126 research outputs found

    Conservative Treatment Of The Dentigerous Cyst: Report Of Two Cases

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    The purpose of this paper is to present two cases of dentigerous cyst associated to permanent teeth in children treated by conservative techniques. Dentigerous cyst is the most common developmental cysts of the jaws. Conservative treatment is very effective to this entity and aims at eliminating the cystic tissue and preserving the permanent tooth involved in the pathology. Two techniques are described as conservative treatment for these cysts, marsupialization and the decompression. Two children presented with dentigerous cysts. A female child was affected by a large lesion at the right side of the mandible associated to tooth 45. The other lesion arose at the left maxilla associated to tooth 21 of a male child. Each dentigerous cyst promoted severe tooth displacement. The first patient was treated with decompression and the second with marsupialization.1215256Kumar, R., Singh, R.K., Pandey, R.K., Mohammad, S., Ram, H., Inflammatory dentigerous cyst in a ten-year-old child (2012) Natl J Maxillofac Surg, 3, pp. 80-83Pinheiro, R.S., Castro, G.F., Roter, M., Netto, R., Meirelles Jr., V., Janini, M.E., An unusual dentigerous cyst in a young child (2013) Gen Dent, 61, pp. 62-64Picciotti, M., Divece, L., Parrini, S., Pettini, M., Lorenzini, G., Replantation of tooth involved in dentigerous cyst: a case report (2012) Eur J Paediatr Dent, 13, pp. 349-351Marwah, N., Bishen, K.A., Prabha, V., Goenka, P., A conservative approach in the management of inflammatory dentigerous cyst in transitional dentition: a case report (2012) Eur J Paediatr Dent, 13, pp. 349-351Benn, A., Altini, M., Dentigerous cysts of inflammatory origin A clinicopathologic study (1996) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 81, pp. 203-209de Matos, F.R., Nonaka, C.F., Pinto, L.P., de Souza, L.B., de Almeida Freitas, R., Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor: retrospective study of 15 cases with emphasis on histopathologic features (2012) Head Neck Pathol, 6, pp. 430-437Lima, G.S., Fontes, S.T., de Araújo, L.M., Etges, A., Tarquinio, S.B., Gomes, A.P., A survey of oral and maxillofacial biopsies in children: a single-center retrospective study of 20 years in Pelotas-Brazil (2008) J Appl Oral Sci, 16, pp. 397-402Hyomoto, M., Kawakami, M., Inoue, M., Kirita, T., Clinical conditions for eruption of maxillary canines and mandibular premolars associated with dentigerous cysts (2003) Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, 124, pp. 515-520Horowitz, R.A., Giannasca, P.J., Woodcock, C.L., Ultrastructural preservation of nuclei and chromatin: improvement with low-temperature methods (1990) J Microsc, 157, pp. 205-224Benichou, G., Tonsho, M., Tocco, G., Nadazdin, O., Madsen, J.C., Innate immunity and resistance to tolerogenesis in allotransplantation (2012) Front Immunol, 3, p. 73Gervasio, A.M., Silva, D.A., Taketomi, E.A., Souza, C.J., Sung, S.S., Loyola, A.M., Levels of GM-CSF, IL-3, and IL-6 in fluid and tissue from human radicular cysts (2005) J Dent Res, 81, pp. 64-68Takagi, S., Koyama, S., Guided eruption of an impacted second premolar associated with a dentigerous cyst in the maxillary sinus of a 6-year-old child (1999) J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 56, pp. 237-245Miyawaki, S., Hyomoto, M., Tsubauchi, J., Eruption speed and rate of angulation change of a cyst-associated mandibular second premolar after marsupialization of a dentigerous cyst (1999) Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, 116, pp. 578-58

    Quadro hematologico e peso do baço de camundongos com tumor de Ehrlich na forma sólida tratados com Agaricus blazei

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a utilização do Agaricus blazei nas formas de filtrado e suspensão total aquosa (10mg/animal) na terapêutica de camundongos portadores de tumor de Ehrlich sólido, testando sua atividade anti-neoplásica. Os animais tratados diariamente com A. blazei apresentaram valores maiores dos parâmetros hematológicos (eritrograma e leucograma), e peso relativo final do baço quando comparados com o grupo controle (água destilada), porém sem diferença significativa (P>0,05)

    Entropy of chains placed on the square lattice

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    We obtain the entropy of flexible linear chains composed of M monomers placed on the square lattice using a transfer matrix approach. An excluded volume interaction is included by considering the chains to be self-and mutually avoiding, and a fraction rho of the sites are occupied by monomers. We solve the problem exactly on stripes of increasing width m and then extrapolate our results to the two-dimensional limit to infinity using finite-size scaling. The extrapolated results for several finite values of M and in the polymer limit M to infinity for the cases where all lattice sites are occupied (rho=1) and for the partially filled case rho<1 are compared with earlier results. These results are exact for dimers (M=2) and full occupation (\rho=1) and derived from series expansions, mean-field like approximations, and transfer matrix calculations for some other cases. For small values of M, as well as for the polymer limit M to infinity, rather precise estimates of the entropy are obtained.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Cannabinoid receptor 2 modulates maturation of dendritic cells and their capacity to induce hapten-induced contact hypersensitivity

