514 research outputs found

    Entanglement Spectrum and Entanglement Thermodynamics of Quantum Hall Bilayers at nu=1

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    We study the entanglement spectra of bilayer quantum Hall systems at total filling factor nu=1. In the interlayer-coherent phase at layer separations smaller than a critical value, the entanglement spectra show a striking similarity to the energy spectra of the corresponding monolayer systems around half filling. The transition to the incoherent phase can be followed in terms of low-lying entanglement levels. Finally, we describe the connection between those two types of spectra in terms of an effective temperature leading to relations for the entanglement entropy which are in full analogy to canonical thermodynamics.Comment: New findings in Eqs.(5)-(8) and pertaining discussion, and addendum to the title, version as publishe

    Hyperfine induced spin and entanglement dynamics in Double Quantum Dots: A homogeneous coupling approach

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    We investigate hyperfine induced electron spin and entanglement dynamics in a system of two quantum dot spin qubits. We focus on the situation of zero external magnetic field and concentrate on approximation-free theoretical methods. We give an exact solution of the model for homogeneous hyperfine coupling constants (with all coupling coefficients being equal) and varying exchange coupling, and we derive the dynamics therefrom. After describing and explaining the basic dynamical properties, the decoherence time is calculated from the results of a detailed investigation of the short time electron spin dynamics. The result turns out to be in good agreement with experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Perturbative regimes in central spin models

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    Central spin models describe several types of solid state nanostructures which are presently considered as possible building blocks of future quantum information processing hardware. From a theoretical point of view, a key issue remains the treatment of the flip-flop terms in the Hamiltonian in the presence of a magnetic field. We systematically study the influence of these terms, both as a function of the field strength and the size of the spin baths. We find crucial differences between initial states with central spin configurations of high and such of low polarizations. This has strong implications with respect to the influence of a magnetic field on the flip-flop terms in central spin models of a single and more than one central spin. Furthermore, the dependencies on bath size and field differ from those anticipated so far. Our results might open the route for the systematic search for more efficient perturbative treatments of central spin problems.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Teacher Development and Seventh Graders’ Achievement on Representing and Solving Equations

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    We analyze the impact of a teacher development program based on a functions approach to algebra on 7th graders understanding of equations and examine how students’ score gains during the academic year relate to their teachers’ initial level of mathematical knowledge of algebra, functions, and graphs. Students from participating teachers’ and their control peers completed a mathematics assessment at the start and at the end of the school year the teachers were taking the program. We determined teachers’ initial levels of mathematics knowledge through a written assessment given at the start of the program. Although both groups of students improved from the start to the end of the school year, the students from participating teachers showed significantly greater improvement. Moreover, among control students’, improvement in creating, solving, and interpreting equations was positively correlated with their teachers’ initial levels of mathematical knowledge. Improvement among students of cohort teachers in the same items was high regardless of their teachers’ initial performance in the assessment, with students of teachers in the low level group showing the highest gains

    Nuclear spin state narrowing via gate--controlled Rabi oscillations in a double quantum dot

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    We study spin dynamics for two electrons confined to a double quantum dot under the influence of an oscillating exchange interaction. This leads to driven Rabi oscillations between the \ket{\uparrow\downarrow}--state and the \ket{\downarrow\uparrow}--state of the two--electron system. The width of the Rabi resonance is proportional to the amplitude of the oscillating exchange. A measurement of the Rabi resonance allows one to narrow the distribution of nuclear spin states and thereby to prolong the spin decoherence time. Further, we study decoherence of the two-electron states due to the hyperfine interaction and give requirements on the parameters of the system in order to initialize in the \ket{\uparrow\downarrow}--state and to perform a SWAP\sqrt{\mathrm{SWAP}} operation with unit fidelity.Comment: v1:9 pages, 1 figure; v2: 13 pages, 2 figures, added section on measurement, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-Orbit Coupling and Time-Reversal Symmetry in Quantum Gates

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    We study the effect of spin-orbit coupling on quantum gates produced by pulsing the exchange interaction between two single electron quantum dots. Spin-orbit coupling enters as a small spin precession when electrons tunnel between dots. For adiabatic pulses the resulting gate is described by a unitary operator acting on the four-dimensional Hilbert space of two qubits. If the precession axis is fixed, time-symmetric pulsing constrains the set of possible gates to those which, when combined with single qubit rotations, can be used in a simple CNOT construction. Deviations from time-symmetric pulsing spoil this construction. The effect of time asymmetry is studied by numerically integrating the Schr\"odinger equation using parameters appropriate for GaAs quantum dots. Deviations of the implemented gate from the desired form are shown to be proportional to dimensionless measures of both spin-orbit coupling and time asymmetry of the pulse.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Bi-partite mode entanglement of bosonic condensates on tunneling graph

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    We study a set of LL spatial bosonic modes localized on a graph Γ.\Gamma. The particles are allowed to tunnel from vertex to vertex by hopping along the edges of Γ.\Gamma. We analyze how, in the exact many-body eigenstates of the system i.e., Bose-Einstein condensates over single-particle eigenfunctions, the bi-partite quantum entanglement of a lattice vertex with respect to the rest of the graph depends on the topology of Γ.\Gamma.Comment: 3 Pages LaTeX, 2 Figures include

    Dissipation effects in spin-Hall transport of electrons and holes

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    We investigate the spin-Hall effect of both electrons and holes in semiconductors using the Kubo formula in the correct zero-frequency limit taking into account the finite momentum relaxation time of carriers in real semiconductors. This approach allows to analyze the range of validity of recent theoretical findings. In particular, the spin-Hall conductivity vanishes for vanishing spin-orbit coupling if the correct zero-frequency limit is performed.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    ANPEPP: Symposia, Research, and Postgraduate Studies from 1988 to 2014

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    AbstractThis article briefly describes (a) how ANPEPP was started and its first few years of activities, (b) the planning, implementation, evaluation, and recommendations by participants in the first symposium that led to future symposia format, and (c) ANPEPP's evolving activities from 1988 to 2014, taking one of its working groups (grupos de trabalho [GTs]) as an example. The analysis suggests that ANPEPP is playing a vital role in promoting fruitful interactions among researchers, contributing to a broad research agenda, and building a rich database of psychological knowledge in Brazil

    Influence of disorder on the ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    Influence of disorder on the ferromagnetic phase transition in diluted (III,Mn)V semiconductors is investigated analytically. The regime of small disorder is addressed, and the enhancement of the critical temperature by disorder is found both in the mean field approximation and from the analysis of the zero temperature spin stiffness. Due to disorder, the spin wave fluctuations around the ferromagnetically ordered state acquire a finite mass. At large charge carrier band width, the spin wave mass squared becomes negative, signaling the breakdown of the ferromagnetic ground state and the onset of a noncollinear magnetic order.Comment: Replaced with revised version. 10 pages, 3 figure