2,321 research outputs found

    An M&E mobile based application for Pico PV lighting solutions for the “Kerosene Free Kenya” project

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    Conference paper Izael Pereira Da Silva, Geoffrey Ronoh, David Njugi Maina Ulm, Germany 2013This paper describes the use of a mobile based application used as a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tool to a pilot project supported by the National Council for Science and Technology of Kenya (NCST) which seeks to research best practices and lessons learned in the dissemination of Pico PV systems to rural households in Kenya. In order to overcome the affordability barrier a microfinance institution (MFI) was brought into the system, to properly handle the challenge of access to finance while Lighting Africa will provide standards for the products to be distributed. Many of such pilot system have been used in practically all countries of East Africa. The novelty of the present one is the use of an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) mobile based tool to collect and transmit data. This will make the analysis of the product quality, user experience and faults much simpler and given the two ways relationship between the researchers and the users, consumer satisfaction and product improvement is envisaged to happen in a to date unprecedented manner. As the clients are distributed in a known geographical region, the researchers have provided for the training of technicians to handle repairs and battery replacement locally. As the duration of the project is 2 years, it is expected that the follow up of product performance and life span will be measured way beyond its payback period.This paper describes the use of a mobile based application used as a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tool to a pilot project supported by the National Council for Science and Technology of Kenya (NCST) which seeks to research best practices and lessons learned in the dissemination of Pico PV systems to rural households in Kenya. In order to overcome the affordability barrier a microfinance institution (MFI) was brought into the system, to properly handle the challenge of access to finance while Lighting Africa will provide standards for the products to be distributed. Many of such pilot system have been used in practically all countries of East Africa. The novelty of the present one is the use of an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) mobile based tool to collect and transmit data. This will make the analysis of the product quality, user experience and faults much simpler and given the two ways relationship between the researchers and the users, consumer satisfaction and product improvement is envisaged to happen in a to date unprecedented manner. As the clients are distributed in a known geographical region, the researchers have provided for the training of technicians to handle repairs and battery replacement locally. As the duration of the project is 2 years, it is expected that the follow up of product performance and life span will be measured way beyond its payback period

    Adaptive Platforms and Flexible Deposition System for Big Area Additive Manufacturing (BAAM)

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    The interest around the additive manufacturing is increasing, with more and more solutions at both the industrial and desktop levels. As this is still a relatively recent issue for several industrial areas, there is a clear opportunity to explore in order to optimize the systems in the face of the needs of these same industries, and with increasing times, there are increasing factors to take into ac- count in initial phases of new product development. Presently, there is also a growing ecological awareness, with the concern of implementing a logic of waste reduction and implementation of the circular economy in new products with a view to the valuation of new alternative materials. With the development of solutions aimed at the optimization and feasibility of large additive manufacturing systems, the introduction of new alternative materials will be a reality, presenting in this article a solution and methodology for future tests for new materials. Thus, herein is studied a way of responding to both problems, new ecological materials and BAAM system optimization, presented through a hybrid and flexible solution based on the Pin Bed Forming principle applied to Big Area Additive Manufacturing systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reducing Carbon Emissions in a Third Level Educational Institution in Sub-Sahara Africa

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    The effort to reduce carbon emissions as the arguably most prevalent cause of global warming has been a positive trend in most African countries. One of the most successful strategies towards reaching that goal is the shift from fossil fuel power generation to renewable sources of energy such as wind, hydro, geothermal and solar. As Kenya sits on the equator it enjoys an all year round insolation between 5 and 6 kW/m2/day which is more than double of the average insulation in Germany, a country where solar energy is widely used. Taking advantage of a green line of financial support created by the French Government, Strathmore University embarked in a project to install a 600 kW roof-top, grid connected solar PV system to cater for its electricity needs. Having as a background of the newly instituted Feed-in-Tariff regulation, the system is designed to produce more than the required self-consumption such that the extra power can be sold to the utility via a PPA (power purchase agreement) and the revenue used to pay for the electricity used by the university at night. This paper describes the whole process from the technical, regulatory, educational and financial aspect highlighting the positive and negative events along the path such that it can be useful for other private sector institutions interested in greening their sources of energy, invest in renewable energy and thus reduce their operation costs. The authors have written this work having in mind not only countries in Africa but all other countries which sit in the so called “solar belt”

    The impact of the SERC based solar PV outreach training program in Kenya

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    Paper presented at 39th World Energy Engineering Conference, WEEC 2016In this paper it is described how Strathmore Energy Research Centre developed an outreach project funded by USAID, National Science Foundation (NSF) to empower technical institutions to offer solar courses hence creating a pool of qualified technicians spread throughout the geography of the country. Presently the situation is that Kenya has around 1000 solar technicians working in the market with no formal solar PV training or accreditation. The National Industrial Training Authority ­ NITA, which regulates non­academic skills or craft based training, was helped by this project to develop a PV solar curriculum at three levels (T1/T2/T3) which empowers from craft level technicians to engineers to deal with design, installation and maintenance of PV systems from solar lantern up to utility size level. ERC, the Energy Regulatory Commission for Kenya has supported the initiative as technicians once trained can be accredited by and thus further strength the industry. By June 2016, which is the end of the program, Kenya is to have 1800 accredited technical personnel near almost every major town in the country. The paper describes the positive and negative aspects of this venture

    Combining geographical information systems and input-output models: concept and initial ideas

