464 research outputs found

    A High Resolution Method for Measuring Cosmic Ray Composition beyond 10 TeV

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    The accurate determination of the elemental composition of cosmic rays at high energies is expected to provide crucial clues on the origin of these particles. Previous direct measurements of composition have been limited by experiment collecting power, resulting in marginal statistics above 101410^{14} eV, precisely the region where the ``knee'' of the cosmic-ray energy spectrum is starting to develop. In contrast, indirect measurements using extensive air showers can produce sufficient statistics in this region but generate elemental measurements which have relatively large uncertainties. Here we discuss a technique which has become possible through the use of modern ground-based Cerenkov imaging detectors. We combine a measurement of the Cerenkov light produced by the incoming cosmic-ray nucleus in the upper atmosphere with an estimate of the total nucleus energy produced by the extensive air shower initiated when the particle interacts deeper in the atmosphere. The emission regions prior to and after the first hadronic interaction can be separated by an imaging Cerenkov system with sufficient angular and temporal resolution. Monte Carlo simulations indicate an expected charge resolution of ΔZ/Z<5\Delta Z/Z <5% for incident iron nuclei in the region of the ``knee'' of the cosmic-ray energy spectrum. This technique also has the intriguing possibility to unambiguously discover nuclei heavier than iron at energies above 1014^{14} eV. The identification and rejection of background produced by charged particles in ground based gamma-ray telescopes is also discussed.Comment: 26 pages 11 figures. Final version, Accepted in Astroparticle Physics 11/21/00. Fixed a few typos and a bad caption, added a short paragraph at en

    Future Directions in Parity Violation: From Quarks to the Cosmos

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    I discuss the prospects for future studies of parity-violating (PV) interactions at low energies and the insights they might provide about open questions in the Standard Model as well as physics that lies beyond it. I cover four types of parity-violating observables: PV electron scattering; PV hadronic interactions; PV correlations in weak decays; and searches for the permanent electric dipole moments of quantum systems.Comment: Talk given at PAVI 06 workshop on parity-violating interactions, Milos, Greece (May, 2006); 10 page

    Strategic review of enhancements and culture-based fisheries

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    Enhancements are interventions in the life cycle of common-pool aquatic resources. Enhancement technologies include culture-based fisheries, habitat modifications, fertilization, feeding and elimination of predators/competitors. Enhancements are estimated to yield about two million mt per year, mostly from culture-based fisheries in fresh waters where they account for some 20 percent of capture, or 10 percent of combined capture and culture production. Marine enhancements are still at an experimental stage, but some have reached commercial production. Enhancements use limited external feed and energy inputs, and can provide very high returns for labour and capital input. Moreover, enhancement initiatives can facilitate institutional change and a more active management of aquatic resources, leading to increased productivity, conservation and wider social benefits. Enhancements may help to maintain population abundance, community structure and ecosystem functioning in the face of heavy exploitation and/or environmental degradation. Negative environmental impacts may arise from ecological and genetic interactions between enhanced and wild stocks. Many enhancements have not realised their full potential because of a failure to address specific institutional, technological, management and research requirements emanating from two key characteristics. Firstly, enhancement involves investment in common-pool resources and can only be sustained under institutional arrangements that allow regulation of use and a flow of benefits to those who bear the costs of enhancement. Secondly, interventions are limited to certain aspects of the life cycle of stocks, and outcomes are strongly dependent on natural conditions beyond management control. Hence, management must be adapted to local conditions to be effective, and certain conditions may preclude successful enhancement altogether. Governments have a major role to play in facilitating enhancement initiatives through the establishment of conducive institutional arrangements, appropriate research support, and the management of environmental and other impacts on and from enhancements.<br /

    Effects of dietary vegetable oil on atlantic salmon hepatocyte fatty acid desaturation and liver fatty acid compositions

