634 research outputs found

    Depinning with dynamic stress overshoots: A hybrid of critical and pseudohysteretic behavior

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    A model of an elastic manifold driven through a random medium by an applied force F is studied focussing on the effects of inertia and elastic waves, in particular {\it stress overshoots} in which motion of one segment of the manifold causes a temporary stress on its neighboring segments in addition to the static stress. Such stress overshoots decrease the critical force for depinning and make the depinning transition hysteretic. We find that the steady state velocity of the moving phase is nevertheless history independent and the critical behavior as the force is decreased is in the same universality class as in the absence of stress overshoots: the dissipative limit which has been studied analytically. To reach this conclusion, finite-size scaling analyses of a variety of quantities have been supplemented by heuristic arguments. If the force is increased slowly from zero, the spectrum of avalanche sizes that occurs appears to be quite different from the dissipative limit. After stopping from the moving phase, the restarting involves both fractal and bubble-like nucleation. Hysteresis loops can be understood in terms of a depletion layer caused by the stress overshoots, but surprisingly, in the limit of very large samples the hysteresis loops vanish. We argue that, although there can be striking differences over a wide range of length scales, the universality class governing this pseudohysteresis is again that of the dissipative limit. Consequences of this picture for the statistics and dynamics of earthquakes on geological faults are briefly discussed.Comment: 43 pages, 57 figures (yes, that's a five followed by a seven), revte

    On the Problem of Multiple M2 Branes

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    A simplified version of 3d BL theory is considered, which allows any number N of M2 branes in d=11. The underlying 3-algebra structure is provided by degenerate U(N) Nambu bracket [X,Y,Z] = tr(X) [Y,Z] + tr(Y) [Z,X] + tr(Z) [X,Y], the corresponding f^{abcd} is not totally antisymmetric and extended supersymmetry of the action remains to be checked. All the fields, including auxiliary non-propagating gauge fields, are in adjoint representation of SU(N) and the only remnant of 3-algebra structure is an octuple of gauge singlets, acquiring vacuum expectation value in transition to D2 branes in d=10.Comment: 12 page

    Higher correlations, universal distributions and finite size scaling in the field theory of depinning

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    Recently we constructed a renormalizable field theory up to two loops for the quasi-static depinning of elastic manifolds in a disordered environment. Here we explore further properties of the theory. We show how higher correlation functions of the displacement field can be computed. Drastic simplifications occur, unveiling much simpler diagrammatic rules than anticipated. This is applied to the universal scaled width-distribution. The expansion in d=4-epsilon predicts that the scaled distribution coincides to the lowest orders with the one for a Gaussian theory with propagator G(q)=1/q^(d+2 \zeta), zeta being the roughness exponent. The deviations from this Gaussian result are small and involve higher correlation functions, which are computed here for different boundary conditions. Other universal quantities are defined and evaluated: We perform a general analysis of the stability of the fixed point. We find that the correction-to-scaling exponent is omega=-epsilon and not -epsilon/3 as used in the analysis of some simulations. A more detailed study of the upper critical dimension is given, where the roughness of interfaces grows as a power of a logarithm instead of a pure power.Comment: 15 pages revtex4. See also preceding article cond-mat/030146

    Constraining Maximally Supersymmetric Membrane Actions

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    We study the recent construction of maximally supersymmetric field theory Lagrangians in three spacetime dimensions that are based on algebras with a triple product. Assuming that the algebra has a positive definite metric compatible with the triple product, we prove that the only non-trivial examples are either the well known case based on a four dimensional algebra or direct sums thereof.Comment: 11 pages, very minor changes. Reference added. Version to be published in JHE

    Critical fields on the M5-brane and noncommutative open strings

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    The M5-brane is investigated near critical field-strength. We show that this limit on the M5-brane reduces to the noncommutative open string limit on the D4-brane. The reduction on a two-torus leads to both the noncommutative open string limit and the noncommutative Yang-Mills limit on the D3-brane. The decoupled noncommutative five-brane is identified with the strong coupling limit of the noncommutative open string theory on the D4-brane and S-duality on the noncommutative D3-brane is identified with a modular transformation on the five-brane. We argue that the open membrane metric defines a finite length scale on the worldvolume of the M5-brane in the decoupling limit. This length scale can be associated to the effective length scale of an open membrane.Comment: RevTex 16 pages, one figure,typos corrected and reference adde

