151 research outputs found


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     With a high production per hectare, sugar sorghum is a high value technical plant for farmers because from an average production of 70-80 t/ha, a high quantity of juice can be obtained, which can be used as such in the food industry (natural sweetener) or processed for the purpose of obtaining alcohol. The alcohol has a higher value/liter, can be stored more easily and its uses are multiple: in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical industry, etc

    Coronal jet contribution to the slow Solar wind flux: preliminary results

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    The solar wind is a continuous flux of charged particles that are ejected from the Sun's atmosphere. The sources of this flux have not been clearly identiffed yet. Coronal jets are proposed as a possible candidate. They are small collimated ejections of plasma seen in white-light coronagraph images. Using an existing catalogue, a sample of events during the period 2007-2008 was analysed, and ejected particle flux has been estimated. First results are now presented. As future work, all the jets contained in the catalogue will be analysed in order to obtain the average particle flux. The results will be compared to in-situ measurements in order to assess the coronal jet contribution to the solar wind


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    The paper presents a summary of theoretical research developed in the country, related to the design and optimization of complex aggregates for soil processing and the improvement of their quality indices of work


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    This paper presents a synthesis of theoretical researches carried out in Romania and worldwide on forces and stresses in coupling devices.

    HIV-1 Infection in Cyprus, the Eastern Mediterranean European Frontier: A Densely Sampled Transmission Dynamics Analysis from 1986 to 2012

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    Since HIV-1 treatment is increasingly considered an effective preventionstrategy, it is important to study local HIV-1 epidemics to formulate tailored preventionpolicies. The prevalence of HIV-1 in Cyprus was historically low until 2005. To investigatethe shift in epidemiological trends, we studied the transmission dynamics of HIV-1 in Cyprususing a densely sampled Cypriot HIV-1 transmission cohort that included 85 percent ofHIV-1-infected individuals linked to clinical care between 1986 and 2012 based on detailedclinical, epidemiological, behavioral and HIV-1 genetic information. Subtyping andtransmission cluster reconstruction were performed using maximum likelihood and Bayesianmethods, and the transmission chain network was linked to the clinical, epidemiological andbehavioral data. The results reveal that for the main HIV-1 subtype A1 and B sub-epidemics,young and drug-naïve HIV-1-infected individuals in Cyprus are driving the dynamics of thelocal HIV-1 epidemic. The results of this study provide a better understanding of thedynamics of the HIV-1 infection in Cyprus, which may impact the development of preventionstrategies. Furthermore, this methodology for analyzing densely sampled transmissiondynamics is applicable to other geographic regions to implement effective HIV-1 preventionstrategies in local settings

    HIV-1 Infection in Cyprus, the Eastern Mediterranean European Frontier: A Densely Sampled Transmission Dynamics Analysis from 1986 to 2012

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    Since HIV-1 treatment is increasingly considered an effective preventionstrategy, it is important to study local HIV-1 epidemics to formulate tailored preventionpolicies. The prevalence of HIV-1 in Cyprus was historically low until 2005. To investigatethe shift in epidemiological trends, we studied the transmission dynamics of HIV-1 in Cyprususing a densely sampled Cypriot HIV-1 transmission cohort that included 85 percent ofHIV-1-infected individuals linked to clinical care between 1986 and 2012 based on detailedclinical, epidemiological, behavioral and HIV-1 genetic information. Subtyping andtransmission cluster reconstruction were performed using maximum likelihood and Bayesianmethods, and the transmission chain network was linked to the clinical, epidemiological andbehavioral data. The results reveal that for the main HIV-1 subtype A1 and B sub-epidemics,young and drug-naïve HIV-1-infected individuals in Cyprus are driving the dynamics of thelocal HIV-1 epidemic. The results of this study provide a better understanding of thedynamics of the HIV-1 infection in Cyprus, which may impact the development of preventionstrategies. Furthermore, this methodology for analyzing densely sampled transmissiondynamics is applicable to other geographic regions to implement effective HIV-1 preventionstrategies in local settings

    Correction to: Assessing real-world gait with digital technology? Validation, insights and recommendations from the Mobilise-D consortium (<em>Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation</em>, (2023), 20, 1, (78), 10.1186/s12984-023-01198-5)

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024.Following publication of the original article [1], the author noticed the errors in Table 1, and in Discussion section. In Table 1 under Metric (Gait sequence detection) column, the algorithms GSDB was updated with wrong description, input, output, language and citation and GSDc with wrong description has been corrected as shown below: (Table presented.) Description of algorithms for each metric: gait sequence detection (GSD), initial contact event detection (ICD), cadence estimation (CAD) and stride length estimation (SL) Metric Name Description Input Output Language References GSDA Based on a frequency-based approach, this algorithm is implemented on the vertical and anterior–posterior acceleration signals. First, these are band pass filtered to keep frequencies between 0.5 and 3 Hz. Next, a convolution of a 2 Hz sinewave (representing a template for a gait cycle) is performed, from which local maxima will be detected to define the regions of gait acc_v: vertical acceleration acc_ap: anterior–posterior acceleration WinS = 3 s; window size for convolution OL = 1.5 s; overlap of windows Activity_thresh = 0.01; Motion threshold Fs: sampling frequency Start: beginning of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector End: termination of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector Matlab\uae Iluz, Gazit [40] GSDB This algorithm, based on a time domain-approach, detects the gait periods based on identified steps. First, the norm of triaxial acceleration signal is low-pass filtered (FIR, fc = 3.2 Hz), then a peak detection procedure using a threshold of 0.1 [g] is applied to identify steps. Consecutive steps, detected using an adaptive step duration threshold are associated to gait sequences acc_norm: norm of the 3D-accelerometer signal Fs: sampling frequency th: peak detection threshold: 0.1 (g) Start: beginning of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector End: termination of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector Matlab\uae Paraschiv-Ionescu, Newman [41] GSDc This algorithm utilizes the same approach as GSDBthe only difference being a different threshold for peak detection of 0.15 [g] acc_norm: norm of the 3D-accelerometer signal Fs: sampling frequency th: peak detection threshold: 0.15 (g) Start: beginning of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector End: termination of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector Matlab\uae Paraschiv-Ionescu, Newman [41] In Discussion section, the paragraph should read as "Based on our findings collectively, we recommend using GSDB on cohorts with slower gait speeds and substantial gait impairments (e.g., proximal femoral fracture). This may be because this algorithm is based on the acceleration norm (overall accelerometry signal rather than a specific axis/direction (e.g., vertical), hence it is more robust to sensor misalignments that are common in unsupervised real-life settings. Moreover, the use of adaptive threshold, that are derived from the features of a subject’s data and applied to step duration for detection of steps belonging to gait sequences, allows increased robustness of the algorithm to irregular and unstable gait patterns" instead of “Based on our findings collectively, we recommend using GSDB on cohorts with slower gait speeds and substantial gait impairments (e.g., proximal femoral fracture). This may be because this algorithm is based on the acceleration norm (overall accelerometry signal rather than a specific axis/direction (e.g., vertical), hence it is more robust to sensor misalignments that are common in unsupervised real-life settings [41]. Moreover, the use of adaptive thresholds, that are derived from the features of a subject’s data and applied to the amplitude of acceleration norm and to step duration for detection of steps belonging to gait sequences, allows increased robustness of the algorithm to irregular and unstable gait patterns”