43 research outputs found

    Cosmic ray oriented performance studies for the JEM-EUSO first level trigger

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    JEM-EUSO is a space mission designed to investigate Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos (E > 5 ⋅ 1019 eV) from the International Space Station (ISS). Looking down from above its wide angle telescope is able to observe their air showers and collect such data from a very wide area. Highly specific trigger algorithms are needed to drastically reduce the data load in the presence of both atmospheric and human activity related background light, yet retain the rare cosmic ray events recorded in the telescope. We report the performance in offline testing of the first level trigger algorithm on data from JEM-EUSO prototypes and laboratory measurements observing different light sources: data taken during a high altitude balloon flight over Canada, laser pulses observed from the ground traversing the real atmosphere, and model landscapes reproducing realistic aspect ratios and light conditions as would be seen from the ISS itself. The first level trigger logic successfully kept the trigger rate within the permissible bounds when challenged with artificially produced as well as naturally encountered night sky background fluctuations and while retaining events with general air-shower characteristics

    Science of atmospheric phenomena with JEM-EUSO

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    Dynamics of biochemical and immunological blood markers in patients with pseudoarthrosis of the femoral neck after total hip arthroplasty

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    The importance of biomarkers to predict recovery following total hip arthroplasty (THA) is still unclear to clinicians. To assess the preoperative biomarkers of patients with pseudoarthrosis of the femoral neck and their dynamics in the early postoperative period after THA, 50 patients aged 33 to 82 years old, 18 males and 32 females diagnosed with pseudoarthrosis of the femoral neck after failed internal fixation and failed conservative management were studied. The control group consisted of 30 healthy people aged 27 to 50 years, 13 males, 17 females. Patients’ blood was examined for biochemical markers upon admission, and then on the 7th and 14th days after surgery. Their blood serum content of total protein, albumin, glycoproteins, sialic acids, chondroitin sulfates, haptoglobin, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, GGT, acid phosphatase, thymol index; interleukins (IL-1, IL-4 and IL-6.) and C-reactive protein was measured. The content of glycoproteins in the blood exceeded the norm by 2.3 times, chondroitin sulfate by 4.7 times, sialic acids by 1.5 times, haptoglobin by 55.8%, fibrinogen by 19.1%, globulin by 19,6%, alkaline phosphatase activity by 72.3%, IL-1 by 94.7 and IL-6 by 3 times, C-reactive protein by 2.6 times. After THA there was a gradual decrease in blood biochemical and immunological markers. The most informative laboratory markers were glycoproteins, chondroitin sulfates, sialic acids, haptoglobin, activity of alkaline phosphatase, IL-1, IL-6 and IL-4, and C-reactive protein. Subsequent research is required to validate these dynamics

    A Case of Agglutination and Hemolysis of Erythrocytes Caused by the Patient’s Own Plasma

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    The aim of the work was to study the agglutination and hemolysis of erythrocytes under diff erent conditions in vitro in a patient with unknown cause of anemia and concomitant secondary instability of endoprosthesis

    Dynamics of hematological indices in rats after administration of diamond-carbon coated steel implants into the femur

