193 research outputs found

    “It gave me something big in my life to wonder and think about which took over the space … and not MS”: Managing well-being in multiple sclerosis through art-making

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2014 Informa UK Ltd.Background and aim: Individuals living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) often face progressive loss of function, uncertainty and disruption to self-image and valued roles. Previous studies show that creative self-expression is valued by some people living with long-term illness, yet its meaning for people living with MS is unclear. This research study explored the meanings of leisure-based visual art-making for people living with MS. Method: This qualitative study followed guidelines for Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Single semi-structured interviews were conducted with five adults (2 males; 3 females; 40–65 years), recruited from MS Ireland. Findings: Participants valued art-making for contributing to a more satisfying way of life; for filling occupational voids and using time well. Deep immersion offered respite from worry about illness. Creative classes offered social camaraderie and opportunities for learning and development. Art-making processes and products were highly affirmative, increasing emotional well-being and promoting self-worth. Most felt that they expressed valued aspects of self through their art. Art-making appeared to assist with identity maintenance, accommodating functional losses associated with MS whilst opening “new doors”. Conclusion: Art-making offered a multi-faceted means of supporting identity and increasing fulfilment in lives that were restricted in many ways by MS


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    This research aimed to analyze the practices in active methodologies used in health education for the elderly. The sample search was carried out in the LILACS, SciELO, CAPES journals and Google Scholar search databases. Seven articles were selected and their analysis resulted in the categories “the use of active methodologies for teaching health to the elderly” and “the use of the main active methodologies in the training of academics, professionals and caregivers”. Current social demands require teaching methodologies that enable critical, reflective and problematizing training. The need for more research on this topic is suggested, both in the academic sphere and in other teaching contexts, such as health and permanent education. KEYWORDS: Active methodologies; Health; Aged;  Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar las prácticas en metodologías activas utilizadas en la educación sanitaria para los ancianos. La muestra se buscó utilizando las revistas LILACS, SciELO, CAPES y Google Scholar. Se seleccionaron siete artículos y su análisis dio como resultado las categorías "el uso de metodologías activas para enseñar la salud a los ancianos" y "el uso de las principales metodologías activas en la formación de académicos, profesionales y cuidadores". Las demandas sociales actuales requieren metodologías de enseñanza que permitan una capacitación crítica, reflexiva y problemática. Sugerimos la necesidad de más investigación sobre este tema, tanto en el ámbito académico como en otros contextos de enseñanza, como la salud y la educación permanente. PALABRAS CLAVE: Metodologías activas; Salud; Anciano.Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar as práticas em metodologias ativas utilizadas no ensino de saúde do idoso. Realizou-se a busca da amostra nas bases de dados LILACS, SciELO, Periódicos CAPES e buscador Google Scholar. Foram selecionados 07 artigos e sua análise resultou nas categorias “o uso de metodologias ativas para o ensino em saúde ao idoso” e “o uso das principais metodologias ativas na formação de acadêmicos, profissionais e cuidadores”. As demandas sociais atuais exigem metodologias de ensino que possibilitem uma formação crítica, reflexiva e problematizadora. Sugere-se a necessidade de mais pesquisas sobre esse tema, tanto no âmbito acadêmico, quanto em outros contextos de ensino, como a educação em saúde e permanente. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Metodologia ativa; Saúde; Idoso

    The terrestrial evolution of metabolism and life – by the numbers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Allometric scaling relating body mass to metabolic rate by an exponent of the former (<it>Kleiber's Law</it>), commonly known as quarter-power scaling (QPS), is controversial for claims made on its behalf, especially that of its universality for all life. As originally formulated, Kleiber was based upon the study of heat; metabolic rate is quantified in watts (or calories per unit time). Techniques and technology for metabolic energy measurement have been refined but the math has not. QPS is susceptible to increasing deviations from theoretical predictions to data, suggesting that there is no single, universal exponent relevant to all of life. QPS's major proponents continue to fail to make good on hints of the power of the equation for understanding aging.</p> <p>Essentialist-deductivist view</p> <p>If the equation includes a term for efficiency in the exponent, thereby ruling out thermogenesis as part of metabolism, its heuristic power is greatly amplified, and testable deductive inferences are generated. If metabolic rate is measured in watts and metabolic efficiency is a redox-coupling ratio, then the equation is essentially about the energy storage capacity of organic molecules. The equation is entirely about the essentials of all life: water, salt, organic molecules, and energy. The water and salt provide an electrochemical salt bridge for the transmission of energy into and through the organic components. The equation, when graphed, treats the organic structure as battery-like, and relates its recharge rate and electrical properties to its longevity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The equation models the longevity-extending effects of caloric restriction, and shows where those effects wane. It models the immortality of some types of cells, and supports the argument for the origin of life being at submarine volcanic vents and black smokers. It clarifies how early life had to change to survive drifting to the surface, and what drove mutations in its ascent. It does not deal with cause and effect; it deals with variables in the essentials of all life, and treats life as an epiphenomenon of those variables. The equation describes how battery discharge into the body can increase muscle mass, promote fitness, and extend life span, among other issues.</p


