56 research outputs found

    Wavelet analysis of the seismograms for tsunami warning

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    The complexity in the tsunami phenomenon makes the available warning systems not much effective in the practical situations. The problem arises due to the time lapsed in the data transfer, processing and modeling. The modeling and simulation needs the input fault geometry and mechanism of the earthquake. The estimation of these parameters and other aprior information increases the utilized time for making any warning. Here, the wavelet analysis is used to identify the tsunamigenesis of an earthquake. The frequency content of the seismogram in time scale domain is examined using wavelet transform. The energy content in high frequencies is calculated and gives a threshold for tsunami warnings. Only first few minutes of the seismograms of the earthquake events are used for quick estimation. The results for the earthquake events of Andaman Sumatra region and other historic events are promising

    High velocity anomaly beneath the Deccan volcanic province: evidence from seismic tomography

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    Analysis of teleseismicP-wave residuals observed at 15 seismograph stations operated in the Deccan volcanic province (DVP) in west central India points to the existence of a large, deep anomalous region in the upper mantle where the velocity is a few per cent higher than in the surrounding region. The seismic stations were operated in three deployments together with a reference station on precambrian granite at Hyderabad and another common station at Poona. The first group of stations lay along a west-northwesterly profile from Hyderabad through Poona to Bhatsa. The second group roughly formed an L-shaped profile from Poona to Hyderabad through Dharwar and Hospet. The third group of stations lay along a northwesterly profile from Hyderabad to Dhule through Aurangabad and Latur. Relative residuals computed with respect to Hyderabad at all the stations showed two basic features: a large almost linear variation from approximately +1s for teleseisms from the north to-1s for those from the southeast at the western stations, and persistance of the pattern with diminishing magnitudes towards the east. Preliminary ray-plotting and three-dimensional inversion of theP-wave residual data delineate the presence of a 600 km long approximately N-S trending anomalous region of high velocity (1-4% contrast) from a depth of about 100 km in the upper mantle encompassing almost the whole width of the DVP. Inversion ofP-wave relative residuals reveal the existence of two prominent features beneath the DVP. The first is a thick high velocity zone (1-4% faster) extending from a depth of about 100 km directly beneath most of the DVP. The second feature is a prominent low velocity region which coincides with the westernmost part of the DVP. A possible explanation for the observed coherent high velocity anomaly is that it forms the root of the lithosphere which coherently translates with the continents during plate motions, an architecture characteristic of precambrian shields. The low velocity zone appears to be related to the rift systems (anomaly 28, 65 Ma) which provided the channel for the outpouring of Deccan basalts at the close of the Cretaceous period

    What triggers Koyna region earthquakes? Preliminary results from seismic tomography digital array

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    The cause for prolific seismicity in the Koyna region is a geological enigma. Attempts have been made to link occurrence of these earthquakes with tectonic strain as well as the nearby reservoirs. With a view to providing reliable seismological database for studying the earth structure and the earthquake process in the Koyna region, a state of the art digital seismic network was deployed for twenty months during 1996-97. We present preliminary results from this experiment covering an area of 60×80 km2 with twenty seismic stations. Hypocentral locations of more than 400 earthquakes confined to 11×25 km2 reveal fragmentation in the seismicity pattern - a NE - SW segment has a dip towards NW at approximately 45°, whilst the other two segments show a near vertical trend. These seismic segments have a close linkage with the Western Ghat escarpment and the Warna fault. Ninety per cent of the seismicity is confined within the depth range of 3-10 km. The depth distribution of earthquakes delimits the seismogenic zone with its base at 10 km indicating a transition from an unstable to stable frictional sliding regime. The lack of shallow seismicity between 0 and 3 km indicates a mature fault system with well-developed gouge zones, which inhibit shallow earthquake nucleation. Local earthquake travel time inversion for P- and S-waves show ≈2% higher velocity in the seismogenic crust (0-10 km) beneath the epicentral tract relative to a lower velocity (2-3%) in the adjoining region. The high P- and S-wave velocity in the seismogenic crust argues against the presence of high pressure fluid zones and suggests its possible linkage with denser lithology. The zone of high velocity has been traced to deeper depths (≈70 km) through teleseismic tomography. The results reveal segmented and matured seismogenic fault systems in the Koyna region where seismicity is possibly controlled by strain build up due to competent lithology in the seismic zone with a deep crustal root

    Fluorescence Polarization and Fluctuation Analysis Monitors Subunit Proximity, Stoichiometry, and Protein Complex Hydrodynamics