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    Contact hypersensitivity (CHS) is an established animal model for allergic contact dermatitis. Dendritic cells (DCs) play an important role in the sensitization phase of CHS by initiating T cell responses to topically applied haptens. The cannabinoid receptors 1 (CB1) and 2 (CB2) modulate DC functions and inflammatory skin responses, but their influence on the capacity of haptenized DCs to induce CHS is still unknown. We found lower CHS responses to 2,4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene (DNFB) in wild type (WT) mice after adoptive transfer of haptenized Cnr2-/- and Cnr1-/-/Cnr2-/- bone marrow (BM) DCs as compared to transfer of WT DCs. In contrast, induction of CHS was not affected in WT recipients after transfer of Cnr1-/- DCs. In vitro stimulated Cnr2-/- DCs showed lower CCR7 and CXCR4 expression when compared to WT cells, while in vitro migration towards the chemokine ligands was not affected by CB2. Upregulation of MHC class II and co-stimulatory molecules was also reduced in Cnr2-/- DCs. This study demonstrates that CB2 modulates the maturation phenotype of DCs but not their chemotactic capacities in vitro. These findings and the fact that CHS responses mediated by Cnr2-/- DCs are reduced suggest that CB2 is a promising target for the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions.Evelyn Gaffal, Andrea M. Kemter, Stefanie Scheu, Rafael Leite Dantas, Jens Vogt, Bernhard Baune, Thomas Tüting, Andreas Zimmer and Judith Alferin

    Predictors of mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19 and diabetes

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the entire world, and patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have been particularly affected. We aimed to evaluate predictors of mortality during the first 30 days of hospitalization in critically ill patients with COVID-19 and comorbid DM. This prospective study included 110 critically ill patients admitted with COVID-19 infection. Thirty-two (29%) patients had a previous diagnosis of DM. Clinical variables, laboratory tests, and vascular biomarkers, such as VCAM-1, syndecan-1, ICAM-1, angiopoietin-1, and angiopoeitin-2, were evaluated after intensive care unit (ICU) admission. A comparison was made between patients with and without DM. No difference in mortality was observed between the groups (48.7 vs 46.9%, P=0.861). In the multivariate Cox regression analysis, VCAM-1 levels at ICU admission (HR: 1 [1-1.001], P<0.006) were associated with death in patients with DM. Among patients with DM, advanced age (HR 1.063 [1.031-1.096], P<0.001), increased Ang-2/Ang-1 ratio (HR: 4.515 [1.803-11.308] P=0.001), and need for dialysis (HR: 3.489 [1.409-8.642], P=0.007) were independent predictors of death. Higher levels of VCAM-1 in patients with DM was better at predicting death of patients with severe COVID-19 and comorbid DM, and their cut-off values were useful for stratifying patients with a worse prognosis. Vascular biomarkers VCAM-1 and Ang-2/Ang-1 ratio were predictors of death in patients with severe COVID-19 and comorbid DM and those without DM. Additionally, kidney injury was associated with an increased risk of death

    Vegetative development, fruits yield and optimization of pineapple cv. Pérola with different levels of irrigation

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    Apesar de ser uma planta com necessidades hídricas relativamente baixas, o abacaxizeiro tem demanda permanente de água, variável ao longo do ciclo e dependente do seu estádio de desenvolvimento. Assim, objetivou-se analisar volumes de irrigação no desenvolvimento vegetativo, no rendimento da fruta e na otimização do abacaxizeiro cv. Pérola. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Sergipe, município de São Cristóvão (11°01'S, 37°12'W), no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (lâminas de água) (100% da evaporação do tanque Classe A (523,7mm ano-1); 75% da evaporação do tanque Classe A (392,8mm ano-1), 50% da evaporação do tanque Classe A (261,8mm ano-1) e 0% da evaporação do tanque Classe A, seis repetições e 12 plantas úteis por parcela. O sistema de irrigação foi por aspersão convencional disposto em linha, com pressão de 20mca e vazão de 1,33m3 h-1. A área foliar (cm2) mínima atingida de 4552,6cm2 foi observada no volume de água de 122,9mm ano-1, enquanto a massa seca das folhas (147,6g) foi constatada com 17mm ano-1. O máximo comprimento da folha D (88,9cm) foi estimado com 532,7 mm ano-1. Já o máximo comprimento do fruto (23cm) foi observado na lâmina de 296,9mm ano-1. A massa do fruto máxima estimado de 1.736g foi constatado na lâmina de 356,4mm ano-1. No contexto, a irrigação contribui de forma positiva no desenvolvimento vegetativo e rendimento da fruta do abacaxizeiro. Ressalta-se remuneração mensal líquida de R 1.161,17ha-1, quando se adota lâmina de irrigação de 356,4mm ano-1. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: Regardless a relatively low water needs, pineapple fruit has a variable behavior related to water need throughout its biological cycle depending on the development stage. The objective of this work was to analyze irrigation on the vegetative development and fruits yield in pineapple cv. Pérola. The experiment was conducted at the Universidade Federal de Sergipe Experimental Station, at São Cristóvão - SE (11°01'S, 37°12'W), in a randomized block design, with four water level treatments as follow: 100% of Class-A (523.7mm ano-1) evaporation pan; 75% of Class-A (392.8mm ano-1) evaporation pan, 50% of Class-A (261.8mm ano-1) evaporation pan and 0% of Class-A evaporation pan, in six replications and twelve plants per plot. The splinkler watering system of irrigation was installed in a line, with an operating pression of 20 mca and a sprinkler dischrage of 1.33m3h-1. A minimum leaf area of 4552.6cm2 was observed, considering a water level of 122.9mm year-1, while a leaf dry matter was 147.6 g in 17mmyear-1. The maximum leaf length (D) of 88.9cm was estimated considering 532.7mmyear-1. The maximum fruit length of 23cm was observed, considering a water level of 296.9mmyear-1. The maximum estimated fruit weight was 1.736g in a water level of 356.4mm year-1. The irrigation seems to contribute in a positive way to the vegetative development in the pineapple fruit yield. It is important to mention that it could be observed a net profit of R 1,161.17 ha-1, when a water level of 356.4mm ano-1 of irrigation was adopted