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    In this research we approach the use of Active Methodologies in the teaching of Physical Education. The general objective is to know the contributions of the active methodologies in the development of the teaching and learning process in Physical Education classes. The research was elaborated in a critical line of investigation using the qualitative approach. This is a bibliographic study with the steps: choice of theme, preliminary bibliographic survey, interpretative textual analysis and problematization. It is structured in subtopics that discuss the theme. It is noteworthy that the active methodologies are based on ways of developing the learning process, using real or simulated experiences, aiming at the conditions to successfully solve challenges arising from the essential activities of social practice in different contexts, because they are based on teaching strategies based on a critical and reflective pedagogical conception that allow reading and intervention on reality, favoring the interaction between the different actors of the process and valuing a collective construction of knowledge and its different knowledge and learning scenarios. In addition, they are practices that stimulate creativity in building problem solutions and promote freedom in the process of thinking and acting.En esta investigación abordamos el uso de metodologías activas en la enseñanza de la educación física. El objetivo general es conocer las contribuciones de las metodologías activas en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las clases de Educación Física. La investigación se elaboró ​​en una línea crítica de investigación utilizando el enfoque cualitativo. Este es un estudio bibliográfico con los pasos: elección del tema, encuesta bibliográfica preliminar, análisis textual interpretativo y problematización. Está estructurado en subtemas que discuten el tema. Es de destacar que las metodologías activas se basan en formas de desarrollar el proceso de aprendizaje, utilizando experiencias reales o simuladas, apuntando a las condiciones para resolver con éxito los desafíos que surgen de las actividades esenciales de la práctica social en diferentes contextos, porque se basan en Estrategias de enseñanza basadas en una concepción pedagógica crítica y reflexiva que permita la lectura y la intervención sobre la realidad, favoreciendo la interacción entre los diferentes actores del proceso y valorando una construcción colectiva del conocimiento y sus diferentes escenarios de conocimiento y aprendizaje. Además, son prácticas que estimulan la creatividad en la construcción de soluciones a problemas y promueven la libertad en el proceso de pensar y actuar.Nesta pesquisa abordamos o uso das Metodologias Ativas no ensino da Educação Física. O objetivo geral é conhecer quais as contribuições das metodologias ativas no desenvolvimento do processo de ensino e aprendizado nas aulas de Educação Física. A pesquisa foi elaborada em uma linha crítica de investigação a abordagem qualitativa. Trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico com as etapas: escolha do tema, levantamento bibliográfico preliminar, analise textual interpretativa e problematização. Encontra-se estruturado em subtópicos que discorrem acerca da temática. Ressalta-se que as metodologias ativas baseiam-se em formas de desenvolver o processo de aprender, utilizando experiências reais ou simuladas, visando às condições de solucionar com sucesso, desafios advindos das atividades essenciais da prática social em diferentes contextos, pois, se baseiam em estratégias de ensino fundamentadas na concepção pedagógica crítico e reflexiva que permitem leitura e intervenção sobre a realidade favorecendo a interação entre os diversos atores do processo e valorizando uma construção coletiva do conhecimento e de seus diferentes saberes e cenários de aprendizagem. Além disso, são práticas que estimulam a criatividade na construção de soluções de problemas e promovem a liberdade no processo de pensar e agir


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    This research aimed to analyze the practices in active methodologies used in health education for the elderly. The sample search was carried out in the LILACS, SciELO, CAPES journals and Google Scholar search databases. Seven articles were selected and their analysis resulted in the categories “the use of active methodologies for teaching health to the elderly” and “the use of the main active methodologies in the training of academics, professionals and caregivers”. Current social demands require teaching methodologies that enable critical, reflective and problematizing training. The need for more research on this topic is suggested, both in the academic sphere and in other teaching contexts, such as health and permanent education.This research aimed to analyze the practices in active methodologies used in health education for the elderly. The sample search was carried out in the LILACS, SciELO, CAPES journals and Google Scholar search databases. Seven articles were selected and their analysis resulted in the categories “the use of active methodologies for teaching health to the elderly” and “the use of the main active methodologies in the training of academics, professionals and caregivers”. Current social demands require teaching methodologies that enable critical, reflective and problematizing training. The need for more research on this topic is suggested, both in the academic sphere and in other teaching contexts, such as health and permanent education

