32 research outputs found

    Poboljšan postupak sinteze nekih novih 1,3-diaril-2-propen-1-ona koristeći PEG-400 kao reciklirajuće otapalo i njihovo antimikrobno vrednovanje

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    A simple and convenient route is described for the synthesis of novel hetero 1,3-diaryl-2-propen-1-ones (chalcones) by using recyclable poly PEG-400 as an alternative reaction solvent. The reaction is clean with excellent yield, shorter reaction time and reduces the use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). All the synthesized compounds were evaluated for their antimicrobial activities against several pathogenic representatives.Opisana je jednostavna i pogodna metoda sinteze novih hetero 1,3-diaril-2-propen-1-ona (kalkona) koristeći poli(etilenglikol) (PEG-400) kao alternativno otapalo. Reakcija je jednoznačna, a uporaba hlapljivih organskih otapala je smanjena. Iskorištenja na produktima su visoka, a reakcijska vremena kraća. Svi sintetizirani spojevi testirani su na antimikrobno djelovanje na nekoliko patogenih mikroorganizama

    Die Ballon-Okklusionsangiographie der Pulmonalarterien bei chronischer pulmonaler Hypertonie

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    Die chronische pulmonale Hypertonie ist eine seltene Erkrankung, die heute noch als unheilbar gilt. Die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten haben sich in den letzten Jahren rasant weiterentwickelt und orientieren sich an der Pathogenese und an den Befunden aus der bildgebenden Diagnostik. Diese muss in ihren Möglichkeiten der differentialdiagnostischen Eingrenzung zugrundeliegender Ursachen der pulmonalen Hypertonie Schritt halten. Insbesondere die Ergebnisse der intraarteriellen Pulmonalisangiographie als Referenzmethode in der Bildgebung der Lungen-strombahn haben meist unmittelbare therapeutische Konsequenz, z.B. ob ein Patient für eine pulmonale Thrombendarteriektomie gegeignet ist oder nicht. Wir haben überprüft, ob die selektive pulmonale Ballon-Okklusionsangiographie als Erweiterung der standardisierten Übersichtsangiographie die Differentialdiagnose z.B. der embolischen (CTEPH) gegenüber der nichtembolischen (NoCTEPH) Erkrankung verbessert. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Untersuchungen von 50 Patienten bestehend aus jeweils einer konventionellen Übersichtsangiographie und der ergänzenden Ballon-Okklusionsangiographie retrospektiv nach einem standardisierten Studienprotokoll ausgewertet. Zunächst wurde eine digitale Subtraktionsangiographie der Pulmonalarterien angefertigt. Anschließend führten wir einen weichen Latex-Ballonkatheter in Segment- oder Subsegmentarterien ein. Dann entfalteten wir den Ballon, um die sondierte Arterie zu verschließen und injizierten jeweils 10 bis 15 ml Kontrastmittel, um die kleinen peripheren Gefäße sichtbar zu machen. 13 Patienten litten an einer nichtthrombembolischen Form der chronischen pulmonalen Hypertonie. Bei 36 von 37 Patienten mit CTEPH fanden wir organisiertes embolisches Material als irreguläre Stenosen, Verschlüsse oder Strickleitersysteme (Webs und Bands). In der Darstellung dieser pathologischen Befunde war die Ballon-Okklusionsangiographie der Übersichtsangiographie sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ überlegen. Nach unseren Daten entdeckt die Ballon-Okklusionsangiographie in etwa bei jedem fünften Patienten mit negativer Übersichtsangiographie wenigstens ein thrombembolisches Residuum, sie steigert somit als Verfeinerung der Methode die Sensitivität der Pulmonalisangiographie. Generell stellte sie 2,7 bis 3,6 Aufteilungsgenerationen der peripheren Gefäße mehr dar als die konventionelle selektive DSA. Außerdem fanden wir bei 17 Patienten Kollateralgefäße zu den peripheren Segmenten von zentral verschlossenen Pulmonal-arterien. Dieses Phänomen war nur in der Ballon-Okklusionsangiographie zu beobachten und erwies sich als spezifisch für Patienten mit thrombembolischer pulmonaler Hypertonie. Der Befund ist insofern erstaunlich, als dass Pulmonalarterien eigentlich als funktionelle Endarterien ohne Anastomosen zu Nachbararterien beschrieben werden. Bei 11 Patienten fanden sich Anastomosen zu subpleuralen Bronchialarterien. Dieses bereits bekannte Phänomen steht nach unseren Daten in keinem Zusammenhang mit einer bestimmten Erkrankung