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    Fatty acyl desaturase activities, involved in the conversion of the C18 EFA, 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3, to the highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) 20:4n-6, 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3, are known to be under nutritional regulation. Specifically, the activity of the desaturation/elongation pathway is depressed when animals, including fish, are fed fish oils rich in n-3HUFA compared to animals fed vegetable oils rich in C18 EFA. The primary aims of the present study were a) to establish the relative importance of product inhibition (n-3HUFA) versus increased substrate concentration (C18 EFA) and, b) to determine whether 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 differ in their effects, on the hepatic fatty acyl desaturation/elongation pathway in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Smolts were fed ten experimental diets containing blends of two vegetable oils, linseed (LO) and rapeseed oil (RO), and fish oil (FO) in a triangular mixture design for 50 weeks. Fish were sampled after 32 and 50 weeks, lipid and fatty acid composition of liver determined, fatty acyl desaturation/elongation activity estimated in hepatocytes using [1-14C]18:3n-3 as substrate, and the data subjected to regression analyses. Dietary 18:2n-6 was positively correlated, and n-3HUFA negatively correlated, with lipid content of liver. Dietary 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 were positively correlated with liver fatty acids with a slope greater than unity suggesting relative retention and deposition of these HUFA. In contrast, dietary 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 were positively correlated with liver fatty acids with a slope of less than unity suggesting metabolism via β-oxidation and/or desaturation/elongation. Consistent with this, fatty acyl desaturation/elongation in hepatocytes was significantly increased by feeding diets containing vegetable oils. Dietary 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 levels were negatively correlated with hepatocyte fatty acyl desaturation. At 32 weeks, 18:2n-6 but not 18:3n-3, was positively correlated with hepatocyte fatty acyl desaturation activity whereas the reverse was true at 50 weeks. The data indicate that both feedback inhibition through increased n-3HUFA and decreased C18 fatty acyl substrate concentration are probably important in determining hepatocyte fatty acyl desaturation activities, and that 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 may differ in their effects on this pathway

    Distribution of sialic acids on mucins and gels: a defense mechanism

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    Moist mucosal epithelial interfaces that are exposed to external environments are dominated by sugar epitopes, some of which (e.g., sialic acids) are involved in host defense. In this study, we determined the abundance and distribution of two sialic acids to assess differences in their availability to an exogenous probe in isolated mucins and mucous gels. We used atomic force microscopy to obtain force maps of human preocular mucous and purified ocular mucins by probing and locating the interactions between tip-tethered lectins Maackia amurensis and Sambucus nigra and their respective receptors, α-2,3 and α-2,6 N-acetylneuraminic (sialic) acids. The rupture force distributions were not affected by neighboring sugar-bearing molecules. Energy contours for both lectin-sugar bonds were fitted to a two-barrier model, suggesting a conformational change before dissociation. In contrast to data from purified mucin molecules, the preocular gels presented numerous large clusters (19,000 ± 4000 nm2) of α-2,6 sialic acids, but very few small clusters (2000 ± 500 nm2) of α-2,3 epitopes. This indicates that mucins, which are rich in α-2,3 sialic acids, are only partially exposed at the surface of the mucous gel. Microorganisms that recognize α-2,3 sialic acids will encounter only isolated ligands, and the adhesion of other microorganisms will be enhanced by large islands of neighboring α-2,6 sialic acids. We have unveiled an additional level of mucosal surface heterogeneity, specifically in the distribution of pro- and antiadhesive sialic acids that protect underlying epithelia from viruses and bacteria

    The Strong CP Problem and Axions

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    I describe how the QCD vacuum structure, necessary to resolve the U(1)AU(1)_A problem, predicts the presence of a P, T and CP violating term proportional to the vacuum angle θˉ\bar{\theta}. To agree with experimental bounds, however, this parameter must be very small (θˉ109(\bar{\theta} \leq 10^{-9}). After briefly discussing some possible other solutions to this, so-called, strong CP problem, I concentrate on the chiral solution proposed by Peccei and Quinn which has associated with it a light pseudoscalar particle, the axion. I discuss in detail the properties and dynamics of axions, focusing particularly on invisible axion models where axions are very light, very weakly coupled and very long-lived. Astrophysical and cosmological bounds on invisible axions are also briefly touched upon.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in the Lecture Notes in Physics volume on Axions, (Springer Verlag

