6 research outputs found

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Desa Karegesan Kec. Kauditan Kab. Minut (Satu Studi di Desa Karegesan Kecamatan Kauditan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara)

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    The figure of the professional and leadership required to properly master the job exceeds theaverage of existing employees, as well as having high moral commitment on its work in accordancewith the code of ethics profession as a leader. Leader / Leadership is a subject that should encouragecommunity participation in development through the demands and suggestions and effective decisionmakingto the people to achieve development goals.In Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government as changes in Law No. 12 Year 2008 andGovernment Regulation No. 73 of 2005 on Regional, village, and village, chapter 4, explained thatreferred to in has the task of conducting the affairs of government and community development. Inaddition to the task as intended, implementing government affairs delegated by the Regent / Mayor.Followed up by Regulation Karegesan Village district. Kauditan Kab. Minut No. 21 of 2004 which wassubsequently replaced by the regional regulation and Village No. 11 of 2008 in the Law on VillageGovernment Amendment Latest: Government Regulation (PP) No. 43 of 2014 on the Regulation onthe Implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014 on the village, a variety of things set in GovernmentRegulation No. 43 Year 2014 concerning the Implementation Regulations of Law No. 6 of 2014 on thevillage.One village chief authority is to foster the life of the villagers. Coaching is one very importantelement in the process of infrastructure development for the community, be it guidance for the villageand for the people. The purpose of the Infrastructure Development is better to change the lives ofvillagers. In practice, the village chief to use the concept of awareness and willingness of the peoplethemselves to participate and assist the government in rural development better

    Standardised criteria for classifying the International Classification of Activities for Time-use Statistics (ICATUS) activity groups into sleep, sedentary behaviour, and physical activity

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    Background Globally, the International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics (ICATUS) is one of the most widely used time-use classifications to identify time spent in various activities. Comprehensive 24-h activities that can be extracted from ICATUS provide possible implications for the use of time-use data in relation to activity-health associations; however, these activities are not classified in a way that makes such analysis feasible. This study, therefore, aimed to develop criteria for classifying ICATUS activities into sleep, sedentary behaviour (SB), light physical activity (LPA), and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), based on expert assessment. Method We classified activities from the Trial ICATUS 2005 and final ICATUS 2016. One author assigned METs and codes for wakefulness status and posture, to all subclass activities in the Trial ICATUS 2005. Once coded, one author matched the most detailed level of activities from the ICATUS 2016 with the corresponding activities in the Trial ICATUS 2005, where applicable. The assessment and harmonisation of each ICATUS activity were reviewed independently and anonymously by four experts, as part of a Delphi process. Given a large number of ICATUS activities, four separate Delphi panels were formed for this purpose. A series of Delphi survey rounds were repeated until a consensus among all experts was reached. Results Consensus about harmonisation and classification of ICATUS activities was reached by the third round of the Delphi survey in all four panels. A total of 542 activities were classified into sleep, SB, LPA, and MVPA categories. Of these, 390 activities were from the Trial ICATUS 2005 and 152 activities were from the final ICATUS 2016. The majority of ICATUS 2016 activities were harmonised into the ICATUS activity groups (n = 143). Conclusions Based on expert consensus, we developed a classification system that enables ICATUS-based time-use data to be classified into sleep, SB, LPA, and MVPA categories. Adoption and consistent use of this classification system will facilitate standardisation of time-use data processing for the purpose of sleep, SB and physical activity research, and improve between-study comparability. Future studies should test the applicability of the classification system by applying it to empirical data

    Attaching metabolic expenditures to standard occupational classification systems: perspectives from time-use research

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    Abstract Background Traditionally, time-use data have been used to inform a broad range of economic and sociological research topics. One of the new areas in time-use research is the study of physical activity (PA) and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE). Time-use data can be used to study PAEE by assigning MET values to daily activities using the Ainsworth Compendium of Physical Activities. Although most diarists record their daily activities accurately and in detail, they are only required to record their paid working hours, not the job-specific tasks they undertake. This makes it difficult to assign MET values to paid work episodes. Methods In this methodological paper, we explain how we addressed this problem by using the detailed information about respondents’ occupational status included in time-use survey household and individual questionnaires. We used the 2008 ISCO manual, a lexicon of the International Labour Organization of occupational titles and their related job-specific tasks. We first assigned a MET value to job-specific tasks using the Ainsworth compendium (2011) then calculated MET values for each of the 436 occupations in the ISCO-08 manual by averaging all job-specific MET values for each occupation. Results The ISCO-08 Major Groups of ‘elementary occupations’ and ‘craft and related trades workers’ are associated with high PAEE variation in terms of their job-specific MET values and together represented 21.6% of the Belgian working population in 2013. We recommend that these occupational categories should be prioritised for further in-depth research into occupational activity (OA). Conclusions We developed a clear and replicable procedure to calculate occupational activity for all ISCO-08 occupations. All of our calculations are attached to this manuscript which other researchers may use, replicate and refine