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    Вступ. Як відомо, патологічна реакція організму пацієнтів на металеві імплантати загальновідома. Тому можна вважати актуальним напрям досліджень щодо динаміки гематологічних показників як маркерів реакції організму на введення у кістку сталевих імплантатів з алмазно-вуглецевим покриттям у щурів. Мета дослідження – провести оцінку впливу на організм щурів введення сталевих імплантатів з алмазно-вуглецевим покриттям на основі гематологічних показників. Матеріал і методи дослідження. У дослідженні було використано 61 щур-самець, з них 5 – інтактні тварини, та 2 групи щурів по 28 тварин у кожній (1 група – контрольна, якій вводили у метафіз стегнової кістки сталеві імплантати без покриття; 2 група – дослідна, якій вводили сталеві імплантати з алмазно-вуглецевим покриттям). Вік тварин на початок експерименту становив 5–6 місяців, маса тіла – 300–400 грамів. Кров для дослідження відбиралась у тварин після декапітації на 7, 14, 30 та 90 добу після імплантації. В крові щурів визначали кількість еритроцитів та лейкоцитів, вміст гемоглобіну і лейкограму, результати оброблялись статистично. Результати досліджень та висновки. У І групі щурів, яким вводили в стегнову кістку сталеві імплантати без покриття, кількість еритроцитів та вміст гемоглобіну в крові не відрізнялись від показників у інтактних щурів, кількість лейкоцитів на 7 та 14 добу були знижені на 31,8 % на 39,4 % відповідно, на 7 добу відсоток лімфоцитів та моноцитів збільшився на 13,0 % та 5,0 %, що зумовлено токсичною імуносупресивною дією сталевих імплантатів на організм експериментальних тварин. У ІІ групі щурів, яким вводили в стегнову кістку сталеві імплантати із алмазно-вуглецевим покриттям, показники еритроцитопоезу, кількість лейкоцитів та показники лейкограми не змінювались упродовж всіх термінів спостереження, окрім збільшення проценту еозинофілів на 7 добу та лімфоцитів на 90 добу спостереження на 3 %, що свідчить про менш виражену реакцію організму порівняно з І групою тварин.Введение. Как известно, патологическая реакция организма пациентов на металлические имплантаты общеизвестна. Поэтому можно считать актуальным направление исследований, посвященное динамике гематологических показателей как маркеров реакции организма на введение в кость стальных имплантатов с алмазно-углеродным покрытием у крыс. Цель исследования – провести оценку воздействия на организм крыс введения стальных имплантатов с алмазно-углеродным покрытием на основе гематологических показателей. Материал и методы исследования. В исследовании были использованы 61 крыса-самец, из них 5 – интактные животные, и 2 группы крыс по 28 животных в каждой (1 группа – контрольная, которой вводили в метафиз бедренной кости стальные имплантаты без покрытия, 2 группа – опытная, которой вводили стальные имплантаты с алмазно-углеродным покрытием). Возраст животных на начало эксперимента составлял 5–6 месяцев, масса тела – 300–400 граммов. Кровь для исследования отбиралась у животных после декапитации на 7, 14, 30 и 90 сутки после имплантации. В крови крыс определяли количество эритроцитов и лейкоцитов, содержание гемоглобина и лейкограму, результаты обрабатывались статистически. Результаты исследований и выводы. В первой группе крыс, которым вводили в бедренную кость стальные имплантаты без покрытия, количество эритроцитов и содержание гемоглобина в крови не отличались от показателей у интактных крыс, количество лейкоцитов на 7 и 14 сутки были снижены на 31,8 % на 39,4 % соответственно, на 7 сутки процент лимфоцитов и моноцитов увеличился на 13,0 % и 5,0 %, что обусловлено токсическим иммуносупрессивным действием стальных имплантатов на организм экспериментальных животных. Во II группе крыс, которым вводили в бедренную кость стальные имплантаты с алмазноуглеродным покрытием, показатели эритроцитопоеза, количество лейкоцитов и показатели лейкограммы не изменялись на протяжении всех сроков наблюдения, кроме увеличения процента эозинофилов на 7 сутки и лимфоцитов на 90 сутки наблюдения на 3%, что свидетельствует о менее выраженной реакции организма по сравнению с I группой животных.Introduction. The pathological body response to metal implants is considered to be well known. There are a lot of studies devoted to this issue. This work is devoted to investigating the dynamic changes of haematological indicators as markers reflecting body response to the insertion of steel implants with diamond-carbon coating in rats. The purpose of the study is to assess the effects caused by steel implant with a diamond-coated coating on rat’s body by assessing hematological parameters. Materials and methods. The study involved 61 male rats: five of which were intact animals, and the rest was divided into two groups (28 animals in each). The first group was the control group, in which rats were inserted noncoated steel implants into the femoral metaphysic; the second group was test group, in which rats were inserted steel diamond-coated implants). The age of animals at the beginning of the experiment was 5–6 months, the body weight was 300–400 g. Blood for research was taken from the animals after decapitation in 7, 14, 30 and 90 days following the implantation. The blood samples were measured for the red blood cell, white blood cells, haemoglobin, leukogram. The findings obtained were processed by statistical analysis methods. Results and conclusions. The first group of the rats with inserted steel implants without coating showed the number of erythrocytes and haemoglobin did not differ from those in the intact rats, the leukocyte count on the 7th and 14th days was reduced by 31.8 % to 39.4 %, respectively; on the 7th day the percentage of lymphocytes and monocytes increased by 13.0 % and 5.0 % due to the toxic immunosuppressive effect of steel implants on the body of the experimental animals. The 2nd group of rats, which were inserted diamondcoated steel implants in their femurs, the rates of erythrocytopoiesis, the leukocyte number and leukogram characteristics remained unchanged during all the observation periods, except for an increase in the percentage of eosinophils on the 7th day and lymphocytes on the 90th day of follow- by 3 % that indicates a less pronounced body response in comparison with the animals of I group

