1,240 research outputs found

    Supermercados made in. Conexiones, consumo y apropiaciones. Estados Unidos y Colombia (siglo XX)"

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    The main purpose of this article is to conduct an analysis of a specific space of consumption: the supermarket. Relationships and connections of some Colombian traders and supermarket owners will be studied (those with experiences upon the North American trade and commerce), as well as the learning strategies and processes of differential appropriation that was mandatory for the introduction of these trading and consumption spaces in several cities of the country. The methodology used was based upon the analysis and revision of primary and secondary sources, from the approach of the connected histories. As a result, this article asserts that the Colombian merchants had an active participation through their own local experiences and that they contributed to complement the accumulation of knowledge about supermarkets; a knowledge that was already set in different places of the world, from the middle of the 20th Century. © 2017, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota Colombia. All rights reserved

    Effect of the Complexing Agent on the Synthesis of WO3 Nanostructures for Energy Storage Applications

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    [EN] Nowadays, energy problems have become one of our society¿s biggest challenges and have drawn worldwide attention. Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are a good option to solve these problems thanks to their high energy density and good cycle stability. However, much effort has recently been devoted to find alternative anode materials and replace graphite in LIBs, like tungsten oxide (WO3) which has attracted much interest as an anode due to its excellent properties. In this work, a simple method is used to synthesize crystalline WO3 nanostructures, with well-defined morphology using an electrochemical procedure known as electrochemical anodization. This method presents several advantages such as being a simple procedure and easy to control its parameters. During the anodization, two different complexing agents (oxygen peroxide and citric acid) were used. The effect of each complexing agent on the anode behaviour of nanostructures in lithium-ion batteries has been evaluated. On the one hand, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) has been used to study the morphology of the samples, Raman Spectroscopy technique has been employed to verify the composition and crystallinity of the nanostructures and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) was performed to study their electrochemical properties. Finally, the different samples were applied as an anode for energy storage in Li-ion batteries and their specific capacity was evaluated by Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Charge-Discharge curves. The nanostructures that presented better electrochemical properties and superior behaviour as anode in lithium-ion batteries were those synthesized with H2O2 as a complexing agent. This sample presents lower resistance to charge transfer and better behaviour during the cycling process, their specific capacity values during discharge and charge 318 mAh·g-1 and 310 mAh·g-1, respectively.Authors would like to express their gratitude to AEI (PID2019-105844RB-I00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033) for the financial support. M. Cifre-Herrando thank Ministerio de Universidades for the concession of the pre-doctoral grant (FPU19/02466). G. Roselló-Márquez also thanks the UPV for the concession of a post-doctoral grant (PAID-10-21) and for the grant to promote postdoctoral research at the UPV (PAID.-PD-22). Finally, project cofunded by FEDER operational programme 2014-2020 of Comunitat Valenciana (IDIFEDER/18/044) is acknowledged.Roselló-Márquez, G.; García-García, D.; Cifre-Herrando, M.; Garcia-Anton, J. (2023). Effect of the Complexing Agent on the Synthesis of WO3 Nanostructures for Energy Storage Applications. Chemical Engineering Transactions (Online). 100:625-630. https://doi.org/10.3303/CET2310010562563010

    Multi-objective design of post-tensioned concrete road bridges using artificial neural networks

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    [EN] In order to minimize the total expected cost, bridges have to be designed for safety and durability. This paper considers the cost, the safety, and the corrosion initiation time to design post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges. The deck is modeled by finite elements based on problem variables such as the cross-section geometry, the concrete grade, and the reinforcing and post-tensioning steel. An integrated multi-objective harmony search with artificial neural networks (ANNs) is proposed to reduce the high computing time required for the finite-element analysis and the increment in conflicting objectives. ANNs are trained through the results of previous bridge performance evaluations. Then, ANNs are used to evaluate the constraints and provide a direction towards the Pareto front. Finally, exact methods actualize and improve the Pareto set. The results show that the harmony search parameters should be progressively changed in a diversification-intensification strategy. This methodology provides trade-off solutions that are the cheapest ones for the safety and durability levels considered. Therefore, it is possible to choose an alternative that can be easily adjusted to each need.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, along with FEDER funding (BRIDLIFE Project: BIA2014-56574-R) and the Research and Development Support Program of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-02-15).García-Segura, T.; Yepes, V.; Frangopol, D. (2017). Multi-objective design of post-tensioned concrete road bridges using artificial neural networks. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 56(1):139-150. doi:10.1007/s00158-017-1653-0S139150561Alberdi R, Khandelwal K (2015) Comparison of robustness of metaheuristic algorithms for steel frame optimization. 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    Thermogalvanic corrosion of Alloy 31 in different heavy brine LiBr solutions

