42 research outputs found

    Selection of sugarcane families and parents by Reml/Blup.

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    Were evaluated 113 full-sib families obtained by unbalanced diallel matings in three experiments in an augmented block design (ABD) planted side by side in the same area. The individual and joint analyses of the experiments were performed by the Reml/Blup method. The use of the ABD without replication did not prove adequate in experiments of family selection owing to the low heritability estimate at the level of family means in comparison to the joint analysis of the three experiments. The results presented predominance of the additive effects for all evaluated traits: number of stalks, tons of stalks per hectare and mean stalk weight. The components of estimated means via Blup allowed the selection of families and superior parents

    O sistema de cotas raciais para negros nas universidades públicas brasileiras

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    Este trabalho propõe como tema de estudo a lei de cotas raciais, em especial as cotas para negros nas universidades públicas brasileiras. O estudo trata do princípio da igualdade, sua diferenciação em igualdade material e formal e a análise deste princípio na Constituição Federal. Após, fez-se uma observação da desigualdade racial no Brasil, distinção entre preconceito e discriminação, a fundamentação teórica das ações afirmativas, bem como a origem e a conceituação do sistema de cotas raciais. Buscou-se, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, leis e normas, estudar sobre o tema principal deste trabalho: O sistema de cotas nas universidades públicas brasileiras. Por fim, abordaram-se os argumentos contrários e favoráveis à implementação de cotas raciais no sistema jurídico brasileiro. O trabalho proporciona maior conhecimento sobre o tema, que é polêmico e atual e tem por intuito fomentar a discussão da matéria. Palavras-chave: Cotas raciais para negros. Discriminação. Ações afirmativas. Princípio da igualdade

    Tratamento de sementes com doses do bioestimulante à base de algas/ Seed treatment with doses of algae-based biostimulant

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    Grande parte dos trabalhos realizados com bioestimulantes em soja utilizam produtos sintéticos e/ou aplicações via foliar, entretanto pouco se conhece sobre a aplicação no tratamento de sementes de soja com produtos derivados de compostos naturais, como os derivados de extrato de algas. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de doses de um bioestimulante, derivado de extratos de algas, Radifarm®, na germinação e vigor das sementes, nas trocas gasosas e na nodulação de plantas de soja. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação e em laboratório. Adotou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com seis e quatro repetições, respectivamente, ambos com quatro tratamentos, correspondendo as doses do bioestimulante: 0,00; 0,05; 0,10; e 0,15 L 100 kg sementes-1. Observou-se aumento no comprimento da parte aérea das plantas e aumento na germinação das sementes com aumento da dose do bioestimulante até 0,09 L 100 kg sementes-1. Não foram constatados efeitos do bioestimulante nas trocas gasosas e na nodulação das plantas de soja. Por outro lado, o aumento das doses em condições de deterioração das sementes, ocasionou redução no percentual de plântulas normais. Em geral, o bioestimulanteapresentou potencial para uso no tratamento de sementes de soja

    Major approaches on the nutrition and gut microbiota to health skin: a systematic review

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    Introduction: In the scenario of dermatological diseases. All other cutaneous and subcutaneous diseases accounted for 0.124% of the total. In this sense, several predictors can influence the composition of the microbiome. The composition of the diet modulates the GM balance, influencing the inflammatory response. One of the first dermatoses in which the positive influence of the use of probiotics was perceived was atopic dermatitis bacteria are very important and, when the lesions worsen, an imbalance in the microbiota is detected. In psoriasis, the use of probiotics seems to help by reducing skin inflammation. Objective: To carry out a concise systematic review of the main relationships of the nutrition-gut microbiota-skin axis, highlighting the importance of nutrology and gut microbiota for dermatological health. Methods: The research was carried out from June 2021 to July 2021 and developed based on Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar, following the Systematic Review-PRISMA rules. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: It was found that in the context of the interaction of nutritional health, metabolism encompasses the interactions between diet, microbiota, and cellular enzymatic processes that generate the chemical pathways necessary to maintain life. For the understanding of the regulatory processes that involve the nutrition-gut microbiota-skin axis, chronic inflammation is a crucial factor for the development of autoimmune diseases. For example, pathological T cells residing in the skin of patients with psoriasis produce excess IL-17 in response to IL-23, triggering the production of pro-inflammatory mediators IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, TNF- α, and keratinocyte chemoattractants. The interaction of hormonal, neuronal, and inflammatory signaling has a major impact on skin health. Conclusion: Several studies have scientifically demonstrated the important relationship between GM and adequate nutrition for the establishment of the nutrition-gut microbiota-skin axis, highlighting the management of dermatoses with probiotics and prebiotics, as well as changes in lifestyle