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    Since the initial input-output (i-o) models conceived by Leontief in the 1930’s, the inputoutput theory has gone through a lot of development at the theoretical as well as applied point of view. However, despite all the progress, there are two points that need further consideration into the analysis, one is with respect to an easy visualization of the information contained in an i-o system and another is related to the spatial dimension of the data. We do not mean that these topics have not been dealt with before, but, here both are combined in a single analysis where the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are use to map and to visualize the i-o models. The data used to illustrate the initial concepts is based in the interregional i-o matrix constructed for six macro regions (Northeast, North, Central West, São Paulo, Rest of the Southeast, and South) of the Brazilian economy for the year of 1999 by Guilhoto et al (2003). The initial applications and analysis are done: a) with the i-o matrix in value terms; and b) with an estimation of impacts on total production, giving changes in the final demand of the households. However, new windows of analysis are open as this information can be combined with models of transportation, spatial data analysis, etc

    Measuring in-situ X-ray scattering of natural rubber biaxial deformation: A new equipment for polymer studies

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    This research is supported by national funds through the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology)/MCTES (PIDDAC) under the projects UIDB/04044/2020, UIDP/04044/2020, Associate Laboratory ARISE LA/P/0112/2020 and PAMI—ROTEIRO/0328/2013 (Nº 022158) and UID/Multi/04044/2013.Understanding biaxial deformation is essential for a more realistic evaluation of rubber elasticity compared to the more usual uniaxial deformation. To study crystallisation occurring during biaxial deformation of natural rubber films, a new simple equipment has been designed and assembled. The equipment, mounted in the beamline of ALBA synchrotron light source facility, allowed the in-situ measurement of X-ray scattering of natural rubber during biaxial deformation. This work provides, for the first time, quantitative information on crystallisation during biaxial extension.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Time and spatially resolved operando small-angle X-ray scattering measurements during injection moulding of plastics

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    We recently introduced the possibility of performing operando small-angle X-ray scattering measurements using a novel industrially relevant injection moulding system for plastics. We show that useful time-resolving measurements can be performed with a time-cycle of 1 s and highlight the possible steps to reduce this to 0.5 s. We show how we can use the transmission measurements to provide a time marker when plastic first enters the mould cavity in the region probed by the incident X-ray beam. We show the opportunities provided by this experimental stage mounted on the NCD-SWEET beamline at ALBA to probe the reproducibility of the injection moulding system on different scales. The design of the equipment allowed for the development of the structure and the morphology to be evaluated in different parts of mould cavity, and we evaluated any differences in a rectangular mould cavity. We identified future prospects for this equipment in terms of novel mould heating and cooling systems and the opportunities for quantitatively evaluating radical approaches to injection moulding technology.This work was financially supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through the following Projects: MIT-EXPL/TDI/0044/2021, UIDB/04044/2020; UIDP/04044/2020; Associate Laboratory ARISE LA/P/0112/2020; PAMI—ROTEIRO/0328/2013 (No. 022158); plus EcoPlast, Materiais compósitos eco-sustentáveis para substituição dos plásticos convencionais, ref POCI-01-0247-FEDER-069002; and INNOV-AM funded by National Agency of Innovation M.A. is grateful for the support received from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain, with the mobility program of the grant “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctoresas 2019”.  Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reversible vancomycin susceptibility within emerging ST1421 Enterococcus faecium strains is associated with rearranged vanA-gene clusters and increased vanA plasmid copy number

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    Vancomycin variable enterococci (VVE) are van-positive enterococci with a vancomycin-susceptible phenotype (VVE-S) that can convert to a resistant phenotype (VVE-R) and be selected for during vancomycin exposure. VVE-R outbreaks have been reported in Canada and Scandinavian countries. The aim of this study was to examine the presence of VVE in whole genome sequenced (WGS) Australian bacteremia Enterococcus faecium (Efm) isolates collected through the Australian Group on Antimicrobial resistance (AGAR) network. Eight potential VVEAus isolates, all identified as Efm ST1421, were selected based on the presence of vanA and a vancomycin-susceptible phenotype. During vancomycin selection, two potential VVE-S harboring intact vanHAX genes, but lacking the prototypic vanRS and vanZ genes, reverted to a resistant phenotype (VVEAus-R). Spontaneous VVEAus-R reversion occurred at a frequency of 4-6 × 10−8 resistant colonies per parent cell in vitro after 48 h and led to high-level vancomycin and teicoplanin resistance. The S to R reversion was associated with a 44-bp deletion in the vanHAX promoter region and an increased vanA plasmid copy number. The deletion in the vanHAX promoter region enables an alternative constitutive promoter for the expression of vanHAX. Acquisition of vancomycin resistance was associated with a low fitness cost compared with the corresponding VVEAus-S isolate. The relative proportion of VVEAus-R vs. VVEAus-S decreased over time in serial passages without vancomycin selection. Efm ST1421 is one of the predominant VanA-Efm multilocus sequence types found across most regions of Australia, and has also been associated with a major prolonged VVE outbreak in Danish hospitals

    Novel proposals for FAIR, automated, recommendable, and robust workflows

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    Funding: This work is partly funded by NSF award OAC-1839900. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under contract number DE-AC02-06CH11357. libEnsemble was developed as part of the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration. This research used resources of the OLCF at ORNL, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725.Lightning talks of the Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS) workshop are a venue where the workflow community (researchers, developers, and users) can discuss work in progress, emerging technologies and frameworks, and training and education materials. This paper summarizes the WORKS 2022 lightning talks, which cover five broad topics: data integrity of scientific workflows; a machine learning-based recommendation system; a Python toolkit for running dynamic ensembles of simulations; a cross-platform, high-performance computing utility for processing shell commands; and a meta(data) framework for reproducing hybrid workflows.Postprin