    Global and regional brain metabolic scaling and its functional consequences

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    Background: Information processing in the brain requires large amounts of metabolic energy, the spatial distribution of which is highly heterogeneous reflecting complex activity patterns in the mammalian brain. Results: Here, it is found based on empirical data that, despite this heterogeneity, the volume-specific cerebral glucose metabolic rate of many different brain structures scales with brain volume with almost the same exponent around -0.15. The exception is white matter, the metabolism of which seems to scale with a standard specific exponent -1/4. The scaling exponents for the total oxygen and glucose consumptions in the brain in relation to its volume are identical and equal to 0.86±0.030.86\pm 0.03, which is significantly larger than the exponents 3/4 and 2/3 suggested for whole body basal metabolism on body mass. Conclusions: These findings show explicitly that in mammals (i) volume-specific scaling exponents of the cerebral energy expenditure in different brain parts are approximately constant (except brain stem structures), and (ii) the total cerebral metabolic exponent against brain volume is greater than the much-cited Kleiber's 3/4 exponent. The neurophysiological factors that might account for the regional uniformity of the exponents and for the excessive scaling of the total brain metabolism are discussed, along with the relationship between brain metabolic scaling and computation.Comment: Brain metabolism scales with its mass well above 3/4 exponen

    The contribution of Swiss scientists to the assessment of energy metabolism

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    Although Switzerland is considered a small country, it has its share in discoveries, inventions and developments for the assessment of energy metabolism. This includes seminal contributions to respiratory and metabolic physiology and to devices for measuring energy expenditure by direct and indirect calorimetry in vivo in humans and small animals (as well as in vitro in organs/tissues), for the purpose of evaluating the basic nutritional requirements. A strong momentum came during World War II when it was necessary to evaluate the energy requirements of soldiers protecting the country by assessing their energy expenditure, as well as to determine the nutritional needs of the Swiss civil population in time of war when food rationing was necessary to ensure national neutrality and independence. A further impetus came in the 1970s at the start of the obesity epidemics, toward a better understanding of the metabolic basis of obesity, ranging from the development of whole-body concepts to molecular mechanisms. In a trip down memory lane, this review focuses on some of the earlier leading Swiss scientists who have contributed to a better understanding of the field


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    In this research we approach the use of Active Methodologies in the teaching of Physical Education. The general objective is to know the contributions of the active methodologies in the development of the teaching and learning process in Physical Education classes. The research was elaborated in a critical line of investigation using the qualitative approach. This is a bibliographic study with the steps: choice of theme, preliminary bibliographic survey, interpretative textual analysis and problematization. It is structured in subtopics that discuss the theme. It is noteworthy that the active methodologies are based on ways of developing the learning process, using real or simulated experiences, aiming at the conditions to successfully solve challenges arising from the essential activities of social practice in different contexts, because they are based on teaching strategies based on a critical and reflective pedagogical conception that allow reading and intervention on reality, favoring the interaction between the different actors of the process and valuing a collective construction of knowledge and its different knowledge and learning scenarios. In addition, they are practices that stimulate creativity in building problem solutions and promote freedom in the process of thinking and acting.En esta investigación abordamos el uso de metodologías activas en la enseñanza de la educación física. El objetivo general es conocer las contribuciones de las metodologías activas en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las clases de Educación Física. La investigación se elaboró ​​en una línea crítica de investigación utilizando el enfoque cualitativo. Este es un estudio bibliográfico con los pasos: elección del tema, encuesta bibliográfica preliminar, análisis textual interpretativo y problematización. Está estructurado en subtemas que discuten el tema. Es de destacar que las metodologías activas se basan en formas de desarrollar el proceso de aprendizaje, utilizando experiencias reales o simuladas, apuntando a las condiciones para resolver con éxito los desafíos que surgen de las actividades esenciales de la práctica social en diferentes contextos, porque se basan en Estrategias de enseñanza basadas en una concepción pedagógica crítica y reflexiva que permita la lectura y la intervención sobre la realidad, favoreciendo la interacción entre los diferentes actores del proceso y valorando una construcción colectiva del conocimiento y sus diferentes escenarios de conocimiento y aprendizaje. Además, son prácticas que estimulan la creatividad en la construcción de soluciones a problemas y promueven la libertad en el proceso de pensar y actuar.In this research we approach the use of Active Methodologies in the teaching of Physical Education. The general objective is to know the contributions of the active methodologies in the development of the teaching and learning process in Physical Education classes. The research was elaborated in a critical line of investigation using the qualitative approach. This is a bibliographic study with the steps: choice of theme, preliminary bibliographic survey, interpretative textual analysis and problematization. It is structured in subtopics that discuss the theme. It is noteworthy that the active methodologies are based on ways of developing the learning process, using real or simulated experiences, aiming at the conditions to successfully solve challenges arising from the essential activities of social practice in different contexts, because they are based on teaching strategies based on a critical and reflective pedagogical conception that allow reading and intervention on reality, favoring the interaction between the different actors of the process and valuing a collective construction of knowledge and its different knowledge and learning scenarios. In addition, they are practices that stimulate creativity in building problem solutions and promote freedom in the process of thinking and acting. &nbsp