596 research outputs found

    Scaling and self-averaging in the three-dimensional random-field Ising model

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    We investigate, by means of extensive Monte Carlo simulations, the magnetic critical behavior of the three-dimensional bimodal random-field Ising model at the strong disorder regime. We present results in favor of the two-exponent scaling scenario, ηˉ=2η\bar{\eta}=2\eta, where η\eta and ηˉ\bar{\eta} are the critical exponents describing the power-law decay of the connected and disconnected correlation functions and we illustrate, using various finite-size measures and properly defined noise to signal ratios, the strong violation of self-averaging of the model in the ordered phase.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    The three-dimensional random field Ising magnet: interfaces, scaling, and the nature of states

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    The nature of the zero temperature ordering transition in the 3D Gaussian random field Ising magnet is studied numerically, aided by scaling analyses. In the ferromagnetic phase the scaling of the roughness of the domain walls, wLζw\sim L^\zeta, is consistent with the theoretical prediction ζ=2/3\zeta = 2/3. As the randomness is increased through the transition, the probability distribution of the interfacial tension of domain walls scales as for a single second order transition. At the critical point, the fractal dimensions of domain walls and the fractal dimension of the outer surface of spin clusters are investigated: there are at least two distinct physically important fractal dimensions. These dimensions are argued to be related to combinations of the energy scaling exponent, θ\theta, which determines the violation of hyperscaling, the correlation length exponent ν\nu, and the magnetization exponent β\beta. The value β=0.017±0.005\beta = 0.017\pm 0.005 is derived from the magnetization: this estimate is supported by the study of the spin cluster size distribution at criticality. The variation of configurations in the interior of a sample with boundary conditions is consistent with the hypothesis that there is a single transition separating the disordered phase with one ground state from the ordered phase with two ground states. The array of results are shown to be consistent with a scaling picture and a geometric description of the influence of boundary conditions on the spins. The details of the algorithm used and its implementation are also described.Comment: 32 pp., 2 columns, 32 figure

    Percolation in Directed Scale-Free Networks

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    Many complex networks in nature have directed links, a property that affects the network's navigability and large-scale topology. Here we study the percolation properties of such directed scale-free networks with correlated in- and out-degree distributions. We derive a phase diagram that indicates the existence of three regimes, determined by the values of the degree exponents. In the first regime we regain the known directed percolation mean field exponents. In contrast, the second and third regimes are characterized by anomalous exponents, which we calculate analytically. In the third regime the network is resilient to random dilution, i.e., the percolation threshold is p_c->1.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, 2 fig

    Quasi-long-range order in the random anisotropy Heisenberg model: functional renormalization group in 4-\epsilon dimensions

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    The large distance behaviors of the random field and random anisotropy O(N) models are studied with the functional renormalization group in 4-\epsilon dimensions. The random anisotropy Heisenberg (N=3) model is found to have a phase with the infinite correlation radius at low temperatures and weak disorder. The correlation function of the magnetization obeys a power law < m(x) m(y) >\sim |x-y|^{-0.62\epsilon}. The magnetic susceptibility diverges at low fields as \chi \sim H^{-1+0.15\epsilon}. In the random field O(N) model the correlation radius is found to be finite at the arbitrarily weak disorder for any N>3. The random field case is studied with a new simple method, based on a rigorous inequality. This approach allows one to avoid the integration of the functional renormalization group equations.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX; a minor change in the list of reference

    Tailoring Anderson localization by disorder correlations in 1D speckle potentials

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    We study Anderson localization of single particles in continuous, correlated, one-dimensional disordered potentials. We show that tailored correlations can completely change the energy-dependence of the localization length. By considering two suitable models of disorder, we explicitly show that disorder correlations can lead to a nonmonotonic behavior of the localization length versus energy. Numerical calculations performed within the transfer-matrix approach and analytical calculations performed within the phase formalism up to order three show excellent agreement and demonstrate the effect. We finally show how the nonmonotonic behavior of the localization length with energy can be observed using expanding ultracold-atom gases

