29,349 research outputs found

    A theoretical study of the gamma-ray scattering technique for measuring atmospheric density Final report

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    Theoretical modeling study of gamma ray scattering technique for measuring atmospheric densit

    Mathematical model predictions and optimization study of the gamma ray atmospheric density sensor

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    Mathematical model predictions and optimization study of gamma ray atmospheric density senso

    Experimental verification of gamma ray atmospheric density sensor mathematical model predictions

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    Experimental verification of mathematical model performance predictions for gamma ray atmospheric density sensor

    Comparative review of the effects of organic farming on biodiversity (OF0149)

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    This is the final report of Defra project OF0149 1. The report reviews the impact of different farming regimes and makes a comparative study of their influence on the biodiversity of arable farmland. 2. Within this review, the evaluation of impacts on biodiversity focuses on species and habitats, and includes both the number, abundance and activity of species (section 1.3). 3. Five farming regimes are defined and discussed, namely Conventional Arable, Conventional Mixed Lowland, Organic and two integrated production regimes - LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) and IFS-Experimental regimes The main differences between the regimes in relation to the use of external inputs and other agricultural practices are discussed. The review draws on both UK and European information (section 1.4). 4. The effect of each farming regime on biodiversity is assessed according to the agricultural practices adopted and to the occurrence and management of uncropped land present. Agricultural practices are reviewed within the following categories: cultivation, crop production, crop protection and post-cropping practice (section 2.1). 5. Among the agricultural practices examined, those associated with crop protection and the artificial inputs associated with crop production were seen as the most adverse for biodiversity. Several practices were seen to benefit the biodiversity of arable land. These included set-aside, crop rotations with grass leys, spring sowing, permanent pasture, green manuring and intercropping (section 2.7). 6. Uncropped areas, such as sown grass strips (beetle banks), grass margins and conservation headlands, were seen as critical for the maintenance of biodiversity on arable farmland. Changes in the balance of cropped to uncropped land within some farming regimes, linked to increase in field size, have had a major impact on the diversity of flora and fauna associated with those regimes (section 3.4). 7. Based on the evaluation of agricultural practices used, the occurrence of uncropped land and the extent of the farming regime within England and Wales, it was concluded that Conventional Arable regimes act effectively to maintain the impoverished status of biodiversity on arable land. Extreme examples can be found of intensively managed farms that further deplete biodiversity and sympathetically managed farms that try to enhance it. Increased adoption of agricultural practices such as direct drilling, use of farmyard manure, set-aside, use of crop rotations with leys, or an increase in the incidence and sympathetic management of uncropped areas may well assist biodiversity on farms within this regime (sections 4.3 & 4.4) 8. Organic regimes were shown to have an overall benefit for biodiversity at the farm level, both in terms of the agricultural practices adopted and in the occurrence and management of uncropped areas (sections 4.3 & 4.4). 9. Conventional Mixed Lowland and LEAF regimes were both seen to have the potential for enhancing biodiversity on arable land. Here, adverse impacts associated with crop protection and crop production may be mitigated by beneficial effects associated with post-cropping practices, the occurrence of permanent pasture and uncropped land. At present, the extent to which enhancement may be achieved, may well depend on the extent, condition and management of uncropped land present within these regimes (sections 4.3 & 4.4). 10. IFS-experimental regimes were seen to have a beneficial effect on biodiversity, due to the stringent procedures used for targeting herbicides and pesticides and for establishing and managing uncropped areas. At present these regimes occupy a tiny area of the national resource of arable land and thus their impact on national biodiversity is likely to be insignificant at the present time (sections 4.3 & 4.4). 11. A number of areas are highlighted for further consideration. These include: ā€¢ monitoring of biodiversity on farms pre- and post- conversion to organic farming, ā€¢ comparative studies that focus on the effectiveness of different regimes or agricultural practices in enhancing biodiversity on species-impoverished intensively managed arable land, ā€¢ manipulative experiments to determine the optimal balance of cropped to uncropped areas for enhancing biodiversity, ā€¢ manipulative experiments to examine the separate impacts of rotational regimes and agricultural inputs on biodiversity, ā€¢ an economic assessment of the costs and benefits in both production and biodiversity terms, of conversion to organic, integrated production or uptake of available agri-environment schemes

