417 research outputs found

    Vanishing topology of codimension 1 multi-germs over R\Bbb R and C\Bbb C

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    We construct all A\cal Ae-codimension 1 multi-germs of analytic (or smooth) maps (kn, T) [rightward arrow] (kp, 0), with n [gt-or-equal, slanted] p − 1, (n, p) nice dimensions, k = C\mathbb C or R\mathbb R, by augmentation and concatenation operations, starting from mono-germs (|T| = 1) and one 0-dimensional bi-germ. As an application, we prove general statements for multi-germs of corank [less-than-or-eq, slant] 1: every one has a real form with real perturbation carrying the vanishing homology of the complexification, every one is quasihomogeneous, and when n = p − 1 every one has image Milnor number equal to 1 (this last is already known when n [gt-or-equal, slanted] p)

    XMM-Newton Observation of the Northwest Radio Relic Region in Abell 3667

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    Abell 3667 is the archetype of a merging cluster with radio relics. The NW radio relic is the brightest cluster relic or halo known, and is believed to be due to a strong merger shock. We have observed the NW relic for 40 ksec of net XMM time. We observe a global decline of temperature across the relic from 6 to 1 keV, similar to the Suzaku results. Our new observations reveal a sharp change of both temperature and surface brightness near the position of the relic. The increased X-ray emission on the relic can be equivalently well described by either a thermal or nonthermal spectral model. The parameters of the thermal model are consistent with a Mach number M~2 shock and a shock speed of ~1200 km s^-1. The energy content of the relativistic particles in the radio relic can be explained if they are (re)-accelerated by the shock with an efficiency of ~0.2%. Comparing the limit on the inverse Compton X-ray emission with the measured radio synchrotron emission, we set a lower limit to the magnetic field in the relic of 3 muG. If the emission from the relic is non-thermal, this lower limit is in fact the required magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages, ApJ in pres

    On the absence of radio halos in clusters with double relics

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    Pairs of radio relics are believed to form during cluster mergers, and are best observed when the merger occurs in the plane of the sky. Mergers can also produce radio halos, through complex processes likely linked to turbulent re-acceleration of cosmic-ray electrons. However, only some clusters with double relics also show a radio halo. Here, we present a novel method to derive upper limits on the radio halo emission, and analyse archival X-ray Chandra data, as well as galaxy velocity dispersions and lensing data, in order to understand the key parameter that switches on radio halo emission. We place upper limits on the halo power below the P1.4GHzM500P_{\rm 1.4 \, GHz}\, M_{500} correlation for some clusters, confirming that clusters with double relics have different radio properties. Computing X-ray morphological indicators, we find that clusters with double relics are associated with the most disturbed clusters. We also investigate the role of different mass-ratios and time-since-merger. Data do not indicate that the merger mass ratio has an impact on the presence or absence of radio halos (the null hypothesis that the clusters belong to the same group cannot be rejected). However, the data suggests that the absence of radio halos could be associated with early and late mergers, but the sample is too small to perform a statistical test. Our study is limited by the small number of clusters with double relics. Future surveys with LOFAR, ASKAP, MeerKat and SKA will provide larger samples to better address this issue.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS accepte

    GRB 000418: A Hidden Jet Revealed?

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    We report on optical, near-infrared and centimeter radio observations of GRB000418 which allow us to follow the evolution of the afterglow from 2 to 200 days after the gamma-ray burst. In modeling these broad-band data, we find that an isotropic explosion in a constant density medium is unable to simultaneously fit both the radio and optical data. However, a jet-like outflow with an opening angle of 10-20 degress provides a good description of the data. The evidence in favor of a jet interpretation is based on the behavior of the radio light curves, since the expected jet break is masked at optical wavelengths by the light of the host galaxy. We also find evidence for extinction, presumably arising from within the host galaxy, with A(V)=0.4 mag, and host flux densities of F_R=1.1 uJy and F_K=1.7 uJy. These values supercede previous work on this burst due to the availability of a broad-band data set allowing a global fitting approach. A model in which the GRB explodes into a wind-stratified circumburst medium cannot be ruled out by these data. However, in examining a sample of other bursts (e.g. GRB990510, GRB000301C) we favor the jet interpretation for GRB000418.Comment: ApJ, submitte