    Electromagnetic corrections in eta --> 3 pi decays

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    We re-evaluate the electromagnetic corrections to eta --> 3 pi decays at next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion, arguing that effects of order e^2(m_u-m_d) disregarded so far are not negligible compared to other contributions of order e^2 times a light quark mass. Despite the appearance of the Coulomb pole in eta --> pi+ pi- pi0 and cusps in eta --> 3 pi0, the overall corrections remain small.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures; references updated, version published in EPJ

    Supermassive Binaries and Extragalactic Jets

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    Some quasars show Doppler shifted broad emission line peaks. I give new statistics of the occurrence of these peaks and show that, while the most spectacular cases are in quasars with strong radio jets inclined to the line of sight, they are also almost as common in radio-quiet quasars. Theories of the origin of the peaks are reviewed and it is argued that the displaced peaks are most likely produced by the supermassive binary model. The separations of the peaks in the 3C 390.3-type objects are consistent with orientation-dependent "unified models" of quasar activity. If the supermassive binary model is correct, all members of "the jet set" (astrophysical objects showing jets) could be binaries.Comment: 31 pages, PostScript, missing figure is in ApJ 464, L105 (see http://www.aas.org/ApJ/v464n2/5736/5736.html

    Charged cosmic strings interacting with gravitational and electromagnetic waves

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    Under a particular choice of the Ernst potential, we solve analytically the Einstein-Maxwell equations to derive a new exact solution depending on five parameters: the mass, the angular-momentum (per unit mass), the electromagnetic-field strength, k, the parameter-p and the Kerr-NUT parameter, l. This (Petrov Type D) solution is cylindrically-symmetric and represents the curved background around a charged, rotating cosmic string, surrounded by gravitational and electromagnetic waves, under the influence of the Kerr-NUT parameter. A C-energy study in the radiation zone suggests that both the incoming and the outgoing radiation is gravitational, strongly focused around the null direction and preserving its profile. In this case, the absence of the k-parameter from the C-energy implies that, away from the linear defect the electromagnetic field is too weak to contribute to the energy-content of the cylindrically-symmetric space-time under consideration. In order to explain this result, we have evaluated the Weyl and the Maxwell scalars near the axis of the linear defect and at the spatial infinity. Accordingly, we have found that the electromagnetic field is concentrated (mainly) in the vicinity of the axis, while falling-off prominently at large radial distances. However, as long as k differs from unity, the non-zero Kerr-NUT parameter enhances those scalars, both near the axis and at the spatial infinity, introducing some sort of gravitomagnetic contribution.Comment: 18 pages, Springer_Latex, accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    The Fueling and Evolution of AGN: Internal and External Triggers

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    In this chapter, I review the fueling and evolution of active galactic nuclei (AGN) under the influence of internal and external triggers, namely intrinsic properties of host galaxies (morphological or Hubble type, color, presence of bars and other non-axisymmetric features, etc) and external factors such as environment and interactions. The most daunting challenge in fueling AGN is arguably the angular momentum problem as even matter located at a radius of a few hundred pc must lose more than 99.99 % of its specific angular momentum before it is fit for consumption by a BH. I review mass accretion rates, angular momentum requirements, the effectiveness of different fueling mechanisms, and the growth and mass density of black BHs at different epochs. I discuss connections between the nuclear and larger-scale properties of AGN, both locally and at intermediate redshifts, outlining some recent results from the GEMS and GOODS HST surveys.Comment: Invited Review Chapter to appear in LNP Volume on "AGN Physics on All Scales", Chapter 6, in press. 40 pages, 12 figures. Typo in Eq 5 correcte