597 research outputs found
Impact of fermentation and incorporation of cashew flour on the micronutrient and macronutrient contents of millet flour sold in the market: case of the city of Yamoussoukro
The weaning period of an infant, which should begin from 7 months, is characterized by the gradual change from a liquid to a solid diet. After 6 months, the nutrients contained in breast milk are no longer sufficient to meet the growing demands of the infant. This is the ideal period for the introduction of a complementary food to make up for any deficiencies. To contribute to this situation, two groups, each consisting of five combinations of millet flour, enriched with cashew flour were formulated. The samples M100A0 (Unenriched millet flour), M92,5A7,5, M85A15, M77, 5A22,5 and M70A30 were enriched with 7.5%, 15%, 22,5% and 30% downgraded cashew flour, respectively. The samples MF100A0 (Unenriched fermented millet flour), MF92, 5A7,5, MF85A15, MF77, 5A22,5 and MF70A30 were constructed in a corresponding manner, the only difference being that the millet flour was fermented. After analyses of the different formulations, the best proportions of proteins were observed in MF70A30, MF77, 5A22, 5 and M70A30, which were 13.13%, 12.25% and 12.25%, respectively. Samples M70A30 and M77,5A22,5 exhibited the best iron contents of 8.44 ppm and 8.12 ppm, respectively. The protein contents of the unfortified samples M100A0 and MF100A0 were 7.53% and 6.13% respectively. Formulations MF70A30, M77,5A2,5 and M70A30 with levels of 1.06 ppm, 0.98 ppm and 0.98 ppm, respectively, gave the best zinc contents. The moisture contents of the formulated samples had minimal changes. They varied between 6.16 ± 0.06% and 7.6 ± 0.99% for unfermented samples, and between 6.35 ± 0.32% and 7.0 ± 0.02% for fermented samples. The humidity values of the two groups of samples were not significantly different at P≤0.05. These low moisture contents in the flours are important for better preservation. At the end of this study, certain formulations were selected because of their good nutritional profile. Thus the formulations M70A30 composed of 70% millet flour and 30% cashew flour and MF70A30 composed of 70% fermented millet flour and 30% cashew flour present the best options and could be used as quality infant flours. 
Evaluation des connaissances paysannes sur la diversité de l'entomofaune du sorgho et de l'arachide au Burkina Faso
Une enquête a été menée, de juillet à décembre 1996, dans cinq provinces productrices du sorgho et de l'arachide au Burkina Faso, pour évaluer les connaissances paysannes sur la diversité des insectes nuisibles aux deux cultures et sur leurs ennemis naturels associés. L'enquête a touché 244 personnes de cinq ethnies les plus représentées du pays. Les résultats montrent que les paysans du Burkina Faso ont une connaissance assez détaillée de la plupart des arthropodes nuisibles majeurs du sorgho et de I'arachide. En revanche, ils identifient certains arthropodes prédateurs, mais ils méconnaissent leur utilité dans la lutte contre les ravageurs des cultures. Pour protéger leurs productions, ils privilégient une lutte chimique sans précautions, au risque de s'intoxiquer et de polluer leur environnement. Il est donc nécessaire de les aider à différencier insectes nuisibles et ennemis naturels dans leurs champs, et à préserver ces derniers. (Résumé d'auteur
Increasing rabies data availability: the example of a One Health research project in Chad, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali
Rabies is a fatal but preventable disease that remains notoriously underreported. Weak data availability hampers advocacy, constitutes a barrier to resource allocation and inhibits effective prevention and control. To gain better insight into the global rabies burden and human vaccine demand several studies were funded through the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) learning agenda. With the help of this funding, Swiss TPH and local in country partner organizations implemented a One Health research project in Chad, Cote d'Ivoire and Mali to collect data at household, public health facility and veterinary level. This paper describes the implementation of this research project and evaluates its success on amount of information gained, achieved capacity building, impact on knowledge creation and influence on national and international policies. The project was based on the One Health concept and guided by the principles of transboundary research partnerships formulated by the Swiss Academy of Sciences. Data was collected on bite incidents and health seeking from over 24'000 households, on access to treatment of over 8'800 bite cases registered in public health facilities and on the status of over 1'800 rabies suspect animals. Selected country specific datasets have contributed to more than 10 scientific articles so far. On the international level, the multi-level data collection provided a unique set of indicators to inform, along with results from other studies, new WHO rabies immunization recommendations and a vaccine investment case scenario to prevent human rabies. New rabies burden estimates based on the data gathered are published for Mali and will be modelled for the whole West and Central African region. On the national level, the project facilitated communication between animal health and human health workers catalyzing creation of local and national committees and formulation of national action plans for Mali and Cote D'Ivoire. Major challenges arose from lack of data collection and documentation experience of human health and veterinary workers and weak infrastructural capacities of the veterinary and human health systems of the project countries. Through adherence to the principles of transboundary research partnerships, project team members acquired valuable research and networking skills despite language barriers, enabling them to play key roles in the future agenda towards national, regional and global canine rabies elimination. Project external collaborations with local public institutions was facilitated through long-term local partnerships. Both factors enabled success in project implementation and outcomes by identifying and mitigating risks in advance, resolving challenges amiably and enabling mutual knowledge creation as a fructuous ground for sustained commitment. Lack of immediate follow-up funding did not allow to maintain activities beyond the project timeframe. However, the national and international policy changes triggered, as well as the strengthened local disease control and research capacities provides sustainable basis for the elimination of dog transmitted human rabies
Les Goitres Bénins En ORL Aspects Epidemiologiques Et Anatomocliniques : Étude De 97 Cas
But : Analyse épidémiologique, clinique et anatomopathologique des goitres bénins. Méthodologie : Etude rétrospective de janvier 2002 à décembre 2006 sur dossier de patients ayant consulté en ORL pour goitre. Les paramètres suivant ont été étudiés :
- interrogatoire : âge, sexe, profession, résidence, ancienneté du goitre, motif de consultation ;
- examen clinique précisant résultats palpation, classification OMS de 1962 du goitre ;
- résultats de l\'échographie ;
- résultats du dosage de la TSH ultrasensible.
