343 research outputs found

    Destabilization of Ag nanoislands on Ag(100) by adsorbed sulfur

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    Sulfur accelerates coarsening of Ag nanoislands on Ag(100) at 300 K, and this effect is enhanced with increasing sulfur coverage over a range spanning a few hundredths of a monolayer, to nearly 0.25 monolayers. We propose that acceleration of coarsening in this system is tied to the formation of AgS2 clusters primarily at step edges. These clusters can transport Ag more efficiently than can Ag adatoms (due to a lower diffusion barrier and comparable formation energy). The mobility of isolated sulfur on Ag(100) is very low so that formation of the complex is kinetically limited at low sulfur coverages, and thus enhancement is minimal. However, higher sulfur coverages force the population of sites adjacent to step edges, so that formation of the cluster is no longer limited by diffusion of sulfur across terraces. Sulfur exerts a much weaker effect on the rate of coarsening on Ag(100) than it does on Ag(111). This is consistent with theory, which shows that the difference between the total energy barrier for coarsening with and without sulfur is also much smaller on Ag(100) than on Ag(111)

    Gênero, sexo e corpos trans: um relato de experiência de extensão universitária a partir da construção de um grupo de apoio e militância com travestis e transexuais.

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    Este artigo apresenta uma interface conta de extensão universitária em pesquisa com travestis e transexuais. O artigo destaca a extensão universitária como uma estratégia relevante para as relações entre universidades, da sociedade e do Estado. Salienta a importância deste tipo de trabalho com pessoas vulneráveis

    Por onde circulam os corpos invisíveis? Intersecções entre população em situação de rua e gêneros dissidentes no acesso institucional urbano

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    No Brasil, historicamente a população negra e indígena sofreu violências que as colocaram em uma posição de subalternidade, de modo a produzir diferentes posições de sujeitos de (sem) direitos. Nos diais atuais, esse processo histórico, político e social possibilitou, através da noção de direito neoliberal no país durante o período de redemocratização, que essas pessoas historicamente a margem ocupassem uma nova posição de sujeito – a de população em situação de rua. Além disso, o Brasil é o país que apresenta grande índice de violência contra a população travesti e transexual. Desse modo, esse trabalho, com base na perspectiva interseccional feminista, busca uma articulação entre os marcadores sociais de classe, raça e gênero, de modo a problematizar as limitações dos acessos institucionais que pessoas travestis e transexuais em situação de rua vivenciam no município. Realizou-se uma observação flutuante, consoante com os pressupostos da etnografia, nas instituições em que tais sujeitos circulavam na cidade. Através disso, foi elaborado um diário de campo com impressões e falas, analisados sob a ótica metodológica da análise do discurso de Foucault. Como resultado, pode-se destacar o papel normatizador e repressor da polícia em reiterar  posição subalterna desses sujeitos, a lógica caritativa que atravessa os serviços de assistência social no município e a falta de conhecimento acerca do gênero enquanto construção social pelos/as profissionais. Além disso, há apontamentos acerca de diferentes modos de subjetivação de tais pessoas, que não se reconhecem nem como transexual nem como travesti

    Decoherence of matter waves by thermal emission of radiation

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    Emergent quantum technologies have led to increasing interest in decoherence - the processes that limit the appearance of quantum effects and turn them into classical phenomena. One important cause of decoherence is the interaction of a quantum system with its environment, which 'entangles' the two and distributes the quantum coherence over so many degrees of freedom as to render it unobservable. Decoherence theory has been complemented by experiments using matter waves coupled to external photons or molecules, and by investigations using coherent photon states, trapped ions and electron interferometers. Large molecules are particularly suitable for the investigation of the quantum-classical transition because they can store much energy in numerous internal degrees of freedom; the internal energy can be converted into thermal radiation and thus induce decoherence. Here we report matter wave interferometer experiments in which C70 molecules lose their quantum behaviour by thermal emission of radiation. We find good quantitative agreement between our experimental observations and microscopic decoherence theory. Decoherence by emission of thermal radiation is a general mechanism that should be relevant to all macroscopic bodies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Renormalization approach for quantum-dot structures under strong alternating fields

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    We develop a renormalization method for calculating the electronic structure of single and double quantum dots under intense ac fields. The nanostructures are emulated by lattice models with a clear continuum limit of the effective-mass and single-particle approximations. The coupling to the ac field is treated non-perturbatively by means of the Floquet Hamiltonian. The renormalization approach allows the study of dressed states of the nanoscopic system with realistic geometries as well arbitrary strong ac fields. We give examples of a single quantum dot, emphasizing the analysis of the effective-mass limit for lattice models, and double-dot structures, where we discuss the limit of the well used two-level approximation.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Decoherence in trapped ions due to polarization of the residual background gas

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    We investigate the mechanism of damping and heating of trapped ions associated with the polarization of the residual background gas induced by the oscillating ions themselves. Reasoning by analogy with the physics of surface electrons in liquid helium, we demonstrate that the decay of Rabi oscillations observed in experiments on 9Be+ can be attributed to the polarization phenomena investigated here. The measured sensitivity of the damping of Rabi oscillations with respect to the vibrational quantum number of a trapped ion is also predicted in our polarization model.Comment: 26 pdf pages with 5 figures, http://www.df.ufscar.br/~quantum

    Reactive Nitrogen, Ozone and Ozone Production in the Arctic Troposphere and the Impact of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange

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    We analyze the aircraft observations obtained during the Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellite (ARCTAS) mission together with the GEOS-5 CO simulation to examine O3 and NOy in the Arctic and sub-Arctic region and their source attribution. Using a number of marker tracers and their probability density distributions, we distinguish various air masses from the background troposphere and examine their contribution to NOx, O3, and O3 production in the Arctic troposphere. The background Arctic troposphere has mean O3 of approximately 60 ppbv and NOx of approximately 25 pptv throughout spring and summer with CO decreases from approximately 145 ppbv in spring to approximately 100 ppbv in summer. These observed CO, NOx and O3 mixing ratios are not notably different from the values measured during the 1988 ABLE-3A and the 2002 TOPSE field campaigns despite the significant changes in the past two decades in processes that could have changed the Arctic tropospheric composition. Air masses associated with stratosphere-troposphere exchange are present throughout the mid and upper troposphere during spring and summer. These air masses with mean O3 concentration of 140-160 ppbv are the most important direct sources of O3 in the Arctic troposphere. In addition, air of stratospheric origin is the only notable driver of net O3 formation in the Arctic due to its sustainable high NOx (75 pptv in spring and 110 pptv in summer) and NOy (approximately 800 pptv in spring and approximately 1100 pptv in summer) levels. The ARCTAS measurements present observational evidence suggesting significant conversion of nitrogen from HNO3 to NOx and then to PAN (a net formation of approximately 120 pptv PAN) in summer when air of stratospheric origin is mixed with tropospheric background during stratosphere-to-troposphere transport. These findings imply that an adequate representation of stratospheric O3 and NOy input are essential in accurately simulating O3 and NOx photochemistry as well as the atmospheric budget of PAN in tropospheric chemistry transport models of the Arctic. Anthropogenic and biomass burning pollution plumes observed during ARCTAS show highly elevated hydrocarbons and NOy (mostly in the form of NOx and PAN), but do not contribute significantly to O3 in the Arctic troposphere except in some of the aged biomass burning plumes sampled during spring. Convection and/or lightning influences are negligible sources of O3 in the Arctic troposphere but can have significant impacts in the upper troposphere in the continental sub-Arctic during summer