    Hard X-ray emitting Active Galactic Nuclei selected by the Chandra Multi-wavelength Project

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    We present X-ray and optical analysis of 188 AGN identified from 497 hard X-ray (f (2.0-8.0 keV) > 2.7x10^-15 erg cm^-2 s^-1) sources in 20 Chandra fields (1.5 deg^2) forming part of the Chandra Multi-wavelength Project. These medium depth X-ray observations enable us to detect a representative subset of those sources responsible for the bulk of the 2-8 keV Cosmic X-ray Background. Brighter than our optical spectroscopic limit, we achieve a reasonable degree of completeness (77% of X-ray sources with counter-parts r'< 22.5 have been classified): broad emission line AGN (62%), narrow emission line galaxies (24%), absorption line galaxies (7%), stars (5%) or clusters (2%). We find that most X-ray unabsorbed AGN (NH<10^22 cm^-2) have optical properties characterized by broad emission lines and blue colors, similiar to optically-selected quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey but with a slighly broader color distribution. However, we also find a significant population of redder (g'-i'>1.0) AGN with broad optical emission lines. Most of the X-ray absorbed AGN (10^22<NH<10^24 cm^-2) are associated with narrow emission line galaxies, with red optical colors characteristically dominated by luminous, early type galaxy hosts rather than from dust reddening of an AGN. We also find a number of atypical AGN; for instance, several luminous AGN show both strong X-ray absorption (NH>10^22 cm^-2) and broad emission lines. Overall, we find that 81% of X-ray selected AGN can be easily interpreted in the context of current AGN unification models. Most of the deviations seem to be due to an optical contribution from the host galaxies of the low luminosity AGN.Comment: 26 pages; 13 figures (7 color); accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Gas Clumping in the Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters, an Assessment of the Sensitivity of STAR-X

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    In the outskirts of galaxy clusters, entropy profiles measured from X-ray observations of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) drops off unexpectedly. One possible explanation for this effect is gas clumping, where pockets of cooler and denser structures within the ICM are present. Current observatories are unable to directly detect these hypothetical gas clumps. One of the science drivers of the proposed STAR-X observatory is to resolve these or similar structures. Its high spatial resolution, large effective area, and low instrumental background make STAR-X ideal for directly detecting and characterizing clumps and diffuse emission in cluster outskirts. The aim of this work is to simulate observations of clumping in clusters to determine how well STAR-X will be able to detect clumps, as well as what clumping properties reproduce observed entropy profiles. This is achieved by using yt, pyXSIM, SOXS, and other tools to inject ideally modeled clumps into three-dimensional models derived from actual clusters using their observed profiles from other X-ray missions. Radial temperature and surface brightness profiles are then extracted from mock observations using concentric annuli. We find that in simulated observations for STAR-X, a parameter space of clump properties exists where gas clumps can be successfully identified using wavdetect and masked, and are able to recover the true cluster profiles. This demonstrates that STAR-X could be capable of detecting substructure in the outskirts of nearby clusters and that the properties of both the outskirts and the clumps will be revealed.Comment: This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in RAS Techniques and Instruments (RASTI) following peer review. The version of record is available online at: https://academic.oup.com/rasti/article/doi/10.1093/rasti/rzad042/725882

    The NuSTAR, XMM-Newton, and Suzaku View of A3395 at the Intercluster Filament Interface

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    Galaxy clusters are the largest virialized objects in the universe. Their merger dynamics and their interactions with the cosmic filaments that connect them are important for our understanding of the formation of large-scale structure. In addition, cosmic filaments are thought to possess the missing baryons in the universe. Studying the interaction of galaxy clusters and filaments therefore has the potential to unveil the origin of the baryons and the physical processes that occur during merger stages of galaxy clusters. In this paper, we study the connection between A3395 and the intercluster filament with NuSTAR, XMM-Newton, and Suzaku data. Since the NuSTAR observation is moderately contaminated by scattered light, we present a novel technique developed for disentangling this background from the emission from the intracluster medium. We find that the interface of the cluster and the intercluster filament connecting A3395 and A3391 does not show any signs of heated plasma, as was previously thought. This interface has low temperature, high density, and low entropy, thus we suggest that the gas is cooling, being enhanced by the turbulent or tidal "weather"driven during the early stage of the merger. Furthermore, our temperature results from the NuSTAR data are in agreement with those from XMM-Newton and from joint NuSTAR and XMM-Newton analysis for a region with ∼25% scattered light contamination within 1σ. We show that the temperature constraint of the intracluster medium is valid even when the data are contaminated up to ∼25% for ∼5 keV cluster emission

