250 research outputs found

    Polaris B, an optical companion of Polaris (alpha UMi) system: atmospheric parameters, chemical composition, distance and mass

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    We present an analysis of high-resolution spectroscopic observations of Polaris B, the optical companion of the Polaris Ab system. The star has a radial velocity V_r of -16.6km/s to -18.9km/s, and a projected rotational velocity vsini=110 km/s. The derived atmospheric parameters are: Teff=6900K; logg=4.3; V_t=2.5km/s. Polaris B has elemental abundances generally similar to those of the Cepheid Polaris A (Usenko et al. 2005a), although carbon, sodium and magnesium are close to the solar values. At a spectral type of F3V Polaris B has a luminosity of 3.868L_sun, an absolute magnitude of +3.30mag, and a distance of 109.5pc. The mass of the star is estimated to be 1.39M_sun, close to a mass of 1.38+/-0.61M_sun for the recently-resolved orbital periods companion Polaris Ab observed by Evans et al. (2007).Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Secure quantum channels with correlated twin laser beams

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    This work is the development and analysis of the recently proposed quantum cryptographic protocol, based on the use of the two-mode coherently correlated states. The protocol is supplied with the cryptographic control procedures. The quantum noise influence on the channel error properties is examined. State detection features are proposed

    Prospects for finding means of non-specific prevention of COVID-19 infection

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    With the ongoing pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the emergence of its new genovariants, along with the relevance of  addressing the issue of vaccination of the population, the importance of non-specific prophylaxis, which is designed to reduce the viral load on the body and slow down the rate of virus spread, is increasing. The currently available research and experience in the use of antiseptic drugs or their combinations with the antimicrobial peptide lysozyme can be used for this purpose.Currently available research and experience in the use of antiseptic drugs or their combinations with the antimicrobial peptide lysozyme can be used for this purpose. Under conditions of lysozyme deficiency unhindered accumulation of non-hydrolyzed substrate, which is a constant source of autoantigens, is accompanied by immunity, metabolic and tissue homeostasis disorders. Analysis of a comparative study of different groups of antiseptics showed high virulicidal efficacy of cetylpyridinium chlorideCetylpyridinium chloride has an electrostatic effect on viral membrane lipids, causing their aggregation and dissolution, which leads to disruption of the integrity of the virus membrane, its interaction with mucosal epithelial cells and penetration into target cells, having a direct virulicide effect on SARS-CoV-2. An important factor of innate mucosal immunity is lysozyme, it has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects, normalizes microbiocenosis, restores immune system activity, increases mucosal barrier function. The combination of cetylpyridinium chloride and lysozyme hydrochloride has a dual antiviral effect, reducing the viral load on the body and enhancing the ability to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2 both from patients in the prodromal period of the disease or with its clinical manifestations, and from asymptomatic carriers with confirmed COVID-19 infection status

    Multiphoton communication in lossy channels with photon-number entangled states

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    We address binary and quaternary communication channels based on correlated multiphoton two-mode states of radiation in the presence of losses. The protocol are based on photon number correlations and realized upon choosing a shared set of thresholds to convert the outcome of a joint photon number measurement into a symbol from a discrete alphabet. In particular, we focus on channels build using feasible photon-number entangled states (PNES) as two-mode coherently-correlated (TMC) or twin-beam (TWB) states and compare their performances with that of channels built using feasible classically correlated (separable) states. We found that PNES provide larger channel capacity in the presence of loss, and that TWB-based channels may transmit a larger amount of information than TMC-based ones at fixed energy and overall loss. Optimized bit discrimination thresholds, as well as the corresponding maximized mutual information, are explicitly evaluated as a function of the beam intensity and the loss parameter. The propagation of TMC and TWB in lossy channels is analyzed and the joint photon number distribution is evaluated, showing that the beam statistics, either sub-Poissonian for TMC or super-Poissonian for TWB, is not altered by losses. Although entanglement is not strictly needed to establish the channels, which are based on photon-number correlations owned also by separable mixed states, purity of the support state is relevant to increase security. The joint requirement of correlation and purity individuates PNES as a suitable choice to build effective channels. The effects of losses on channel security are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 19 figure

    Vanishing of electron pair recession at central impact

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    Identity of electrons leads to description of their states by symmetrical or anti-symmetrical combination of free coherent states. Due to the coordinate uncertainty potential energy of the Coulomb repulsing is limited from above and so when energy of electrons is large enough, electrons go through each other, without noticing one another. We show existence of set of coherent states for which wave packages recession vanish - electrons remain close regardless of Coulomb repulsion.Comment: ICQO2006 Mins