    Service quality measurements for IPv6 inter-networks

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    Measurement-based performance evaluation of network traffic is becoming very important, especially for networks trying to provide differentiated levels of service quality to the different application flows. The non-identical response of flows to the different types of network-imposed performance degradation raises the need for ubiquitous measurement mechanisms, able to measure numerous performance properties, and being equally applicable to different applications and transports. This paper presents a new measurement mechanism, facilitated by the steady introduction of IPv6 in network nodes and hosts, which exploits native features of the protocol to provide support for performance measurements at the network (IP) layer. IPv6 Extension Headers have been used to carry the triggers involving the measurement activity and the measurement data in-line with the payload data itself, providing a high level of probability that the behaviour of the real user traffic flows is observed. End-to-end one-way delay, jitter, loss, and throughput have been measured for applications operating on top of both reliable and unreliable transports, over different-capacity IPv6 network configurations. We conclude that this technique could form the basis for future Internet measurements that can be dynamically deployed where and when required in a multi-service IP environment

    Nonlinear optical probe of tunable surface electrons on a topological insulator

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    We use ultrafast laser pulses to experimentally demonstrate that the second-order optical response of bulk single crystals of the topological insulator Bi2_2Se3_3 is sensitive to its surface electrons. By performing surface doping dependence measurements as a function of photon polarization and sample orientation we show that second harmonic generation can simultaneously probe both the surface crystalline structure and the surface charge of Bi2_2Se3_3. Furthermore, we find that second harmonic generation using circularly polarized photons reveals the time-reversal symmetry properties of the system and is surprisingly robust against surface charging, which makes it a promising tool for spectroscopic studies of topological surfaces and buried interfaces

    Influence of various fabrication methods on the compressive strength of titanium skin- stringer panels

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    Influence of fabrication methods on compressive strength of titanium alloy skin stringer panel

    Interference between postural control and mental task performance in patients with vestibular disorder and healthy controls

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    OBJECTIVES - To determine whether interference between postural control and mental task performance in patients with balance system impairment and healthy subjects is due to general capacity limitations, motor control interference, competition for spatial processing resources, or a combination of these.METHOD - Postural stability was assessed in 48 patients with vestibular disorder and 24 healthy controls while they were standing with eyes closed on (a) a stable and (b) a moving platform. Mental task performance was measured by accuracy and reaction time on mental tasks, comprising high and low load, spatial and non-spatial tasks. Interference between balancing and performing mental tasks was assessed by comparing baseline (single task) levels of sway and mental task performance with levels while concurrently balancing and carrying out mental tasks.RESULTS - As the balancing task increased in difficulty, reaction times on both low load mental tasks grew progressively longer and accuracy on both high load tasks declined in patients and controls. Postural sway was essentially unaffected by mental activity in patients and controls.CONCLUSIONS - It is unlikely that dual task interference between balancing and mental activity is due to competition for spatial processing resources, as levels of interference were similar in patients with vestibular disorder and healthy controls, and were also similar for spatial and non-spatial tasks. Moreover, the finding that accuracy declined on the high load tasks when balancing cannot be attributed to motor control interference, as no motor control processing is involved in maintaining accuracy of responses. Therefore, interference between mental activity and postural control can be attributed principally to general capacity limitations, and is hence proportional to the attentional demands of both tasks

    Correlated patterns in non-monotonic graded-response perceptrons

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    The optimal capacity of graded-response perceptrons storing biased and spatially correlated patterns with non-monotonic input-output relations is studied. It is shown that only the structure of the output patterns is important for the overall performance of the perceptrons.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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