Ont été exclus tous les dossiers comportant une histologie suspecte et/ou maligne et les inflammations de la thyroïde. Ainsi a-t-on retenu 97 dossiers sur 122.
Résultats : Notre recrutement a été marqué par une forte proportion d\'adulte jeune (classe d\'âge de 31 à 50 ans : 78 patients) et par une prédominance féminine (sex-ratio, 17/80).
Ces patients étaient plus souvent des femmes au foyer et résidaient le plus souvent à Bamako. Ils étaient porteurs à 52% de goitre évoluant depuis plus de vingt ans et à 44% de plus de dix ans d\'évolution. Deux signes principaux ont amenés les patients à consulter : les signes d\'hyperthyroïdie et la tuméfaction cervicale disgracieuse. Le goitre était de type 3 de l\'OMS dans 68% des cas. Un aspect multi nodulaire clinique a été vu chez 81 patients. A l\'imagerie, nous avons noté 10% de goitre isoéchogène. L\'examen anatomopathologie a plus souvent trouvé des goitres de type macro folliculaire sur les pièces d\'exérèse. Ils étaient dans 20% des cas des goitres en activité. Conclusion : Le praticien ORL en pays d\'endémie goitreuse se doit de connaître tous les contours de la pathologie thyroïdienne.
Il ne doit jamais oublier non plus que la prise en charge efficiente doit être multidisciplinaire (Endocrinologue, Radiologue, Anatomopathologiste, Anesthésiste Réanimateur).
Patients and methods : retrospective study of 97 cases traeted from January 2002 to December 2006. Were excluded malignant and inflammatory thyroid deseases.
Results: Our patients were essentially young adults (from 31 to 50 years: 78 patients) . We noted a female prevalence (sex-ratio: 17/80) 52% had more than twenty years evolution goiter and 44% more than ten years evolution. Two principal symptoms led the patients to consult: those of hyperthyroidy and cervical swelling. The goiter was classified as type 3 of WHO in 68% of the cases. A multi nodular aspect was found among 81 patients. We noted 10% of isoechogene goiter. The treatment was surgery The histological examination found macrofollicular goiter in the majority of cases. Keywords: Thyroïd gland, goiter bénign, cervical swelling. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 16-1
Screening phytochimique de quelques plantes médicinales ivoiriennes utilisées en pays Krobou (Agboville, Côte-d’Ivoire)
Une étude ethnomédicinale réalisée chez les Krobou, une ethnie du Département d’Agboville (Côte-d’Ivoire), a montré que 27 tradithérapeutes utilisent 18 espèces de la flore ivoirienne, pour combattre différentes pathologies. Diverses parties de la plante (écorces de racine et de tige, feuilles, fruits, graines et tubercules) sont utilisées pour la préparation des recettes médicamenteuses. Ces recettes, monospécifiques en général, nécessitent divers modes de préparation (décoction, expression, infusion, macération, pétrissage, pilage, pulvérisation, ramollissement, torréfaction et trituration). On note divers modes d’administration des médicaments : ablution, application locale, badigeonnage, bain de vapeur, boisson, instillations buccales, nasales, vaginales et purges. Les tests tri phytochimiques réalisés sur 3 extraits (éthérique, méthanolique et aqueux) ont révélé que les différentes drogues renferment des stérols, polyterpènes, polyphénols, flavonoïdes, tanins catéchiques, alcaloïdes et des saponosides, qui leur confèrent les propriétés thérapeutiques diverses.An ethnomedicinal study carried out at Krobou, an ethnic group in the Department of Agboville (Côte-d’Ivoire) showed that 27 traditional doctors use 18 ivorian plants species to cure people to different pathologies. Various parts of the plant (barks of root and stem, sheets, fruits, seeds and tubers) are used to prepare the medicamentous receipts. These receipts which are generally monospecific, require different preparation modes (decoction, expression, infusion, soaking, kneading, pounding, crushing, softening, rousting and trituration). We note several administration modes of those medicines : washing, application on the skin, painting, steam bath, drinking, oral, nasal, vaginal instillations and purges. The tri phytochemical tests of three extracts (etheric, methanolic and aqueous) revealed that the different drugs contain sterols, polyterpenes, polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids and saponosideswhich give these medicines several healing properties.Keywords: Agboville, chemical Components, Côte-d’Ivoire, Ethnomedicine, Krobou, Phytochemistr
Epidemiology of malaria in the Taabo health and demographic surveillance system, south-central Côte d'Ivoire