    Effect of high-frequency chest wall oscillation on clinical indices of community-acquired pneumonia in children

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    The aim: To study the effect of high-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) on clinical indices of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children. Materials and methods: The main clinical symptoms were assessed in 107 children (girls - 45.79% and boys - 54.21%) aged 6 to 17 years with acute and uncomplicated course of CAP of moderate severity. The main group (MG) consisted of 55 children who were prescribed basic therapy (BT) in combination with HFCWO procedures. The control group (CG) comprised 52 children who received BT exclusively. Results: In the children of MG, the intensity of cough decreased to 0.28 ± 0.06 points compared with children of CG - 0.5 ± 0.07 points (p <0.05) on the 10th day of treatment. A positive dynamics of CAP in the form of the amount of sputum reduction was revealed in the MG children up to 0.06 ± 0.03 points compared with the CG children - 0.42 ± 0.07 (p <0.05). On the 10th day of therapy the MG children with CAP had decrease in the number of râles in the lungs up to 0.08 ± 0.04 points compared with those of CG - 0.4 ± 0.07 points (p <0.05). Conclusions: High efficacy of HFCWO method in complex treatment of CAP in children is confirmed by the dynamics of the main clinical symptoms, such as reduction of intensity and productivity of cough as well as absence shortness of breath and moist râles in the lungs. The data obtained indicate recovery of mucociliary clearance (MCC) functions and the bronchopulmonary system as a whole

    Revisiting the 'LSND anomaly' II: critique of the data analysis

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    This paper, together with a preceding paper, questions the so-called 'LSND anomaly': a 3.8 sigma excess of antielectronneutrino interactions over standard backgrounds, observed by the LSND Collaboration in a beam dump experiment with 800 MeV protons. That excess has been interpreted as evidence for the antimuonneutrino to antielectronneutrino oscillation in the \Deltam2 range from 0.2 eV2 to 2 eV2. Such a \Deltam2 range is incompatible with the widely accepted model of oscillations between three light neutrino species and would require the existence of at least one light 'sterile' neutrino. In a preceding paper, it was concluded that the estimates of standard backgrounds must be significantly increased. In this paper, the LSND Collaboration's estimate of the number of antielectronneutrino interactions followed by neutron capture, and of its error, is questioned. The overall conclusion is that the significance of the 'LSND anomaly' is not larger than 2.3 sigma.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures, 6 table

    Reply to 'Corrections to the HARP-CDP Analysis of the LSND Neutrino Oscillation Backgrounds'

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    The alleged mistakes in recent papers that reanalyze the backgrounds to the 'LSND anomaly' do not exist. We maintain our conclusion that the significance of the 'LSND anomaly' is not 3.8 sigma but not larger than 2.3 sigma.Comment: 3 page

    Высокочастотная осцилляция грудной клетки в лечении детей с острой внебольничной пневмонией