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    Thermogalvanic corrosion generated between two electrodes of Alloy 31, a highly-alloyed austenitic stainless steel (UNS N08031), has been investigated imposing different temperature gradients in three deaerated LiBr solutions, under open circuit conditions by using a zero-resistance ammeter (ZRA). Besides EIS spectra were acquired in order to explain the obtained results. On the whole, cold Alloy 31 electrodes were anodic to hot Alloy 31 electrodes, since an increase in temperature favoured the cathodic behaviour of the hot electrode. Thermogalvanic corrosion of Alloy 31 in the LiBr solutions studied was not severe, although it negatively affects the corrosion resistance of the cold anode. The protective properties of the passive film formed on the anode surface were found to improve with thermogalvanic coupling time

    Effect of Temperature on Thermogalvanic Coupling of Alloy 31 in Libr Solutions Studied by Means of Imposed Potential Measurements

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    Corrosion resistance of Alloy 31, a highly alloyed stainless steel (UNS N08031) were studied in heavy brine LiBr solutions (400, 700 and 992 g/l) at different temperatures using electrochemical techniques. The mixed potential theory was used to evaluate thermogalvanic corrosion of Alloy 31 in the studied LiBr solutions. Potentiodynamic curves indicate that high temperatures favoured both cathodic and anodic processes, increasing passive current densities and decreasing the pitting potential. Generally, the cold electrode of the pair was the anode of the thermogalvanic cell

    Repassivation of the damage generated by cavitation on UNS N08031 in a LiBr solution by means of electrochemical techniques and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

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    The objective of this work is to study the influence of cavitation on the corrosion behaviour of Alloy 31, a highly-alloyed austenitic stainless steel (UNS N08031), in a LiBr heavy brine solution (992 g/L) at 25 °C. The presence of cavitation shifted the OCP value towards the active direction by 708 mVAg/AgCl, increased anodic current densities and passivation current density, ip, and reduced the pitting potential, Ep. Repassivation behaviour of Alloy 31 has been investigated by using potentiostatic tests at different potentials. The current density transient obtained after interrupting cavitation was used to obtain the repassivation index, n, provided by the slope of the log i(t) vs. log t representation. The value of n decreased as the applied potential was increased, reaching values near zero for potentials close to the pitting potential. The damage generated during the potentiostatic tests has been quantified by means of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

    Vitis-Cultura : La viña, el vino y su cultura

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    Una cultura, una civilización tiene sus raíces en un territorio, en unos cultivos, en unas creencias, en unos modos de hacer, de comer y de vivir, en este libro pretendemos recoger parte de un modo de manejar sus producciones, unas formas de cultivar y consumir las uvas, basándonos en las tradiciones del Mediterráneo, del este del Mediterráneo. Sin olvidar el origen del vino, como parte de esa trilogía de cultivos mediterráneos buscamos adentrarnos en la simbiosis tradición-avance junto con producción y rentabilidad. Dentro de la legislación actual no hay que olvidar que el vino es un alimento y un componente de muchos extractos y fármacos históricos

    Facile preparation of electrodes based on WO3 nanostructures modified with C and S used as anode materials for Li-ion batteries

