4,057 research outputs found

    A Probabilistic Approach for Assessing the Significance of Contextual Variables in Nonparametric Frontier Models: an Application for Brazilian Banks

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    This article presents an empirical application illustrating the use of a nonparametric frontier model relying on a probabilistic definition of the production frontier. The significance of the variable nonperforming loans in productive efficiency is assessed, for a sample of Brazilian banks, using the concepts of condicional and unconditional efficiency measures, in a context where it is not necessary to impose any particular distribution for the production data. The analysis is robust relative to the assumptions of separability.

    Composition and potential utilization of crop residues and forages within the digestive tract of ruminants as predicted by laboratory techniques

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    The purpose of the present research was to determine the nitrogen (N) and mineral composition of selected forages (alfalfa, canarygrass, bromegrass, fescue, whole plant corn silage and elephant grass silage), crop residues (corn, oat, and soybean), and crop residue plant parts, as well as to evaluate the potential utilization of dry matter (DM), N, and some mineral elements, making use of laboratory techniques;The highest concentrations of mineral elements (Ca, K, Mg), determined by the dry ash method, were observed when forage feeds and crop residues were ashed at 550 C for 1.5 h. In general, crop residues were low in crude protein (CP) (\u3c 5%), digestibility of DM (\u3c 50%), P (\u3c .1%), and perhaps some trace elements (Zn, Mn, and Cu). The low content of these nutrients in crop residues is in contrast to the higher level observed in more immature whole-plant forage feeds;Amylase, cellulase and protease enzymes were not effective in solubilizing DM of samples. Pretreating the samples with .2% pepsin-HCl at 40 C, previous to their incubation with cellulase, resulted in increased (P \u3c .01) disappearance of DM and CP. These results were comparable to those obtained with the nylon bag-pepsin technique. However, the amounts of DM solubilized by cellulase enzymes varied with the origin (chemical company) of the enzymes;The nylon bag technique consisted of exposing feeds for digestion in the rumen of fistulated cattle. Repeatable results, comparable to literature values, were obtained using either nylon or dacron cloth of at least 30 micron pore size. In short-term studies (\u3c 24 h), sample weight needed to be kept under 20 mg/cm(\u272) of bag surface area. Inherent losses of particulate matter through the bag cloth varied from 2 to 14%. A correction factor for this efflux of particulate matter was used. Nitrogen, Ca, Zn and Mn disappearance from bags seemed to follow the DM disappearance of the respective feed sample, while that of Mg, P and K appeared to be more related to the water-soluble fraction. The residues remaining in the bag after rumen digestion appeared contaminated with bacteria, at times, based upon the negative disappearance of CP, P, Zn, and Mn of crop residues from nylon bags;Results of laboratory techniques were discussed with respect to in vivo utilization of feeds and crop residues

    Biologia e matemática: um encontro de possibilidades?

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    Com o presente trabalho buscou-se articular saberes de Matemática e Biologia presentes no Ensino Médio brasileiro. Na tessitura teórica, destacaram-se Morin (conhecimento como elaboração complexa), Machado (as redes de saberes) e Lévy (metáfora do hipertexto). Consideramos como eixos para a pesquisa: 1) Possibilitar ações didáticas envolvendo de forma complexa Biologia e Matemática; 2) Biologia e Matemática como objetos de atuação do professor e instrumentos para o estudante elaborar conhecimento. A análise dos resultados permitiu a identificação de duas categorias de integração entre Biologia e Matemática no Ensino Médio: 1) instrumentos matemáticos utilizados para descrever fenômenos biológicos; 2) a Matemática utilizada para a resolução de problemas da Biologia. O trabalho apresenta-se como estudo teórico que apontou temas dos ensinos de Biologia e Matemática no Ensino Médio favorecedores de articulações e ampliação do alcance didático dessas disciplinas no Nível Médio de ensino

    The meat market in Brazil: a partial equilibrium model

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    A partial equilibrium model for the meat market is fit to Brazilian data by three stages least squares. The model is consistent with the data and may be used for simulation purposes. In this context we compare model simulations for the near future with the OECD/ Aglink outlook. To illustrate using the model for simulations in policy assessments, we investigate the effect of a relative increase in corn price on the poultry and pork markets, coeteris paribus.Meat markets, elasticities, three stage least squares, simultaneous system of equations., Agribusiness, C 32,

    A case study of families eligible to The National Family Agriculture Strengthening Program (PRONAF)

