182 research outputs found

    Improving stress coping ability: comparison between the CYP17 genotype Of Ovis Aries and Capra Hircus

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    The ability of animals to adapt to stress is not only an animal health and welfare concern, but also influences reproduction potential and robustness. An important pathway involved in the stress response is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) that results in the release of cortisol from the adrenal gland. In this study the cortisol responses of South African Merinos were measured to assess HPAA responsiveness to stress and relate it to behavioural stress responses to flock-isolation. The experiment was structured according to a 2×2 statistical design, with CYP17 genotype (WT1/WT1 vs. WT1/WT2) and selection line (H-line vs. L-line) as factors. Selection line criteria was based on divergent selection for (H-line) or against (L-line) maternal multiple rearing ability, where the H-line generally outperformed the L-line in terms of reproduction, animal welfare and resistance to certain pathogens. The CYP17 genotype is involved in the biosynthesis pathway of cortisol. In the present study the CYP17 genotype showed a significant influence on behavioural stress responses, where three parameters of the flock-isolation test were affected (P<0.05), namely the number of bleats uttered, the urinating frequency and the average distance from a human operator. It is suggested that the CYP17 genotype affects behavioural responses via its effects on cortisol production, and that the SNPs located within the CYP17 genotype may have application in marker-assisted selection of sheep

    The role of Cytochrome P450 17-alpha-Hydroxylase/ 17,20-Lyase (CYP17) in the stress coping ability in a divergently selected Merino sheep population

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    South African Merino sheep were selected divergently from the same base population for their ability to rear multiples. Two distinct populations were formed over a period of more than 20 years of selection. Reproduction (and therefore presumably fitness) in the line selected in the upward direction (H-line) was substantially improved compared to the line selected in the downward direction (L-line). In the present study, it was demonstrated that the H-line was more stresstolerant than the L-line in terms of their glucose and cortisol response when challenged with insulin. Sheep from the breeding program were genotyped according to one of two cytochrome P450 17α-hydroxylase/17-20 lyase (CYP17) alleles, as these genotypes were previously linked to the ability of Angora goats to cope with external stressors. However, no association was found between CYP17 genotype and selection line. The difference in insulin induced stress response between the H- and the L-line can therefore not be attributed to CYP17 genotype

    Improving stress coping ability: comparison between the CYP17 genotype Of Ovis Aries and Capra Hircus

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    The ability of animals to adapt to stress is not only an animal health and welfare concern, but also influences reproduction potential and robustness. An important pathway involved in the stress response is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) that results in the release of cortisol from the adrenal gland. In this study the cortisol responses of South African Merinos were measured to assess HPAA responsiveness to stress and relate it to behavioural stress responses to flock-isolation. The experiment was structured according to a 2×2 statistical design, with CYP17 genotype (WT1/WT1 vs. WT1/WT2) and selection line (H-line vs. L-line) as factors. Selection line criteria was based on divergent selection for (H-line) or against (L-line) maternal multiple rearing ability, where the H-line generally outperformed the L-line in terms of reproduction, animal welfare and resistance to certain pathogens. The CYP17 genotype is involved in the biosynthesis pathway of cortisol. In the present study the CYP17 genotype showed a significant influence on behavioural stress responses, where three parameters of the flock-isolation test were affected (P<0.05), namely the number of bleats uttered, the urinating frequency and the average distance from a human operator. It is suggested that the CYP17 genotype affects behavioural responses via its effects on cortisol production, and that the SNPs located within the CYP17 genotype may have application in marker-assisted selection of sheep

    The role of Cytochrome P450 17-alpha-Hydroxylase/ 17,20-Lyase (CYP17) in the stress coping ability in a divergently selected Merino sheep population

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    South African Merino sheep were selected divergently from the same base population for their ability to rear multiples. Two distinct populations were formed over a period of more than 20 years of selection. Reproduction (and therefore presumably fitness) in the line selected in the upward direction (H-line) was substantially improved compared to the line selected in the downward direction (L-line). In the present study, it was demonstrated that the H-line was more stresstolerant than the L-line in terms of their glucose and cortisol response when challenged with insulin. Sheep from the breeding program were genotyped according to one of two cytochrome P450 17α-hydroxylase/17-20 lyase (CYP17) alleles, as these genotypes were previously linked to the ability of Angora goats to cope with external stressors. However, no association was found between CYP17 genotype and selection line. The difference in insulin induced stress response between the H- and the L-line can therefore not be attributed to CYP17 genotype

    Ontwikkeling Automatisch Glasaaltelapparaat en Hevel

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    De glasaalintrek is sterk achteruitgegaan. Dit heeft tot gevolg dat zeer lage aantallen glasalen gevangen worden met het kruisnet gedurende de jaarlijks terugkerende Wageningen IMARES glasaalmonitoring. Deze ontwikkeling creëert een aantal monitoringsproblemen: 1. De schattingsvariatie neemt toe door de lage vangsten en de vele 0-waarnemingen. Hierdoor is het moeilijk te bepalen of de glasaalintrek de laatste jaren verder afneemt, toeneemt, of gelijk blijft. 2. De vele 0-vangsten gaan ten koste van de motivatie van medewerkers Als oplossing is een ontwikkelingsproject gestart rond een apparaat dat glasaal volautomatisch herkent en telt als onderdeel van een hevelsysteem

    Bidirectional crosstalk between hypoxia-inducible factor and glucocorticoid signalling in zebrafish larvae

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    In the last decades in vitro studies highlighted the potential for crosstalk between Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-(HIF) and glucocorticoid-(GC) signalling pathways. However, how this interplay precisely occurs in vivo is still debated. Here, we use zebrafish larvae (Danio rerio) to elucidate how and to what degree hypoxic signalling affects the endogenous glucocorticoid pathway and vice versa, in vivo. Firstly, our results demonstrate that in the presence of upregulated HIF signalling, both glucocorticoid receptor (Gr) responsiveness and endogenous cortisol levels are repressed in 5 days post fertilisation larvae. In addition, despite HIF activity being low at normoxia, our data show that it already impedes both glucocorticoid activity and levels. Secondly, we further analysed the in vivo contribution of glucocorticoids to HIF activity. Interestingly, our results show that both glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) play a key role in enhancing it. Finally, we found indications that glucocorticoids promote HIF signalling via multiple routes. Cumulatively, our findings allowed us to suggest a model for how this crosstalk occurs in vivo

    Inflammation Dynamically Regulates Steroid Hormone Metabolism and Action within Macrophages in Rheumatoid Arthritis  

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    Rationale: In inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), steroid metabolism is a central component mediating the actions of immuno-modulatory glucocorticoids and sex steroids. However, the regulation and function of cellular steroid metabolism within key leukocyte populations such as macrophages remain poorly defined. In this study, the inflammatory regulation of global steroid metabolism was assessed in RA macrophages. Methods: Bulk RNA-seq data from RA synovial macrophages was used to assess transcripts encoding key enzymes in steroid metabolism and signalling. Changes in metabolism were assessed in synovial fluids, correlated to measures of disease activity and functionally validated in primary macrophage cultures. Results: RNA-seq revealed a unique pattern of differentially expressed genes, including changes in genes encoding the enzymes 11β-HSD1, SRD5A1, AKR1C2 and AKR1C3. These correlated with disease activity, favouring increased glucocorticoid and androgen levels. Synovial fluid 11β-HSD1 activity correlated with local inflammatory mediators (TNFα, IL-6, IL-17,), whilst 11β-HSD1, SRD5A1 and AKR1C3 activity correlated with systemic measures of disease and patient pain (ESR, DAS28 ESR, global disease activity). Changes in enzyme activity were evident in inflammatory activated macrophages in vitro and revealed a novel androgen activating role for 11β-HSD1. Together, increased glucocorticoids and androgens were able to suppress inflammation in macrophages and fibroblast-like-synoviocytes. Conclusions: This study underscores the significant increase in androgen and glucocorticoid activation within inflammatory polarized macrophages of the synovium, contributing to local suppression of inflammation. The diminished profile of inactive steroid precursors in postmenopausal women may contribute to disturbances in this process, leading to increased disease incidence and severity.<br/
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