    Astro 2020 Science White Paper: Time Domain Studies of Neutron Star and Black Hole Populations: X-ray Identification of Compact Object Types

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    What are the most important conditions and processes governing the growth of stellar-origin compact objects? The identification of compact object type as either black hole (BH) or neutron star (NS) is fundamental to understanding their formation and evolution. To date, time-domain determination of compact object type remains a relatively untapped tool. Measurement of orbital periods, pulsations, and bursts will lead to a revolution in the study of the demographics of NS and BH populations, linking source phenomena to accretion and galaxy parameters (e.g., star formation, metallicity). To perform these measurements over sufficient parameter space, a combination of a wide-field (>5000 deg^2) transient X-ray monitor over a dynamic energy range (~1-100 keV) and an X-ray telescope for deep surveys with <5 arcsec PSF half-energy width (HEW) angular resolution are required. Synergy with multiwavelength data for characterizing the underlying stellar population will transform our understanding of the time domain properties of transient sources, helping to explain details of supernova explosions and gravitational wave event rates.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Surve

    A Hard X-ray Study of the Normal Star-Forming Galaxy M83 with NuSTAR

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    We present results from sensitive, multi-epoch NuSTAR observations of the late-type star-forming galaxy M83 (d=4.6 Mpc), which is the first investigation to spatially resolve the hard (E>10 keV) X-ray emission of this galaxy. The nuclear region and ~ 20 off-nuclear point sources, including a previously discovered ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) source, are detected in our NuSTAR observations. The X-ray hardnesses and luminosities of the majority of the point sources are consistent with hard X-ray sources resolved in the starburst galaxy NGC 253. We infer that the hard X-ray emission is most likely dominated by intermediate accretion state black hole binaries and neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries (Z-sources). We construct the X-ray binary luminosity function (XLF) in the NuSTAR band for an extragalactic environment for the first time. The M83 XLF has a steeper XLF than the X-ray binary XLF in NGC 253, consistent with previous measurements by Chandra at softer X-ray energies. The NuSTAR integrated galaxy spectrum of M83 drops quickly above 10 keV, which is also seen in the starburst galaxies NGC253, NGC 3310 and NGC 3256. The NuSTAR observations constrain any AGN to be either highly obscured or to have an extremely low luminosity of <_{\sim}^<1038^{38} erg/s (10-30 keV), implying it is emitting at a very low Eddington ratio. An X-ray point source consistent with the location of the nuclear star cluster with an X-ray luminosity of a few times 1038^{38} erg/s may be a low-luminosity AGN but is more consistent with being an X-ray binary.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (25 pages, 17 figures

    The NuSTAR and Chandra View of CL 0217+70 and Its Tell-tale Radio Halo

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    Mergers of galaxy clusters are the most energetic events in the universe, driving shock and cold fronts, generating turbulence, and accelerating particles that create radio halos and relics. The galaxy cluster CL 0217+70 is a remarkable late-stage merger, with a double peripheral radio relic and a giant radio halo. Chandra detects surface brightness (SB) edges that correspond to radio features within the halo. In this work, we present a study of this cluster with Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array and Chandra data using spectro-imaging methods. The global temperature is found to be kT = 9.1 keV. We set an upper limit for the inverse Compton (IC) flux of ∼2.7 × 10−12 erg s−1 cm−2, and a lower limit to the magnetic field of 0.08 μG. Our local IC search revealed a possibility that IC emission may have a significant contribution at the outskirts of the radio halo emission and on/near shock regions within ∼0.6 r 500 of clusters. We detected a “hot spot” feature in our temperature map coincident with an SB edge, but our investigation on its origin is inconclusive. If the “hot spot” is the downstream of a shock, we set a lower limit of kT &gt; 21 keV to the plasma that corresponds to ∼2. We found three shock fronts within 0.5 r 500. Multiple weak shocks within the cluster center hint at an ongoing merger activity and continued feeding of the giant radio halo. CL 0217+70 is the only example hosting these secondary shocks in multiple form