    Extragalactic jets on subpc and large scales

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    Jets can be probed in their innermost regions (d~0.1 pc) through the study of the relativistically-boosted emission of blazars. On the other extreme of spatial scales, the study of structure and dynamics of extragalactic relativistic jets received renewed impulse after the discovery, made by Chandra, of bright X-ray emission from regions at distances larger than hundreds of kpc from the central engine. At both scales it is thus possible to infer some of the basic parameters of the flow (speed, density, magnetic field intensity, power). After a brief review of the available observational evidence, I discuss how the comparison between the physical quantities independently derived at the two scales can be used to shed light on the global dynamics of the jet, from the innermost regions to the hundreds of kpc scale.Comment: Proceedings of the 5th Stromlo Symposium: Disks, Winds, and Jets - from Planets to Quasars. Accepted, to be published in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Problem formulation for truth-table invariant cylindrical algebraic decomposition by incremental triangular decomposition

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    Cylindrical algebraic decompositions (CADs) are a key tool for solving problems in real algebraic geometry and beyond. We recently presented a new CAD algorithm combining two advances: truth-table invariance, making the CAD invariant with respect to the truth of logical formulae rather than the signs of polynomials; and CAD construction by regular chains technology, where first a complex decomposition is constructed by refining a tree incrementally by constraint. We here consider how best to formulate problems for input to this algorithm. We focus on a choice (not relevant for other CAD algorithms) about the order in which constraints are presented. We develop new heuristics to help make this choice and thus allow the best use of the algorithm in practice. We also consider other choices of problem formulation for CAD, as discussed in CICM 2013, revisiting these in the context of the new algorithm

    A content analysis in reverse logistics: a review

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review in the various publications on the concept of Reverse Logistics (RL) and the related areas within the period 1998-2012. The content analysis approach has been opted to collect the relevant information from different books, journals, and conferences. A broad review of literature in RL from its emergence until the recent discussions have been analyzed and compared in this research. The findings show that, the theoretical construct in RL has been initiated from the conjunction features in the waste management and logistics activities. This idea had been developed by introducing the new term as RL and its definitions and contents such as the activities; key drivers; barriers to use; material flow, and networks in RL. Furthermore, the findings present the various modelling in different aspects of RL, for instance, the mathematical modelling by applying the existence methods in Multi Attribute Decision-Making Models (MADM). In addition, the environmental concerns and governmental legislatives matters and impacts, which have been highlighted, recently, on RL have been deliberated. Hence, this paper would assist the researchers and practitioners to obtain a broad review of RL in the last decade and, also provide an agenda for the future researches

    Revisiting the scaling of the specific heat of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model

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    We revisit the scaling behavior of the specific heat of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model with a Gaussian distribution of the disorder. Exact ground states of the model are obtained using graph-theoretical algorithms for different strengths = 268 3 spins. By numerically differentiating the bond energy with respect to h, a specific-heat-like quantity is obtained whose maximum is found to converge to a constant in the thermodynamic limit. Compared to a previous study following the same approach, we have studied here much larger system sizes with an increased statistical accuracy. We discuss the relevance of our results under the prism of a modified Rushbrooke inequality for the case of a saturating specific heat. Finally, as a byproduct of our analysis, we provide high-accuracy estimates of the critical field hc = 2.279(7) and the critical exponent of the correlation exponent ν = 1.37(1), in excellent agreement to the most recent computations in the literature

    Physics of Solar Prominences: I - Spectral Diagnostics and Non-LTE Modelling

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    This review paper outlines background information and covers recent advances made via the analysis of spectra and images of prominence plasma and the increased sophistication of non-LTE (ie when there is a departure from Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium) radiative transfer models. We first describe the spectral inversion techniques that have been used to infer the plasma parameters important for the general properties of the prominence plasma in both its cool core and the hotter prominence-corona transition region. We also review studies devoted to the observation of bulk motions of the prominence plasma and to the determination of prominence mass. However, a simple inversion of spectroscopic data usually fails when the lines become optically thick at certain wavelengths. Therefore, complex non-LTE models become necessary. We thus present the basics of non-LTE radiative transfer theory and the associated multi-level radiative transfer problems. The main results of one- and two-dimensional models of the prominences and their fine-structures are presented. We then discuss the energy balance in various prominence models. Finally, we outline the outstanding observational and theoretical questions, and the directions for future progress in our understanding of solar prominences.Comment: 96 pages, 37 figures, Space Science Reviews. Some figures may have a better resolution in the published version. New version reflects minor changes brought after proof editin