 1.08, and 0.74 g mL1 for CIM, FAM, NIZ, and RAN, respectively. The method was validated in terms of accuracy, precision, ruggedness, and robustness; the results were satisfactory. The proposed method was successfully applied to the analysis of the above mentioned drugs in bulk substance and in pharmaceutical dosage forms; percent recoveries ranged from 98.5 0.9 to 102.4 0.8% without interference from the common excipients. The results obtained by the proposed method were comparable with those obtained by the official methods.Razvijena je i validirana ispravna, jednostavna i osjetljiva spektrofotometrijska metoda za određivanje antagonista H2-receptora: cimetidina (CIM), famotidina (FAM), nizatidina (NIZ) i ranitidin hidroklorida (RAN). Metoda se temelji na reakciji tih ljekovitih tvari s N-bromsukcinimidom (NBS). Višak N-bromsukcinimida određuje se nakon reakcije s p-aminofenolom s kojim daje ljubičasti produkt (max pri 552 nm). Smanjenje apsorpcijskog intenziteta (A) obojenog produkta, zbog prisutnosti ljekovite tvari korelirano je s njegovom koncentracijom u otopini uzorka. Proučavane su različite varijable koje utječu na reakciju. Linearno koncentracijsko područje za CIM, FAM, NIZ i RAN, s koeficijentom korelacije od 0,9988 do 0,9998, iznosi 830, 622, 625 odnosno 420 g mL1. Granice detekcije bile su 1,23, 1,02, 1,09 i 0,75 g mL1 za CIM, FAM, NIZ, odnosno RAN. Predložena metoda je uspješno primijenjena za analizu navedenih ljekovitih tvari i ljekovitih pripravaka. Nepreciznost od 0,7 do 1,2% i visoka ispravnost (analitički povrat između 98,5 i 102,4%), bez interferencije uobičajenih pomoćnih tvari, ukazuju na dobru analitičku metodu. Rezultati dobiveni predloženom metodom usporedivi su s rezultatima dobivenim službenom metodom