382 research outputs found

    Prospects for sgoldstino search at the LHC

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    In this paper we estimate the LHC sgoldstino discovery potential for the signatures with gamma gamma and ZZ in a final state.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures; journal version: minor change

    Distinguishing between R^2-inflation and Higgs-inflation

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    We present three features which can be used to distinguish the R^2-inflation Higgs-inflation from with ongoing, upcoming and planned experiments, assuming no new physics (apart form sterile neutrinos) up to inflationary scale. (i) Slightly different tilt of the scalar perturbation spectrum n_s and ratio r of scalar-to-tensor perturbation amplitudes. (ii) Gravity waves produced within R^2-model by collapsing, merging and evaporating scalaron clumps formed in the post-inflationary Universe. (iii) Different ranges of the possible Standard Model Higgs boson masses, where the electroweak vacuum remains stable while the Universe evolves after inflation. Specifically, in the R^2-model Higgs boson can be as light as 116 GeV. These effects mainly rely on the lower reheating temperature in the R^2-inflation.Comment: 10 pages, updated to match the journal version (various clarifications added compared to v1

    Free scalar dark matter candidates in R^2-inflation: the light, the heavy and the superheavy

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    Gravity takes care of both inflation and subsequent reheating in Starobinsky's R^2-model. The latter is due to inflaton gravitation decays dominated by scalar particle production. It is tempting to suggest that dark matter particles are also produced in this process. Since free scalars being too hot cannot serve as viable dark matter (Phys.Lett.B700:157-162,2011), we further study the issue considering two options: scalars with non-minimal coupling to gravity and superheavy scalars generated at inflationary stage. We found that the first option allows for viable warm or cold dark matter if scalar mass exceeds 0.8 MeV. The second option implies supercold dark matter with particle mass 10^16 GeV, which production is saturated at the end of inflation when inflaton-dependent scalar mass rapidly changes and violates adiabaticity. Similar result holds for superheavy fermion dark matter.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; journal versio

    Non-renormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories

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    It is shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. We give a few examples of induced charge matching. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, two PS figures; Submitted to special issue of Phys. Reports dedicated to 70th birthday of L.B.Oku

    Scalaron the mighty: producing dark matter and baryon asymmetry at reheating

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    In R^2-inflation scalaron slow roll is responsible for the inflationary stage, while its oscillations reheat the Universe. We find that the same scalaron decays induced by gravity can also provide the dark matter production and leptogenesis. With R^2-term and three Majorana fermions added to the Standard Model, we arrive at the phenomenologically complete theory capable of simultaneously explaining neutrino oscillations, inflation, reheating, dark matter and baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Besides the seesaw mechanism in neutrino sector, we use only gravity, which solves all the problems by exploiting scalaron.Comment: 13 pages; v2: minor corrections; v3: 14 pages, journal versio

    TESLA: Potentials of γγ\gamma\gamma and e+ee^+e^- Options in Stoponium Searches

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    In some supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model fairly light superpartner of t-quark is predicted, which may form bound states - stoponiums. We estimate potentials of TESLA linear collider in search for stoponium, considering the basic e+e- option and the gamma-gamma option (Photon Linear Collider - PLC). It is found that PLC could be the best machine for discovery of these new narrow strong resonances. It can produce thousands stoponiums per 100 fb1^-1 integrated luminosity in the high energy peak. In the case of scenarios when stoponium decays mainly into gluons the signal/background ratio is about 1/4. The channel S->hh into two lightest Higgs bosons could be also seen with high significance. Thus, several weeks run is sufficient for the stoponium discovery, if its mass is approximately known (e.g. from observation of direct stops production at LHC). Then, in MSSM scenarios with dominant S->hh decay PLC shows excellent possibilities to discover bound state of stops, practically immediately after beginning of operating. The e+e- option also has some prospects to observe stoponium but only in the case of scenarios with dominant decay into two lightest Higgs bosons, with tens of events per 100 fb1fb^{-1}. Interesting possibility appears in the case when the resonance is seated on 0.1% width luminosity peak - one could resolve the stoponium exited states.Comment: Standard LaTeX, 15 pages, 2 figures, uses elsart.cls. Talk at the International Workshop on High Energy Photon Colliders (GG2000, DESY, Hamburg, June 14-17, 2000), to be published in Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A. Numbers for e+e- production are change

