5,303 research outputs found

    Herschel-PACS observation of the 10 Myr old T Tauri disk TW Hya: Constraining the disk gas mass

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    Planets are formed in disks around young stars. With an age of ~10 Myr, TW Hya is one of the nearest T Tauri stars that is still surrounded by a relatively massive disk. In addition a large number of molecules has been found in the TWHya disk, making TWHya the perfect test case in a large survey of disks with Herschel–PACS to directly study their gaseous component. We aim to constrain the gas and dust mass of the circumstellar disk around TW Hya. We observed the fine-structure lines of [O_I] and [C_(II)] as part of the open-time large program GASPS. We complement this with continuum data and ground-based ^(12)CO 3–2 and ^(13)CO 3–2 observations. We simultaneously model the continuum and the line fluxes with the 3D Monte-Carlo code MCFOST and the thermo-chemical code ProDiMo to derive the gas and dust masses. We detect the [O_I] line at 63 ÎŒm. The other lines that were observed, [O_I] at 145 ÎŒm and [C_(II)] at 157 ÎŒm, are not detected. No extended emission has been found. Preliminary modeling of the photometric and line data assuming [^(12)CO]/[^(13)CO] = 69 suggests a dust mass for grains with radius <1 mm of ~1.9 × 10^(−4) M_⊙ (total solid mass of 3 × 10^(−3) M_⊙) and a gas mass of (0.5–5) ×10^(−3) M_⊙. The gas-to-dust mass may be lower than the standard interstellar value of 100

    A heparin-mimicking polymer conjugate stabilizes basic fibroblast growth factor.

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    Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a protein that plays a crucial role in diverse cellular functions, from wound healing to bone regeneration. However, a major obstacle to the widespread application of bFGF is its inherent instability during storage and delivery. Here, we describe the stabilization of bFGF by covalent conjugation with a heparin-mimicking polymer, a copolymer consisting of styrene sulfonate units and methyl methacrylate units bearing poly(ethylene glycol) side chains. The bFGF conjugate of this polymer retained bioactivity after synthesis and was stable to a variety of environmentally and therapeutically relevant stressors--such as heat, mild and harsh acidic conditions, storage and proteolytic degradation--unlike native bFGF. Following the application of stress, the conjugate was also significantly more active than the control conjugate system in which the styrene sulfonate units were omitted from the polymer structure. This research has important implications for the clinical use of bFGF and for the stabilization of heparin-binding growth factors in general

    Water depletion in the disk atmosphere of Herbig AeBe stars

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    We present high resolution (R = 100,000) L-band spectroscopy of 11 Herbig AeBe stars with circumstellar disks. The observations were obtained with the VLT/CRIRES to detect hot water and hydroxyl radical emission lines previously detected in disks around T Tauri stars. OH emission lines are detected towards 4 disks. The OH P4.5 (1+,1-) doublet is spectrally resolved as well as the velocity profile of each component of the doublet. Its characteristic double-peak profile demonstrates that the gas is in Keplerian rotation and points to an emitting region extending out to ~ 15-30 AU. The OH, emission correlates with disk geometry as it is mostly detected towards flaring disks. None of the Herbig stars analyzed here show evidence of hot water vapor at a sensitivity similar to that of the OH lines. The non-detection of hot water vapor emission indicates that the atmosphere of disks around Herbig AeBe stars are depleted of water molecules. Assuming LTE and optically thin emission we derive a lower limit to the OH/H2O column density ratio > 1 - 25 in contrast to T Tauri disks for which the column density ratio is 0.3 -- 0.4.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The potter wasp genus Allorhynchium from Vietnam, with descriptions of three new species and a new country record (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae)

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    Species of the potter wasp genus Allorhynchium van der Vecht (Eumeninae: Odynerini) occurring in Vietnam are presented. Seven species have been recorded from Vietnam. Of them, three species are described as new to science: Allorhynchium latum Nguyen, Tran & MT Nguyen, sp. nov., A. moerum Nguyen & AD Nguyen, sp. nov., and A. setosum Nguyen & Engel, sp. nov., and one species, A. argentatum (Fabricius, 1804), is recorded from Vietnam for the first time. An updated key to the Oriental species of the genus is presented

    Hydropower development and environmental impact assessments in Vietnam: current practice and shortcomings

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    Hydropower projects play an important role concerning national energy security in Vietnam; however, the boom in hydropower development in the last ten years had caused many negative impacts on the environment, fisheries, and people’s livelihoods at upstream and downstream river basins, revealing certain weaknesses the management of systems, processes and projects. The main objectives of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are to reduce environmental impact and to be a supporting tool for decision-making processes. However, this study finds that EIAs of small and medium scale hydropower projects in Vietnam did not assess thoroughly the important factors such as water balance changes, deforestation, aquatic production impacts, and cultural impacts on the indigenous population