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    O estudo analisa 447 estabelecimentos enquadráveis no PRONAF e pertencentes à amostra de 1.806 estabelecimentos da Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Os dados foram coletados em 1997 e 1998, e referem-se ao ano agrícola 1996/97. Foram encontradas 236 famílias com renda líquida negativa, RL < 0, e 211 delas têm renda líquida igual ou maior que zero, RL ≥ 0. O estudo testa a hipótese de que erros de administração e bloqueio à difusão de tecnologia explicam porque os dois grupos são tão diferentes, quanto à renda líquida. Não se rejeitou a hipótese da neutralidade da tecnologia: o grupo de renda líquida negativa tem a função de produção abaixo do outro grupo. Por isso, este grupo (RL≥0 ) desfruta de conhecimentos que o grupo RL < 0 não tem. Foram encontradas muitas falhas na alocação de recursos e escolha de tecnologia. Ainda o grupo de RL < 0 enfrenta restrições à expansão do negócio, pois apresenta retorno constante à escala. Os erros de alocação de recursos exigem competência em administração rural para solucioná-los. Assim, o treinamento dos extensionistas tem que enfatizar a administração rural. O crédito rural tem que ter, como visão do negócio, o estabelecimento, e não se limitar a financiar tão somente novas tecnologias. O montante do empréstimo deve nascer do planejamento do estabelecimento. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe paper studies the sub-sample of 447 farms entitled to the benefits of PRONAF, the Brazilian federal government's credit programme for smallholder families, part of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation's sample of 1806 farms in nine regions of the country. From those 447 farms, 236 have negative net income ( RL < 0 ) and 211 are in the class of non-negative net income ( RL ≥ 0 ). The data were collected in 1997 and 1998, referring to the July1996/June1997 farm year. This paper's central hypothesis is that negative net income is explained by farm mismanagement and restricted knowledge diffusion. Another hypothesis is that technology is neutral, in the sense that the production function of the negative net income group is below that of the non-negative group. Thus, group RL < 0 does not have access to the same type of knowledge as group RL ≥ 0 , with a number of flaws being found in resource allocation and technology choice. Also, this group's expansion of farm activities is hindered by constant returns to scale. Sound knowledge of farm management is required to improve resource allocation, which implies training rural extension professionals to cope with farm management problems. Furthermore, the rural credit system needs to view the farm as whole, and should not be limited to financing only new technology. Instead, loan amounts must be a consequence of farm planning


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    ABSTRACT The text dialogues with images and scriptures that on the images and texts that expose the dynamics of the signs and the circulation and production of senses by young people fulfilling educational measures for violation of law in the Social and Educacion Service Center (Case), Palmas-TO. The present study is a part of an investigation that focusing the dialogue between the present signs on the walls, hallways, bathrooms cells and formal educational spaces in existing organizations working with young people and units of the adults prison system. The activitiy was developed in 2014 to present date, taking as starting point technical visits in the Case, recognition of circulation spaces of images and scriptures, snapshots and analysis from the contribution of semiotics and communication studies. It seeks with the text contribute to communication, education and law researchers expand the understanding of those spaces whose walls talks to each other .RESUMEN El presente texto dialoga con las imágenes y escritos que estan exponen la dinâmica de los signos y la circulación y la producción de sentidos hecha los jóvenes que cumplen medidas correlacionales en el Centro de Servidos Sociales y Educación (Case), Palmas-TO. El presente estúdio forma parte de una investigación sobre los diálogos de los signos en los muros , pasillos, bahos células y los espacios educativos formales en las organizaciones existentes para los jóvenes y las unidades dei sistema de prision de personas adultas. La actividad fué desarrollada en 2014 hasta la presente fecha, teniendo como punto de partida visitas técnicas en el Case, el reconocimiento de los espacios de circulación de imágenes y escrituras , las tomas de instantâneas fotográficas y el análisis bajo la contribución de la semiótica y losO texto reflete sobre as imagens e textos que expressam as dinâmicas dos signos em circulação e produção de sentidos de jovens infratores internados no Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo (Case) de Palmas - TO. A realização do estudo é parte de pesquisa mais abrangente sobre os diálogos entre os signos presentes nas paredes, corredores, banheiros, celas e espaços educativos formais existentes nas organizações que trabalham com jovens infratores e unidades do sistema prisional de adultos. O trabalho foi realizado no período de 2014-16, a partir de visitas técnicas no Case, reconhecimento dos espaços de circulação das imagens e textos, tomadas fotográficas e análise a partir da contribuição de estudos semióticos e comunicacionais. Busca-se com o texto contribuir para que mais estudiosos da comunicação, educação e direito possam ampliar o entendimento sobre esses espaços cujas paredes falam entre si. &nbsp