3,307 research outputs found

    The 2000 Periastron Passage of PSR B1259-63

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    We report here on a sequence of 28 observations of the binary pulsar system PSR B1259-63/SS2883 at four radio frequencies made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array around the time of the 2000 periastron passage. Observations made on 2000 Sep 1 show that the pulsar's apparent rotation measure (RM) reached a maximum of −14800±1800-14800 \pm 1800 rad m−2^{-2}, some 700 times the value measured away from periastron, and is the largest astrophysical RM measured. This value, combined with the dispersion measure implies a magnetic field in the Be star's wind of 6 mG. We find that the light curve of the unpulsed emission is similar to that obtained during the 1997 periastron but that differences in detail imply that the emission disc of the Be star is thicker and/or of higher density. The behaviour of the light curve at late times is best modelled by the adiabatic expansion of a synchrotron bubble formed in the pulsar/disc interaction. The expansion rate of the bubble ∼12\sim 12 km s−1^{-1} is surprisingly low but the derived magnetic field of 1.6 G close to that expected.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, LaTeX (mn.sty). Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Also available at http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/staff/tconnors/publications.htm

    Sensitivity analysis of optimal routes, departure times and speeds for fuel-efficient truck journeys

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    Embedded within the vehicle "routing" problem of determining the order in which customers are served, is the route choice problem of which sequence of roads to use between a pair of pick-up/drop-off locations, and this latter is the focus of the paper. When the objective is something other than travel time, such as fuel consumption, an additional control dimension is that of speed, and in a time-varying context the question of optimal speed determination is no longer a local one, due to potential downstream interactions. This also brings in the possibility to adjust departure times. Recently this problem, of joint route, departure time and speed determination for fuel minimization in a time-varying network, was shown to be efficiently solvable using a Space-Time Extended Network (STEN). In the present paper, we explore the sensitivity of the optimal solutions produced to: i) the fidelity of the within-day traffic information; ii) the currency of between-day traffic information in comparison with historical mean conditions; iii) the availability of historical information on variability for risk-averse routing; and iv) competition from other equally-optimal or near equally-optimal solutions. We set out the methods by which each of these tests may be achieved by adaptation of the underlying STEN, taking care to ensure a consistent reference basis, and describe the potential real-life relevance of each test. The results of illustrative numerical experiments are reported from interfacing the methods with real-time data accessed through the Google Maps API

    Optimization of route choice, speeds and stops in time-varying networks for fuel-efficient truck journeys

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    A method is presented for the real-time optimal control of the journey of a truck, travelling between a pair of pick-up/drop-off locations in a time-varying traffic network, in order to reduce fuel consumption. The method, when applied during the journey, encapsulates the choice of route, choice of speeds on the links, and choice of stop locations/durations; when applied pre-trip, it additionally incorporates choice of departure time. The problem is formulated by using a modified form of space-time extended network, in such a way that a shortest path in this network corresponds to an optimal choice of not only route, stops and (when relevant) departure time, but also of speeds. A series of simple illustrative examples are presented to illustrate the formulation. Finally, the method is applied to a realistic-size case study

    A statistical method for estimating predictable differences between daily traffic flow profiles

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    It is well known that traffic flows in road networks may vary not only within the day but also between days. Existing models including day-to-day variability usually represent all variability as unpredictable fluctuations. In reality, however, some of the differences in flows on a road may be predictable for transport planners with access to historical data. For example, flow profiles may be systematically different on Mondays compared to Fridays due to predictable differences in underlying activity patterns. By identifying days of the week or times of year where flows are predictably different, models can be developed or model inputs can be amended (in the case of day-to-day dynamical models) to test the robustness of proposed policies or to inform the development of policies which vary according to these predictably different day types. Such policies could include time-of-day varying congestion charges that themselves vary by day of the week or season, or targeting public transport provision so that timetables are more responsive to the day of the week and seasonal needs of travellers. A statistical approach is presented for identifying systematic variations in daily traffic flow profiles based on known explanatory factors such as the day of the week and the season. In order to examine day-to-day variability whilst also considering within-day dynamics, the distribution of flows throughout a day are analysed using Functional Linear Models. F-type tests for functional data are then used to compare alternative model specifications for the predictable variability. The output of the method is an average flow profile for each predictably different day type, which could include day of the week or time of year. An application to real-life traffic flow data for a two-year period is provided. The shape of the daily profile was found to be significantly different for each day of the week, including differences in the timing and width of peak flows and also the relationship between peak and inter-peak flows. Seasonal differences in flow profiles were also identified for each day of the week

    Development of a low-maintenance measurement approach to continuously estimate methane emissions: a case study