A deep understanding of the local epidemiology of malaria is essential for the design and implementation of setting-specific control and elimination efforts. In Côte d'Ivoire, new initiatives are underway to reduce the burden of malaria, which requires high-quality longitudinal data. The epidemiology of malaria was studied in the Taabo health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) in south-central Côte d'Ivoire and implications for control are discussed.; Two cross-sectional surveys were carried out in the rainy season of June/July in 2010 and 2011. Inhabitants of approximately 7 % of randomly selected households in the Taabo HDSS were invited to participate. People were clinically examined, ear temperature was measured and spleen size determined. Finger-prick blood samples were collected and subjected to a rapid diagnostic test (RDT). Additionally, thick and thin blood films were prepared on microscope slides and diagnosed under a microscope for Plasmodium infection and parasitaemia. Haemoglobin (Hb) level was determined using a HemoCue device.; A total of 1187 and 1264 people in 2010 and 2011, respectively, had complete data records. The prevalence of Plasmodium infection was 46.0 % in 2010 and 56.6 % in 2011, owing to a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). Males showed a higher Plasmodium infection prevalence than females (49.6 and 62.8 % versus 42.6 and 51.2 %; respectively, in 2010 and 2011; both p < 0.05). The highest malaria prevalence was observed among infants and young children (aged ≤9 years). The risk of Plasmodium infection was significantly higher in villages compared to small hamlets and urban settings (p < 0.05). Fever, Hb level and splenomegaly were associated with parasitaemia.; Malaria is highly endemic in the Taabo HDSS in south-central Côte d'Ivoire with considerable spatial heterogeneity of Plasmodium infection. There is a pressing need to scale-up control interventions against malaria
Risk factors associated with HIV prevalence in pregnant women in Burkina Faso, from 2006 to 2014
Purpose of the study: To determine the socio-demographic factors influencing the dynamics of HIV prevalence among pregnant women in Burkina Faso.Material and methods: A total of 66,597 pregnant women from the 13 health regions of Burkina Faso were included in this study conducted between 2006 and 2014. Venous blood samples were collected and analyzed for the detection of HIV antibodies according to WHO / UNAIDS strategy II, using the mixed test Vironostika HIV Uniform II Plus O (Bio-Mérieux) and the test discriminating ImmunoCombII HIV-1 & 2 BiSpot (Orgenics). Samples with discordant results between the two tests, as well as those positive to HIV-2 or HIV-1 + 2, were retested with HIV BLOT 2.2 (MP Diagnostics). Sociodemographic data collected from the participants were correlated with their HIV status to determine key risk factors influencing HIV infection prevalence in Burkina Faso.Results: Sociodemographic data showed that the study population consisted mainly of married women (91.2%) at their first pregnancy (27.1%) with a large majority of them being housewives (86.2%) who did not attend any form of schooling (69.4%). About 88.4% had stayed longer than a year in the health region where they initially participated in the study and 55.8% were between 20 and 29 years of age. Overall HIV prevalence significantly dropped from 2.7 % in 2006 to 1.3% in 2014. However HIV seroprevalence in this study has varied significantly according to socio-demographic characteristics including marital status, parity, occupation, education, age group and the length of stay in the women's health community (p <0.0001). Factors sustaining HIV transmission included the status of being unmarried (OR=1.67 [1.42-1.97]), primigest (OR=1.64 [1.41-1.89]), having other occupations except being student (OR = 1.68 [1.20-2.33]), aged between 20-49 years (OR=3.14 [2.51-3.93]) and the duration of stay less than a year in their locality (OR=5.33 [4.61-10.16]) and these factors were identified as main risk factors associated with HIV prevalence.Conclusion: Burkina Faso remains among the countries with concentrated epidemics despite a significant reduction in the prevalence observed in this study. The inclusion of identified risk factors in the national HIV program could improve the quality of the response to the epidemic.Keywords: HIV-Pregnant Women-Risk Factors-Burkina Fas
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