2,034 research outputs found

    Josephson junction between anisotropic superconductors

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    The sin-Gordon equation for Josephson junctions with arbitrary misaligned anisotropic banks is derived. As an application, the problem of Josephson vortices at twin planes of a YBCO-like material is considered. It is shown that for an arbitrary orientation of these vortices relative to the crystal axes of the banks, the junctions should experience a mechanical torque which is evaluated. This torque and its angular dependence may, in principle, be measured in small fields, since the flux penetration into twinned crystals begins with nucleation of Josephson vortices at twin planes.Comment: 6 page

    Origin of the magnetic-field dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in iron

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    The magnetic-field dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation at Ir impurities in Fe was measured for fields between 0 and 2 T parallel to the [100] direction. The reliability of the applied technique of nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented nuclei was demonstrated by measurements at different radio-frequency (rf) field strengths. The interpretation of the relaxation curves, which used transition rates to describe the excitation of the nuclear spins by a frequency-modulated rf field, was confirmed by model calculations. The magnetic-field dependence of the so-called enhancement factor for rf fields, which is closely related to the magnetic-field dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation, was also measured. For several magnetic-field-dependent relaxation mechanisms, the form and the magnitude of the field dependence were derived. Only the relaxation via eddy-current damping and Gilbert damping could explain the observed field dependence. Using reasonable values of the damping parameters, the field dependence could perfectly be described. This relaxation mechanism is, therefore, identified as the origin of the magnetic-field dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation in Fe. The detailed theory, as well as an approximate expression, is derived, and the dependences on the wave vector, the resonance frequency, the conductivity, the temperature, and the surface conditions are discussed. The theory is related to previous attempts to understand the field dependence of the relaxation, and it is used to reinterpret previous relaxation experiments in Fe. Moreover, it is predicted that the field dependences of the relaxation in Fe and Co, on one side, and in Ni, on the other side, differ substantially, and it is suggested that the literature values of the high-field limits of the relaxation constants in Fe are slightly too large

    New AGNs discovered by H.E.S.S

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    During the last year, six new Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) have been discovered and studied by H.E.S.S. at Very High Energies (VHE). Some of these recent discoveries have been made thanks to new enhanced analysis methods and are presented at this conference for the first time. The three blazars 1ES 0414+009, SHBL J001355.9-185406 and 1RXS J101015.9-311909 have been targeted for observation due to their high levels of radio and X-ray fluxes, while the Fermi/LAT catalogue of bright sources triggered the observation of PKS 0447-439 and AP Librae. Additionally, the BL Lac 1ES 1312-423 was discovered in the field-of-view (FoV) of Centaurus A thanks to the large exposure dedicated by H.E.S.S. to this particularly interesting source. The newly-discovered sources are presented here and in three companion presentations at this conference.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, proceeding from the 25th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (Heidelberg, Germany, 2010

    Non-parametric comparison of histogrammed two-dimensional data distributions using the Energy Test

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    When monitoring complex experiments, comparison is often made between regularly acquired histograms of data and reference histograms which represent the ideal state of the equipment. With the larger HEP experiments now ramping up, there is a need for automation of this task since the volume of comparisons could overwhelm human operators. However, the two-dimensional histogram comparison tools available in ROOT have been noted in the past to exhibit shortcomings. We discuss a newer comparison test for two-dimensional histograms, based on the Energy Test of Aslan and Zech, which provides more conclusive discrimination between histograms of data coming from different distributions than methods provided in a recent ROOT release.The Science and Technology Facilities Council, U

    Organic matter in termite mounds of an Amazonian rain forest.

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    This study investigates how termites alter the organic matter in rain forests near Manaus, Brazil. Samples were collected from the outer and inner parts of typical termite nests of Nasutitermes, Termes, Embiratermes, Cornitermes, Anoplotermes, and Constrictotermes genera, as well as from the surrounding topsoil (0cm-10cm) and potential wooden food. The termite nests were signficant sinks for organic matter and its associated nutrients. The organic C contents ranged between 100g kg-1 and 500g kg-1 in the nests, compared to 17g kg-1 to 42g kg-1 in the surrounding topsoils. As lignin contents of the mounds were higher than in wood, lignin may be accumulated in preference to other organic compounds. This findings also sugests that the interior part of the nests is a region of higher organic matter turnover and lignin degradation

    SST-GATE: A dual mirror telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the world's first open observatory for very high energy gamma-rays. Around a hundred telescopes of different sizes will be used to detect the Cherenkov light that results from gamma-ray induced air showers in the atmosphere. Amongst them, a large number of Small Size Telescopes (SST), with a diameter of about 4 m, will assure an unprecedented coverage of the high energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum (above ~1TeV to beyond 100 TeV) and will open up a new window on the non-thermal sky. Several concepts for the SST design are currently being investigated with the aim of combining a large field of view (~9 degrees) with a good resolution of the shower images, as well as minimizing costs. These include a Davies-Cotton configuration with a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (GAPD) based camera, as pioneered by FACT, and a novel and as yet untested design based on the Schwarzschild-Couder configuration, which uses a secondary mirror to reduce the plate-scale and to allow for a wide field of view with a light-weight camera, e.g. using GAPDs or multi-anode photomultipliers. One objective of the GATE (Gamma-ray Telescope Elements) programme is to build one of the first Schwarzschild-Couder prototypes and to evaluate its performance. The construction of the SST-GATE prototype on the campus of the Paris Observatory in Meudon is under way. We report on the current status of the project and provide details of the opto-mechanical design of the prototype, the development of its control software, and simulations of its expected performance.Comment: In Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). All CTA contributions at arXiv:1307.223