22 research outputs found

    Observational signatures of a non-singular bouncing cosmology

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    We study a cosmological scenario in which inflation is preceded by a bounce. In this scenario, the primordial singularity, one of the major shortcomings of inflation, is replaced by a non-singular bounce, prior to which the universe undergoes a phase of contraction. Our starting point is the bouncing cosmology investigated in Falciano et al. (2008), which we complete by a detailed study of the transfer of cosmological perturbations through the bounce and a discussion of possible observational effects of bouncing cosmologies. We focus on a symmetric bounce and compute the evolution of cosmological perturbations during the contracting, bouncing and inflationary phases. We derive an expression for the Mukhanov-Sasaki perturbation variable at the onset of the inflationary phase that follows the bounce. Rather than being in the Bunch-Davies vacuum, it is found to be in an excited state that depends on the time scale of the bounce. We then show that this induces oscillations superimposed on the nearly scale-invariant primordial spectra for scalar and tensor perturbations. We discuss the effects of these oscillations in the cosmic microwave background and in the matter power spectrum. We propose a new way to indirectly measure the spatial curvature energy density parameter in the context of this model.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected and reference adde


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    The IUNS cross-cultural study of 'Food habits in later life' -an overview of key findings.

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    Submitted for the SUSY07 proceedings, 4 pages, 2 figuresAMS-02 is a multi-purpose spectrometer with superconducting magnet, and is designed for 3 years of data taking aboard the International Space Station. Its high performance regarding particle identification and energy measurement will allow performing indirect searches for dark matter (DM) in different channels simultaneously: gamma rays, positrons and antiprotons. AMS-02 sensitivity to those signals are presented and --provided the positron excess is due to DM signal-- it is shown that it allows to probe new physics models in detail. Its high sensitivity could even be a unique opportunity to reach the Majorana nature of the DM particle through final state polarization effects

    Resposta à aplicação e recuperação de enxofre em cultivos de casa de vegetação em solos com diferentes teores de argila e matéria orgânica Responses to sulfur application and recuperation in greenhouse crops in soils with different clay and organic matter content

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    A dinâmica e a disponibilidade do enxofre têm sido pouco estudadas em relação a outros nutrientes, apesar da sua importância como nutriente à planta. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a resposta de algumas culturas à aplicação de sulfato (S-SO4-2) em solos com diferentes teores de argila e matéria orgânica, bem como avaliar a recuperação de enxofre, através de um balanço deste elemento no solo e na planta. O experimento consistiu de seis cultivos sucessivos (canola, soja, feijoeiro, gergelim, trevo vesiculoso e trigo), em vasos em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se quatro tipos de solos e quatro doses de S-SO4-2, com quatro repetições distribuídas ao acaso. Avaliou-se a produção de matéria seca, o teor e o acúmulo de enxofre absorvido pelas culturas. Amostras de solo foram coletadas na camada de 0-10cm após cada cultivo, para determinação do teor de S-SO4-2 disponível. Dentre as culturas estudadas, somente a canola respondeu à aplicação de S-SO4-2. Para as demais culturas, não houve relação entre os teores de S-SO4-2 da camada de 0-10cm e a produção de matéria seca. Solos com diferentes teores de argila e matéria orgânica tiveram comportamento similar em relação à resposta das culturas à fertilização com enxofre; entretanto, a disponibilidade deste nutriente foi maior nos solos mais argilosos.<br>The sulfur (S) dynamic and availability is less studied than others nutrients, even though S is an essential nutrient for crops production. This study was carried out to evaluate the crop responses to S-SO4-2 application in different soils and to study S recuperation by balancing it in soil and plants. The study was composed by a greenhouse experiment with six successive crops (canola, soybean, black bean, sesame, clover and wheat) using four soils and four S-SO4-2 levels (0, 5, 10 and 20mg kg-1) to evaluate immediate and residual effect of S-SO4-2 application. Soil samples were taken from 0-10 cm layer before and after each crop and analyzed for S-SO4-2. It was evaluate the dry matter production and S-SO4-2 absorbed by plants. Only canola responded to sulphur application. Soybean, black bean, sesame, clover and wheat did not response to sulfur application. There was not observed correlation between soil S-SO4-2 available in 10cm topsoil and crop yields. Soils with different clay and organic matter content showed similar behavior of crop response to sulfur application. The increase of S-SO4-2 availability with fertilization was greater in soils with more clay content