    A comparative study of correlations between arrival directions of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and positions of their potential astrophysical sources

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    We consider various classes of persistent extragalactic astrophysical sources which have been suggested in literature as possible emitters of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECR). We compare the strength of the claimed correlations by a uniform procedure for all classes of sources by making use of the AGASA, Yakutsk and HiRes stereo data. BL Lac type objects correlate with the cosmic rays detected by all three independent experiments and are more probably, compared to other astrophysical sources, related to the UHECR origin. With the account of the Galactic magnetic field (not possible for the HiRes data at the moment), apart of BL Lac type objects, unidentified gamma-ray sources may be correlated with AGASA and Yakutsk cosmic rays.Comment: 22 pages, 3 PS figure

    Graviton emission from the brane in the bulk in a model with extra dimension

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    In a model of 3-brane embedded in 5D space-time we calculate the graviton emission from the brane to the bulk. Matter is confined to the brane, gravitons produced in reactions of matter on the brane escape to the bulk. The Einstein equations which are modified by the terms due to graviton production are solved perturbatively, the leading order being that without the graviton production. In the period of late cosmology, in which in the generalized Friedmann equation the term linear in the energy density of matter in dominant, we calculate the spectrum of gravitons (of the tower of Kaluza-Klein states) and the collision integral in the Boltzmann equation. We find the energy-momentum tensor of the emitted gravitons in the bulk, and using it show that corrections due to graviton production to the leading-order terms in the Einstein equations are small, and the perturbative approach is justified. We calculate the difference of abundances of 4He{}^4 He produced in primordial nucleosynthesis in the models with and without the graviton production, and find that the difference is a very small number, much smaller than that estimated previously.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX Published version with small modification

    Technically natural dark energy from Lorentz breaking

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    We construct a model of dark energy with a technically natural small contribution to cosmic acceleration, i.e. this contribution does not receive corrections from other scales in the theory. The proposed acceleration mechanism appears generically in the low-energy limit of gravity theories with violation of Lorentz invariance that contain a derivatively coupled scalar field Theta. The latter may be the Goldstone field of a broken global symmetry. The model, that we call Theta-CDM, is a valid effective field theory up to a high cutoff just a few orders of magnitude below the Planck scale. Furthermore, it can be ultraviolet-completed in the context of Horava gravity. We discuss the observational predictions of the model. Even in the absence of a cosmological constant term, the expansion history of the Universe is essentially indistinguishable from that of Lambda-CDM. The difference between the two theories appears at the level of cosmological perturbations. We find that in Theta-CDM the matter power spectrum is enhanced at subhorizon scales compared to Lambda-CDM. This property can be used to discriminate the model from Lambda-CDM with current cosmological data.Comment: A few equations in the Appendix correcte

    Superluminal Travel Made Possible (in two dimensions)

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    We argue that superluminal signal propagation is possible in consistent Poincare invariant quantum field theories in two space-time dimensions, provided spatial parity is broken. This happens due to existence of the ``instantaneous'' causal structure, with one of the light cone variables being a global time. In two dimensions this causal structure is invariant under the Poincare group if one gives up the spatial parity. As a non-trivial example of a consistent interacting quantum field theory with this causal structure we discuss a non-linear SO(1,1) sigma-model, where SO(1,1) is the Lorentz symmetry. We show that this theory is asymptotically free and argue that this model is also well defined non-perturbatively, at least for some values of parameters. It provides an example of a microscopic Poincare invariant quantum field theory with local action, but non-local physical properties. Being coupled to gravity this ``instantaneous'' theory mixes with the Liouville field. If proves to be consistent, the resulting model can be used to construct (non-critical) string theories with very unconventional properties by introducing the instantaneous causal structure on the world-sheet.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure