786 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Keadilan Organisasi dan Keterikatan Karyawan dengan Kepuasan Kerja pada Karyawan PT Mekar Armada Jaya Magelang

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    HUBUNGAN ANTARA KEADILAN ORGNISASI DAN KETERIKATAN KARYAWAN DENGAN KEPUASAN KERJA PADA KARYAWAN PT MEKAR ARMADA JAYA MAGELANG Maria Stephani Dwitya Program Studi Psikologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret ABSTRAK Masyarakat usia dewasa di dunia menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu terjaganya di tempat kerja, oleh karenanya studi mengenai kepuasan kerja memiliki peran penting baik dalam peningkatan kualitas hidup individu maupun efektivitas organisasi. Kepuasan kerja merupakan sikap dan perasaan positif individu terhadap pekerjaannya sebagai hasil penilaian terhadap pekerjaan tersebut. Penilaian karyawan terhadap pekerjaannya tersebut dapat dipengaruhi berbagai faktor baik internal maupun eksternal, diantaranya keadilan organisasi dan keterikatan karyawan. Keadilan organisasi merupakan keseluruhan persepsi karyawan apakah mereka diperlakukan secara adil atau tidak dalam sebuah organisasi. Keterikatan karyawan merupakan kondisi hubungan positif karyawan dengan pekerjaannya meliputi dimensi fisik, kognitif, dan emosional dalam memenuhi peran dan tugas kerjanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara keadilan organisasi dan keterikatan karyawan dengan kepuasan kerja, hubungan antara keadilan organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja, dan hubungan antara keterikatan karyawan dengan kepuasan kerja pada karyawan PT Mekar Armada Jaya Magelang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan tetap PT Mekar Armada Jaya Magelang sejumlah 754 karyawan. Sampling yang digunakan adalah Cluster Random Sampling dan diperoleh lima unit kerja sebagai sampel dengan total sampel 160 karyawan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala kepuasan kerja, skala keadilan organisasi, dan skala keterikatan karyawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara keadilan organisasi dan keterikatan karyawan dengan kepuasan kerja karyawan PT Mekar Armada Jaya Magelang , ditunjukkan dengan Fhitung = 45,176 (>Ftabel 3,00), p=0,000 (p<0,05), dan koefisien korelasi R=0,604. Secara parsial, terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara keadilan organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja dengan nilai korelasi 0,389 dan p=0,000 (p<0,05). Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara keterikatan karyawan dengan kepuasan kerja dengan nilai korelasi 0,167 dan p=0,001 (p<0,05). Nilai R2 yang diperoleh sebesar 0,365 berarti sumbangan pengaruh variabel keadilan organisasi dan keterikatan karyawan pada kepuasan kerja adalah sebesar 36,5%. Besarnya sumbangan efektif keadilan organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja sebesar 23,98% dan sumbangan efektif keterikatan karyawan terhadap kepuasan kerja sebesar 12,52%. Kata kunci: keadilan organisasi, keterikatan karyawan, kepuasan kerja

    Timelike and Spacelike Matter Inheritance Vectors in Specific Forms of Energy-Momentum Tensor

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    This paper is devoted to the investigation of the consequences of timelike and spacelike matter inheritance vectors in specific forms of energy-momentum tensor, i.e., for string cosmology (string cloud and string fluid) and perfect fluid. Necessary and sufficient conditions are developed for a spacetime with string cosmology and perfect fluid to admit a timelike matter inheritance vector, parallel to uau^a and spacelike matter inheritance vector, parallel to xax^a. We compare the outcome with the conditions of conformal Killing vectors. This comparison provides us the conditions for the existence of matter inheritance vector when it is also a conformal Killing vector. Finally, we discuss these results for the existence of matter inheritance vector in the special cases of the above mentioned spacetimes.Comment: 27 pages, accepted for publication in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Comparison of CFD and DSMC Using Calibrated Transport Parameters

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    Hypersonic re-entry flows span a wide range of length scales where regions of both rarefied and continuum flow exist. Traditional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques do not provide an accurate solution for the rarefied regions of such mixed flow fields. Although direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) can be used to accurately capture both the continuum and rarefied features of mixed flow fields, they are computationally expensive when employed to simulate the low Knudsen number continuum regimes. Thus, a hybrid framework for seamlessly combining the two methodologies, CFD and DSMC, continues to be a topic of significant research effort. Ensuring consistency in the reaction kinetics and transport models employed within CFD and DSMC is a crucial requirement for obtaining a reliable solution from a hybrid framework for combined continuum/rarefied high speed flows. This paper represents one of the first studies to utilize the calibrated transport parameters developed to ensure consistency between CFD and DSMC solvers. The new variable soft sphere (VSS) parameters are compared to both previous standard variable hard sphere (VHS) parameters and also to solutions from the CFD transport properties that the new parameters were developed to reproduce

    Detailed modeling and analysis of spacecraft plume/ionosphere interactions in low Earth orbit

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    Detailed direct simulation Monte Carlo/particle‐in‐cell simulations involving the interaction of spacecraft thruster plumes with the rarefied ambient ionosphere are presented for steady thruster firings in low Earth orbit (LEO). A nominal mass flow rate is used to prescribe the rocket exit conditions of a neutral propellant species for use in the simulations. The charge exchange interactions of the steady plume with the rarefied ionosphere are modeled using a direct simulation Monte Carlo/particle‐in‐cell methodology, allowing for a detailed assessment of nonequilibrium collisional and plasma‐related phenomena relevant for these conditions. Results are presented for both ram‐ and wake‐flow configurations, in which the thrusters are firing into (ram) or in the direction of (wake) the free stream ionosphere flow in LEO. The influence of the Earth's magnetic field on the development of the ion plume is also examined for three different field strengths: two limiting cases in which B →0 and B → ∞ , and the LEO case in which B =0.5 Gs. The magnetic field is found to have a substantial impact on the resulting neutral and ion plumes, and the gyroscopic motion of the magnetized ions results in a broadening of the ion energy distribution functions. The magnetic field model also incorporates a cross‐field diffusion mechanism which is shown to increase the current density sampled far from the thruster. Key Points Particle‐based model for plume/ionosphere interactions Charge‐exchange reactions modeled using detailed DCS/TCS data B ‐field has a strong influence on the development of plumesPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106930/1/jgra50833.pd

    Revisiting Cosmic No-Hair Theorem for Inflationary Settings

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    In this work we revisit Wald's cosmic no-hair theorem in the context of accelerating Bianchi cosmologies for a generic cosmic fluid with non-vanishing anisotropic stress tensor and when the fluid energy momentum tensor is of the form of a cosmological constant term plus a piece which does not respect strong or dominant energy conditions. Such a fluid is the one appearing in inflationary models. We show that for such a system anisotropy may grow, in contrast to the cosmic no-hair conjecture. In particular, for a generic inflationary model we show that there is an upper bound on the growth of anisotropy. For slow-roll inflationary models our analysis can be refined further and the upper bound is found to be of the order of slow-roll parameters. We examine our general discussions and our extension of Wald's theorem for three classes of slow-roll inflationary models, generic multi-scalar field driven models, anisotropic models involving U(1) gauge fields and the gauge-flation scenario.Comment: 21 pp, 4 .eps figure

    Analisis Pengeringan Sawut Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea Batatas L.) Menggunakan Pengering Efek Rumah Kaca (ERK)

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    Sweet potatoes processing in to starch need a drying process. Green-house effect solar dryer – rotating rack type is one of the altenative for drying of sweet potatoes due to its higienis and its availability to be used anytime. The objective of the study was to analysis chopped sweet potatoes drying by using rotating rack greenhouse effect solar dryer. The capacity of the drying chamber is 48 kg of chopped sweet potatoes. Three experiments of drying have been conducted: the first drying is without products, the second is drying of products without rotating of rack and and the third is drying of products byimplement the rotating of rack of 45o every 60 minutes. The results of chopped sweet potatoes drying show that drying temperature on the dryer chamber ranged between 31.6oC to 61oC. Drying of product by implement the rotating of rack of 45o every 60 minutes yields the best temperature uniformity. To reduce moisture content from 72.76 %wb to 9.5 %wb it's needed 13.5 hours, or drying rate of 22.4 %bk/h. The energy consumption of the experiment 3 was 35.15 MJ/kg of moisture evaporated and the drying efficiency was 7.47

    Conformal classes of asymptotically flat, static vacuum data

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    We show that time-reflection symmetric, asymptotically flat, static vacuum data which admit a non-trivial conformal rescaling which leads again to such data must be axi-symmetric and admit a conformal Killing field. Moreover, it is shown that there exists a 3-parameter family of such data.Comment: 23 page

    Spacecraft plume interactions with the magnetosphere plasma environment in geostationary Earth orbit

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    Particle‐based kinetic simulations of steady and unsteady hydrazine chemical rocket plumes are presented in a study of plume interactions with the ambient magnetosphere in geostationary Earth orbit. The hydrazine chemical rocket plume expands into a near‐vacuum plasma environment, requiring the use of a combined direct simulation Monte Carlo/particle‐in‐cell methodology for the rarefied plasma conditions. Detailed total and differential cross sections are employed to characterize the charge exchange reactions between the neutral hydrazine plume mixture and the ambient hydrogen ions, and ion production is also modeled for photoionization processes. These ionization processes lead to an increase in local plasma density surrounding the spacecraft owing to a partial ionization of the relatively high‐density hydrazine plume. Results from the steady plume simulations indicate that the formation of the hydrazine ion plume are driven by several competing mechanisms, including (1) local depletion and (2) replenishing of ambient H+ ions by charge exchange and thermal motion of 1 keV H+ from the ambient reservoir, respectively, and (3) photoionization processes. The self‐consistent electrostatic field forces and the geostationary magnetic field have only a small influence on the dynamics of the ion plume. The unsteady plume simulations show a variation in neutral and ion plume dissipation times consistent with the variation in relative diffusion rates of the chemical species, with full H2 dissipation (below the ambient number density levels) approximately 33 s after a 2 s thruster burn.Key PointsSpacecraft hydrazine plume interacts with GEO via charge exchange and photoionization processesMagnetized hydrazine ion plumes envelop spacecraft, and neutral plumes convect downstreamIon and neutral plume dissipation times longer and species‐dependentPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135463/1/jgra52433_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135463/2/jgra52433.pd

    Isotropy, shear, symmetry and exact solutions for relativistic fluid spheres

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    The symmetry method is used to derive solutions of Einstein's equations for fluid spheres using an isotropic metric and a velocity four vector that is non-comoving. Initially the Lie, classical approach is used to review and provide a connecting framework for many comoving and so shear free solutions. This provides the basis for the derivation of the classical point symmetries for the more general and mathematicaly less tractable description of Einstein's equations in the non-comoving frame. Although the range of symmetries is restrictive, existing and new symmetry solutions with non-zero shear are derived. The range is then extended using the non-classical direct symmetry approach of Clarkson and Kruskal and so additional new solutions with non-zero shear are also presented. The kinematics and pressure, energy density, mass function of these solutions are determined.Comment: To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Gravitational wave recoil in Robinson-Trautman spacetimes

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    We consider the gravitational recoil due to non-reflection-symmetric gravitational wave emission in the context of axisymmetric Robinson-Trautman spacetimes. We show that regular initial data evolve generically into a final configuration corresponding to a Schwarzschild black-hole moving with constant speed. For the case of (reflection-)symmetric initial configurations, the mass of the remnant black-hole and the total energy radiated away are completely determined by the initial data, allowing us to obtain analytical expressions for some recent numerical results that have been appeared in the literature. Moreover, by using the Galerkin spectral method to analyze the non-linear regime of the Robinson-Trautman equations, we show that the recoil velocity can be estimated with good accuracy from some asymmetry measures (namely the first odd moments) of the initial data. The extension for the non-axisymmetric case and the implications of our results for realistic situations involving head-on collision of two black holes are also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, final version to appear in PR