    Science of atmospheric phenomena with JEM-EUSO

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    The main goal of the JEM-EUSO experiment is the study of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR, 10^{19}−10^{21} e V), but the method which will be used (detection of the secondary light emissions induced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere) allows to study other luminous phenomena. The UHECRs will be detected through the measurement of the emission in the range between 290 and 430 m, where some part of Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) emission also appears. This work discusses the possibility of using the JEM-EUSO Telescope to get new scientific results on TLEs. The high time resolution of this instrument allows to observe the evolution of TLEs with great precision just at the moment of their origin. The paper consists of four parts: review of the present knowledge on the TLE, presentation of the results of the simulations of the TLE images in the JEM-EUSO telescope, results of the Russian experiment Tatiana–2 and discussion of the possible progress achievable in this field with JEM-EUSO as well as possible cooperation with other space projects devoted to the study of TLE – TARANIS and ASIM. In atmospheric physics, the study of TLEs became one of the main physical subjects of interest after their discovery in 1989. In the years 1992 – 1994 detection was performed from satellite, aircraft and space shuttle and recently from the International Space Station. These events have short duration (milliseconds) and small scales (km to tens of km) and appear at altitudes 50 – 100 km. Their nature is still not clear and each new experimental data can be useful for a better understanding of these mysterious phenomena

    The atmospheric monitoring system of the JEM-EUSO instrument

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    The JEM-EUSO telescope will detect Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) from space, detecting the UV Fluorescence Light produced by Extensive Air Showers (EAS) induced by the interaction of the cosmic rays with the earth’s atmosphere. The capability to reconstruct the properties of the primary cosmic ray depends on the accurate measurement of the atmospheric conditions in the region of EAS development. The Atmospheric Monitoring (AM) system of JEM-EUSO will host a LIDAR, operating in the UV band, and an Infrared camera to monitor the cloud cover in the JEM-EUSO Field of View, in order to be sensitive to clouds with an optical depth τ \geq 0.15 and to measure the cloud top altitude with an accuracy of 500 m and an altitude resolution of 500 m

    The JEM-EUSO observation in cloudy conditions

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    The JEM-EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on-board the Japanese Experiment Module) mission will conduct extensive air shower (EAS) observations on the International Space Station (ISS). Following the ISS orbit, JEM-EUSO will experience continuous changes in the atmospheric conditions, including cloud presence. The influence of clouds on space-based observation is, therefore, an important topic to investigate from both EAS property and cloud climatology points of view. In the present work, the impact of clouds on the apparent profile of EAS is demonstrated through the simulation studies, taking into account the JEM-EUSO instrument and properties of the clouds. These results show a dependence on the cloud-top altitude and optical depth of the cloud. The analyses of satellite measurements on the cloud distribution indicate that more than 60 % of the cases allow for conventional EAS observation, and an additional \sim 20 % with reduced quality. The combination of the relevant factors results in an effective trigger aperture of EAS observation \sim 72 %, compared to the one in the clear atmosphere condition