3,082 research outputs found

    Feasibility demonstration for hydrogen chloride detection using a chemisorption technique and a quartz crystal microbalance

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    A method of measuring concentrations of hydrogen chloride between 1 part per billion and 10 parts per million at standard temperature and pressure is presented. The feasibility of a low-cost device incorporating a chemisorption technique coupled with a quartz crystal microbalance was demonstrated in the field at the Viking B launch using a Titan-Centaur vehicle from Kennedy Space Center on August 20, 1975. Hydrogen chloride is a product of solid rocket combustion. The concentration level of hydrogen chloride for this particular launch was measured as approximately 0.2 parts per million at 4 km from the launch site

    Correlations of πN\boldsymbol{\pi N} Partial Waves for Multi-Reaction Analyses

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    In the search for missing baryonic resonances, many analyses include data from a variety of pion- and photon-induced reactions. For elastic πN\pi N scattering, however, usually the partial waves of the SAID or other groups are fitted, instead of data. We provide the partial-wave covariance matrices needed to perform correlated χ2\chi^2 fits, in which the obtained χ2\chi^2 equals the actual χ2\chi^2 up non-linear and normalization corrections. For any analysis relying on partial waves extracted from elastic pion scattering, this is a prerequisite to assess the significance of resonance signals and to assign any uncertainty on results. The influence of systematic errors is also considered.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; Acknowledgements update

    Flexible frameworks and building blocks

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    Non-Market Valuation of Open Space and Other Amenities Associated with Retention of Lands in Agricultural Use

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    The most productive farmland in southcentral Alaska is currently under intense development pressure due to rapid population increases and consequential increases in demand for suburban housing. This study utilizes a contingent valuation iterative bidding game to estimate the willingness of Matanuska-Susitna Borough residents to pay to preserve open space and other historical/environmental amenities associated with farming activities. Determinants of consumer behavior are addressed as well as total benefits and costs of various posited development scenarios. This information may be useful to policymakers assessing actions designed to purchase development rights from Matanuska-Susitna farmers

    Equality Hoax Held to Light

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    Date unknownhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/citizens_clip/1024/thumbnail.jp

    Intermediate Geography Curriculum of Selected Schools: A Comparative Study

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    Risk-Based Decision Model for Determining the Applicability of an Earned Value Management System in Construction

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    New policy mandated by the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics has lowered the dollar thresholds of contracts requiring earned value management (EVM). This policy directed that a risk-based decision be made to determine if EVM should be used on firm-fixed price contracts under 20million.AlthoughnotpreviouslyapplicabletoMilitaryConstruction(MILCON)buildingprojectsorotherAirForceCivilEngineer(CE)managedcontracts,thenewthresholdrequiresthatCEprojectsbeevaluatedforrisk.Therefore,thefocusofthisresearchwastoanalyzetheriskfactorsassociatedwithconstructioncontractsinanattempttobuildadecisionmodeltodetermineifEVMiswarrantedontheproject.DuetothecostofimplementingEVM,thismodelshouldprobablybeusedonlyonAirForceconstructionprojectswithcostestimatesover20 million. Although not previously applicable to Military Construction (MILCON) building projects or other Air Force Civil Engineer (CE) managed contracts, the new threshold requires that CE projects be evaluated for risk. Therefore, the focus of this research was to analyze the risk factors associated with construction contracts in an attempt to build a decision model to determine if EVM is warranted on the project. Due to the cost of implementing EVM, this model should probably be used only on Air Force construction projects with cost estimates over 5 million. If the cost growth predicted by the model is greater than 5%, the use of EVM is recommended to monitor the risk factors. However, this recommendation should be tempered with the overall risk associated with a given project. In other words, if the calculated cost growth is high but the probability of occurrence is low, the decision-maker may want to forego the use of EVM and the associated costs. The questions addressed by this research are as follows: (1) What risk factors affect the cost or schedule of Air Force construction projects?; (2) What is the probability of occurrence of the identified risk factors?; (3) What is the subsequent cost growth due to the occurrence of the risk factors?; and (4) How many Air Force construction projects accomplished in the last 5 years and those programmed through FY12 exceed the $20M threshold or fall into a range that must be evaluated

    A Measure of Structural Complexity for Context-free Grammars

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    Paul D. Workman Photograph Collection- Accession 1109

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    The Paul D. Workman Photograph Collection consists of photographs taken by Rock Hill, SC resident and WWII veteran Major Paul D. Workman (1900-1968). Maj. Workman was the nephew of Winthrop founder and first president, David Bancroft Johnson (1856-1928) through Dr. Johnson’s half-sister Florence Nance Workman (1872-1940). The collection consists of 168 slides, 5 negatives, and 76 photograph prints. Most of the images are of Rock Hill, SC and are of spring scenes including Glencairn Gardens and other gardens, the Rock Hill Centennial Parade in 1952, local businesses, Sullivan Middle School (formerly Rock Hill High School, the Southern Rail Road, and the Elks Club of Rock Hill.https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/manuscriptcollection_findingaids/2285/thumbnail.jp