614 research outputs found

    Model Continuity in Discrete Event Simulation: A Framework for Model-Driven Development of Simulation Models.

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    Most of the well known modeling and simulation methodologies state the importance of conceptual modeling in simulation studies and they suggest the use of conceptual models during the simulation model development process. However, only a limited number of methodologies refers to howto move from a conceptual model to an executable simulation model. Besides, existing modeling and simulation methodologies do not typically provide a formal method for model transformations between the models in different stages of the development process. Hence, in the current M&S practice, model continuity is usually not fulfilled. In this article, a model driven development framework for modeling and simulation is in order to bridge the gap between different stages of a simulation study and to obtain model continuity. The applicability of the framework is illustrated with a prototype modeling environment and a case study in the discrete event simulation domain

    Lutte contre les ravageurs des stocks de céréales et de légumineuses au Sénégal et en Afrique occidentale : synthèse bibliographique

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    Controlling pests of cereals and legumes in Senegal and West Africa: a review. Post-harvest losses of cereals and legumes are a major problem in Senegal and West Africa. The solutions to eliminate insects, major pests of stored products were mainly chemical. However, due to pollution associated with pesticides use, selection of resistant strains, environmental pollution, poisoning, the search for alternatives is needed. It is reported on different methods of protecting stocks performed alternatively or in combination with pesticides. The major pest species encountered, particularly Prostephanus truncatus (Horn), insect emerging in Senegal, could be controlled by alternative methods including specially the use of insecticide plants. Different aspects related to this alternative way to chemical pesticides are reviewed herein

    Improvement of Fire Hydrant Design to Enhance Water Main Flushing

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    AbstractFlushing is a good practice to avoid problems related to sediment, bio-film growth, and corrosion. Artificial sediment was removed from fire hydrant with pilot scale water distribution main. The sediment removal in fire hydrant and main was carefully compared with different flow rate with velocity ranged from 0.3 to 3.0 m/s and the depth of fire hydrant from 0.5 m to 1.3m. The drain capability of fire hydrant decreased as the flow rate increased. Sediment with higher density was hard to remove from water main. The length effect of upward fire hydrant was relatively minor. Downward drain showed better efficiency for both sand and actual sediment

    Etude de l’activité antifalcémiante d’extraits de racines de Leptadenia hastata Decne. (Asclepiadacae)

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    L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer l’activité antifalcémiante d’extraits de racines de Leptadenia hastata sur des hémoglobines falciformes et d’identifier les principes actifs à l’origine de cette activité. La méthode employée étudie la réversibilité des drépanocytes, en fonction du temps d’incubation des extraits par rapport aux témoins (eau physiologique, phénylalanine et arginine) sur des échantillons de sang de patients drépanocytaires homozygotes. Des concentrations de 0,05; 0,5; 5 et 10 mg/ml de quatre extraits (méthanol, hexane, acétate d’éthyle et méthanol résiduel) ont été mises en contact avec des drépanocytes de type SS après avoir provoqué leur falciformation avec une solution à 2% de métabisulfite de sodium. L’évaluation a été effectuée toutes les 30 minutes pendant 120 minutes. Les différents extraits ont montré une activité dosedépendante sur la réversibilité de la falciformation des globules rouges avec plus de 80% d’inversion en 120 minutes pour l’extrait méthanolique, le plus actif. Un screening phytochimique a permis de faire une corrélation entre les flavonoïdes et l’activité antifalcémiante des extraits de Leptadenia hastata.Mots clés : Drépanocytose, hémoglobine, activité antifalcémiante, Leptadenia hastata, flavonoïdes

    Utilisation des plantes indigènes à effet insecticide pour la protection des denrées stockées contre des insectes ravageurs à Boukoko (Centrafrique)

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    Les paysans utilisent couramment des plantes indigènes pour protéger les denrées des attaques des ravageurs en Centrafrique. Des enquêtes ethnobotaniques effectuées auprès de 79 paysans centrafricains à Boukoko ont permis de collectionner 9 plantes indigènes à effet insecticide potentiel. Les données d’enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont été traitées par une analyse factorielle de correspondance dont les deux premiers axes expliquent 84,75% de la variance totale. Ces plantes se repartissent en 7 familles dont les Méliacées et les Huacées sont les plus utilisées; les écorces étant les parties les plus exploitées. Le dispositif utilisé pour les tests biologiques à l’égard de Sitophilus zeamaïs et Tribolium castaneum est un bloc complètement randomisé. Les variables mesurées sont le taux de mortalité et le nombre d’insectes émergés. Ces variables sont soumises à une analyse de variance modèle fixe à 4 facteurs dans Minitab 14. Les résultats ont montré qu’Afrostyrax lepidophyllus et Trichilia gilgiana sont les espèces les plus prometteuses. Le logiciel RIZA a été utilisé pour calculer les CL50. Trichilia gilgiana appliqué à Sitophilus zeamaïs et Tribolium castaneum après 25 jours de traitement a présenté respectivement une CL50 de 5,13 g/100g et de 5,30 g/100g de spéculations tandis qu’Afrostyrax lepidophyllus a présenté une CL50 de 5,60 g/100g et de CL 5,86 g/100g.Mots clés: Plantes indigènes, protection, denrées stockées, insectes ravageur

    From Kennedy, to Beyond: Growing Plants in Space

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    Astronauts cannot have their cake and eat it too, but what about growing a salad and eating it? As NASA continues to push the envelope on Space exploration and inhabitance the need for a fresh food source becomes more vital. The Life Support team at NASA is using a system developed by ORBITEC the VEGGIE, in which astronauts aboard the ISS, and potentially the Moon and Mars, will be capable of growing food. The introduction of plants not only gives astronauts a means of independently supplying food, but also recreation, oxygen replenishment and psychological benefits. The plants were grown in "pillows", the system used for growing plants within the VEGGIE. This test included 4 types of media mixtures that are composed of a clay based media called Arcilite and Fafard #2, which is a peat moss-based media ( <1 mm Arcilite, 1-2 mm of Arcilite, 1:1 <1 mm & 1-2 mm mixture and 1:1 Arcilite & Fafard mixture). Currently, 3 lettuce cultivars are being grown in 4 mixtures of media. Tests were being conducted to see which form of media has the ratio of best growth and least amount of microbes that are harmful. That is essential because a person's body becomes more susceptible to illness when they leave Earth. As a result, test must be conducted on the "pillow" system to assess the levels of microbial activity. The cultivars were tested at different stages during their growing process for microbes. Datum show that the mix of Fafard and Arcilite had the best growth, but also the most microbes. This was due to the fact that Fafard is an organic substance so it contains material necessary for microbes to live. Data suggest that the <1 mm Arcilite has an acceptable amount of growth and a lower level of microbes, because it is non-organic

    Efficiency of Traditional Maize Storage and Control Methods in Rural Grain Granaries: a Case Study from Senegal

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    Maize storage and pest control method as practiced in traditional clay granaries in the KĂ©dougou region in eastern Senegal were evaluated under rural conditions during two successive years. Three storage modes, i.e. maize cobs, winnowed and non-winnowed maize grains, were tested in seven granaries where the insecticidal plants Hyptis spicigera or H. suaveolens were either incorporated in the store structure or deposited as layers intermittently with maize. At the beginning of the storage period, all granaries were artificially infested with 7 pairs Tribolium castaneum and Sitophilus zeamais. No damage, losses or live insects were observed during 7 months of storage when maize cobs were placed between layers of H. spicigera. Compared with the control, incorporation of insecticidal plants within the granary bottom had no significant effect on the damage and loss level irrespective of the storage mode. Non-winnowed maize always suffered less damage and losses than the winnowed variant. In all granaries depredation, insect abundance and moisture content were highest toward the end of storage period between June and July
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