22,865 research outputs found

    Periodic-Orbit Theory of Anderson Localization on Graphs

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    We present the first quantum system where Anderson localization is completely described within periodic-orbit theory. The model is a quantum graph analogous to an a-periodic Kronig-Penney model in one dimension. The exact expression for the probability to return of an initially localized state is computed in terms of classical trajectories. It saturates to a finite value due to localization, while the diagonal approximation decays diffusively. Our theory is based on the identification of families of isometric orbits. The coherent periodic-orbit sums within these families, and the summation over all families are performed analytically using advanced combinatorial methods.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Quantum Charged Spinning Particles in a Strong Magnetic Field (a Quantal Guiding Center Theory)

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    A quantal guiding center theory allowing to systematically study the separation of the different time scale behaviours of a quantum charged spinning particle moving in an external inhomogeneous magnetic filed is presented. A suitable set of operators adapting to the canonical structure of the problem and generalizing the kinematical momenta and guiding center operators of a particle coupled to a homogenous magnetic filed is constructed. The Pauli Hamiltonian rewrites in this way as a power series in the magnetic length lB=â„Źc/eBl_B= \sqrt{\hbar c/eB} making the problem amenable to a perturbative analysis. The first two terms of the series are explicitly constructed. The effective adiabatic dynamics turns to be in coupling with a gauge filed and a scalar potential. The mechanism producing such magnetic-induced geometric-magnetism is investigated in some detail.Comment: LaTeX (epsfig macros), 27 pages, 2 figures include

    Coreless vortex formation in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Coreless vortices were phase-imprinted in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. The three-component order parameter of F=1 sodium condensates held in a Ioffe-Pritchard magnetic trap was manipulated by adiabatically reducing the magnetic bias field along the trap axis to zero. This distributed the condensate population across its three spin states and created a spin texture. Each spin state acquired a different phase winding which caused the spin components to separate radially.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Calculation of the Aharonov-Bohm wave function

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    A calculation of the Aharonov-Bohm wave function is presented. The result is a series of confluent hypergeometric functions which is finite at the forward direction.Comment: 12 pages in LaTeX, and 3 PostScript figure

    Control of atomic currents using a quantum stirring device

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    We propose a BEC stirring device which can be regarded as the incorporation of a quantum pump into a closed circuit: it produces a DC circulating current in response to a cyclic adiabatic change of two control parameters of an optical trap. We demonstrate the feasibility of this concept and point out that such device can be utilized in order to probe the interatomic interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, uses epl2.cls, revised versio

    Spectral Statistics in the Quantized Cardioid Billiard

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    The spectral statistics in the strongly chaotic cardioid billiard are studied. The analysis is based on the first 11000 quantal energy levels for odd and even symmetry respectively. It is found that the level-spacing distribution is in good agreement with the GOE distribution of random-matrix theory. In case of the number variance and rigidity we observe agreement with the random-matrix model for short-range correlations only, whereas for long-range correlations both statistics saturate in agreement with semiclassical expectations. Furthermore the conjecture that for classically chaotic systems the normalized mode fluctuations have a universal Gaussian distribution with unit variance is tested and found to be in very good agreement for both symmetry classes. By means of the Gutzwiller trace formula the trace of the cosine-modulated heat kernel is studied. Since the billiard boundary is focusing there are conjugate points giving rise to zeros at the locations of the periodic orbits instead of exclusively Gaussian peaks.Comment: 20 pages, uu-encoded ps.Z-fil

    Analyses of space environment effects on active fiber optic links orbited aboard the LDEF

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    The results of the 'Preliminary Analysis of WL Experiment no. 701, Space Environment Effects on Operating Fiber Optic Systems,' is correlated with space simulated post retrieval terrestrial studies performed on the M0004 experiment. Temperature cycling measurements were performed on the active optical data links for the purpose of assessing link signal to noise ratio and bit error rate performance some 69 months following the experiment deployment in low Earth orbit. The early results indicate a high correlation between pre-orbit, orbit, and post-orbit functionality of the first known and longest space demonstration of operating fiber optic systems

    Phase separation in the crust of accreting neutron stars

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    Nucleosynthesis, on the surface of accreting neutron stars, produces a range of chemical elements. We perform molecular dynamics simulations of crystallization to see how this complex composition forms new neutron star crust. We find chemical separation, with the liquid ocean phase greatly enriched in low atomic number elements compared to the solid crust. This phase separation should change many crust properties such as the thermal conductivity and shear modulus. The concentration of carbon, if present, is enriched in the ocean. This may allow unstable thermonuclear burning of the carbon and help explain the ignition of the very energetic explosions known as superbursts.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, minor changes, Physical Review E in pres

    An Algorithmic Test for Diagonalizability of Finite-Dimensional PT-Invariant Systems

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    A non-Hermitean operator does not necessarily have a complete set of eigenstates, contrary to a Hermitean one. An algorithm is presented which allows one to decide whether the eigenstates of a given PT-invariant operator on a finite-dimensional space are complete or not. In other words, the algorithm checks whether a given PT-symmetric matrix is diagonalizable. The procedure neither requires to calculate any single eigenvalue nor any numerical approximation.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Statistics and Quantum Chaos

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    We use multi-time correlation functions of quantum systems to construct random variables with statistical properties that reflect the degree of complexity of the underlying quantum dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, LateX, no figures, restructured versio
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