    Instanton Calculations for N=1/ 2 super Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study (anti-) instantons in super Yang-Mills theories defined on a non anticommutative superspace. The instanton solution that we consider is the same as in ordinary SU(2) N=1 super Yang-Mills, but the anti-instanton receives corrections to the U(1) part of the connection which depend quadratically on fermionic coordinates, and linearly on the deformation parameter C. By substituting the exact solution into the classical Lagrangian the topological charge density receives a new contribution which is quadratic in C and quartic in the fermionic zero-modes. The topological charge turns out to be zero. We perform an expansion around the exact classical solution in presence of a fermionic background and calculate the full superdeterminant contributing to the one-loop partition function. We find that the one-loop partition function is not modified with respect to the usual N=1 super Yang-Mills.Comment: 27 pages, harmvac, Redone the computation of topological charge, a section has been rewritten and references adde

    Bounded version vectors

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    Version vectors play a central role in update tracking under optimistic distributed systems, allowing the detection of obsolete or inconsistent versions of replicated data. Version vectors do not have a bounded representation; they are based on integer counters that grow indefinitely as updates occur. Existing approaches to this problem are scarce; the mechanisms proposed are either unbounded or operate only under specific settings. This paper examines version vectors as a mechanism for data causality tracking and clarifies their role with respect to vector clocks. Then, it introduces bounded stamps and proves them to be a correct alternative to integer counters in version vectors. The resulting mechanism, bounded version vectors, represents the first bounded solution to data causality tracking between replicas subject to local updates and pairwise symmetrical synchronization.FCT project POSI/ICHS/44304/2002, FCT under grant BSAB/390/2003

    The anomaly line bundle of the self-dual field theory

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    In this work, we determine explicitly the anomaly line bundle of the abelian self-dual field theory over the space of metrics modulo diffeomorphisms, including its torsion part. Inspired by the work of Belov and Moore, we propose a non-covariant action principle for a pair of Euclidean self-dual fields on a generic oriented Riemannian manifold. The corresponding path integral allows to study the global properties of the partition function over the space of metrics modulo diffeomorphisms. We show that the anomaly bundle for a pair of self-dual fields differs from the determinant bundle of the Dirac operator coupled to chiral spinors by a flat bundle that is not trivial if the underlying manifold has middle-degree cohomology, and whose holonomies are determined explicitly. We briefly sketch the relevance of this result for the computation of the global gravitational anomaly of the self-dual field theory, that will appear in another paper.Comment: 41 pages. v2: A few typos corrected. Version accepted for publication in CM

    Scalable and accurate causality tracking for eventually consistent stores

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    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8460, 2014In cloud computing environments, data storage systems often rely on optimistic replication to provide good performance and availability even in the presence of failures or network partitions. In this scenario, it is important to be able to accurately and efficiently identify updates executed concurrently. Current approaches to causality tracking in optimistic replication have problems with concurrent updates: they either (1) do not scale, as they require replicas to maintain information that grows linearly with the number of writes or unique clients; (2) lose information about causality, either by removing entries from client-id based version vectors or using server-id based version vectors, which cause false conflicts. We propose a new logical clock mechanism and a logical clock framework that together support a traditional key-value store API, while capturing causality in an accurate and scalable way, avoiding false conflicts. It maintains concise information per data replica, only linear on the number of replica servers, and allows data replicas to be compared and merged linear with the number of replica servers and versions.(undefined

    On robustness against JPEG2000: a performance evaluation of wavelet-based watermarking techniques

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    With the emergence of new scalable coding standards, such as JPEG2000, multimedia is stored as scalable coded bit streams that may be adapted to cater network, device and usage preferences in multimedia usage chains providing universal multimedia access. These adaptations include quality, resolution, frame rate and region of interest scalability and achieved by discarding least significant parts of the bit stream according to the scalability criteria. Such content adaptations may also affect the content protection data, such as watermarks, hidden in the original content. Many wavelet-based robust watermarking techniques robust to such JPEG2000 compression attacks are proposed in the literature. In this paper, we have categorized and evaluated the robustness of such wavelet-based image watermarking techniques against JPEG2000 compression, in terms of algorithmic choices, wavelet kernel selection, subband selection, or watermark selection using a new modular framework. As most of the algorithms use a different set of parametric combination, this analysis is particularly useful to understand the effect of various parameters on the robustness under a common platform and helpful to design any such new algorithm. The analysis also considers the imperceptibility performance of the watermark embedding, as robustness and imperceptibility are two main watermarking properties, complementary to each other