und ist somit als unspezifisches Merkmal der chronischen pulmonalen Hypertonie zu deuten. In drei Fällen konnten histologisch postkapilläre Formen der pulmonalen Hypertonie (zweimal pulmonale veno-okklusive Erkrankung (PVOD), einmal primäre kapilläre Hämangiomatose) gesichert werden. Bei diesen Patienten zeigte die Ballon-Okklusionsangiographie eine Füllung der Lungenvenen ohne angiographisch sichtbare Anfärbung des Kapillarbettes (fehlende Parenchymanfärbung). Die geschilderten Erkenntnisse aus unserer Studie lassen sich für die Praxis wie folgt zusammenfassen: 1. Die Ballon-Okklusionsangiographie verbessert die Visualisierung der peripheren Pulmonalarterien. 2. Sie erleichtert die Detektion und Lokalisation thrombembolischer Residuen 3. Sie hilft bei der Differentialdiagnose zwischen thrombembolischer und nicht-thrombembolischer chronischer pulmonaler Hypertonie. 4. Vorher unsichtbare Anastomosen und Kollateralgefäße werden sichtbar. 5. Venöse Füllung ohne Parenchymanfärbung ist offensichtlich ein Zeichen der Parenchymerkrankung; diese Konstellation ist bei Patienten mit chronischer pulmonaler Hypertonie möglicherweise ein Hinweis auf das Vorliegen der pulmonalen venookklusiven Erkrankung (PVOD) oder der primären kapillären Hämangiomatose (PCH). 6. Die selektive Ballon-Okklusionsangiographie segmentaler Pulmonalarterien verbessert in Zusammenschau mit der Computertomographie die Zuverlässigkeit in der Selektion von Kandidaten für eine pulmonale Thrombendarteriektomie oder eine Prostazyklintherapie.Purpose: Test the ability of selective balloon occlusion angiography of pulmonary segmental arteries in the differential diagnosis of chronic pulmonary hypertension: embolic vs. non-embolic disease, pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis, and venoocclusive disease. Methods and Materials: In 50 patients with pulmonary hypertension, digital subtraction angiography (DSA) of pulmonary arteries were used to assist in the selection of candidates appropriate for thrombo-endarterectomy. In addition to these standard methods, we introduced a soft latex balloon catheter into segmental arteries, inflated the balloon to occlude the artery, and injected 10 to 15 ml contrast medium to visualize small peripheral vessels as completely as possible. Results: 13 patients suffered from non-embolic pulmonary hypertension. In 36 of 37 patients with embolic pulmonary hypertension organizing embolic material was depicted as irregular narrowing or occlusion of pulmonary arteries, and weblike strictures. In all of these patients occlusion technique revealed more tiny webs or organized micro emboli in small peripheral arteries. According to our data balloon occlusion angiography discovers in every fifth patient showing a negative conventional pulmonary angiography at least one thromboembolic residuum and thus increases as a sophisticated method the sensitivity of the pulmonary angiography. Generally, occlusion technique revealed additional 2,7 to 3,6 ramifications of peripheral vessels in comparison to conventional selective DSA. Unexpectedly, we found in 11 patients anastomoses to bronchial arteries and in 17 patients collateral vessels to the peripheral segments of centrally occluded pulmonary arteries. These findings are astonishing, because pulmonary arteries are believed ramifying dichotomically without anastomoses. Obviously, there are alterations of pulmonary perfusion, which overcome normal anatomy. 3 patients with characteristic CT signs of interstitial disease (poorly defined nodular opacities and septal lines) underwent lung biopsy: 2 cases of venoocclusive disease, 1 case of pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis. Occlusion angiography in these 3 patients revealed filling of veins without opacification of capillaries (failing parenchymal phase). Conclusion: Balloon occlusion technique improves the visualization of peripheral pulmonary arteries. Differential diagnosis of embolic and non-embolic pulmonary hypertension is facilitated. Previously invisible anastomoses and collateral vessels become visible. Venous filling without capillary opacification is apparently a sign of parenchymal disease; in patients with chronic pulmonary hypertension it might be a hint at venoocclusive disease or pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosi

    High throughput mechanical property testing of materials libraries using a piezoelectric

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    The present invention provides instruments and methods for screening combinatorial libraries that addresses many of the problems encountered when using conventional instruments. For example, the disclosed instruments can measure mechanical properties of library members in rapid serial or parallel test format, and can perform tests on small amounts of material, which are easily prepared or dispensed using art-disclosed liquid or solid handling techniques. Compared to conventional instruments, the disclosed instruments afford fa"Ster sample loading and unloading, for example, through the use of disposable libraries of material samples

    Connecting the dots with related notes

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    During visual analysis, users must often connect insights discovered at various points of time to understand implicit relations within their analysis. This process is often called "connecting the dots." In this paper, we describe an algorithm to recommend related notes from a user's past analysis based on his/her current line of inquiry during an interactive visual exploration process. We have implemented the related notes algorithm in HARVEST, a web based visual analytic system

    Connecting the dots in visual analysis

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    During visual analysis, users must often connect insights discovered at various points of time. This process is often called ldquoconnecting the dots.rdquo When analysts interactively explore complex datasets over multiple sessions, they may uncover a large number of findings. As a result, it is often difficult for them to recall the past insights, views and concepts that are most relevant to their current line of inquiry. This challenge is even more difficult during collaborative analysis tasks where they need to find connections between their own discoveries and insights found by others. In this paper, we describe a context-based retrieval algorithm to identify notes, views and concepts from users' past analyses that are most relevant to a view or a note based on their line of inquiry. We then describe a related notes recommendation feature that surfaces the most relevant items to the user as they work based on this algorithm. We have implemented this recommendation feature in HARVEST, a Web based visual analytic system. We evaluate the related notes recommendation feature of HARVEST through a case study and discuss the implications of our approach

    Quantitative Externalization of Visual Data Analysis Results Using Local Regression Models

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    Part 4: MAKE VISInternational audienceBoth interactive visualization and computational analysis methods are useful for data studies and an integration of both approaches is promising to successfully combine the benefits of both methodologies. In interactive data exploration and analysis workflows, we need successful means to quantitatively externalize results from data studies, amounting to a particular challenge for the usually qualitative visual data analysis. In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach in order to quantitatively externalize valuable findings from interactive visual data exploration and analysis, based on local linear regression models. The models are built on user-selected subsets of the data, and we provide a way of keeping track of these models and comparing them. As an additional benefit, we also provide the user with the numeric model coefficients. Once the models are available, they can be used in subsequent steps of the workflow. A model-based optimization can then be performed, for example, or more complex models can be reconstructed using an inversion of the local models. We study two datasets to exemplify the proposed approach, a meteorological data set for illustration purposes and a simulation ensemble from the automotive industry as an actual case study

    Setup error analysis in helical tomotherapy based image-guided radiation therapy treatments

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    The adequacy of setup margins for various sites in patients treated with helical tomotherapy was investigated. A total of 102 patients were investigated. The breakdown of the patients were as follows: Twenty-five patients each in brain, head and neck (H and N), and pelvis, while 12 patients in lung and 15 in craniospinal irradiation (CSI). Patients were immobilized on the institutional protocol. Altogether 2686 megavoltage computed tomography images were analyzed with 672, 747, 622, 333, and 312 fractions, respectively, from brain, H and N, pelvis, lung, and CSI. Overall systematic and random errors were calculated in three translational and three rotational directions. Setup margins were evaluated using van Herk formula. The calculated margins were compared with the margins in the clinical use for various directions and sites. We found that the clinical isotropic margin of 3 mm was adequate for brain patients. However, in the longitudinal direction it was found to be out of margin by 0.7 mm. In H and N, the calculated margins were well within the isotropic margin of 5 mm which is in clinical use. In pelvis, the calculated margin was within the limits, 8.3 mm versus 10 mm only in longitudinal direction, however, in vertical and lateral directions the calculated margins were out of clinical margins 11 mm versus 10 mm, and 8.7 mm versus 7.0, mm respectively. In lung, all the calculated margins were well within the margins used clinically. In CSI, the variation was found in the middle spine in the longitudinal direction. The clinical margins used in our hospital are adequate enough for sites H and N, lung, and brain, however, for CSI and pelvis the margins were found to be out of clinical margins