    Biostimulants derived from Ascophyllum nodosum associated of glyphosate in agronomic characteristics of soybean RR

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    O glyphosate é o principal herbicida no controle de plantas daninhas na soja. Porém, sintomas de fitointoxicação após a aplicação desse herbicida são relatados na soja RR. Neste contexto os bioestimulantes podem potencializar as atividades metabólicas da planta em função dos biorreguladores, aminoácidos e nutrientes presentes em sua formulação, tornando-se uma alternativa para minimizar os efeitos fitotóxicos do glyphosate. Dessa forma o objetivo deste trabalho foi o conhecer os efeitos do uso de bioestimulantes, derivados de Ascophyllum nodosum, associados ao herbicida glyphosate nos incrementos das características agronômicas da cultura da soja. Para isso, conduziu-se um experimento na safra 2014/15 em Montividiu-GO com treze tratamentos, resultantes da combinação dos bioestimulantes MC Extra, MC Cream e Megafol com o herbicida glyphosate (Roundup Transorb). Os resultados permitiram concluir que a aplicação conjunta, no estádio de cinco trifólios desenvolvidos, do herbicida com o MC Extra e com o Megafol proporcionaram maiores incrementos na produtividade de grãos da soja. Já o MC Cream proporcionou maior produtividade de grãos aos quinze dias após a aplicação do glyphosate. Assim, os bioestimulantes comprovaram o potencial de uso na cultura da soja.Glyphosate is the main herbicide in weed control in soybean. However, phytotoxicity symptoms after application of this herbicide are reported in RR soybean. In this context, biostimulants can potentiate the metabolic activities of the plant in function of the bioregulators, amino acids and nutrients present in its formulation, becoming an alternative to minimize the phytotoxic effects of glyphosate. Thus, the objective of this work was to identify the use of biostimulants, derived from Ascophyllum nodosum, associated to the herbicide glyphosate in the increments of the agronomic characteristics of the soybean crop. For this, an experiment was conducted in the 2014/15 harvest in Montividiu-GO with thirteen treatments, resulting from the combination of biostimulants MC Extra, MC Cream and Megafol with the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup Transorb). The results allowed us to conclude that the five-year combined application of the herbicide with MC Extra and Megafol provided greater increases in grain yield of soybean. MC Cream provided higher grain yield at 15 days after application of glyphosate. Thus, the biostimulants proved the potential of use in the soybean crop

    Residual biomass potential of commercial and pre-commercial sugarcane cultivars

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is an efficient and sustainable alternative for energy generation compared to non-renewable sources. Currently, during the mechanized harvest process, the straw left in the field can be used in part for the second generation ethanol and increasing the electric energy production. Thus, this study aimed to provide information on the potential for residual biomass cultivars of sugarcane cropping system. This study provides the following information: yield of straw, depending on the calculated leaf area index and the number of tillers per linear meter; primary energy production of several sugarcane genotypes; contribution of dry tops and leaves; biomass yield; and evaluation of fiber, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Preliminary results obtained by researchers of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and reCviews related studies are presented. The results suggest that the production of sugarcane straw content varies according to the cultivars; the greater mass of sugarcane straw is in the top leaves and that the potential for the crude energy production of sugarcane per area unit can be increased using fiber-rich species or species that produce more straw. The straw indexes was shown to be a good indicator and allow the estimation of straw volumes generated in a sugarcane crop. The cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin composition in sugarcane is distinct among varieties. Therefore, it is possible to develop distinct biomass materials for energy production and for the development of sugarcane mills using biochemical processes and thermal routes