5,035 research outputs found

    A one-dimensional Chandrasekhar-mass delayed-detonation model for the broad-lined Type Ia supernova 2002bo

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    We present 1D non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) time-dependent radiative-transfer simulations of a Chandrasekhar-mass delayed-detonation model which synthesizes 0.51 Msun of 56Ni, and confront our results to the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2002bo over the first 100 days of its evolution. Assuming only homologous expansion, this same model reproduces the bolometric and multi-band light curves, the secondary near-infrared (NIR) maxima, and the optical and NIR spectra. The chemical stratification of our model qualitatively agrees with previous inferences by Stehle et al., but reveals significant quantitative differences for both iron-group and intermediate-mass elements. We show that +/-0.1 Msun (i.e., +/-20 per cent) variations in 56Ni mass have a modest impact on the bolometric and colour evolution of our model. One notable exception is the U-band, where a larger abundance of iron-group elements results in less opaque ejecta through ionization effects, our model with more 56Ni displaying a higher near-UV flux level. In the NIR range, such variations in 56Ni mass affect the timing of the secondary maxima but not their magnitude, in agreement with observational results. Moreover, the variation in the I, J, and K_s magnitudes is less than 0.1 mag within ~10 days from bolometric maximum, confirming the potential of NIR photometry of SNe Ia for cosmology. Overall, the delayed-detonation mechanism in single Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf progenitors seems well suited for SN 2002bo and similar SNe Ia displaying a broad Si II 6355 A line. Whatever multidimensional processes are at play during the explosion leading to these events, they must conspire to produce an ejecta comparable to our spherically-symmetric model.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The hydrodynamical input and synthetic spectra are available at https://www-n.oca.eu/supernova/home.html . Minor changes from v1: corrected several typos and updated acknowledgement

    Front speed enhancement by incompressible flows in three or higher dimensions

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    We study, in dimensions N≥3N\geq 3, the family of first integrals of an incompressible flow: these are Hloc1H^{1}_{loc} functions whose level surfaces are tangent to the streamlines of the advective incompressible field. One main motivation for this study comes from earlier results proving that the existence of nontrivial first integrals of an incompressible flow qq is the main key that leads to a "linear speed up" by a large advection of pulsating traveling fronts solving a reaction-advection-diffusion equation in a periodic heterogeneous framework. The family of first integrals is not well understood in dimensions N≥3N\geq3 due to the randomness of the trajectories of qq and this is in contrast with the case N=2. By looking at the domain of propagation as a union of different components produced by the advective field, we provide more information about first integrals and we give a class of incompressible flows which exhibit `ergodic components' of positive Lebesgue measure (hence are not shear flows) and which, under certain sharp geometric conditions, speed up the KPP fronts linearly with respect to the large amplitude. In the proofs, we establish a link between incompressibility, ergodicity, first integrals, and the dimension to give a sharp condition about the asymptotic behavior of the minimal KPP speed in terms the configuration of ergodic components.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    Carbon Dioxide, a Solvent and Synthon for Green Chemistry

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    Carbon dioxide is a renewable resource of carbon when we consider the reuse of existing CO2 as a carbon source for producing chemicals. The development of new applications is of major interest from the point of view of carbon dioxide sequestration and within the scope of green chemistry. For example, using CO2 instead of CO or COCl2 for chemical synthesis constitutes an attractive alternative avoiding hazardous and toxic reactants. However, it has the lowest chemical reactivity, which is a serious drawback for its transformation. Supercritical CO2 as a reaction medium offers the opportunity to replace conventional organic solvents. Its benign nature, easy handling and availability, non volatile emitting, and the relatively low critical point (Pc = 73.8 bar, Tc = 31 °C) are particularly interesting for catalytic applications in chemical synthesis, over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. The benefits of coupling catalysis and supercritical fluids are both environmental and commercial: less waste and VOCs emission, improved separation and recycling, and enhanced productivity and selectivity. The case study described in this paper concerns the reaction of carbon dioxide with alcohols to afford dialkyl carbonates with special emphasis on dimethyl carbonate. It is of significant interest because the industrial production of this class of compounds, including polycarbonates, carbamates, and polyurethanes, involves phosgene with strong concerns on environmental impact, transport, safety and waste elimination. The future of carbon dioxide in green chemistry, including supercritical applications, is highly linked to the development of basic knowledge, know-how, and tools for the design of catalyst precursors and reactors