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    [EN] An appropriate morphological and structure matrix configuration where lithium ions could insert and de-insert is essential for lithium-ion batteries (LiB). Tungsten oxides (WO3) are especially attractive materials for this aim. In this research, the effects of the morphology and composition of WO3 nanostructures on the charge/discharge behavior for Li-ion batteries are methodically examined. On the one hand, nanostructured WO3 thin film was effectively synthesized by an electrochemical procedure. Then, an annealing treatment at 600°C in air environment for 4 h was carried out. In the second electrode synthesized, a carbon layer was uniformly deposited on WO3 nanostructures to obtain a WO3/C electrode. Finally, WO3/WS2 electrodes were prepared by means of in situ sulfurization of WO3 one-step solid-state synthesis using tungsten trioxide (WO3) and thiourea as precursor material. By using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectra, and field-emission scanning electron microscopy, the three electrodes have been morphologically characterized. Electrochemical properties were analyzed by cyclic voltammogram, galvanostatic charge/discharge cycling, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Among all the synthesized samples, WO3/C nanostructures reveal the best performance as they exhibit the greatest discharge capacity and cycle performance (820 mA h g¿1).UPV for the concession of a postdoctoral, Grant/Award Number: PAID-10-21; Ministerio de Universidades for the concession of the predoctoral, Grant/Award Number: FPU19/02466; Comunitat Valenciana, Grant/Award Number: IDIFEDER/18/044Roselló-Márquez, G.; García-García, D.; Cifre-Herrando, M.; Blasco-Tamarit, E.; Garcia-Anton, J. (2023). Facile preparation of electrodes based on WO3 nanostructures modified with C and S used as anode materials for Li-ion batteries. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 106(4):2550-2566. https://doi.org/10.1111/jace.1891025502566106

    Effects of the area of a duplex stainless steel exposed to corrosion on the cathodic and anodic reactions in a LiBr solution under static and dynamic conditions

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    [EN] The objective of the work was to study the influence of the exposed area of the working electrode on the corrosion behavior of a duplex stainless steel (EN 1.4462) in a 992 g/l LiBr solution under static conditions (without cavitation) and dynamic conditions (with cavitation) at 25 °C. The Potentiodynamic Cyclic curves obtained were compared and different tendencies were observed. Cavitation increased the cathodic current density when the area exposed to the solution is large (diameters 6 and 8 mm). This behavior was not observed in the tests with smaller electrode areas (diameters 1.6 and 4 mm). © 2011 by ESG.We wish to express our gratitude to Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CTQ2009-07518/PPQ), to FEDER for their financial support and to Dr. M. Asunción Jaime for her translation assistance.García-García, D.; Blasco-Tamarit, E.; Garcia-Anton, J. (2011). Effects of the area of a duplex stainless steel exposed to corrosion on the cathodic and anodic reactions in a LiBr solution under static and dynamic conditions. International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 6(5):1237-1249. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/61155S123712496

    Study of the effect of temperature on the galvanic corrosion between Alloy 31 base metal and its weld in polluted phosphoric acid

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    This work studies the influence of the solution temperature on the corrosion resistance of a high alloyed austenitic stainless steel (UNS N08031) used as Base Metal (BM), the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and the Weld Metal (WM) obtained by the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding technique using a Nickel-base alloy (UNS N06059) as filler metal (GTAW). Electrochemical tests were carried out in a 5.5 M polluted phosphoric acid solution with 0.03 wt% (380 ppm) of chloride ions and 2 wt% of H2SO4 at 25, 40, 60 and 80 degrees C. The potentiodynamic curves of the materials were registered in each condition under study and electrochemical parameters such as E-corr, i(corr), E-b and i(p) were obtained. The galvanic corrosion generated between the BM-HAZ and HAZ-WM pairs was also analysed by means of the Mixed Potential Theory. The lower E-b and (E-b-E-corr) values and higher ip values obtained at higher temperatures indicate that the properties of the passive film formed degraded with temperature. The welding process modifies the characteristics of the passive film, deteriorating them and favouring the loss of passivity of the WM with respect to the BM, as shown by the lowest E-b values and highest i(p) values of the WM.Blasco-Tamarit, E.; GarcĂ­a-GarcĂ­a, D.; Garcia-Anton, J.; Guenbour, A. (2011). Study of the effect of temperature on the galvanic corrosion between Alloy 31 base metal and its weld in polluted phosphoric acid. International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 6(12):6244-6260. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/61160S6244626061
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