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    Високочастотна осциляція грудної клітки (ВЧОГК) є одним з інноваційних методів відновлення дренажу бронхіального дерева та покращення функції зовнішнього дихання (ФЗД) у дітей з гострою позалікарняною пневмонією (ГПП). Мета: оцінити ефективність та безпеку застосування методу ВЧОГК у комплексній терапії ГПП у дітей. Матеріали і методи. Обстежено 56 дітей (основна група (ОГ) – 36 дітей; контрольна група (КГ) – 20) віком 6–16 років з ГПП. Діти ОГ отримували комплексну терапію з включенням ВЧОГК. Діти КГ отримувала базисну терапію без застосування ВЧОГК. Вивчалися зміни клінічних симптомів та показники ФЗД у дітей з ГПП у динаміці лікування. Результати. Визначено покращення клінічних симптомів у дітей ОГ за рахунок зменшення задишки в стані спокою у 91,7% дітей та при фізичному навантаженні у 86,1% дітей, скорочення інтенсивності продуктивного кашлю у 75,0% дітей; зникнення вологих хрипів в легенях у 77,8% дітей. Покращання показників ФЗД у дітей ОГ з ГПП відбулося за рахунок достовірного поліпшення ЖЄЛ, ФЖЄЛ, ОФВ1, МОШ75, ПШВ. Висновки. Отримані дані свідчать про сприятливий вплив методу ВЧОГК на клінічні симптоми захворювання та показники ФЗД у дітей з ГПП. Перевагами даного методу є ефективність, безпека та сполучуваність з іншими методами бронхіального дренажу.High-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) is one of the innovative methods for restoring the drainage of bronchial tree and the improving of respiratory function (RF) in children with acute community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of using the method of HFCWO in complex therapy (CT) of CAP in children. Material and methods. We examined 56 children (the main group (MG) included 36 children; the control group (CG) – 20 paediatric patients) aged 6–16 years with CAP. The children of MG were administered CT with HFCWO. The CG obtained baseline therapy without HFCWO. The changes in clinical symptoms and indicators of RF in children with CAP using of HFCWO were studied. Results. The improvement of clinical symptoms in children of MG manifested as a decrease in dyspnoea at rest in 91.7% of children and with physical activity in 86.1% of children, a reducing intensity of productive cough in 75.0% of children; the disappearance of moist rales in the lungs in 77.8% of children was identified. Improvement of RF parameters in the children of MG with CAP occurred due to a significant improvement in VC, FVC, FEV1, MEF75, and PEF. Conclusions. The obtained data are indicative of the favourable influence of HFCWO on the clinical symptoms and RF indicators in children with CAP. The advantages of this method are efficacy, safety and compatibility with other methods of bronchial drainage.Высокочастотная осцилляция грудной клетки (ВЧОГК) является одним из инновационных методов восстановления дренажа бронхиального дерева и улучшения функции внешнего дыхания (ФВД) у детей с острой внебольничной пневмонией (ОВП). Целью работы было оценить эффективность и безопасность применения метода ВЧОГК в комплексной терапии ОВП у детей. Материалы и методы. Обследовано 56 детей (основная группа (ОГ) – 36 детей; контрольная группа (КГ) – 20) в возрасте 6–16 лет с ОВП. Дети ОГ получали комплексную терапию с включением ВЧОГК. Дети КГ получали базисную терапию (БТ) без применения ВЧОГК. Изучались изменение клинических симптомов и показатели ФВД у детей с ОВП в динамике лечения. Результаты. Определено улучшение клинических симптомов у детей ОГ за счет уменьшения одышки в состоянии покоя у 91,7% детей и при физической нагрузке у 86,1% детей, сокращение интенсивности продуктивного кашля у 75,0% детей; исчезновение влажных хрипов в легких у 77,8% детей. Изменение показателей ФВД у детей ОГ с ОВП произошло за счет достоверного улучшения ЖЕЛ, ФЖЕЛ, ОФВ1, МОШ75, ПСВ. Выводы. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о положительном влиянии метода ВЧОГК на клинические симптомы заболевания и показатели ФВД у детей с ОВП. Преимуществами данного метода являются эффективность, безопасность и сочетаемость с другими методами бронхиального дренажа

    Features of communication of a doctor with special groups of patients and in conflict situations.

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    The article describes an important component of the medical process which should be paid a special attention: the preparation of a young doctor – the communication between the physician and the patient and his relatives. Distinctive features of a modern patient: the tendency to control the state of his own health with simultaneous irresponsible attitude towards it; when revealing a disease, he/she is looking for the worst in himself/herself; the reduction of the moral character against the background of a decline in the morals of society, which affects the culture of the patient's behavior, makes him/her more aggressive; a modern patient is more lenient to himself/herself with an extremely demanding attitude to the doctor. Several interrelated functions of communication are distinguished: informational, interactive, perceptual, emotive (affective-commutative). The levels of communication are distinguished: social-role (ritual); business; intimate-personal. There are three types of communication: imperative; manipulative; dialogical (based on equal partnership). In the process of communication of the physician with patients, depending on the circumstances, two systems of communication can be used: verbal and nonverbal. In the relationship "patient-physician" R. Witch identifies 4 models: paternalistic, technocratic, collegian, and contractual. Each patient needs an individual approach, individual forms of communication and measures of physician’s psychotherapeutic influence, especially in the communication of the doctor with so-called “difficult” patients, as well as at the risk of conflict situations. Causes of conflict situations are: insufficient attention to the patient; characteriological features of a doctor and a patient; unreliable information about the state of health of the patient from the part of junior and middle medical personnel; lack of patient’s information consent for treatment; lack of coordination of the actions of different medical specialists; defects in the maintenance of medical records; professional incompetence