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    Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy is frequently used to study protein interactions and conformational changes in living cells. The utility of FRET is limited by false positive and negative signals. To overcome these limitations we have developed Fluorescence Polarization and Fluctuation Analysis (FPFA), a hybrid single-molecule based method combining time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy (homo-FRET) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Using FPFA, homo-FRET (a 1–10 nm proximity gauge), brightness (a measure of the number of fluorescent subunits in a complex), and correlation time (an attribute sensitive to the mass and shape of a protein complex) can be simultaneously measured. These measurements together rigorously constrain the interpretation of FRET signals. Venus based control-constructs were used to validate FPFA. The utility of FPFA was demonstrated by measuring in living cells the number of subunits in the α-isoform of Venus-tagged calcium-calmodulin dependent protein kinase-II (CaMKIIα) holoenzyme. Brightness analysis revealed that the holoenzyme has, on average, 11.9±1.2 subunit, but values ranged from 10–14 in individual cells. Homo-FRET analysis simultaneously detected that catalytic domains were arranged as dimers in the dodecameric holoenzyme, and this paired organization was confirmed by quantitative hetero-FRET analysis. In freshly prepared cell homogenates FPFA detected only 10.2±1.3 subunits in the holoenzyme with values ranging from 9–12. Despite the reduction in subunit number, catalytic domains were still arranged as pairs in homogenates. Thus, FPFA suggests that while the absolute number of subunits in an auto-inhibited holoenzyme might vary from cell to cell, the organization of catalytic domains into pairs is preserved

    Three dimensional lithospheric structure of the western continental margin of India constrained from gravity modelling: implication for tectonic evolution

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    This paper describes a 3-D lithospheric density model of the Western Continental Margin of India (WCMI) based on forward modelling of gravity data derived from satellite altimetry over the ocean and surface measurements on the Indian peninsula. The model covers the north-eastern Arabian Sea and the western part of the Indian Peninsula and incorporates constraints from a wide variety of geophysical and geological information. Salient features of the density model include: (1) the Moho depth varying from 13 km below the oceanic crust to 46 km below the continental interior; (2) the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) located at depths between 70 km in the southwestern corner (under oceanic crust) and about 165 km below the continental region; (3) thickening of the crust under the Chagos–Laccadive and Laxmi Ridges and (4) a revised definition of the continent–ocean boundary. The 3-D density structure of the region enables us to propose an evolutionary model of the WCMI that revisits earlier views of passive rifting. The first stage of continental-scale rifting of Madagascar from India at about 90 Ma is marked by relatively small amounts of magmatism. A second episode of rifting and large-scale magmatism was possibly initiated around 70 Ma with the opening of the Gop Rift. Subsequently at around 68 Ma, the drifting away of the Seychelles and formation of the Laxmi Ridge was a consequence of the down-faulting of the northern margin. During this second episode of rifting, the northern part of the WCMI witnessed massive volcanism attributed to interaction with the Reunion hotspot at around 65 Ma. Subsequent stretching of the transitional crust between about 65 and 62 Ma formed the Laxmi Basin, the southward extension of the failed Gop Rift. As the interaction between plume and lithosphere continued, the Chagos–Laccadive Ridge was emplaced on the edge of the nascent oceanic crust/rifted continental margin in the south as the Indian Plate was moving northwards

    Seismological evidence for a decoupled lithospheric segment in south Indian shield

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    Analysis of several geophysical signatures yields a new model for the south Indian continental lithosphere that shows decoupling of the upper 80km from the underlying mantle. the tomographic images map a thick high-velocity upper mantle (1-6 per cent contrast) in the depth range 80-400 km overlain by a low-velocity region with an average contrast of -3 per cent beneath the south Indian shield. Teleseismic time term analysis points the fast anisotropic axis in the NNE direction coinciding well with the major principal stress direction obtained from field observations, and modelling results from vectorial tomography technique over the entire Indian shield. the significant differences in the direction of maximum anisotropy, stress patterns and character of velocity anomalies between the upper 80km and the underlying mantle suggest the presence of a decoupled system beneath the south Indian shield

    High-velocity anomaly under the deccan volcanic province

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    Tomographic modelling of P-wave residuals at 22 vertical-component seismograph stations operated in the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) in west-central India and the Dharwar Craton point to the existence of a large, deep (at least 300 km), high-velocity anomaly (1-3% faster) directly beneath most of the DVP and Dharwar Craton. There is also marginal evidence that the westernmost part of the DVP may be characterised by low velocity (up to -1.5%) to a depth of about 200 km. This coherent high-velocity anomaly under the DVP and its extension into the south Indian shield is viewed as a lithospheric root, an architecture characteristic of Precambrian shields

    Evidence for thick continental roots beneath south Indian shield

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    Teleseismic P-wave arrivals recorded at South Indian seismological stations have been used to construct a 3-D velocity image of the upper mantle beneath this region. Analysis of a suite of models lead us to conclude that an anomalously high velocity region (1-6% contrast) exists in the upper mantle beneath the whole of South Indian shield including the Deccan Traps in the depth range of 60-300 km. In contrast, the westernmost part of the Deccan Traps and its subjacent mantle in the northwest is characterised by a relatively low velocity. This observed low velocity zone may be a still warm remnant of the spreading centre offset eastwards from the Carlsberg ridge, which might have been the dominant source of the flood basalts that flowed over the Deccan Plateau 65 Ma ago. The high velocity upper mantle of the entire South Indian shield is viewed as a continental root formed by a process of geochemical reordering which happens to be more stable
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