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    The chemical breakdown of organic matter in landfills represents a significant source of methane gas (CH4). Current estimates suggest that landfills are responsible for between 3% and 19% of global anthropogenic emissions. The net CH4 emissions resulting from biogeochemical processes and their modulation by microbes in landfills are poorly constrained by imprecise knowledge of environmental constraints. The uncertainty in absolute CH4 emissions from landfills is therefore considerable. This study investigates a new method to estimate the temporal variability of CH4 emissions using meteorological and CH4 concentration measurements downwind of a landfill site in Suffolk, UK from July to September 2014, taking advantage of the statistics that such a measurement approach offers versus shorter-term, but more complex and instantaneously accurate, flux snapshots. Methane emissions were calculated from CH4 concentrations measured 700 m from the perimeter of the landfill with observed concentrations ranging from background to 46.4 ppm. Using an atmospheric dispersion model, we estimate a mean emission flux of 709 μg m−2 s−1 over this period, with a maximum value of 6.21 mg m−2 s−1, reflecting the wide natural variability in biogeochemical and other environmental controls on net site emission. The emissions calculated suggest that meteorological conditions have an influence on the magnitude of CH4 emissions. We also investigate the factors responsible for the large variability observed in the estimated CH4 emissions, and suggest that the largest component arises from uncertainty in the spatial distribution of CH4 emissions within the landfill area. The results determined using the low-maintenance approach discussed in this paper suggest that a network of cheaper, less precise CH4 sensors could be used to measure a continuous CH4 emission time series from a landfill site, something that is not practical using far-field approaches such as tracer release methods. Even though there are limitations to the approach described here, this easy, low-maintenance, low-cost method could be used by landfill operators to estimate time-averaged CH4 emissions and their impact downwind by simultaneously monitoring plume advection and CH4 concentrations

    Tradeoff analysis for electric power planning in New England

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    The use of a multi-attribute trade-off analysis technique as a vehicle to provide information to a diverse group of electric industry interests can play a beneficial role for developing long-range strategies for the electric power sector. The advisory group/analysis team structure presented here allows different groups to evaluate multiple issues simultaneously, incorporating the range of supply and demand options, and future uncertainties characteristic of complex systems.The initial phase of such an Integrated Resource Planning project for New England electric power industry has identified that: significant gains in the areas of reliability and environmental emissions can be made by the introduction of new generating technologies; the recent emphasis on natural gas fired technologies should be matched by an effort to ensure adequate supplies of gas, and other effort to guard against fuel related vulnerabilities

    Neutron induced background in the COMPTEL detector on the Gamma Ray Observatory

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    Interactions of neutrons in a prototype of the Compton imaging telescope (COMPTEL) gamma ray detector for the Gamma Ray Observatory were studied to determine COMPTEL's sensitivity as a neutron telescope and to estimate the gamma ray background resulting from neutron interactions. The IUCF provided a pulsed neutron beam at five different energies between 18 and 120 MeV. These measurements showed that the gamma ray background from neutron interactions is greater than previously expected. It was thought that most such events would be due to interactions in the upper detector modules of COMPTEL and could be distinguished by pulse shape discrimination. Rather, the bulk of the gamma ray background appears to be due to interactions in passive material, primarily aluminum, surrounding the D1 modules. In a considerable fraction of these interactions, two or more gamma rays are produced simultaneously, with one interacting in the D1 module and the other interacting in the module of the lower (D2) detector. If the neutron interacts near the D1 module, the D1 D2 time of flight cannot distinguish such an event from a true gamma ray event. In order to assess the significance of this background, the flux of neutrons in orbit has been estimated based on observed events with neutron pulse shape signature in D1. The strength of this neutron induced background is estimated. This is compared with the rate expected from the isotropic cosmic gamma ray flux

    Evidence for a colour dependence in the size distribution of main belt asteroids

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    We present the results of a project to detect small (~1 km) main-belt asteroids with the 3.6 meter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). We observed in 2 filters (MegaPrime g' and r') in order to compare the results in each band. Owing to the observational cadence we did not observe the same asteroids through each filter and thus do not have true colour information. However strong differences in the size distributions as seen in the two filters point to a colour-dependence at these sizes, perhaps to be expected in this regime where asteroid cohesiveness begins to be dominated by physical strength and composition rather than by gravity. The best fit slopes of the cumulative size distributions (CSDs) in both filters tend towards lower values for smaller asteroids, consistent with the results of previous studies. In addition to this trend, the size distributions seen in the two filters are distinctly different, with steeper slopes in r' than in g'. Breaking our sample up according to semimajor axis, the difference between the filters in the inner belt is found to be somewhat less pronounced than in the middle and outer belt, but the CSD of those asteroids seen in the r' filter is consistently and significantly steeper than in g' throughout. The CSD slopes also show variations with semimajor axis within a given filter, particularly in r'. We conclude that the size distribution of main belt asteroids is likely to be colour dependent at kilometer sizes and that this dependence may vary across the belt.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Characteristics of long-duration inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in rat neocortical neurons in vitro

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    1. The characteristics of long-duration inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (l-IPSPs) which are evoked in rat frontal neocortical neurons by local electrical stimulation were investigated with intracellular recordings from anin vitro slice preparation. 2. Stimulation with suprathreshold intensities evoked l-IPSPs with typical durations of 600–900 msec at resting membrane potential. Conductance increases of 15–60% were measured at the peak amplitude of l-IPSPs (150–250 msec poststimulus). 3. The duration of the conductance increases during l-IPSPs displayed a significant voltage dependence, decreasing as the membrance potential was depolarized and increasing with hyperpolarization. 4. The reversal potential of l-IPSPs is significantly altered by reductions in the extracellular potassium concentration. Therefore it is concluded that l-IPSPs in rat neocortical neurons are generated by the activation of a potassium conductance. 5. l-IPSPs exhibit stimulation fatigue. Stimulation with a frequency of 1 Hz produces a complete fatigue of the conductance increases during l-IPSPs after approximately 20 consecutive stimuli. Recovery from this fatigue requires minutes. 6. l-IPSPs are not blocked by bicuculline but are blocked by baclofen
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