185 research outputs found

    Compactifications of convergens spaces

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    This paper summarizes most of the results to date on convergence space compactifications, and establishes necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of largest and smallest compactifications subject to various conditions imposed upon the compactifications

    Duplex-derived Evidence of Reflux After Varicose Vein Surgery: Neoreflux or Neovascularisation?

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    AbstractBackgroundrecurrent varicose veins remain a problem in surgical practice despite improvements to the preoperative investigation of, and surgery for varicose veins. Neovascularisation accounts for some cases of recurrence within a few years of surgery, but other factors relating to disease progression must also play a part. We investigated whether new venous reflux (neoreflux) could occur in the early postoperative period (within 6 weeks) following successful varicose vein surgery.Methodseighteen-month prospective observational study in the dedicated vascular surgery unit of a university teaching hospital. Forty-six patients, with primary saphenofemoral junction reflux, awaiting varicose vein surgery were chosen consecutively from the waiting list. All saphenofemoral surgery was performed in a standardised fashion. Assessments were performed prior to, at 6 weeks and at 1 year after surgery. Duplex ultrasound was used to identify and locate sites of reflux.Resultsneoreflux was present at the 6-week postoperative scan in nine limbs after varicose vein surgery (19.6%), and resolved in 55.6% of patients within 1 year. Neovascularisation was noted in two limbs at the 1-year scan.Conclusionnew sites of reflux, which may resolve spontaneously, occur in the early postoperative period despite adequate varicose vein surgery. It is our hypothesis that this is a manifestation of the effect of altered venous haemodynamics in a system of susceptible veins

    How backscattering off a point impurity can enhance the current and make the conductance greater than e^2/h per channel

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    It is well known that while forward scattering has no effect on the conductance of one-dimensional systems, backscattering off a static impurity suppresses the current. We study the effect of a time-dependent point impurity on the conductance of a one-channel quantum wire. At strong repulsive interaction (Luttinger liquid parameter g<1/2), backscattering renders the linear conductance greater than its value e^2/h in the absence of the impurity. A possible experimental realization of our model is a constricted quantum wire or a constricted Hall bar at fractional filling factors nu=1/(2n+1) with a time-dependent voltage at the constriction.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Symmetry and topology in antiferromagnetic spintronics

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    Antiferromagnetic spintronics focuses on investigating and using antiferromagnets as active elements in spintronics structures. Last decade advances in relativistic spintronics led to the discovery of the staggered, current-induced field in antiferromagnets. The corresponding N\'{e}el spin-orbit torque allowed for efficient electrical switching of antiferromagnetic moments and, in combination with electrical readout, for the demonstration of experimental antiferromagnetic memory devices. In parallel, the anomalous Hall effect was predicted and subsequently observed in antiferromagnets. A new field of spintronics based on antiferromagnets has emerged. We will focus here on the introduction into the most significant discoveries which shaped the field together with a more recent spin-off focusing on combining antiferromagnetic spintronics with topological effects, such as antiferromagnetic topological semimetals and insulators, and the interplay of antiferromagnetism, topology, and superconductivity in heterostructures.Comment: Book chapte

    Density functional theories and self-energy approaches

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    A purpose-designed microarray platform (Stressgenes, Phase 1) was utilised to investigate the changes in gene expression within the liver of rainbow trout during exposure to a prolonged period of confinement. Tissue and blood samples were collected from trout at intervals up to 648 h after transfer to a standardised confinement stressor, together with matched samples from undisturbed control fish. Plasma ACTH, cortisol, glucose and lactate were analysed to confirm that the neuroendocrine response to confinement was consistent with previous findings and to provide a phenotypic context to assist interpretation of gene expression data. Liver samples for suppression subtractive hybridisation (SSH) library construction were selected from within the experimental groups comprising “early” stress (2–48 h) and “late” stress (96–504 h). In order to reduce redundancy within the four SSH libraries and yield a higher number of unique clones an additional subtraction was carried out. After printing of the arrays a series of 55 hybridisations were executed to cover 6 time points. At 2 h, 6 h, 24 h, 168 h and 504 h 5 individual confined fish and 5 individual control fish were used with control fish only at 0 h. A preliminary list of 314 clones considered differentially regulated over the complete time course was generated by a combination of data analysis approaches and the most significant gene expression changes were found to occur during the 24 h to 168 h time period with a general approach to control levels by 504 h. Few changes in expression were apparent over the first 6 h. The list of genes whose expression was significantly altered comprised predominantly genes belonging to the biological process category (response to stimulus) and one cellular component category (extracellular region) and were dominated by so-called acute phase proteins. Analysis of the gene expression profile in liver tissue during confinement revealed a number of significant clusters. The major patterns comprised genes that were up-regulated at 24 h and beyond, the primary examples being haptoglobin, β-fibrinogen and EST10729. Two representative genes from each of the six k-means clusters were validated by qPCR. Correlations between microarray and qPCR expression patterns were significant for most of the genes tested. qPCR analysis revealed that haptoglobin expression was up-regulated approximately 8-fold at 24 h and over 13-fold by 168 h.This project was part funded by the European Commission (Q5RS-2001-02211), Enterprise Ireland and the Natural Environment Research Council of the United Kingdom

    GEANT4 : a simulation toolkit

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    Abstract Geant4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models and hits. The physics processes offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250 eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in different sets of applications. The toolkit is the result of a worldwide collaboration of physicists and software engineers. It has been created exploiting software engineering and object-oriented technology and implemented in the C++ programming language. It has been used in applications in particle physics, nuclear physics, accelerator design, space engineering and medical physics. PACS: 07.05.Tp; 13; 2

    Multiethnic meta-analysis identifies ancestry-specific and cross-ancestry loci for pulmonary function

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    Nearly 100 loci have been identified for pulmonary function, almost exclusively in studies of European ancestry populations. We extend previous research by meta-analyzing genome-wide association studies of 1000 Genomes imputed variants in relation to pulmonary function in a multiethnic population of 90,715 individuals of European (N = 60,552), African (N = 8429), Asian (N = 9959), and Hispanic/Latino (N = 11,775) ethnicities. We identify over 50 additional loci at genome-wide significance in ancestry-specific or multiethnic meta-analyses. Using recent fine-mapping methods incorporating functional annotation, gene expression, and differences in linkage disequilibrium between ethnicities, we further shed light on potential causal variants and genes at known and newly identified loci. Several of the novel genes encode proteins with predicted or established drug targets, including KCNK2 and CDK12. Our study highlights the utility of multiethnic and integrative genomics approaches to extend existing knowledge of the genetics of l

    Integrating sequence and array data to create an improved 1000 Genomes Project haplotype reference panel

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    A major use of the 1000 Genomes Project (1000GP) data is genotype imputation in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we develop a method to estimate haplotypes from low-coverage sequencing data that can take advantage of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray genotypes on the same samples. First the SNP array data are phased to build a backbone (or 'scaffold') of haplotypes across each chromosome. We then phase the sequence data 'onto' this haplotype scaffold. This approach can take advantage of relatedness between sequenced and non-sequenced samples to improve accuracy. We use this method to create a new 1000GP haplotype reference set for use by the human genetic community. Using a set of validation genotypes at SNP and bi-allelic indels we show that these haplotypes have lower genotype discordance and improved imputation performance into downstream GWAS samples, especially at low-frequency variants. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved