174 research outputs found

    What is the redshift of the gamma- ray BL Lac source S4 0954+65?

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    High signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopic observations of the BL Lac object S4 0954+65 at the alleged redshift z = 0.367 are presented. This source was detected at gamma frequencies by MAGIC (TeV) and FERMI (GeV) telescopes during a remarkable outburst that occurred in February 2015, making the determination of its distance particularly relevant for our understanding of the properties of the Extragalactic Background Light. Contrary to previous reports on the redshift, we found that the optical spectrum is featureless at an equivalent width limit of \sim 0.1 Ang. A critical analysis of the existing observations indicates that the redshift is still unknown. Based on the new data we estimate a lower limit to the redshift at z \geq 0.45.Comment: Minor comment and accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Recent star formation in clusters of galaxies: extreme compact starbursts in A539 and A634

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    We report on the detection of two Halpha-emitting extreme compact objects from deep images of the Abell 634 and Abell 539 clusters of galaxies at z ~ 0.03. Follow up long slit spectroscopy of these two unresolved sources revealed that they are members of their respective clusters showing HII type spectra. The luminosity and the extreme equivalent width of Halpha+[NII] measured for these sources, together with their very compact appearance, has raised the question about the origin of these intense starbursts in the cluster environment. We propose the compact starburst in Abell 539 resulted from the compression of the interstellar gas of a dwarf galaxy when entering the cluster core; while the starburst galaxy in Abell 634 is likely to be the result of a galaxy-galaxy interaction, illustrating the preprocessing of galaxies during their infall towards the central regions of clusters. The contribution of these compact star-forming dwarf galaxies to the star formation history of galaxy clusters is discussed, as well as a possible link with the recently discovered early-type ultra-compact dwarf galaxies. We note that these extreme objects will be rarely detected in normal magnitude-limited optical or NIR surveys, mainly due to their low stellar masses (of the order of 10^6 solar masses), whereas they will easily show up in dedicated Halpha surveys given the high equivalent width of their emission lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. 31 pages, 10 fig

    Random exams using Sweave

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    The adaptation of the Spanish University to the European Higher Education Area (EEES in Spanish) demands the integration of new tools and skills that would make the teaching- learning process easier. This adaptation involves a change in the evaluation methods, which goes from a system where the student was evaluated with a final exam, to a new system where we include a continuous evaluation in which the final exam may represent at most 50% in the vast majority of the Universities. Devising a new and fair continuous evaluation system is not an easy task to do. That would mean a student’s’ learning process follow-up by the teachers, and as a consequence an additional workload on existing staff resources. Traditionally, the continuous evaluation is associated with the daily work of the student and a collection of the different marks partly or entirely based on the work they do during the academic year. Now, small groups of students and an attendance control are important aspects to take into account in order to get an adequate assessment of the students. However, most of the university degrees have groups with more than 70 students, and the attendance control is a complicated task to perform, mostly because it consumes significant amounts of staff time. Another problem found is that the attendance control would encourage not-interested students to be present at class, which might cause some troubles to their classmates. After a two year experience in the development of a continuous assessment in Statistics subjects in Social Science degrees, we think that individual and periodical tasks are the best way to assess results. These tasks or examinations must be done in classroom during regular lessons, so we need an efficient system to put together different and personal questions in order to prevent students from cheating. In this paper we provide an efficient and effective way to elaborate random examination papers by using Sweave, a tool that generates data, graphics and statistical calculus from the software R and shows results in PDF documents created by Latex. In this way, we will be able to design an exam template which could be compiled in order to generate as many PDF documents as it is required, and at the same time, solutions are provided to easily correct them

    Induced mutations in ASPARAGINE SYNTHETASE-A2 reduce free asparagine concentration in the wheat grain

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    Acrylamide is a neurotoxin and probable carcinogen formed as a processing contam-inant during baking and production of different foodstuffs, including bread products.The amino acid asparagine is the limiting substrate in the Maillard reaction thatproduces acrylamide, so developing wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) cultivars withlow free asparagine concentrations in the grain is a promising approach to reducedietary acrylamide exposure. A candidate gene approach was used to identify chemi-cally induced genetic variation inASPARAGINE SYNTHETASE 2(ASN2) genes thatexhibit a grain-specific expression profile. In field trials, durum and common wheatlines carryingasn-a2null alleles exhibited reductions in free asparagine concentra-tion in their grains of between 9 and 34% compared with wildtype sister lines. Theseplants showed no significant differences in spikelet number, grain size and weight,germination or baking quality traits. These nontransgenic variants can be deployedwithout regulatory oversight in elite wheat germplasm to reduce acrylamide-formingpotential with no negative effects on quality or agronomic performance

    An Autonomous Robotic System for Mapping Abandoned Mines

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    We present the software architecture of a robotic system for mapping abandoned mines. The software is capable of acquiring consistent 2D maps of large mines with many cycles, represented as Markov random fields. 3D C-space maps are acquired from local 3D range scans, which are used to identify navigable paths using A* search. Our system has been deployed in three abandoned mines, two of which inaccessible to people, where it has acquired maps of unprecedented detail and accuracy

    Trained Immunity Confers Prolonged Protection From Listeriosis.

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    Trained immunity refers to the ability of the innate immune system exposed to a first challenge to provide an enhanced response to a secondary homologous or heterologous challenge. We reported that training induced with ÎČ-glucan one week before infection confers protection against a broad-spectrum of lethal bacterial infections. Whether this protection persists over time is unknown. To tackle this question, we analyzed the immune status and the response to Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) of mice trained 9 weeks before analysis. The induction of trained immunity increased bone marrow myelopoiesis and blood counts of Ly6C <sup>high</sup> inflammatory monocytes and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs). Ex vivo, whole blood, PMNs and monocytes from trained mice produced increased levels of cytokines in response to microbial products and limited the growth of L. monocytogenes. In vivo, following challenge with L. monocytogenes, peripheral blood leukocytes were massively depleted in control mice but largely preserved in trained mice. PMNs were reduced also in the spleen from control mice, and increased in the spleen of trained mice. In transwell experiments, PMNs from trained mice showed increased spontaneous migration and CXCL2/MIP2α-induced chemotaxis, suggesting that training promotes the migration of PMNs in peripheral organs targeted by L. monocytogenes. Trained PMNs and monocytes had higher glycolytic activity and mitochondrial respiration than control cells when exposed to L. monocytogenes. Bacterial burden and dissemination in blood, spleen and liver as well as systemic cytokines and inflammation (multiplex bead assay and bioluminescence imaging) were reduced in trained mice. In full agreement with these results, mice trained 9 weeks before infection were powerfully protected from lethal listeriosis. Altogether, these data suggest that training increases the generation and the antimicrobial activity of PMNs and monocytes, which may confer prolonged protection from lethal bacterial infection

    The short-duration GRB 050724 host galaxy in the context of the long-duration GRB hosts

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    We report optical and near-infrared broad band observations of the short-duration GRB 050724 host galaxy, used to construct its spectral energy distribution (SED). Unlike the hosts of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which show younger stellar populations, the SED of the GRB 050724 host galaxy is optimally fitted with a synthetic elliptical galaxy template based on an evolved stellar population (age ~2.6 Gyr). The SED of the host is difficult to reproduce with non-evolving metallicity templates. In contrast, if the short GRB host galaxy metallicity enrichment is considered, the synthetic templates fit the observed SED satisfactorily. The internal host extinction is low (A_v \~< 0.4 mag) so it cannot explain the faintness of the afterglow. This short GRB host galaxy is more massive (~5x10^10 Mo) and luminous (~1.1 L*) than most of the long-duration GRB hosts. A statistical comparison based on the ages of short- and long-duration GRB host galaxies strongly suggests that short-duration GRB hosts contain, on average, older progenitors. These findings support a different origin for short- and long-duration GRBs.Comment: A&A in pres

    A new Einstein Cross gravitational lens of a Lyman-break galaxy

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    We report the study of an "Einstein Cross" configuration first identified in a set of HST images by Cerny et al. Deep spectroscopic observations obtained at the Spanish 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias telescope, allowed us to demonstrate the lens nature of the system, that consists of a Lyman-break galaxy (LBG), not a quasi-stellar object as is usually the case, at z = 3.03 lensed by a galaxy at z = 0.556. Combining the new spectroscopy with the archival HST data, it turns out that the lens is an elliptical galaxy with M V = −21.0, effective radius 2.8 kpc, and stellar velocity dispersion σ = 208 ± 39 km s−1. The source is an LBG with Lyα luminosity ~L* at that redshift. From the modeling of the system, performed by assuming a singular isothermal ellipsoid (SIE) with external shear, we estimate that the flux source is magnified about 4.5 times, and the velocity dispersion of the lens is σSIE=197.9−1.3+2.6{\sigma }_{\mathrm{SIE}}={197.9}_{-1.3}^{+2.6} km s−1, in good agreement with the value derived spectroscopically. This is the second case known of an Einstein cross of an LBG