    Attaching metabolic expenditures to standard occupational classification systems: perspectives from time-use research.

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    Traditionally, time-use data have been used to inform a broad range of economic and sociological research topics. One of the new areas in time-use research is the study of physical activity (PA) and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE). Time-use data can be used to study PAEE by assigning MET values to daily activities using the Ainsworth Compendium of Physical Activities. Although most diarists record their daily activities accurately and in detail, they are only required to record their paid working hours, not the job-specific tasks they undertake. This makes it difficult to assign MET values to paid work episodes.In this methodological paper, we explain how we addressed this problem by using the detailed information about respondents' occupational status included in time-use survey household and individual questionnaires. We used the 2008 ISCO manual, a lexicon of the International Labour Organization of occupational titles and their related job-specific tasks. We first assigned a MET value to job-specific tasks using the Ainsworth compendium (2011) then calculated MET values for each of the 436 occupations in the ISCO-08 manual by averaging all job-specific MET values for each occupation.The ISCO-08 Major Groups of 'elementary occupations' and 'craft and related trades workers' are associated with high PAEE variation in terms of their job-specific MET values and together represented 21.6% of the Belgian working population in 2013. We recommend that these occupational categories should be prioritised for further in-depth research into occupational activity (OA).We developed a clear and replicable procedure to calculate occupational activity for all ISCO-08 occupations. All of our calculations are attached to this manuscript which other researchers may use, replicate and refine

    Attaching metabolic expenditures to standard occupational classification systems: perspectives from time-use research.

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    Traditionally, time-use data have been used to inform a broad range of economic and sociological research topics. One of the new areas in time-use research is the study of physical activity (PA) and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE). Time-use data can be used to study PAEE by assigning MET values to daily activities using the Ainsworth Compendium of Physical Activities. Although most diarists record their daily activities accurately and in detail, they are only required to record their paid working hours, not the job-specific tasks they undertake. This makes it difficult to assign MET values to paid work episodes.In this methodological paper, we explain how we addressed this problem by using the detailed information about respondents' occupational status included in time-use survey household and individual questionnaires. We used the 2008 ISCO manual, a lexicon of the International Labour Organization of occupational titles and their related job-specific tasks. We first assigned a MET value to job-specific tasks using the Ainsworth compendium (2011) then calculated MET values for each of the 436 occupations in the ISCO-08 manual by averaging all job-specific MET values for each occupation.The ISCO-08 Major Groups of 'elementary occupations' and 'craft and related trades workers' are associated with high PAEE variation in terms of their job-specific MET values and together represented 21.6% of the Belgian working population in 2013. We recommend that these occupational categories should be prioritised for further in-depth research into occupational activity (OA).We developed a clear and replicable procedure to calculate occupational activity for all ISCO-08 occupations. All of our calculations are attached to this manuscript which other researchers may use, replicate and refine

    Additional file 1: of Attaching metabolic expenditures to standard occupational classification systems: perspectives from time-use research

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    This file contains – in its separate tabs – the different steps of the calculation procedure we outlined in paragraph ‘4.1 An alternative approach to applying MET values to occupational codes’. The first tab ‘ISCO - METs calculation’ provides a list of all 436 four-digit ISCO-08 codes and their underlying job-specific tasks. We assigned MET values to these underlying job-specific tasks using our ‘task abbreviations/task component calculations’ list, which we present in the second tab ‘Job-specific tasks’. The METs assigned to this list were based on the most recent version of the Ainsworth compendium [23], which we outlined in the third tab ‘Compendium - Ainsworth (2011)’. The fourth and final tab ‘ISCO - METs table’ presents an overview of all four-digit ISCO-08 codes and their assigned MET values. (XLSX 522 kb