    Interaction Quench in Nonequilibrium Luttinger Liquids

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    We study the relaxation dynamics of a nonequilibrium Luttinger liquid after a sudden interaction switch-on ("quench"), focussing on a double-step initial momentum distribution function. In the framework of the non-equilibrium bosonization, the results are obtained in terms of singular Fredholm determinants that are evaluated numerically and whose asymptotics are found analytically. While the quasi-particle weights decay exponentially with time after the quench, this is not a relaxation into a thermal state, in view of the integrability of the model. The steady-state distribution emerging at infinite times retains two edges which support Luttinger-liquid-like power-law singularities smeared by dephasing. The obtained critical exponents and the dephasing length are found to depend on the initial nonequilibrium state.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Evidence for sub-Chandrasekhar-mass progenitors of Type Ia supernovae at the faint end of the width-luminosity relation

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    The faster light-curve evolution of low-luminosity Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) suggests that they could result from the explosion of white dwarf (WD) progenitors below the Chandrasekhar mass (MChM_{\rm Ch}). Here we present 1D non-LTE time-dependent radiative transfer simulations of pure central detonations of carbon-oxygen WDs with a mass (M_\rm{tot}) between 0.88 M⊙_{\odot} and 1.15 M⊙_{\odot}, and a 56Ni^{56}\rm{Ni} yield between 0.08 M⊙_{\odot} and 0.84 M⊙_{\odot}. Their lower ejecta density compared to MChM_{\rm Ch} models results in a more rapid increase of the luminosity at early times and an enhanced γ\gamma-ray escape fraction past maximum light. Consequently, their bolometric light curves display shorter rise times and larger post-maximum decline rates. Moreover, the higher M(^{56}\rm{Ni})/M_\rm{tot} ratio at a given 56Ni^{56}\rm{Ni} mass enhances the temperature and ionization level in the spectrum-formation region for the less luminous models, giving rise to bluer colours at maximum light and a faster post-maximum evolution of the B−VB-V colour. For sub-MChM_{\rm Ch} models fainter than MB≈−18.5M_B\approx -18.5 mag at peak, the greater bolometric decline and faster colour evolution lead to a larger BB-band post-maximum decline rate, ΔM15(B)\Delta M_{15}(B). In particular, all of our previously-published MChM_{\rm Ch} models (standard and pulsational delayed detonations) are confined to ΔM15(B)<1.4\Delta M_{15}(B) < 1.4 mag, while the sub-MChM_{\rm Ch} models with M_\rm{tot}\lesssim 1 M⊙_{\odot} extend beyond this limit to ΔM15(B)≈1.65\Delta M_{15}(B)\approx 1.65 mag for a peak MB≈−17M_B\approx -17 mag, in better agreement with the observed width-luminosity relation (WLR). Regardless of the precise ignition mechanism, these simulations suggest that fast-declining SNe Ia at the faint end of the WLR could result from the explosion of WDs whose mass is significantly below the Chandrasekhar limit.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Geodetic Hull Number is Hard for Chordal Graphs

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    We show the hardness of the geodetic hull number for chordal graphs

    Radiative Properties of Pair-instability Supernova Explosions

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    We present non-LTE time-dependent radiative-transfer simulations of pair-instability supernovae (PISNe) stemming from red-supergiant (RSG), blue-supergiant (BSG) and Wolf-Rayet (WR) star rotation-free progenitors born in the mass range 160-230Msun, at 10^-4 Zsun. Although subject to uncertainties in convection and stellar mass-loss rates, our initial conditions come from physically-consistent models that treat evolution from the main-sequence, the onset of the pair-production instability, and the explosion phase. With our set of input models characterized by large 56Ni and ejecta masses, and large kinetic energies, we recover qualitatively the Type II-Plateau, II-peculiar, and Ib/c light-curve morphologies, although they have larger peak bolometric luminosities (~10^9 to 10^10 Lsun) and a longer duration (~200d). We discuss the spectral properties for each model during the photospheric and nebular phases, including Balmer lines in II-P and II-pec at early times, the dominance of lines from intermediate-mass-elements (IMEs) near the bolometric maximum, and the strengthening of metal line blanketing thereafter. Having similar He-core properties, all models exhibit similar post-peak spectra that are strongly blanketed by FeII and FeI lines, characterized by red colors, and that arise from photospheres/ejecta with a temperature of <4000K. Combined with the modest line widths after bolometric peak, these properties contrast with those of known super-luminous SNe suggesting that PISNe are yet to be discovered. Being reddish, PISNe will be difficult to observe at high redshift except when they stem from RSG explosions, in which case they could be used as metallicity probes and distance indicators.Comment: accepted to MNRA
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